"That man is the demon king Chuhe. A hundred years ago, the Heavenly Emperor and the Dragon King of the East China Sea drove him out of the Kunlun Great World. Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, the spiritual energy recovered. This kid was greedy for the great luck of our world, so he gathered a group of demons to fight him. return."

"I also heard that the older generation said that Chuhe is a heinous monster. He used to be the master of a demon temple, but he colluded with monsters, broke the barrier, and released all the demons imprisoned in it. The entire human world is devastated, and there is no one in ten. The scene at that time is the same as it is now."

"Why didn't the devil be condemned by the heavens, and ask the Lord Heavenly Emperor to punish him, and use the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder to crush the devil and wipe it out completely."

"Didn't you see that there is already a Dharma Protector King rushing there, that is a strong man of the Golden Immortal level, this big devil is dead!"

Chuhe didn't know that he was being broadcast live all over the world, and he just commanded three thousand demons loudly.

"Three thousand monsters listen to the order. Do you see the Kunlun Mountain in front of you? No matter what method you use, go in that direction for me. Do you understand?"

Three thousand monsters have been trained by Chuhe for hundreds of years in the Four Elephant Pagoda. Although their devilish aura is all over the sky and they are rebellious, none of them dare to question Chuhe's order.

After listening to the order, the three thousand monsters who were in a mess all gave up other small thoughts, focused on Kunlun Mountain in front of them, and moved forward quickly.

Chapter 573 Discovering a Secret Realm

Chuhe thought that he had encountered a ghost hitting the wall. This kind of prohibition may have been left by some monster clan bosses, and it was only aimed at the existence of non-monster clan.

However, he was wrong. The three thousand monsters were all following his instructions, but they encountered exactly the same situation as Chuhe.

You can't save in the direction of Kunlun Shenshan, but you can go in other directions.

Chuhe frowned, really unable to understand the strange situation.

"Scatter the team and spread out."

With Chuhe's order, the monsters flying in the sky pulled away and flew away happily, especially a monster with a human face and a pair of huge back wings on the back still reached the level of a fairy, and his wings only flapped slightly , and a huge gust of wind was rolled up.

Kuangfeng lifted its huge body across the sky quickly, and flew nearly a hundred kilometers in the blink of an eye, out of the uninhabited mountains and forests, and came to the place where the crowd gathered.

The human beings living here saw a pair of huge wings cover the sun, the sky dimmed instantly, and the huge strong wind toppled the whole house.

The human beings who were watching the live broadcast inside looked up and saw the huge monster with their own eyes.

Even if the live broadcast uses three-dimensional projection technology, it is almost a real simulation of the scene, but the simulation is a simulation after all, far inferior to the horror experienced in person.

For a moment, a terrifying demonic aura swept over the humans below, and with the strange laughter of the demons when they regained their freedom, the fear of death quickly spread among the people below.

"It's over, it's over, the big monster is coming to eat us!"


"Where to go, it flaps its wings and runs with us for ten days and half a month. Let's find a place to hide and pray that he eats very little, and he will let us go when he is full."

"No, I don't want to die. I'm still young and I'm not married yet. I can't just be eaten by monsters."

"It's all Chuhe's fault. It's all his devil who released these monsters. Even if I die, I will curse him to be extinguished, so that he will never be reborn."

Where the bird with the human face and the animal god flew over, the power of pious faith doubled, which had to surprise King Lingzhi.

"These human beings have never used their full sincerity to worship the Emperor. Only when they die will they know that they are wholeheartedly worshiping God and begging for mercy. They are indeed natural born scumbags!"

Thinking of this, Lingzhi Tianzun had a flash of inspiration, smiled brighter, and said respectfully to the heavenly emperor above.

"Di Zun, this subordinate suggests that we don't need to extinguish all these monsters. We can keep some of them in captivity, and release them from time to time to harm the world. It's like putting a loach into a dead pool, which will surely disturb the clear water. It's so turbid, the human beings in the world are always worried about the disasters of demons, they can always maintain the highest piety, what do you think?"

The Emperor of Heaven nodded. He used to think that the King of Lingzhi was just a little smarter than others, but he never thought that he underestimated his strength. Sometimes his brain is more effective than a bunch of heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Your performance is very gratifying to the deity. In order to reward you, if you have any good ideas in the future, just do it yourself, and you don't need to ask me for instructions."

"But there is one thing I need to remind you. It is a good way to use demons to control humans, but it should not be too frequent. It is not good if humans are eaten by monsters too much."

