Lingbao Tianzun finally found a chance. If he went to the lower realm to capture Chuhe now, all the Lingbao in his hand would become his. The Taiyi fairy gourd was favored by the emperor and he couldn't grab it, but the six-petal lotus made him jealous very.

Besides, although the idea of ​​dedicating the Taiyi Immortal Gourd to Emperor Zun was proposed by Lingzhi Heavenly King, but he snatched the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and offered it on his own initiative, and Emperor Zun would definitely not forget this credit.

Lingzhi Tianwan turned his mind, and immediately realized what King Lingbao was thinking. He cursed the old fox secretly, and then bowed his hands in salute.

"The devil Chuhe is very cunning at first glance. To be on the safe side, let me go down and subdue this servant. Then I will dedicate the devil himself, the spirit treasure on his body, and three thousand demons to Tianzun! "

Good guy, Heavenly King Lingzhi intends to donate nothing and directly dedicate everything to Tianzun, but Lingbao Tianzun listens to him, but keeps cursing in his heart.

"Well, you shameless thing, you really dare to say anything in order to fight for credit with me!"

However, I thought that the Emperor of Heaven would agree to his request, but unexpectedly, he chose the King of Lingbao in the end.

Li Qingming had his own considerations. He coveted the Taiyi Immortal Gourd in Chuhe's hand. He was worried that the Heavenly King Lingzhi would drive Chuhe into a desperate situation. He took the Lingbao and blew himself up.

The Lingbao Tianzun used the Lingbao to prove the Tao, and had a strong control over the Lingbao. Let him take the Lingbao in She Chuhe's hand, and not give him a chance to self-destruct. This is the result Li Qingming wanted!

"Just let Lingbao Tianzun go down!"

Although Lingbao Tianzun couldn't figure out why the Emperor of Heaven would choose him, but since Tianzun had made an order, no one could rob him.

"Tianzun look at it, if you go down, you will come back!"

After Lingbao Tianzun finished speaking, he shook the floating dust, and a flying carpet appeared in front of his eyes. Lingbao Tianzun jumped on the flying carpet and said something softly.

"Take me to the devil Chuhe!"

As if the flying carpet had understood Lingbao's words, it rushed towards the direction of the Chu River!

Just when the two heavenly kings of Yunxiao Tiangong, Lingzhi, and Lingbao were still arguing about who should go down to grab the credit, the situation below was no longer optimistic.

The Vajra Guardian had his arm cut off, and the spiritual light cannon in his hand fell into the hands of Mo BuTong. For Mo BuTong who grew up in Dongsheng Shenzhou, this spiritual light cannon was too rare for him.

It's amazing to be able to fire a shell with amazing energy just by pressing a button, and you don't even need spiritual power to push it.

There is no child who doesn't like guns, almost as soon as he got them, Mo Bu Bui couldn't wait to aim a cannon at the Vajra Guardian.

At such a close distance, the Guardian King Kong couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch helplessly as the cannonball hit his chest and exploded in his chest. Falling, falling heavily on the ground, life and death are uncertain.

Chapter 584

That was a Dharma protector, the Dharma protector who lost his arm, and the Dharma protector whose life and death were uncertain had two different endings.

For more than 100 years, since Li Qingming ruled the Kunlun Great World, there has never been a story of a fairy falling in the heavenly court, and no one dared to provoke even the lowest law enforcement officer in the heavenly realm, let alone the eight guardians who are second only to the four heavenly kings. !

It's just that these mortals don't know that not long ago, Mo BuDiong personally killed a heavenly law enforcement officer, but in order to avoid the influence, the Heavenly Emperor ordered the news to be blocked, and the witnesses who were present were also beheaded.

"Someone dares to kill the Guardian? This kid is too courageous. There was still a way to survive by surrendering to the Heavenly Court, but now he has to cut his own way."

"I've heard from my great-grandfathers that the majesty of the Heavenly Court cannot be violated. Now that a Dharma protector has been beaten to death, the Heavenly Emperor must be furious. These people are miserable. After being caught, they probably don't want to die that much. Easy, sure to suffer."

"Deserve this group of foreign monsters, no matter how much they die, they deserve it. They shouldn't appear in this world."

