Lingzhi Tianwang asked many questions in a series, Lingbao Tianzun had a good temper and answered them all patiently.

"I seem to have seen similar ones in ancient books about those two black flags, but I can't remember them for a while, but what is certain is that those two black flags are absolutely extraordinary, at least the rank of Xiantian Lingbao, and may even be It is not impossible to escape from the innate spirit treasure and become a divine weapon."

"It is because of its barrier that we cannot detect the situation inside."

"What? Magical soldier!" Lingzhi Tianwang was shocked again, and even Li Qingming, who was sitting at the top, couldn't sit still.

The Xiantian Lingbao is easy to use and can bring great benefits to the user, but even the offensive Lingbao will be useless when it comes to the Da Luo Jinxian level.

Chapter 575

If you want to cause harm to Da Luo Jinxian, you must be a figure of the level of a magic weapon, and there is only one magic weapon in the entire heaven, which is Li Qingming's Zhuxian sword.

And a small Chuhe, with two magic weapons coming up, even if he was born in a secret realm, he might not be able to get such a precious object.

Seeing the ecstasy on the emperor's face that could no longer be concealed, Lingbao Tianwang hastily explained.

"Everyone, I just took a look at it, but it looks like the Shensha Banner refined by the Great Witch Gonggong, but I can't be sure without looking carefully."

"That's simple. My nephew has already arrived at the scene. Let him catch the devil Chuhe and ask him."

A glimmer of light finally appeared in the picture. A handsome, slender figure, Li Zhi, who was wearing a colorful robe and holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, was standing above the shady scene.

Li Zhi, bathed in this golden light at this moment, looks like a God of War alive.

"It's the king of Tiger Might coming, my God, is this the god, the dazzling golden light is so dazzling that I can't open my eyes."

"Through the screen, I can feel the mental pressure brought by the King of Tigers. If I were on the scene, I'm afraid I would have knelt down."

"Brother, be honest. I knelt down even if I wasn't at the scene. It's not ashamed to say it."

Standing in the sky above, Li Zhi could clearly feel the endless demonic aura below, but he couldn't see the situation below clearly.

I saw him stretch out his finger and swipe fiercely between his eyebrows, like a magic trick, a third eye suddenly appeared between his eyebrows, and when that eye opened, a dazzling golden light pierced straight into the darkness.

This scene is so handsome!

This is Li Zhi's unique talent, which cannot be envied by others.

Chuhe is waving two Shensha flags, and wants to do the same, just like the enchantment of Huaguo Mountain, to open the restriction here.

However, this time the enchantment did not go as he wished, no matter how the Shensha flag was waved, he just sat still like an old monk, without any reaction.

"Damn it, it can't be opened!"

After Chuhe applied it several times, he finally realized the reality, and cursed a little unwillingly.

At this moment, a dazzling light shot down from above the black screen, and where the light swept, something was burning.

"Master, be careful."

Chu He was concentrating on thinking about how to open the barrier, Li Zhi's three eyes still searched for him, and after seeing Chu He, the light quickly moved towards his body.

Li Zhi wanted to cut through the mess quickly, and directly burned Chuhe to death in the dark.

Seeing that the light swept over his head immediately, but Chuhe still didn't respond, Mo Butong took out his spirit sword, leaped high, and slashed towards the light.

The moment the spirit sword came into contact with the mysterious light, it passed through the spirit sword, as if there was no harm, but the light swept across a big monster in the middle and bottom, and a flame suddenly ignited on the big monster, and almost instantly, the big monster was covered by red lotus General flame shroud.

The painful wailing continued, and when the flames faded, the big monster's body was intact, but its soul was still burned to death.

There was a burst of applause from under the shady scene. Chuhe had taken away the Shensha flag at this time, and the shady scene disappeared with it.

The whole sky suddenly returned to normal, and Li Zhi looked down at Chuhe who was clapping his hands in praise.

"Tsk tsk, it's the red lotus karmic fire. I didn't expect this kind of flame to really exist. It is rumored that this kind of flame only burns the soul, but doesn't hurt anything. I didn't expect that today I will learn more."