"After all, leeks have to be cut one by one, and they will die if they are cut too often!"

King Lingzhi hastily bowed and saluted.

"Please rest assured, Emperor Zun, the key points of this are known to the subordinates."

Just by talking about it, the Heavenly King Lingzhi has obtained the will of Emperor Zun to act cheaply. Under this strict heavenly restriction, this is almost unlimited freedom. Rao, the Heavenly King Lingzhi is still ranked among the golden immortals, and his mental disposition has long been a hundred times higher than that of the emperor. For ordinary people, the heart is still beating wildly involuntarily.

In less than half an hour, the man-faced monster bird had disappeared without a trace. Fortunately, Chuhe left his imprint on them and kept track of their movements.

These monsters did not take the initiative to attack humans, and even ignored the provocations of some human races. They only obeyed the arrangement of Chu River, dispersed to a sufficient width, and continued to move towards Kunlun Mountain.

This time, the situation was different. When some monsters were heading towards Kunlun Mountain, they could clearly feel that Kunlun Mountain was getting bigger before their eyes.

According to the basic physical knowledge of the near, the far, and the small, it is not difficult to judge that Kunlun Shenshan did not refuse any living beings to approach.

This is strange, Chuhe is a bit puzzled, why can other places pass, but only the area in front of him who doesn't know how big it is is like seeing a ghost, and he can't take a step forward?

After all, Chuhe is not a saint, so he couldn't figure out the reason for this strange phenomenon for a while, but he roughly guessed that it was a strange enchantment, or a secret realm.

Different from the Huaguoshan enchantment set by Brother Monkey, the Huaguoshan enchantment has the same effect, they are completely invisible and cannot be seen.

However, there is a fundamental difference, that is, the enchantment of Huaguo Mountain only allows entry and no exit, and the enchantment that Chuhe encounters now can also be said to be a prohibition that does not allow entry at all.

Someone set up such a magical barrier, and the things to be protected inside must be very important. In the secret place of Huaguo Mountain, Chuhe obtained the Golden Cudgel and the Shensha Banner.

So what will he gain here?Thinking of this, Chuhe couldn't help but look forward to it.

I roughly guessed that the ghost hitting the wall that blocked my way forward was actually just an enchantment or restriction of a secret realm, so it would be a matter of time to get in, but now I need to find out how big this secret realm is.

"Listen, children, with me as the center of the circle, those who fly to the front will be driven back by me, and the speed will be faster. I will give you 10 minutes. If anyone can't make it, I will kill him!"

Chuhe used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the sound, and ordered to explode directly in the sea of ​​consciousness of three thousand monsters. He has lived with his master for a hundred years, and the monsters present are very clear about his habits. He said that he will come back in 10 minutes. Beheading, there is no reason to bargain.

The monsters crawling on the ground almost lost their breath when they heard this order. Because their actions are so slow, they haven't left the range of influence of the secret realm yet, so they don't even have to move with Chuhe's order. , there is nothing wrong with it.

Those big monsters like tigers and leopards who run fast are a little flustered at this time. Because of their agility, they have already run a long distance. Other monsters are okay. Tigers and leopards are naturally explosive players. The instantaneous burst speed at that time may be faster than the birds, but if they can maintain this speed and run back, it is better to kill them directly.

574 10 minutes

The original half-hour run was shortened to 10 minutes, but they still didn't care about it so much, stopped their progress, and hurried back towards the director.

If monsters like tigers, leopards, and wolves can run back even after trying their best, the most unlucky ones are those big monsters that can fly.

Especially the monster bird with a human face, when Chuhe ordered to disperse, it was riding on the top of the mountain, charging forward, and still sprinting with all its strength.

For birds, their flight distance is only affected by time when the surrounding conditions remain unchanged.

It took him 10 minutes to come back after flying out for half an hour, and he wanted to die.

Don't play monsters like this.

But knowing that it was almost certain to die, it didn't even have the slightest thought of running away. It was about to fly to the deep Kunlun Mountains, and it suddenly made an emergency U-turn in the air.

Aim at the direction where the Chu River is and gallop at a fast speed.

No longer in a desperate situation, the human-faced beast and the divine bird don't even know that it can fly so fast, and its figure pierces straight through the air like lightning.

Because the speed was too fast, the air actually became the biggest resistance on the turning road, and an air barrier appeared in front of the huge head and wings.

Every time the body breaks through the barrier in front, there will be a loud rumbling sound.

