They pondered in their hearts.

This great sage is nothing special, a great sage of this strength can be wiped out at will by raising his hand.

Master Songling, who was still in awe of the Great Sage, suddenly lost his temper.

"Shangxian, this monkey doesn't know good from bad, even a small real fairy dares to yell at you. No matter what relationship you have with him, there is no need to be polite to it at this time, just arrest him and let him open the knot." If we can’t get out of the border, it’s fine.”

Master Songling's words were very unpleasant, Chuhe frowned and was about to reprimand when the monkey below spoke.

"I said that you human monks are all villains. You are showing your feet now. You can trespass on other people's treasures and have such a bad attitude. It seems that if you don't let you suffer, you don't know where you are wrong."

Seeing that the monkey below was ready to make a move, he pushed his hand forward, and a powerful spiritual force swept over him.Chuhe let out a long sigh. He never thought that the situation would develop to such a point. It seems that this time it is destined to be difficult to get along with each other.

Seeing Chuhe's worried appearance, Master Mingdong and Master Songling couldn't understand why Chuhe cared so much about a little monkey's words.

"Shangxian, don't be so troubled. You don't need to do anything about this little monkey, just leave it to me to clean up."

Master Mingdong also heard Chuhe's admonishment to the young monk just now.

What Chuhe said to the little monk also applies to him.

He also faintly felt that the reason why he couldn't go further was probably because of his overly cautious character, and he couldn't be as free and easy as a Taoist priest.

This time, he simply took the initiative to provoke the little monkey, wanting him to see what it means to have mountains beyond mountains and people beyond people.

Once this kind of thought arises, Master Myeongdong will suddenly have an illusion that the world is bigger than me.

He couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Chuhe beside him. He never dreamed that Chuhe was hiding the true meaning of the Dao when he spoke.

There has always been a legend in Buddhism that on the Lingshan Mountain, those who are lucky enough to listen to the Buddha's scriptures, even if they are a mouse, as long as they can understand the true meaning of it, they can become existences that surpass the Daluo Jinxian.

Suddenly, the figure of Chuhe became detached and holy in the seriousness of the real person in Myeongdong. Maybe it is not a bad thing to be the spirit of this person in front of him, and maybe he can achieve higher achievements.

But now is not the time to think about these things, Master Mingdong regained his composure and began to stimulate the six-petaled lotus.

A golden fairy-level coercion instantly filled the sky above Huaguo Mountain. The monkeys below thought they were just talking big, and didn't take him as a real fairy seriously.

But.Now it seems that what they said is the truth, because that coercion made him tremble instinctively. Although he still has a long way to go from the Golden Immortal Realm, he can feel the king's strength from this coercion. The sense of oppression that can be brought about.

He knew very well that he was definitely no match for the six-petal lotus.

One of the opponent's spirit treasures turned out to be at the level of a golden fairy. As the owner of the spirit treasure, wouldn't it be more powerful for the person standing above him and looking at him indifferently.

"Well, you intruder, you trespassed on Huaguo Mountain, and you dared to do anything to me. When I go back and report to the king, I will make you look good."

It was good that the monkey below didn't mention the king, but when he mentioned the king, Chuhe's eyes immediately lit up.

Although this monkey is a shrimp soldier and crab general, it has already reached the level of a true immortal, which is enough to prove that their king may be extremely powerful.

You must know that these monkeys are not descendants of Brother Hou, and have a strong blood lineage. Although Brother Hou calls himself a monkey, his body is indeed a colorful spirit stone.

All his monkeys and grandchildren are ordinary monkeys on the mountain. Although monkeys are close to humans, they cannot transform into human forms after all.

It may be more difficult for an ordinary monkey to cultivate to the level of a true immortal than those geniuses to cultivate to a golden immortal.

As expected of a great sage, Chuhe admired secretly.

At this time, he also suddenly realized that maybe Brother Monkey didn’t like to call himself a great sage in Huaguo Mountain, but liked these monkeys and monkey grandchildren calling him the king. In this way, when the monkey in front of him ran to report their so-called king, Doesn't that mean that you will see Brother Monkey soon?

Hearing that the monkey was going to sue the king, Master Mingdong and Master Song Ling realized that what they were dealing with was only a shrimp soldier and crab general, and this shrimp soldier and crab general had the strength of a real fairy.

To be honest, they admired it quite a lot in their hearts. Apart from their admiration, they felt incomparably terrified, especially since Master Mingdong just took the initiative to provoke this monkey.

