The man's head was covered in blood, but the so-called Heavenly Court Law Enforcement Officer was unmoved at all. He was like an emotionless law enforcement machine, and said in a cold voice.

"As a mortal, you dare to call the Emperor of Heaven by his name, and you still violate the rules of heaven. As a law enforcement officer, I will punish you on the spot, as an example to others."

As soon as the law enforcement officer finished speaking, he raised the gun in his hand, pointed it at the man, and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

A surge of spiritual power suddenly went berserk, followed by a burst of white light, and as soon as it touched the person's body, it directly turned the person into fly ash, and the person melted on the spot, leaving no scum, and the ground he was on was also destroyed. A large pit several meters deep appeared.

The crowd of onlookers who had gathered had long since fled without a trace, and even Uncle Pengci, who had been hugging the little monk and never letting go, was still able to run extremely fast in his old age.

The law enforcement officer checked the ground and confirmed that the person who blasphemed the emperor could no longer detect any signs of life, so he put away the aura gun and prepared to return to the heaven to report.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard Chuhe murmuring.

"Li Qingming, Li Qingming...why does it sound so familiar?"

The speaker was unintentional, but it sounded intentional. The God Realm Law Enforcement Officer couldn't believe his ears. He had just executed a person who blasphemed the Emperor of Heaven. Who gave him the courage to call the Emperor of Heaven by his name in front of him?

Even if you are looking for death, you don't need to find shortcuts like this.

"Boy, do you know what you just said? Call the Emperor of Heaven by his name once, and you will be sentenced to death. Do you know how many times you shouted just now?"

"Your current crime, killing your nine clans is light!"

"Boy, I'm afraid it's impossible for you to die happily. Your crime is too great, and you can only submit it to the Emperor of Heaven, but you have to tell me your name honestly. I can make your nine clans die less painful. "

Facing the threat of the law enforcement officer in the heavenly court, Chuhe didn't care, and said lightly.

"My name is Chuhe..."

"Good boy, I respect you for being a man. Obediently, you will be caught without a fight, and you will suffer less grievances on the way. As for the two dolls who follow you, don't blame me for being cruel."

"In the name of the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Court, I sentence you to death!"

The law enforcement officer's voice was cold, and he took out the aura gun in his hand again, aimed at the little monk's head and pulled the trigger.

A dazzling white light shot out rapidly, and almost instantly the place where the little monk was was submerged in the strong light of the explosion.

The law enforcement officer didn't even bother to confirm the life and death of the little monk, so he turned around and aimed the gun at Mo Bu Bu Bu. When he pulled the trigger, a strange scene appeared.

Facing the threat of death, there is no exception that a teenage child did not feel the slightest fear, but a playful smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

There was seven points of sarcasm in this smile, two points of ridicule, and the last point was the contempt from the superiors. This kind of contempt for the silver-armored law enforcement officer was only seen in his boss, the golden-armored law enforcement officer.

Even a small child dared to mock me, but the law enforcement officer still pulled the trigger.

"Good boy, court death!"

A strong light shot towards Mo Bubu, and when the light dissipated, Mo Bubu's location had turned into a piece of dust.

The heaven law enforcement officer couldn't help but sneer.

"I'm still looking forward to what will happen. Alas, I really think too much."

Just as he was talking to himself, he felt someone patting his back, and when he looked back, he didn't know when he had appeared behind him.

"As a fairy, you actually treat life like nothing, and kill mortals at will. I'm afraid your so-called heaven is not transformed by demons."

"Since you like to sentence others to death, I will also announce your death today."

The law enforcement officer was surprised that Mo Budong suddenly appeared behind him, but he hadn't realized the difference in strength between him and Mo Budong.

I thought this kid just knew how to do some tricks.

"Haha, you are the only brat to announce my death sentence. Well, you have successfully angered me. Suddenly, I don't want you to die so easily. I will catch you and slowly ravage you to death!"

"Let you know what it means to be respectful and humble."

When the Law Enforcement Officer roared, he felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and then his neck felt cold, and then a round thing of him was directly separated from his body, and fell heavily on the ground due to the force of gravity, rolling to the ground. feet.

Mo Bu kicked the chubby thing away with one kick.

"You little fairy, you dare to yell at my master, you think you are so capable, and I can kill you with one move."

The law enforcer didn't die immediately, his brain was still conscious, and he could still hear Mo Bufei's words, he couldn't believe his ears.

Did he just die like this?

It may be a coincidence, Mo Buyi stepped down and lifted the chubby thing to the little monk's side.


Chapter 568 The Heavenly Council

The little monk, a member of the Buddhist sect, squatted down and began to recite the mantra to save the law enforcement officer.

Before the law enforcement officer closed his eyes, he was even more shocked when he saw the little monk was safe and sound.

However, Chuhe just watched Mo differenti's attack indifferently, and didn't say anything about his killing the law enforcement officer without authorization. He was extremely indifferent to the law enforcement officer's life.

Like he just treated mortals.

Chu He muttered to himself.

"Heavenly Court? Law enforcement officer? Li Qingming? I haven't seen you in a hundred years. The Kunlun Great World really surprised me."

"Master, where are we going next? Do we want to go to Heaven to trouble Li Qingming?"

Mo Bu Bui was indeed a militant, and he was already looking forward to the massacre soon.

Chuhe shook his head.

"Children, don't be so hostile. The rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing. The rivers and lakes are about the love of children. And we came here to find opportunities for breakthroughs. Let's go to the Kunlun Mountains first to see what happened. "

You must know that this is the province of Suzhou, and it is thousands of kilometers away from Kunlun Mountain. In normal times, not to mention Kunlun Mountain, even the highest Himalayas are impossible to appear in the vision of people here.

