Mo Bufei also noticed that the little monk could not save him at all, but the time wasted just now was irreversible. Seeing that the magic cannon had arrived, he had seen the lessons learned by the two great monsters with his own eyes.

"It's over!"

Mo BuFei murmured in despair. Originally, he wanted to kill Li Zhi with mental arithmetic, so that the mortals who watched the live broadcast would know that the so-called Heavenly King of the Heavenly Court was actually nothing, which would hurt their confidence.

But now it seems that Heaven really has two brushes. He never imagined that the power of the Emmanuel Cannon is so huge that it can instantly blast and kill a big demon at the level of a fairy.

Not only was Mo Bubu not reconciled, he just came to the Kunlun Great World and just died like this. He suddenly envied the little monk, not only would he be able to be favored by his master in the future, but also his six-petaled lotus is really damn easy to use.

The light cannon was getting closer and closer, and the strong light had already dazzled so much that he couldn't open his eyes. He didn't even have the slightest thought of running away. He could only wait for himself to be overwhelmed by the strong light, and then a gorgeous flower burst out in the sky. flowers.

At this critical juncture, a big hand suddenly appeared, and the familiar touch made the desperate Mo Bu Buan suddenly have infinite hope.

Seeing that Chuhe couldn't make it, he used an avatar outside his body to hold Mo Bubu firmly in his hand, and forcibly pulled Mo Bubu away. The Spirit Cannon bombarded the barrier heavily, causing loud noises within a radius of a hundred miles. Submerged, some demons with lower cultivation bases suddenly lost their hearing.

Then a strange scene appeared, the barrier that Chuhe couldn't break even with the Shensha Banner, under the bombardment of the Spiritual Light Cannon, a huge opening was opened, like opening a big mouth, swallowing the Spiritual Light Cannon into it .

Chuhe sees the hope of opening the barrier. It turns out that the barrier only blocks any tangible substance, but it does not defend against spiritual power at all. The spiritual light cannon is a black technology developed by Tianting. It uses spiritual power as a shell and bombards it. Just see it as aura and let it flow through.

Finally, there is a way to go in. Originally, he wanted to clean up the eight guardians, but now Chuhe can't let them die no matter what.

"Little monk, you took the six-petaled lotus to help the demons deal with the eight guardians. There is no difference. The battle here is not for you to participate in. You go to the side to assist him!"

"Okay! Master!"

Don't mention how happy Mo Bufei was when he heard the master's words. The master is finally going to make a move. What kind of bullshit Tiger King, will be beaten by the master in a while like a reptile, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

Just now Li Zhi was almost accepted into the Taiyi Immortal Gourd. When he got close to the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, he realized that there was a Golden Immortal-level artifact spirit in the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and he realized why this gourd would With such a great power, he was almost deflated.

Realizing that the Taiyi Immortal Gourd has a Golden Immortal-level artifact spirit on it, then the six-petal lotus that was still safe after receiving his charge attack just now should also have a Golden Immortal-level artifact spirit, right?

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Zhi's mouth began to twitch, and cold sweat had already wet his back at some point.

I thought it was a complete abuse situation, but now it seems that it is obvious that Chuhe has the upper hand. Two Jinxian-level artifact spirits are used as spiritual treasures, and there are two Shangxian-level people urging them to move. The power is no less than that of two golden immortals.

Although he is very confident in the eight guardians, but facing the siege of two golden immortals and three thousand demons at the same time, the eight of them are definitely not opponents.

"Eight Great Protectors, hurry back to the Heavenly Court, and leave it to me alone!"

Li Zhi yelled loudly, but in fact he was secretly communicating with the eight guardians, telling them that the situation is bad and they should hurry back to the Heavenly Court to send reinforcements.

The reason why he did this was not for the sake of Tianting's face. If mortals knew that he was no match for the devil Chuhe, what would be the reputation of Tianting.