"Three eyes, using a three-pointed and two-edged knife, if you dare to ask your Excellency, it is Erlang Xiansheng and the real king of Guanjiangkou, Yang Jian!"

Chuhe was surprised by the extremely troublesome enchantment. The first time he saw Li Zhi, he thought it was Yang Jian's resurrection.

If it is really Yang Jian, then he is a character who can fight with Brother Hou for three days and three nights without losing the wind. It is only at the end that Xiao Tiangou sneaks up and the Great Sage is unprepared, so he loses half a move.

But this can't be blamed on Yang Jian. If the dog he raises himself doesn't help his master, what's the point of raising him?

Speaking of dogs, Chuhe looked at him for a long time, but he didn't find the shadow of Xiaotian dog.

"You are not Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, who are you?"

"Devil Chuhe, you are a sinner in this world, a heinous monster, you don't want to repent, and you dare to lead a group of alien monsters to cause cholera."

"I am one of the four heavenly kings in the Heavenly Court, and so is Li Zhi, the king of Tiger Might."

"Come here today, and you will be sentenced to death. Obediently, you will be arrested. This king can give you a happy death."

Li Leng over there snorted, swung the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and swung it heavily towards Chuhe.

Suddenly, a huge three-pointed two-edged knife flashed in the sky, and the edge of the knife was wrapped with dense rules of the road. Chuhe knew that if he hit this knife, he would probably kill him physically and mentally.

At the same time, the eight great generals following behind him took out the aura guns in their hands, no, compared to the aura guns in the hands of the law enforcement officer who died in the hands of Mo Wuyu, the calibers in the hands of these generals are obviously much larger Doubled, and the power is also dozens of times greater.

This isn't an aura gun, it's an aura cannon.

Eight people besieged the city in a circle, pulled the trigger in their hands, and began to attack three thousand monsters indiscriminately.

"Get out of the way!" Chuhe knew the power of the spirit gun, and hurriedly reminded the three thousand demons.

It's a pity that it's still too late. The first one to suffer is the Tiger King who is the closest. It just used up almost all of its monster power in order to break through the barrier, and the whole monster collapsed.

Moreover, he had never seen such a thing as a gun, and it didn't realize that something was wrong until the thick shell hit his sky cap.

The cannonball exploded on the Tiger King's head, and after a loud bang, a hot breath knocked the surrounding monsters to the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, Tiger King's big head and his upper body had disappeared, only his body remained in the shape before death. Unfortunately, not long after, his body lost his balance and fell heavily on the ground.

That was the Tiger King, a top existence among the three thousand monsters, but he was killed by a single move by the opponent, and the big monsters immediately exploded.

Especially Big Bird, seeing Tiger King dying beside him, getting too close to it was covered in blood, and he didn't even have a chance to wipe it off.

A cannonball whizzed towards it.

The big bird knew the power of the cannonball and was about to run away by flapping its wings. However, its speed was still slow, and its body barely avoided the cannonball, but its huge wings were hit.

After a loud noise, its wings were directly blown through, leaving only the big bird with wings, which could no longer maintain its balance and wobbled in the air.

Seeing that one shell failed to deal with Big Bird, the god general at the side obviously felt very embarrassed, so he swished two more shots.

One shot hit the other wing of the big bird, and when it could no longer fly and land, the last shell shot directly into the big bird's mouth screaming because of pain.

The cannonball exploded in its mouth, setting off blood mist all over the sky.

Chapter 576 Why Kill Them

In the blink of an eye, two big demons at the level of celestial beings were killed, and Chuhe was furious.

"Dare to kill my subordinates, court death!"

Chuhe made a move and wanted to teach the eight generals a lesson, but it was a pity that Li Zhi didn't give him this chance.

"Devil Chuhe, you still have time to worry about them, you should worry about yourself!"

Speaking of which, Li Zhi pressed his index finger down, and the huge three-pointed two-edged knife that was originally hanging in the sky fell heavily on the top of Chuhe's head.