"Good master."

The two answered in unison, and Chuhe led the two out of here directly.

About half an hour later, in the Yunxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court, the middle-aged man who was dozing on the Golden Dragon Throne suddenly opened his eyes.

Two lightning rays pierced a certain position in the hall, following his gaze, there was the body of a silver-armored enforcer lying on the ground.

The Law Enforcers of the Heavenly Court represent the authority of the Heavenly Court. Since Li Qingming founded the Heavenly Court, it has been many years since he confronted the law enforcement officers, let alone someone who dared to kill the law enforcement officers.

After staring at it for a moment, Li Qingming turned his eyes away and looked at Captain Jinjia who brought him back.

"Who did it? Could it be that the old dragon king refuses to accept that my Heavenly Court is in charge of the land, and he is in charge of the sea, so now he wants to attack my Heavenly Court?"

Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming didn't open his mouth at all, but his voice echoed throughout the entire heaven like a bell, and the sound waves directly shattered 33 layers of auspicious clouds in the sky.

Captain Jin Jia killed one of his team members, so he was naturally responsible. After being yelled at by the Heavenly Emperor, his legs kneeling on the ground were trembling.

As a true immortal, his strength is still very powerful, but even so, just being glanced at by Li Qingming's eyes, his spirit is about to shatter.

"Reporting to heaven and earth, it was not the Dragon Clan who killed Mu Fan, but someone else."

The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly?

"Another "person"? You mean the law enforcement officer of the heavenly court, your team member, was killed by a mortal? Is that right?"

Captain Jin Jia was even more terrified. Fortunately, he understood the truth of saying more than wrong, and hurriedly presented the eyeball-shaped Lingbao law enforcement recorder that had been removed from Mu Fan's body.

"Heavenly Emperor, the law enforcement recorder has the whole story on it."

With a wave of Li Qingming's hand, the law enforcement recorder in Captain Jinjia's hand flew directly over the ceremony, and after being activated by his divine sense, a scene was projected in the hall.

The first thing that catches the eye is the mortal who was killed by the law enforcement officer first.

Seeing that his head was smashed and he was still being ruthlessly obliterated, Li Qingming's eyes did not change in any way. The eight guardians, many people applauded.

"It's really cheap for him to call Emperor Zun by his name and let him die so easily."

"That is, if you want me to say, this person's soul should be kept and sent to the [-]th floor of hell, so that he will suffer from the fire of karma forever."

Only one young Dharma Guardian Heavenly King stood up and wanted to speak with an ugly face.

Seeing that there were still people who wanted to speak, Li Qingming waved his hand impatiently, and the hall came to an abrupt stop.

Then he heard a grown man's voice, calling his name non-stop. Li Qingming was still angry, but he didn't attack it.

Immediately afterwards, the law enforcement officer turned his head, and the appearance of Chuhe appeared directly in front of everyone.


Many people in the hall survived a hundred years ago, and Chuhe was a household name among them at that time.

"This boy is actually Chuhe?"

"Isn't he dead?"

The moment Li Qingming saw Chuhe, his pupils shrank violently, and the expression on his face that had been stern began to enrich.

Not long after that, the law enforcement officer was killed by Mo BuTong with a sword and died on the spot.

"Who is that little Taoist priest? At such a young age, he was able to kill the law enforcement officer of our Heavenly Court. Could it be that he is also a fairy?"

"You dare to utter wild words and come to heaven to find trouble with Emperor Zun, you should be beheaded!"

"Quiet!" Li Qingming's voice sounded again, and the hall returned to silence.

"I didn't expect that boy Chuhe to be kicked out of the Kunlun Great World by us and the old Dragon King more than a hundred years ago, and he would dare to come back!"

"It seems that the recovery of spiritual power in the Kunlun Great World has been leaked. I am afraid that many people from other worlds are rushing here. Chuhe is the first, definitely not the last. The two children beside him are Not our people."

"Kunlun Mountain is a forbidden area of ​​our Heavenly Court. It is a treasure belonging to our Kunlun Great World. How can outsiders be allowed to touch it? What's more, this official is still a heinous devil."

The four guardian kings also followed suit.

"What Emperor Zun said is very true. He didn't kill this official back then and let him run away. Now he comes back to die again, so we can't blame us."

At this time, there are voices of doubt.

"This official left the Kunlun Great World more than 100 years ago. Today's mortals don't know much about him, and one of his disciples can kill our law enforcement officials at will. This kid is at least in the realm of a true fairy. How can you be a heavenly emperor?" As I said, we must try our best to preserve the power of the immortal to deal with the impact of other worlds on us in the future."

"It's better to accept this official and make him do good. He can also be a support for us and be a dog to us honestly, isn't it good?"

The one who spoke was Li Zhi, one of the four guardian kings. He was the nephew of the Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming. He was born because his mother had a private meeting with ordinary people. The good Li Zhi stayed by his side to cultivate.

Li Zhi lived up to expectations, he was the youngest and most powerful of the four protectors, and with his potential, he could even be seen as equal to the Emperor of Heaven in the not-too-distant future.

In normal times, Li Qingming would never allow this kind of thing that the subordinates are more powerful than the king to happen, and this Li Zhi is always disobedient and expresses different opinions, which is very annoying.

However, the universe has undergone tremendous changes, and Li Qingming is too short of talents now, so he refrained from speaking out.

"The benevolence of a woman, you don't know about Zhier. This bureaucrat committed a heinous disgust here a hundred years ago. He took the initiative to open the enchantment of the demon-suppressing temple, releasing countless big demons, and making time miserable."

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