Ordinary people naturally don't know what kind of danger the King of Tiger Might is facing in their hearts, and they think that King Tiger's Might will clean up all these monsters by himself.

"As expected of King Tiger Might, it seems that he was really angry and sent all the eight protectors away, probably because he was afraid that the next battle would affect them."

"Let me just say, King Tiger Might is a majestic golden fairy, how could he not be able to deal with these little bastards, it turned out that King Tiger Might didn't use his full strength at all, now it's all right, that little Taoist angered the king with a broken bottle, now They will be miserable!"

"What's the matter, this group of monsters should be dealt with properly. Look at their arrogant and domineering appearance. If they are allowed to live, it will be us mortals who will suffer."

"At that time, we will all become the rations of these monsters. It's scary to think about it!"

"That's right, King Tiger Mighty, don't hold back, crush them as much as you want, but don't kill them too quickly, you must let these devils suffer so much before they die, and make them regret fighting against you."

The audience was so excited that they thought they would win. On the contrary, Li Zhi, who was standing in the arena, felt extremely complicated. Just now, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd was too difficult for him to deal with. Now if the eight guardians leave, he doesn't even have a cover. It is even more unfavorable.

However, he also seemed to understand that when the Taiyi Immortal Gourd accepts someone, he needs the other party's consent, as long as he doesn't agree, it's fine.

So what if there are even a golden fairy-level weapon spirit, a weapon spirit is a tool spirit after all, they are imprisoned in the spirit treasure, and they can't exert their strength at all.

Chapter 582 Capture a Laser Cannon

As long as he can persist for half an hour, when the other three heavenly kings arrive and the four heavenly kings join forces, so what if this kid has a weapon spirit with the strength of two golden immortals, he will still be killed!

Li Zhi was calculating rapidly in his mind. The eight heavenly kings hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem. The shot just now smashed two angels. They felt that even if there was a spirit treasure on Chuhe's side, so what, the eight of them The power exerted by their joint efforts is no less than that of a golden immortal, and with the addition of Tiger Mighty King, the two golden immortals can beat a group of little demons just by looking at melons and cutting vegetables.

"Heavenly King Tiger Might, are you worrying too much? This kid is already in danger. As long as we take action, he will surely die. Why do you want us to return to the Heavenly Court for help?"

A protector was a little puzzled, but for the sake of Tianting's face, he didn't say it directly, but used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the sound.

"These two spirit treasures are both golden fairy-level weapon spirits. You are not their opponents at all, and the huge skeleton that this kid just summoned always gives people a feeling of uneasiness. Don't ink it, it's wasting time , I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on, you guys should return to the Heavenly Court as soon as possible, and let the three heavenly kings all come to support you!”

Li Zhi's voice was urgent, it was obvious that things were out of his control, and the eight protectors finally realized how harsh the environment they were in now.


"Then we can't go anymore, just report to let one person go back, the seven of us will stay, if you lose cover, I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with that gourd!"

A friend in adversity sees the truth, and faced with an almost mortal situation, the guardians chose to stay and help Li Zhi.

In fact, it's not that the protectors are not afraid of death, but that now their every move is watched by the Emperor of Heaven. Li Zhi is the nephew of the Emperor of Heaven. If they keep King Huwei here.

It's fine if Li Zhi escapes safely, but if he can't perish here, then I'm sorry, heaven and earth will definitely let them be buried with them!

It's dead anyway, so it's better to stay and fight. Even if his two spirit treasures are both golden fairy-level artifact spirits, it's not certain whether he can beat them. Besides, even if they can't beat them, they have enough confidence If they can last for an hour, it only takes an hour, and the rescuers from the Heavenly Court arrive. Not only will they not have to die, but they will also be rewarded by the Heavenly Emperor for resisting to the death.

And one of the protectors at the pinnacle of the Celestial Immortal is even more eager for a hearty battle, hoping to comprehend the law of the Dao at the moment of death, and maybe he can be a golden immortal.

After listening to what the guardian said, Li Zhi also felt that it made sense, and gave them a grateful look.

