A huge monkey was sitting on the throne at this time, and even against the huge throne, his body looked unusually burly and strong.

Standing up, it is particularly prominent among the thin and small monkeys.

Watching the monkeys and grandchildren below are noisily scrambling for the fine wine and all kinds of wild fruits on the table.

Piles of bonfires were lit in the cave, illuminating the dark water curtain cave brighter than the daytime. Some monkeys were so overwhelmed with alcohol that they began to feel dizzy after just two sips, and there were double images everywhere.

What's more, he has already started to put on a posture, and he is about to pee on the throne. How could the Monkey King allow this kind of thing to happen? He slammed the table in front of him, and a huge wave of energy surged in the cave.

The monkeys were overwhelmed by this energy fluctuation, and their original drunkenness was directly dissipated.

The monkey who stood at the front and was about to boo to the throne realized how big a taboo he had committed. He thought it was over, and according to the king's temperament, he would definitely be skinned and cramped as an example to others.

However, the always tyrannical Monkey King didn't bother the little monkey. Instead, he smiled brightly, and his eyes couldn't restrain the joy.

He didn't take the little monkey's disrespectful behavior seriously at all.

"My monkeys and grandchildren, maybe you will ask, why did my lord invite all of you to come to Shuilian Cave to hold a bonfire party?"

How could a group of monkey cubs guess what happened.

They asked questions one after another.

"My lord, did something happen that made you happy, and you made an exception to hold the bonfire party?"

The king glanced at the talking monkey and nodded in satisfaction.

"You are really smart, you guessed it right. The reason why I am so happy today is because I have caught a human monk at the level of a fairy. I don't know how many years. We have never seen other humans again, let alone human monks at the level of immortals."

"Today, I will give everyone a tooth-beating festival to satisfy your hunger, and let you also taste the taste of heaven."

Mo Fei was tied up by a straw rope. Logically speaking, with his strength, no kind of rope could restrain him, but the strange thing is, looking at an ordinary grass rope, he couldn't help it anyway. Can't break free.

When he heard that the king had grabbed him for dinner, Mo Bubu was so frightened that he couldn't help shaking.

He never dreamed that he devoted himself to cultivation in this life, and finally became the so-called ration of immortals in the mouth of a group of monkeys, which is really sad.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, not because he regretted that he entered the enchantment and was arrested, but because he regretted why he didn't bring the little monk down with him, so that even if he died, he would have a care.

"Come on, bring that celestial figure up!"

Following the monkey king's order, the two monkeys used a bamboo stick to lift Mo Bubu from a secluded dark room to the front of the throne like a pig.

Mo BuFei was roughly thrown to the ground by two monkeys, but fortunately he had advanced cultivation, so he didn't feel any pain, only the humiliation in his heart.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he looked up, he saw a skull as high as a hill under the throne. He rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

The Monkey King saw that Mo Bu BuTong remained silent, like a dead fish, and didn't know how to beg for mercy, and suddenly felt that a lot of fun was missing.

"Little ones, today's food is a bit special. He may be shy and doesn't like to talk. He is different from those human races who kneel down and beg for mercy. He is very special. This is the first time I have seen this situation. Is there anyone? Give me a good suggestion, how to make such a shy food taste better."

"My lord, I think steaming is better to ensure the original taste of the food, and the taste is also very good."

A monkey gives advice, dangling the wine bottle in his hand on the ground.

Another monkey snatched the jug from his hand, took it and drank it down in one gulp, and then talked about it.

"My lord, my little one thinks that it is better to braise it in brown sauce. There is no taste in steaming it. A bird can fade out of your mouth. This kind of precious food that is rarely seen once in hundreds of years will be wasted if it is steamed."

The king nodded, somewhat agreeing with the practice of braised in soy sauce.

At first, the monkey who said it was steamed was not happy.

"You know what a fart, this kid has thin skin and tender meat, I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand the heat, if you put him in the oil pan, he might be fried to pieces right away, what about the taste, when the time comes, only the bones will be left have eaten."

Seeing that the king is about to adopt his point of view, the stewed one naturally does not agree with the steaming.

"I think you really don't understand. This kid looks fine and tender, but he is still at the level of a fairy. Even if you use the king's Samadhi real fire, it will probably take a long time to burn it. You can steam it , are you steamed well?"

The monkey king nodded again, and the monkeys below immediately quarreled and divided into two groups, one group asked for braised, and the other group asked for steamed.

After careful counting, the two factions were evenly matched. The Monkey King frowned, wondering why there was one monkey missing.

When he was looking for which bastard was stealing and playing tricks at this critical moment, the little monkey who was almost shot by real Ming Dong just now ran in.

Chapter 547 Good Omen?

The Monkey King was a little unhappy. He was the actual overlord of Huaguo Mountain, a three-acre land, and he was the true king.

Half an hour ago, he had already issued an edict to let all the monkeys come to the cave to participate in the bonfire dinner. Others had already arrived, but this boy was late at this hour.

Isn't this just treating his edict as a child's play, isn't this the performance of this little bastard who doesn't respect himself.

Thinking of this, the Monkey King's killing intent still arose, thinking that since so many monkeys and grandchildren were arguing over whether to steam it or braise it in brown sauce.

It's not that simple now, the monkey who came the latest is steamed, and the human celestial monk is braised, the best of both worlds.

Thinking like this, but the Monkey King still intends to give this little monkey a chance, he has 10 minutes of heartache, if the little monkey chooses to cook human monks, he can't help but let him go.

"Little Pohou, you didn't stop my edict, and you were openly late. You should be punished for your crime. However, I am happy today and want to ask you a question. If you answer correctly, I can let you go for your crime."