It was like the sound of a roaring fifth-generation fighter plane piercing the sky, of course, its speed was more than ten times faster than that of the fifth-generation fighter plane.

Just when the big bird with the human face and animal body was about to return to Chuhe, the 10 minutes were almost over, and the big bird worked hard, hoping to break through the limit again.

However, blessings and misfortunes never come singly. It encountered a strange thing again. No matter how hard he tried to fly fast, the distance between Chuhe and it remained constant.

In this way, wouldn't it mean that it would never return to its owner within 10 minutes, and it would be dead.

Thinking of this, the big bird let out a mournful cry, turned its head to look around, and suddenly found that he was not the only one who had been unable to get close to its master.

Many big monsters near him were also blocked here, and they were not allowed to enter at all.

The irritable tiger king was worried about his death, so he anxiously used all his monster power to attack the front. However, the powerful tiger claws seemed to grab the air, and there was only a slight ripple in front of him, and its attack was dispelled. up.

Before 10 minutes, Big Bird and Tiger King are anxious, but in the field of vision from the Chu River, all the monsters have stopped, that is to say, they are all at the border of the secret realm, the reason why they cannot be stored is Blocked by Rift ban.

Chu River soared into the sky, looking down at the three thousand monsters below. From top to bottom, from far to near, they connected their bodies as points to form a line, and then the line segments were connected to form a plane, and the planes were combined into a three-dimensional shape .

In Chuhe's mind, there is still a secret area about [-] kilometers long, [-] kilometers wide, and [-] kilometers high.

There are still many people in the heavenly court who don't know the reason why Chuhe did this, but they just look at the big bird and the tiger king with great interest as they are about to die.

"These two trash things ran too fast and couldn't come back. It's really ridiculous."

"And these two are still in the realm of heavenly immortals. Among the three thousand monsters, they are all top-notch existences. I didn't expect that our brains are not working well. Before we make a move, we will be killed by Chuhe. I don't know. What should I say!"

Some people were mocking Big Bird and Tiger King, but careful people have already discovered that something is wrong.

"Do you feel that these monsters cannot be stored in, as if they are blocked by some mysterious thing!"

"If you say that, it's really him..." Seeing that he was about to swear in front of the Emperor, the man hastily stopped him. "It's really evil!"

"King Lingzhi, you have seen a lot, can you tell us what's going on?"

King Lingzhi's spiritual thoughts circulated, he was stunned for a while and suddenly said loudly.

"It's a secret realm. It's a secret realm that prevents these three thousand monsters from getting close to the devil Chuhe." Speaking of this, King Lingzhi suddenly knelt down towards the Heavenly Emperor.

"Emperor, the world has changed suddenly. Under such an environment, the secret realm came to the world. This is auspicious."

Hearing the word "Secret Realm", Li Qingming, who had been expressionless all this time, showed excitement for the first time.

"The avenue is revealed, the secret realm is revealed, God bless the Kunlun Divine Vein!"

"Send King Huwei, rush to the scene immediately, kill the demon Chuhe, and seal the secret realm. This is the fate of the Kunlun Great World, and the demon Chuhe must not get it."

Seeing that 10 minutes had passed on Chuhe's side, Big Bird and Tiger King's hearts were already cold. They closed their eyes and waited to die, but they were not punished for a long time.

"You guys did a great job. You helped me find out the size of the secret realm. Go do your own activities."

Even recovering a life in vain, Tiger King and Big Bird both heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, where the cold sweat kept coming out from their bodies, and now their whole bodies are limp, and they still have no strength to move.

Chuhe didn't explain anything, and directly sent two Shensha flags.

During the period of the Shensha Banner, the sky and the earth changed color instantly, and the originally clear sky turned into dark clouds. The thick dark clouds covered the investigation from the heaven above, and the ongoing live broadcast also came to an abrupt end.

The audience was surrounded by darkness, as if they had fallen into the bottom of a dark abyss, their panic was even worse, and their belief power was even more surging.

But at this moment, Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming was not happy at all.

The thick black curtain completely obscured the sight, and the shadow of Chuhe could no longer be seen.

"Could it be that this kid discovered us and deliberately concealed his figure?"

Now it was Lingzhi Tianwang's turn to be confused, and Lingbao Tianwang, who had been silent all this time, gave a rare reply.

"No, the black screen suddenly appeared because of the two black flags that flashed from him."

"What's the origin of those two black flags? Just appearing, the sky and the earth are changed, and the universe is gloomy. Moreover, the heavenly court's divine power detection can pass through the clouds. Why can't we see the scene inside?"

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