"That's fine, then you stay and fight this officer with me. You don't need to deal with the devil Chuhe, you just need to help me interfere with that little Taoist priest when he makes a move."

In battles at the Golden Immortal level, there was no possibility for the Celestial Immortals to play, so Li Zhi didn't intend to let the guardians stand in front and serve as cannon fodder for him. Instead, he asked them to stay away and interfere.

So far, the devil Chuhe has not made a move, and Li Zhi still doesn't know his danger, but Zijin Gourd makes him very afraid.

Here, the spiritual sense sound transmission has already communicated the plan, and the eight guardians began to fly to the rear, but halfway through the flight, a person left the team and swept towards the direction of the heaven.

"Want to escape? Have you asked me if I will agree?"

Chuhe knew that the one who left the team must have gone back to ask for help. He couldn't let this kid leave, because the eight of them could break the barrier with their combined efforts. What if one of them is missing, and they can't break the barrier with just a little bit of strength? ?

"Demons, stop him for me, if you let them go, I will flay you alive!"

Chuhe gave the death order, even if the monsters were afraid of the magic cannon in the hands of the guardians, they could only bite the bullet and charge upwards, otherwise the consequences of disobeying Chuhe would be more serious.

Fortunately, the little monk made a timely move, stepping on the six-petaled lotus and quickly flew towards the single guardian.

Seeing that the young monk wanted to prevent them from going back to report the news, the remaining seven guardians hurriedly picked up the aura cannon and aimed at the young monk. The violent shells exploded on the six-petaled lotus like rain, and the six-petaled lotus was like It is a dead leaf in the torrent, branching left and right in the huge explosive airflow.

However, despite being continuously bombarded by shells, the scene of the lotus flower being blown to pieces as expected by the guardians did not appear. Instead, they staggered and flew towards the lonely angel without slowing down at all.

The seven protectors are a little overwhelmed. You must know that although the aura cannon in their hands is a middle-grade spiritual treasure made by the day after tomorrow, its power is very huge. Thanks to the inspiration of human technology, the damage that the aura cannon can cause , no less than a full-strength blow from an angel.

Although the combined force of seven people is not as complete as theirs, the power is infinitely close to that of a golden fairy. What kind of spirit treasure can survive the endless attacks of a golden fairy and be safe?

They have never seen such a scene.

The little monk attracted the attacks of the seven great guardians. Some big monsters who were good at flying all flew towards the single guardian. Speaking of it, hard resistance may not be believed, but dodging is still very simple.

It's like holding a piece of paper to fish for goldfish in the water. Although the guardian alone has a powerful aura cannon, it can't cause substantial damage to these monsters at all.

Moreover, a few big birds wanted to avenge their bird king, using various moves and magic weapons to bombard the guardians non-stop.

The difference in strength was not too big, and he was attacked continuously without interruption. The guardian was a little bit unable to resist. After being attacked by a big bird on the back, his whole body tilted and he could no longer keep flying.

Mo Bu Bui had already arrived at this time, and when the guardian fell, a dodge came to him, and the spirit sword in his hand aimed at the arm of the immortal.

The arm of the guardian was cut off directly, and the spirit cannon in his hand also fell. For the angels, losing an arm is nothing, they will grow it soon, but this sense of humiliation is severely branded on the body. What's even worse is that the magic cannon in his hand was directly snatched away by Mo BuTong.

Now turn it against him, it's really maddening!

The audience was also dumbfounded. They thought the situation was over, but how could the offense and defense be reversed in the blink of an eye? What's going on?

"No, how dare they attack Lord Guardian, are they dying?"

"Good guy, this kid is really strong, and the protector fell into his trick by accident."

"Success? I think the guardian is in danger. This kid is holding a weapon. The guardian is not the opponent at all. It's over now."

Chapter 583 Still fighting for favor

"That is, it is obvious that the eight guardians can exert their strongest strength together. Why does one have to leave the order? What does this mean? Could it be that this is a trap set by them to show the enemy's weakness?"