The little monkey was about to explain to the king what happened just now, which caused it to be late, but before he could open his mouth, the monkey king had already asked the question.

"The human monk I caught, do you think it's better to braise it in brown sauce or steam it?"

Perhaps it was because Mo Budong finally recovered from the shock just now, and he begged for mercy before the little Pohou could open his mouth.

"My lord, there must be a misunderstanding here. You can't eat me yet. The reason why I entered your barrier is mainly because there is an immortal outside the barrier who wants to meet you."

"I'm just a messenger, and I've been buried since I was a child. I haven't brushed my teeth or bathed all my life. My whole body is swollen, and I don't taste good when I eat it."

"If your majesty really wants to feast on your mouth, there is a young monk who came in with me. He is about the same age, and he looks so pleasant, with red lips and white teeth, thin skin and tender meat. is the most suitable."

Based on the principle that a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor fellow, Mo Bubu sold the little monk directly.

When the little Pohou heard Mo Bu different's description, he immediately recalled that he was talking about the little monk who was standing with Chu He just now.

The little monk never made a move, and the little Pohou subconsciously regarded him as a Golden Immortal.

"I know the little monk you mentioned. Does he have six ring scars on his head, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and looks like a dignified treasure?"

When Mo Bu Bu heard it, he was very excited. He didn't expect this little monkey who was late to meet the little monk.

"That's right! That's him. Your Majesty heard it too. I'm not making it up. There really is such a young monk outside."

"In addition to the little monk, there is also a strong man at the level of a golden fairy, holding a treasure gourd and a lotus flower in his hand. Both of his treasures can talk, which is scary."

After the little monk described the Chu River, Mo Bu Bu Bu couldn't be happy anymore.

Originally, Chuhe didn't come in, so he still had a chance of life. After all, to induce the Great Sage to go out to meet the Shangxian, he must open the barrier. At that time, no matter whether the Great Sage and Chuhe fight or talk happily, he can survive.

If there was a fight, he would take advantage of the chaos and run away.

It would be even better if the two sides could chat. It would be a great achievement for him to bring the Great Sage to the Shangxian.

But now, Chuhe actually entered the enchantment by himself, which is a place where he can only enter and cannot exit. In this way, the initiative is in the hands of the Monkey King, and he cannot escape no matter whether it is fighting or talking.

It's over, it's over!

Mo Bubu couldn't help but feel a wave of despair, and his face became even more ugly.

But at this time, none of the monkeys would care about Mo different feelings.

The monkey king's face was gloomy. Just now he asked the little monkey again, but the kid didn't answer himself, but started talking to the food instead. Isn't this just a public slap in the face of him.

"Little Pohou, I'll give you one last chance. This human monk, do you want to braise it in braise or steam it?"

Little Pohou felt the great coercion released by the monkey king, and also realized the disrespect just now, but the experience just now left him with lingering fears.

"My lord, the enemy has already attacked the door. I don't think it's time to discuss how to eat this human monk. Should we go out and talk to people outside?"

Little Pohou didn't expect that he, who has always been stubborn, could say such clear and clear words.

However, the Monkey King didn't want to see him, and was still very angry.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

"Your Majesty, don't get angry. The small thing is that a human monk has only so much flesh. We have so many brothers, and even making a tooth sacrifice is a bit difficult."

"Now there are two human monks outside, as long as the king moves to catch them together, the delicious braised braised, the bad ones whether it is deep-fried, raw, or salt-baked, it's not all up to you, the king." mind."

Little Pohou said this, and the Monkey King was heartbroken, he put away his angry expression, and looked at Little Pohou with admiration.

"It's rare for us in Huaguo Mountain to produce someone as clever as you. Work hard. I'm very optimistic about you!"

"Thank you king!"

The little Po monkey was flattered, but it had forgotten all about the promise it had made to Chuhe. Originally, Chuhe asked him to say hello to the king and see him.

Now that he is so angry, Chuhe will soon become food.

The little monkey was thinking a little embarrassingly. "At least, I have completed half of Shangxian's request. He wants to meet the king, and he will meet him soon."

"Little ones, bring my weapons!"

The Monkey King still decided to clean up Chuhe and the little monk who came to him first.

Originally, being able to eat a fairy would still be of great benefit to his cultivation, but now there are even strong men at the level of golden immortals who come up to deliver food on their own initiative.

If God does not take, you will be blamed.

Grandma, Huaguo Mountain has never been as lively as it is today.

Wait until the monkey monkey grandchildren put on the armor and put on the cloak for the monkey king.

Then dozens of people walked over with difficulty carrying a huge iron rod.

You must know that this group of monkeys are all at the level of immortals. So many immortals are so strenuous to lift an iron rod, which is enough to prove the weight of this iron rod.

"Little ones, follow me out and meet those two intruders."

When the Monkey King gave an order, the monkey cubs began to file out from the cave. Those who left early had already sounded the drums and thunder, and the whole Huaguo Mountain was full of momentum and drums.

It may be that these monkeys are not good at learning, or it may be that Chuhe unilaterally thinks that the other party is here to show his favor.

The sound of gongs and drums, and welcomes along the road, isn't this a good sign?

Chapter 548 monstrous hatred

With the sound of gongs and drums, a man wearing a golden crown and a golden armor came out. The golden armor shone brightly in the sun, and every time he stepped, there was a halo of light that shone and closed.

The golden cudgel in his hand was only waved casually, but there was a huge power to overthrow the world.

When the Monkey King walked out of the cave, a pair of huge eyes were like two searchlights, directing towards the location of the Chu River.

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