Seeing that the great sage's gaze focused on him, Chuhe hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Great Sage, in Xiachu River, from Kunlun Great World, grew up listening to your heroic deeds, admired you for a long time, came to Dongsheng Shenzhou by chance, and wanted to meet you."

I thought it would be a wonderful encounter, but unfortunately things backfired, but when Chuhe shouted the word "Great Sage", the monkey king couldn't help but burst into anger, and the strong aura surged, directly rushing to the clouds in the sky scattered.

The Monkey King gritted his teeth and asked.

"Great sage? Just because he is worthy of being called a great sage? I wish I could cut him into pieces and burn his bones into ashes. Since you know him, it's easy to deal with. I will kill you first to calm down our monkey race." The anger of the millennia."

To be honest, Chuhe was a little confused. Could it be that this person who looked so much like a great sage wasn't even a great sage.

And even if it wasn't the Great Sage, judging from his performance, he also hated the Great Sage deeply, and the group of monkey cubs behind him also gritted their teeth, reacting very fiercely.

Now Chuhe can't fix it directly.

"Is there some misunderstanding here? The Great Sage is your great king. Since the prehistoric times, the only monkey monster who has the ability to resist the heavens has appeared. Shouldn't he be your pride?"

Maybe it was because of too much resentment. As soon as Chuhe finished speaking, the Monkey King's voice became colder and his tone trembled.

"Proud? Why do we monkey people take him as pride? He is a magic spirit stone, and he has never been a real monkey. Moreover, his arrogance has repeatedly angered the heavenly court, causing the heavenly court to punish Huaguoshan, and almost wiped out our monkey tribe. Should we thank him?"

This...Chuhe was a little surprised, he really didn't know about this, but it seemed possible after thinking about it, Brother Hou was captured by Heavenly Court for a long time, during this time, Heavenly Court could not help Brother Monkey, it is very likely that he would go down to the realm The monkeys and grandchildren who came to torture and kill it vent their anger.

Chuhe doesn't treat this kind of thing as a monkey, he really doesn't like to judge right from wrong.

Still, he had something to say.

"Even if Brother Monkey doesn't occupy such a treasured place like Huaguo Mountain, sooner or later another big monster will occupy it. As long as it is a big monster, it will definitely attract revenge from the heavens, and the end will be the same."

"Look at Brother Monkey, he even set up an enchantment specially for you, and even imprisoned the rules and good fortune in it. Isn't it to protect you, don't you have the slightest sense of gratitude?"

"Haha..." There was a long and presumptuous laugh, the laughter contained terrifying emotional fluctuations, and the monkey cubs with a slightly lower cultivation base had already been infected by this laughter and went crazy.

This kind of smile is mixed with mental attacks. Fortunately, Chuhe's external avatar is not disturbed by mental attacks. Even Master Songling and Master Mingdong are a little unstable, and Lingbao is shaking in the air.

The worst thing was the little monk. The strength of the Monkey King was at least above the Golden Immortal level. He was a mere Heavenly Immortal, and he couldn't bear the spiritual erosion caused by laughter.

Unconsciously, the little monk followed the laughter and burst into tears, as if he had encountered some hopelessly sad thing.

I don't know how long it took, but the monkey king finally exhausted his breath and stopped laughing. He took a deep breath and roared at Chuhe!

"Boundary, how dare you mention the barrier! Do you think this barrier that can't be entered or exited is really protecting us? I think it's more like a prison, a cage."

"That bastard Po monkey imprisoned us here and raised us like livestock, leaving us without freedom. Should we still be grateful to him?"

The monkey king's words completely ignited the emotions of the monkey cubs, and they all let out loud and long howls, as if they wanted to vent the suppressed emotions that had been pent up in their hearts for thousands of years.

Chuhe slammed his mouth, but he still couldn't say anything.

When the Monkey King saw his appearance, he laughed even more wildly.

"Why can't we speak? For thousands of years in captivity, that bastard has never come back to look at us. He may have forgotten us. That's right, who cares about domestic animals in captivity all the time."

The more the monkey king talked, the more he hated him, so that he couldn't restrain his emotions.