Because the appearance of the three-pointed two-edged knife changed so much that it covered the entire sky, compared to this, Chuhe was like a small fly in front of it.

The tip of the knife hit the ground heavily, and the powerful energy exploded directly, setting off a shocking cloud of dust.

Chuhe still didn't know whether to live or die, but the huge monsters around him were just concentrated by the aftermath of the energy, and instantly exploded into blood mist.

The little monk once again felt the powerful coercion from the Golden Immortal, and this strong Golden Immortal who claimed to be the King of Tiger Might, the Dao Law contained in the attack was much more powerful than that of the Monkey King.

Although his strength may only be slightly stronger than the Monkey King, but his control over the rules of the Dao has crushed the Monkey King by a level.

As expected of the Kunlun Great World, a heavenly king can exert such terrifying destructive power.

"Tiger Mighty Heavenly King is so powerful, he raised his hand and beheaded the demon Chuhe with almost no effort, I will worship him!"

"Isn't that nonsense, King Tiger's Might is at the level of a Golden Immortal, and other worlds today are incomplete. It can be said that with the strength of King Tiger's Might, you can go to any small world and you will be like a fairy."

"You kid, why can't you even praise others? The King of Tiger's Might is originally a golden fairy. If you want to express whether the King of Tiger's Might takes action, those small worlds will kneel down and regard King of Tiger's Might as their ruler."

"That's right, that's what I meant."

"Thank you to the Emperor of Heaven, thank you to the Heavenly Court, and thank you to King Huwei for subduing demons and demons for us, and removing the big devil Chuhe. We are grateful to Dade, and we are sincere and fearful!"

"Tiger Mighty Heavenly King's divine power is unrivaled in the world, guarding a big world, he is worthy of being the God of War conferred by the Emperor of Heaven!"

Facing the compliments from everyone, King Tiger Might was a little bit flustered, and he glanced down coldly, but there was no sign of any living things.

"Sure enough, the times have changed. The demon who was invincible a hundred years ago is now killed by me with one move. Everyone has seen the strength of the Heavenly Court, which is enough to protect you. You only need to worship devoutly, and you can be big in this side." The world survives."

"Follow the teachings of King Huwei."

When Li Zhi spoke, the pious obedient people fell to their knees. Li Qingming felt unprecedentedly satisfied watching the scene of the world surrendering.

"Quickly eliminate these monsters, and return to heaven with me."


Li Zhi didn't expect Chuhe to be so vulnerable, and the fighting spirit that had been ignited instantly dissipated. He retracted his weapon and stood in the air.

Although these monsters are powerful, but as a powerhouse of the Golden Immortal level, he does not intend to make a move. First, he thinks it is meaningless to crush them across levels. On the other hand, the Eight Great Gods have not experienced battles for a long time, so let them fight with the monsters for a while .

It takes a lot of danger to comprehend the rules of the Dao. Maybe after a life-and-death battle, someone can break through the shackles and prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal.

At a time when the whole universe is staring at each other, more strength is more reliance to survive to the end.

"What mistake did they make? You killed two fairy-level monsters when you came up. You must know that the practice of monsters is much more difficult than that of humans. It will take more years and more pain for them to cultivate to become a fairy than us humans. "

"But you shot down and killed their souls. Have you considered their feelings?"

"You Heavenly Court regards itself as the Heavenly Court, and you actually despise the living beings so much. What do you mean?"

Chuhe's voice reverberated in this area, obviously his voice was very small, but it was deafening to everyone's ears.

Li Zhi only felt that every word was bombarding his brain, torturing his soul, and making him miserable.

However, the Eight Great Gods did not reach his level, so tortured by Chuhe's voice that he couldn't think normally, only felt a splitting headache and regretted it.

So much so that they couldn't stand normally, let alone pick up the weapons in their hands to destroy the demons.

Encountering such a good opportunity, the monsters naturally refused to let it go, they approached quickly, wanting to give them a fatal blow while the Eight Great Gods were weak.

However, Li Zhi made another move, protecting the general behind him, and quickly formed seals with both hands, performing the Qingming Jue.

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