If their king finds out, it will inevitably be a cramping meal.

Thinking of this, Master Mingdong became ruthless, and simply did not do anything, and simply killed the monkey who tipped off the news here, so as to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces. When the so-called king asked him, he refused. admit.

Even if the king inside still doubts them, it is much better than being identified face to face by the monkey.

"Pohou, you want to run away when you see that you can't beat it. Do you think it's that easy? You are a little Pomonkey, how dare you provoke the golden fairy and speak rudely? You are looking for your own death, and the deity will sentence you now death penalty."

The man in Mingdong said and urged the six-petal lotus to chase after him. The monkey wanted to escape, but was directly stopped by a suction force. Looking back, it turned out that Master Songling had opened the Taiyi Immortal Gourd to help Master Mingdong. Hold this monkey.

The Taiyi fairy gourd released a huge suction force, but it only sucked the monkey himself, making him unable to move at all.

Master Mingdong was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Master Songling would take the initiative to help, but he understood it after thinking about it for a while.

His small thoughts, I am afraid that Master Songling also thinks the same way.

Chapter 545 Let You Go

"Why are you still standing there, do it."

Master Songling shouted loudly, and pulled Master Mingdong back from his trance.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and took advantage of the monkey's figure being fixed, he directly pushed the six-petaled lotus forward.Using the six-petal lotus flower as a mallet, it slammed down on the monkey's head.

Master Myeongdong had already killed his heart to launch the attack, so this blow hardly left any mercy.

The monkey also knew that he was afraid that the situation was over, so when he closed his eyes and waited to die, Chuhe shot directly, and the avatar outside of him grabbed the monkey directly in his hand.

Master Mingdong and Master Suning were very puzzled by Chuhe's rescue behavior, but Chuhe has no obligation to explain to them in detail.

Instead, he looked at the monkey in his hand and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, it was my two Lingbao who were joking with you just now, please don't take it seriously."

"Are you kidding me? I almost pissed me off. They are here to kill me. Don't you think I can't see it? Are you playing monkeys?"

Houzi slandered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out. After the catastrophe, he no longer had the arrogance he had when we first met.

Instead, he showed a cute face of a hozen and said to Chuhe.

"Shangxian, I admit that I was the one who spoke louder just now. Since you know my great king, please forgive my life for the sake of my great king."

Chuhe didn't expect that this little monkey would be able to do things. Seeing that his attitude is so good, Chuhe also said along the way.

"Since you are so sensible, brother monkey, please go and report to your lord, Kunlun Great World cultivator Chuhe is asking to see you."

After Chuhe said this, the monkey couldn't believe it. He was caught by a strong man of Jinxian level, and he wanted to report the news when he went back. He really planned to let him go?

"Shangxian is really willing to let me go?"

"I really sincerely pay homage to your king, and please don't gossip behind your back. For the sake of saving your life, don't be as knowledgeable as my two Lingbao. How about reporting the truth to your king?"

Chuhe put his posture very low, which made the monkey have an illusion that the strong of the golden fairy level speak so politely?Why is the king so irritable, he would fight and kill at every turn.

But now is not the time to think about it. Seeing that Chuhe really let go of his will, of course he chooses to leave quickly.

Only fools will continue to stay in the palm of others. It is really uncomfortable to feel that life and death are controlled by others.

"I am also sincere in seeing the immortal. Don't worry, I will definitely say a few words of kindness for you by the king's side, and there will be absolutely no problem."

Chuhe chose to believe in the little monkey and let him go.

When the little monkey ran away without a trace, Master Mingdong and Master Songling complained.

"Shangxian, according to me, you really shouldn't let this Poor Monkey go. You may not know that Poor Monkeys are stubborn by nature and like to tell stories."

"It's good that it promised you verbally. When it comes to his king, he might not know how to arrange us. It's better to follow my way and do him directly, and then he will be ashamed. Even if their king finds that there is a monkey and a grandson missing , Knowing that we bite to death and refuse to admit it, what can he do with us?"

Both of them thought it was reasonable, but Chuhe sneered and asked back.

"Just now you made such a big commotion that you dragged half of Huaguo Mountain to the sky. I want to ask you how many birds and beasts there are in there. Are they all blind? They won't tell the truth. ?”

Chuhe kept the two golden immortals speechless. It may be that they have been at the peak of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and they are inevitably a little bit rough when they do things, and they can't think carefully.

