Chapter 569 The Heavenly Council

Li Qingming was different from the other gods present, he had mortal blood, and his heart was for mortals.

"Since this bureaucrat has done all kinds of evil things, Zhi'er thinks he should be killed immediately!" After speaking, Li Zhi turned around and looked at Captain Jin Jia.

"Have you ever known the whereabouts of the devil Chuhe? Don't be nervous, just speak slowly."

To be honest, even though Captain Jinjia is majestic and majestic in the mortal world, he is not even a fart in this Tiangong. If it weren't for such a big thing that happened today, he wouldn't even be qualified to enter this Yunxiao Palace .

Fortunately, among all the bosses, Li Zhi has the best temper and the kindest attitude towards others, so he slowed down.

"When I arrived at the scene, the demon Chuhe had already left with his two disciples. In order not to cause confusion, the general wanted to bring Mu Fan's body back to the plain as soon as possible, so he asked his men to investigate. Reply to me before, they didn't find any news about the devil Chuhe."

Hearing this, Li Zhi nodded, thinking that the Golden Armored General had done a good job, knew how to control public opinion and reduce risks, and he was about to praise him.

A golden light suddenly shot down from above the throne, and the golden light directly pierced the golden armored general's chest, before he could react to what happened.

Li Qingming, who was sitting at the top, reprimanded coldly.

"Trash things, even such a simple thing can't be done well, how can I let the deity trust you?"

"How many years have passed, and no law enforcement officer has ever fallen. If this kind of thing spreads among mortals, why does our Heavenly Court maintain its majesty for hundreds of years? Why didn't you kill all the witnesses on the spot."

"This..." The general was also taken aback. Of course, being pierced through his chest would not kill him, but the severe pain caused by the wound made him unable to think calmly.

"Why are you still standing still, go down and deal with those people, any news that is not conducive to the rule of the heavens spreads among the mortals, the next time it will penetrate not your chest, but your spiritual altar."

As soon as Li Qingming's voice fell, the general who couldn't stay any longer hastily got up and saluted, and exited the hall as if flying.


Li Zhi stared blankly at Li Qingming above him. He was kind-hearted and dignified. If he didn't speak, he would really think he was the lord of heaven who rescued the suffering, but...

"Emperor, isn't it too cruel to do this? You just need to issue a decree and let those witnesses stop talking nonsense. There is no need to send them..."

Before Li Zhi could finish speaking, a huge coercion swept over from the hall, and Li Zhi, who was a strong Jinxian, had almost no chance to resist and was ruthlessly pressed to his knees on the ground.

Li Qingming's eyes were full of killing intent, and he said coldly.

"Are you teaching the deity to do things?"

As the most talented and youngest Jinxian in the Kunlun Great World, Li Zhi thought that in front of his uncle, even if he lost to some extent, he would be able to handle hundreds of rounds, but he didn't expect that the other party would ruthlessly destroy his self-confidence with just a single thought. Ruthlessly ravaged.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

A wave of death terror struck.

Li Zhi hurriedly cupped his fists to apologize.

"My nephew dare not, my nephew is convicted."

Fortunately, Li Qingming had no intention of killing Li Zhi, but this kid has been too arrogant recently, he dared to refute even his own decision, so he had to kill his vigor and beat him.

"Zhi'er, don't think that uncle is heartless. As the emperor of heaven and the lord of one side, there is no one who doesn't love his subjects. It's just that sometimes, you have to learn to choose."

"In troubled times, we should use heavy scriptures. Seeing the great changes in the situation, the focus of the universe must be gathered on the Kunlun Great World, and must be gathered on us. As the ruler, the Heavenly Court must ensure that the mortals will worship sincerely. At this time, there must be no questioning of the majesty of the Heavenly Court. voice, do you understand?"

How can Li Zhi not understand that his uncle was the righteous way of the Golden Immortal a hundred years ago, and his avenue is the avenue of faith. In order to better and more conveniently obtain the faith of mortal mind power, his uncle began to form the Heavenly Court.