"There is no one to rescue us who are trapped inside, we can only rely on our own ability to get out, so this king has devoted himself to practicing, and finally achieved the golden fairy realm. I thought I could break through the barrier and be free from then on, but who would have thought that with my golden fairy Strength, can't even break this enchantment, can you understand my mood?"

Chuhe nodded, then shook his head again.

"Monkey King is because you are too paranoid. You have been in Huaguo Mountain, enjoying the complete Dao rules left by the Great Sage. If it weren't for the Great Sage, you, a wild monkey, are worthy of proving the Dao Golden Immortal."

"I believe that the original intention of the Great Sage was to imprison this world with a barrier, and his original intention was definitely not to imprison you."

"And the aura of heaven and earth is about to recover. Kunlun Great World is the center of the universe. In order to seek opportunities and go further, it will inevitably become the most tragic field of Shura. Dongsheng Shenzhou is too close to Kunlun Great World, hidden in the barrier. Instead, you can live longer."

Chu He told the truth, but the Monkey King couldn't listen to a word.

"Fart! You also know that the aura of heaven and earth is recovering, and the rules of the avenue are being perfected. There are so many opportunities in front of us, why can't I fight for it?"

"Don't think that I don't know what's going on outside because I'm confined in this small world. The outsiders at the Golden Immortal level are still invincible, and my strength is still the best among the Golden Immortals."

"With my strength, even if I am an enemy of the entire universe, I will not be afraid at all. Maybe I can defeat everyone, monopolize the luck of the Kunlun Great World, and become the strongest in this world. possible."

"But it's this enchantment that ruined all of my dreams, and it's also this enchantment that made our monkey clan doomed to miss this opportunity to turn around. I'm not reconciled!"

The more the monkey king talked, the more excited he became. Chuhe knew that he had fallen into a bewilderment, even if he tried to persuade him, it would be of no avail.

A monkey also wants to be the king. If he didn't stay here, he might not even count as a fart. If Brother Monkey hadn't hidden Huaguo Mountain, how could Master Mingdong and Master Songling let go of this treasured place.

Huaguo Mountain is occupied by human monks, what will happen to the monkey grandchildren inside, you don't need to think about it.

Chapter 549 That's it?

"Originally, I thought that all of this was a dead end, the fate of our monkey clan, but at this critical juncture, you came to our door."

"The two golden immortals are the spirit treasures of the spirits, plus you, the little monk behind you, and the little angel named Mo Butong. As long as I eat you all and absorb your cultivation, I will definitely be able to break through At the Golden Immortal level, become a Daluo Golden Immortal."

"At that time, the enchantment will no longer be able to restrain me, and the generals of the world will be galloped by my monkey clan..."

"Little ones, do you think this is a chance to come to your door?"

"Your Majesty, it's really such a beautiful thing that someone brings you water when you're thirsty, or a pillow when you're sleepy."

The little splashing monkey was the first to compliment.

Although at first he was overwhelmed by the strength of Chuhe, but looking at the current situation, it is obvious that his side is dominant, with so many monkeys and grandchildren on his side, plus the powerful king.

These human monks are not just fish on a sticky board, they are slaughtered by others!

"This human monk named Chuhe has a whole body of bones, so he doesn't have any appetite. The stewed pork ribs feel like the soup is bland. Can the king steam the little monk?"

"I heard that eating the meat of Buddhist disciples can increase your fortune."

"I don't have to eat the meat. Your Majesty, can you give that precious gourd to the little one? The little one likes it very much."

"That lotus flower looks good too, so why not give it to me, Your Majesty."

"Okay, when I refine and absorb the golden fairy-level artifact spirit inside, the baby will be yours!"

The battle hasn't even started yet, and the opponents are discussing how to divide the spoils, and it's not difficult to hear that they caught the enemy and ate them directly.

Before Chuhe had time to make a statement, Master Mingdong and Master Songling couldn't sit still.

"A stinky monkey at the level of a golden fairy dares to speak so loudly. Those who don't know think you are a big Luo golden fairy alive."

"If you want to eat Daoist me, I don't think about whether you have that ability. I'm afraid that your teeth are not good enough to bite the hard bone of Daoist."

Master Mingdong and Master Songling secretly planned to join the enemy when they first entered the enchantment. After all, they were willing to be weapon spirits in order to survive, so the so-called loyalty did not exist at all.