The audience didn't know that the situation was already very dangerous, so they even accused the law protector who went to deliver the letter.

"What's the name of this protector? He left the team without authorization and put Heavenly Court in a passive situation. This is a capital crime. When he returns, he will be beheaded for public display."

Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming said coldly, one sentence has already sentenced the guardian to death.

Since they couldn't communicate with the microphone, the people in Li Zhi's Divine Consciousness Transmission Cloud Heavenly Palace didn't know it at all. They saw the eight guardians retreating all the way, and thought it was really Li Zhi who wanted to use the strongest trick to avoid hurting others. innocent?

In the Cloud Firmament Hall, the Heavenly King Lingzhi was watching everything, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he had already realized the seriousness of his gaffe.

"Hui Tianzun, the one who left the team is the Vajra Guardian. His temperament is the most cruel and aggressive. It is impossible for him to run away. There must be another reason?"

Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming snorted coldly, his tone full of disgust.

"Lingzhi Tianwang, I know you have a kind heart, but you can't speak for that unorganized and undisciplined bastard at this time. You must know that he lost the face of the heaven, and he deserves to be punished!"

King Lingzhi shrank his neck in fright, he didn't dare to speak for the Vajra Guardian, but the situation was very serious, and he had to tell the truth what he thought of.

"Huwei Tianwang is afraid that he is in trouble. The Vajra Guardian just now may not have left the team, but wants to come back and report to us!"


Lingbao Heavenly King was a little puzzled, thinking that Lingzhi Heavenly King tried to justify his behavior as a Vajra Protector, which was disobedience to Emperor Zun. At this time, his mind was active and he wanted to show himself in front of the Heavenly Emperor.

"You said he reported the letter, what letter did he report? Could it be that he came back and told us that the devil has no way out, and let us wait for the good news?"

Heavenly King Lingbao came out to make trouble, Heavenly King Lingzhi was a little angry, just now I was helping you out in front of the Heavenly Emperor, and you boy came out to trip me up at this time, you just wanted to make things difficult for me, right?

"I thought that King Tiger Might was in danger, or discovered some shocking secret, and then sent the Vajra Guardian back to deliver a message. No matter what the news is, whether it is good or bad, we should send someone to find out at this time."

"You mean, my nephew, the dignified Jinxian, can't do anything to the devil Chuhe? Are you serious?"

Li Qingming was a little angry. He had been propagating that Chuhe was a big devil for a hundred years, and he was ruthlessly beheaded by him in the end. But now that Chuhe's shit didn't go back to the Kunlun Great World, he had already lost face. If he sent a No one at the level of a heavenly king can deal with him.

It even takes the four heavenly kings to attack him together, so where is the face of the court going?

"Tianzun calm down, Huwei Tianwang is in danger, it doesn't mean Huwei Tianwang is weak, but that kid has too many spirit treasures, first is the Four Elephant Pagoda, then the six-petal lotus, and the Taiyi Immortal Gourd. Although the top-rank Lingbao, Tiger Mighty Heavenly King is overwhelming, but facing so many treasures, it is really impossible to use it."

"With the help of other monsters, King Li Zhi is very outgoing and may be in danger of dying at any time!"

"For the face of the Heavenly Court, we can't let him make a fool of ourselves in front of so many mortals. I implore the emperor to issue an order, let the ministers and the Lingbao Heavenly King, punish the Heavenly King, go and arrest this official together!"

Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming frowned. To deal with Chuhe, he would need to use his most powerful four heavenly kings, which he absolutely could not accept.

"I can go alone!"

Lingbao Tianwang took the initiative to stand up.

"Chuhe's realm is low. The only thing he relies on is the spirit treasure in his hand, but I use the spirit treasure to prove the Taoism to the Golden Immortal. His spirit treasures pose no threat to me. I just need to make a move. Those Lingbao will take the initiative to return to my hands."

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