Now that they have achieved great success, mortals all over the world are under the firm control of the heavens. Apart from their simple life and after work, they spend almost all their time in prayer and supplication. Uncle became stronger and stronger.

"Zhi'er understands."

Li Zhi lowered his noble head, realizing for the first time that the gap between him and his uncle was like clouds and mud.

Li Qingming has absorbed more than 100 years of belief in mind power in this way, and his strength has reached an unknown level. In addition, he has never made a move, and the four guardian kings don't know the details.

Now seeing that the Emperor of Heaven subdued Li Zhi, who was at the Golden Immortal level, with just a single thought, they secretly wondered whether Emperor Zun had surpassed the realm of Golden Immortal and became a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Wanting this place, their eyes became even more fanatical, and they, who were also golden immortals, knelt down involuntarily.

"We would like to follow the teachings of Emperor Zun. Emperor Zun is extremely powerful. It is my uniform of heaven and my uniform of Kunlun Great World."

Li Qingming waved his hand again. At his level, his mood was already empty, and he would no longer be affected by compliments.

"I promoted you to be god generals not to listen to your beautiful words. I want to see you do practical things. The devil Chuhe has disappeared, and with his nature, he will definitely cause us trouble. This time, the one who killed us The law enforcement officer has already slapped Tianting in the face."

"In order to prevent him from causing more trouble next time, do you have any good ways to kill this official?"

It was only when the meeting reached this point that it finally got on the right track. The four guardian kings were all lost in thought.

"That kid Chuhe is a devil, and his strength is probably not lower than that of a real fairy. If he hides something after committing a crime, it will not be easy to find him."

"I suggest that all the law enforcement officials be sent to search this official in a blanket manner, and during this period we need to let these subjects who don't know the true face of Chuhe know what kind of person Chuhe is."

Hearing this, Li Qingming became interested and raised his hand, motioning for him to continue talking.

"Just like a hundred years ago, we can use public opinion to promote Chuhe as a heinous villain, and he himself is."

"The assholes don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. With our propaganda like this, they must keep Chuhe at a respectful distance. When the time comes, as long as Chuhe shows up in front of people, we will find out."

"As long as you find his trace, the rest is simply to send people to destroy it."

Li Qingming nodded, instead of directly praising this person, he turned his face and said to his nephew Li Zhi.

"Have you seen it? When you encounter a problem and solve it, you can truly share the worries of heaven. Put away your womanly kindness. In this era of great changes in the world, kindness can't save you!"

Chapter 570 The Unapproachable Kunlun Mountains

Tianting has already figured out a way to deal with Chuhe, but Chuhe himself doesn't know it, maybe he can somehow know that Tianting will not just let him go.

But he didn't care, but was walking on the way to the Kunlun Mountains, chatting with two cheap apprentices casually.

"Little monk, I have always had a question, what is your name?"

Mo Bubu and the little monk have lived in Dongshengshenzhou for so many years, but there are very few opportunities to meet each other, and as a Taoist priest, no one wants to have anything to do with Buddhism, so that even now they don't know the name of the little monk.

Chuhe was also very curious about this question. Although he didn't even show it, his ears had consciously turned to the direction of the little monk.

"The Dharma name given to me by Buddhism is Xiuyuan, but now that I have abandoned Buddhism, I can no longer use the Dharma name. As for my name..." the little monk scratched his head.

"The master of Buddhism said that I was thrown in front of the mountain gate when I was a child, but in fact I don't have a name."

Thinking of this, the little monk suddenly looked at Chuhe.

"Master, I will be a teacher for a day and a father for life, why don't you give me a title now."

Chuhe looked at the little monk, and if he really did such a thing as giving a name, the two of them would have a deeper bond. Chuhe wanted to refuse, but he couldn't bear the little monk's begging.