On the contrary, Chuhe, who grew up in the human world, is used to those conspiracies and tricks, so he will consider things more carefully.

Especially the other party is the Monkey King Monkey King.

"Fortunately, I stopped you and didn't kill the monkey. Otherwise, I would have killed the monkey right after entering Huaguo Mountain. No matter how good-tempered Monkey is, he wouldn't tolerate me waiting."

"Besides, there is one more thing I don't know. Brother Hou has a pair of piercing eyes that can see through all false appearances in the world. With your three-legged cat deception, I am afraid that you will be exposed by the Great Sage before you even open your mouth."

It has to be said that Chuhe is a real fan of the Great Sage, so whenever he speaks about the Great Sage, he unconsciously puts on a filter and picks out the good ones.

Chuhe spoke happily, but the two golden fairies were even more terrified.

"If the great sage is really a Daluo Jinxian who still exists today, as the immortal said, if he doesn't show affection and fights with us, the four of us will be smashed into powder by him in an instant, and our souls will be wiped out."

Chuhe glanced at the two Lingbao blankly, and said in a low voice.

"Even if you offend the Great Sage, you three will be the only ones who will be wiped out."

"Shangxian, what do you mean by this?" The little monk has sharp ears, and when he heard Chuhe say something he couldn't understand, he hurriedly asked.

Naturally, Chuhe couldn't tell the three of them that his current state was just an incarnation outside his body, even if he was killed by brother monkey, he would not be completely wiped out. If he knew that entering the barrier this time would be an extremely unfair gamble.

Among the spirit treasures, Master Songling and Master Mingdong are afraid that they will be passive and sabotage, and may even turn their heads against themselves.

"It doesn't mean anything, I just said, Brother Monkey won't kill me, and if he doesn't kill me, I can keep you safe, and you just put your heart in your stomach. The matter is very serious, but it's not as serious as you think. serious."

Chuhe's words were like a boost to the heart, which made the three around him more or less courageous.

"This monkey has been down for a long time, why is there no movement at all, maybe he is lying to us, in fact, there is no such thing as a king of the mountain, or he is the king of the mountain himself."

"Thinking about it, I have always been an ordinary monkey player, but I can cultivate to the level of a true immortal. I don't know how many genius monks' three views can be shattered by spreading the word."

"It can reach such a height, most likely it cannot be separated from the unique land of Huaguo Mountain. Who would have thought that such a place with rich and heavenly treasures could be born on the sea."

"The aura is so strong that the Kunlun Great World can only barely surpass it by half. I don't believe that there is such a natural spiritual place. It is likely that there is a great power to do it deliberately, but I really can't imagine it. As the Golden Immortals, we An incomprehensible terrifying ability, what kind of existence can do it."

Listening to the mutual emotion between Master Mingdong and Master Songling, Chuhe also knew that Huaguo Mountain was probably sealed by Brother Monkey with an enchantment before the aura dissipated. Such a unique place is formed by the communication between heaven and earth.

Chapter 546 Heavenly Immortal Food

The little monkey ran back to the cave, turning his head back three times. Before entering the cave, he kept looking at the surrounding environment, and when he was sure that no one was chasing him, he walked into the cave with peace of mind.

The name of the cave is Shuilian Cave, and a stone tablet more than one foot high is engraved at the entrance of the cave. On the stone tablet it is written: Huaguoshan Fudi, Shuilian Cave Cave Heaven.

The stele stands here for an unknown number of years, despite the erosion of the rain, it has become mottled, only a few big characters gilded on it are still shining brightly, as if they were just written on it.

If Chuhe was at the scene, he would definitely be able to find the traces of Dao between the lines.

The little monkey entered the entrance of the cave, and before he had time to report, he heard the sound of gongs and drums inside the cave.

On the huge stone steps at the deepest part of the cave, there is a throne carved in stone. The throne is filled with all kinds of weapons, and there are many kinds of skulls underneath.

There are cow heads, monkey heads, human heads, snake heads... It can be said that there are all kinds of them.

But if you are a little timid, you will be frightened by this horrible scene.

These are the trophies after Brother Monkey dominated Huaguo Mountain, unified the monster clan, and then fought against the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Although Brother Monkey has still become a Da Luo Jinxian, he still retains some animal nature, which is why he collected so many skulls. However, these skulls are inconspicuous. Such a well-known figure as an opponent.

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