Whoever is strong with whom can survive and have the opportunity to make further progress in this era of spiritual recovery.

However, they never dreamed that the other party was not the Monkey King in the mouth of Chu River at all, but hated him to the bone.

It's nothing, it doesn't affect their surrender, but this monkey king has a lot of ambitions, and wants to refine and absorb their cultivation base, so that they can use it to improve their realm and break the barrier.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction. If they really fall into the hands of this monkey, wouldn't that be equivalent to destroying them physically and mentally?

After all, the Monkey King has been living in Huaguo Mountain, and he can't learn human scheming at all.

He should at least intimidate and lure the two Lingbao to betray Chuhe so that the winning rate will be greater.

Instead, he blocked the escape route of the two Lingbao and made them stand firmly on the side of Chu River.

However, there is also a possibility that the Monkey King has absolute confidence that he can easily deal with Chuhe and his two golden fairy-level artifact spirits.

Chuhe sighed. He thought he could see Brother Monkey this time, but he didn't expect it to be in such a situation. The other party came to him with the purpose of eating him to improve his cultivation.

He is carrying the future luck of the monkey clan to kill himself, and it is impossible to talk about it.

Although Huaguo Mountain is a treasure land, he is only a small island with a radius of less than a hundred miles. Even if he doesn't want to get entangled with the Monkey King, he can't find a place to hide temporarily.

Then there is only one battle.

Chuhe made up his mind to teach the unfilial Monkey King a good lesson for Monkey Brother, and when he was thinking about how to subdue him.

Master Songling also understood that there is no way to fight, so he was the first to stand up.

"You wild monkey who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, today I will let you know what it means to have people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

Chuhe was removed from the confinement, and the Taiyi Immortal Gourd rose into the air, and gradually became larger when it was lifted into the air. The golden light circulated around the gourd, emitting a terrifying energy coercion.

"Monkey King, I call you, do you dare to promise?"

What Chuhe didn't know was that Taiyi Immortal Gourd could not only collect enemies in a large area, but also target one to collect them alone. It just required the other party's consent, as if establishing some kind of mysterious connection through sound.

As soon as the Monkey King agrees, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd will accurately lock on the target, take him directly into it, and gradually refine it.

I don't know if the Monkey King is stupid or too simple. A huge gourd was placed in the sky, and there was a cry from inside the gourd, which clearly meant to deal with him. He agreed without thinking.

"Your monkey king grandpa is here!"

As soon as the response came out, the contract was established, and the Taiyi Immortal Gourd quickly spun, and a strong suction force enough to distort time and space spewed out.

At first the Monkey King didn't take it seriously, but gradually the gravitational force clings to his body like substance, pushing him all the way to the mouth of the gourd.

Only then did the Monkey King realize that something was wrong, he quickly enlarged his arms, stretched them all the way, and grabbed the two hills in front of him.

The Monkey King's figure also stopped in mid-air.

Just when the Monkey King secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that he could stop the bad luck of being sucked in by grabbing the top of the mountain, but he didn't expect that the two mountain peaks were like fragile branches, which would break when they were snapped.

His figure lost its support, and he flew upside down towards Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

It's almost time to go to the mouth of the gourd.

The monkey cubs on the mountain were stunned. They thought their king was so powerful, but they didn't expect Chuhe to subdue the king with just a spirit treasure. How can this be done?

"My lord, hold on, for the future of the monkey clan."

"My lord, you must not die. If you are gone, how should we live?"

The monkey cubs were sad in their hearts, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

Seeing that he was about to conquer successfully, Master Songling laughed.

"I thought the Monkey King was such a powerful character, that's it? Hehe..."

Although he was inside the gourd, Chuhe could still imagine Master Songling's disdainful expression when he said this.

Even Chuhe was a little surprised, thinking that the monkey had said so many cruel words, so it turned out to be so vulnerable, and he wanted to compare with the great sage just because of his virtue, so he could compete with the great sage by speaking harshly, but he The Great Sage did what he said, and he has the strength to speak harshly.

The little monk was quite nervous at first, but he couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this scene, so he put his hands together.

"Amitabha, this official is too murderous. After he is subdued, the little monk is willing to save him personally."

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