"Your Buddha name, Xiuyuan, is good. Why don't you use Xiuyuan as your name. As for the surname, it can't be verified now. You can choose a surname you like."

The little monk was very happy to hear that.

"Master's surname is not bad, then I will be called Chu Xiuyuan from now on." Speaking of this, the little monk suddenly knelt on the ground and bowed solemnly again and again.

"Disciple Chu Xiuyuan thank you master for giving me the name."

Mo Feifei watched the little monk shamelessly use his master's surname, which would make the relationship between the two closer. The old man who didn't know the situation thought the little monk was the son of Chuhe.

Mo Budong secretly hated that this monk would always think of taking advantage at any time.

"Also ask the master to give the dharma name."

Chuhe looked at the moment of the little monk, thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea.

"Your name from now on will be One Punch Man."

The little monk was a little confused. Whether it was Buddhism or Taoism, he had heard a lot of dharma names, and the dharma names had strict standards, such as Taoism. According to their strength, the Buddha names were golden arhats, Bodhisattvas and the like.

The same is true of Taoism, but it is called differently.

Like this kind of One Punch Man, the little monk has never heard of it.

"Master, what does One Punch Man mean?"

Before Chu He could answer, Mo BuTong almost laughed out loud.

"Haha, what else can it mean? One Punch Man is a human being after all, little monk. It seems that the master doesn't have high hopes for you at all. He thinks that your aptitude is mediocre, that's all."

Seeing that the little monk was about to get angry, Chu He also explained.

"Don't support his nonsense. The point of One Punch Man is not the last word "herringbone", but Superman. In our Kunlun world, Superman is a very powerful existence."

"How strong is Superman?" the little monk asked curiously.

"Probably as powerful as the Monkey King." Chu He is right, Superman's influence in the eyes of Westerners is not the same as our monkey brother.

Hearing this, the little monk could hardly restrain his excitement.

Although he only heard the name of Monkey King, Monkey King from the mouth of his master, he knew that Monkey King is definitely a super powerful existence in the Kunlun world. The master gave him the same name as him, so he didn't look down on him. Own.

On the contrary, he had high hopes for himself.

"Thank you master for bestowing the dharma name. The little monk will definitely work hard and not insult the reputation of One Punch Man."

The little monk is right. In the near future, the fame of One Punch Man will shake the world, and no matter what kind of opponent he meets, he can defeat them with only one punch.

So even if Mo Bubu was as good as him in the follow-up, because Chuhe didn't teach such a simple and crude boxing method, he was always considered to be far inferior to the little monk.

"Master, I also want a dharma name."

Mo Bubu also stared at Chuhe eagerly, but compared to being cute, he was far from the little monk.

"Get out, you kid winks at me again, I'll beat someone!"

Chuhe didn't think of any good dharma name for Mo Bu Budong now, so he could only give up for the time being. The three of them continued to walk for an unknown amount of time, and the three of them were more or less tired.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountains and running dead horses, I looked at the Kunlun Mountains in front of me, and thought I would meet them in two steps, but unfortunately they walked for several hours.

The Kunlun Mountains in front of him still stood far away, almost unchanged in size and shape.

It's as if every time Chuhe and the others took a step forward, Kunlun Mountain would take a step back, and they couldn't get any closer.

I don't know how long I've been walking, but Mo Bufei already felt that something was wrong.

"Master, does the Kunlun Mountains have long legs? Why does it feel like it is deliberately keeping a distance from us?"

Chuhe also felt that something was wrong. He thought he could get there in three or two steps, but now he has walked more than a hundred kilometers, and there is still no change. He thought for a while.

The Chu River stimulated the spiritual power, and a majestic mana fluctuation rose directly.

At the same time, the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Court also found something unusual here, and everyone turned their attention to this place.

Chuhe pretended not to be aware of the countless inquisitive thoughts that suddenly flew over, pulled up the little monk, there was no difference, cast endless magic power, and rushed towards the Kunlun Mountains like a frightened bird.

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