"Yes, in the world of the human race, how can you tolerate the existence of monsters, kill him!"

The crowd below was so excited that Li Zhi's face turned green. If the King Kong Dharma Guardian was killed by Chuhe when he performed the task alone, he would not be so embarrassed.

It is a great shame for a heavenly king that this kind of thing can happen under his protection.

"Chuhe the devil, how dare you slaughter the guardians of the Heavenly Court? You have already committed a capital crime. On behalf of the Heavenly Court, I announce that you will all be sentenced to death. Don't think about dying so happily. To deal with the devil, the Heavenly Court has a hundred and eight Dao punishment will definitely make you unable to survive or die!"

"Hehe, what a joke. You killed my subordinates at will, saying that you are doing justice for the heavens. Now that your subordinates are killed by my people, you are furious? I just used the same method you used to deal with me. What are you doing? How excited are you?"

Chuhe picked out his ears and spoke calmly.

In fact, he wasn't in a hurry at all. After getting the Emmanuel Cannon, he was like a tiger even more powerful. He hid in the little monk's six-petaled lotus flower, and fired at the remaining seven guardians when he saw the right opportunity.

As soon as the cannon went down, the seven people would be ashamed and white smoke would be emitted from their mouths, not to mention how embarrassing they were.

The most angry thing is that the seven protectors want to fight back, and every time they hit the six-petaled lotus, they can't do any harm to Mo BuFong inside.

Every time the lotus petals opened a gap, Mobuyi stretched out the Emmanuel Cannon and aimed at them.

What makes them even more angry and want to vomit blood is that Mo Bubu has a six-petal lotus body protection, which is very safe, but there is no place for any cover from the seven guardians. The defensive formation they deployed with all their strength was also greatly reduced in power because of the lack of one person.

Soon the formation was also breached. Although there were many of them, they were beaten completely by Mo BuTong alone.

The seven guardians, who were originally unstoppable, were about to be ravaged to death a little bit, and the little monk couldn't sit still.

"Brother, can you borrow me to play with this magic cannon? I want to try his Willy too."

Mo Bu Bui was playing hard, how could he give up the magic cannon to the little monk.

"Junior brother, this spiritual light cannon is a weapon of mass destruction. Buddhism has always been compassionate. This kind of thing is too harmful and not suitable for you!"

"What Buddhism, I am no longer a Buddhist disciple since I was apprenticed with my senior brother, and I don't have to abide by any Buddhist rules, just let me play, please!"

After all, the little monk is still a child, he is very playful, and after staying with Mo Bubu for a long time, his behavior has become more unrestrained.

Now without the fetters of Buddhism, he is even more unscrupulous.

"No, this is the loot I captured. If you want to play, you can get it yourself."

No matter what he said, he refused to give up the magic cannon to the little monk, and the little monk became angry.

"If you say that, then I'll have a good fight with you. If I didn't use the six-petaled lotus to help you block the attacks of seven people, you would be able to succeed in the sneak attack so easily. If you say you can get Most of this spirit cannon is due to me, why don't you let me play it!"

What the little monk said was reasonable, even if he wanted to play tricks, he couldn't refute it. After thinking for a while, he said.

"Did you see that the seven of them have been beaten by us, and the one with the lowest cultivation level obviously can't hold on anymore. As long as I focus on attacking him, he will be knocked unconscious soon. If you let go of your gun, you go and grab it, and we each have one, it’s fine.”

Mo Bu Buan's idea immediately got the little monk's response.

"Then why don't you hurry up! If you fire a few more shots, I think it will be three at most, and they won't be able to withstand it anymore."

The little monk stared eagerly at the seven guardians, thinking of snatching a light cannon from their hands for fun, so he anxiously urged the six-petaled lotus to approach the position of the seven guardians.

It's dangerous to approach the enemy rashly, but the little monk doesn't care anymore, Mo Bufei looked at the little monk in surprise, when did the guy who has always been so cowardly and afraid of death be so brave.

Just as he was in a daze, the little monk flew under the body of the seven guardians and shouted at Mo BuTong.

"Why are you in a daze again, hurry up and fight!"

The little monk looked at the seven guardians eagerly, hoping that someone would lose the weapon in his hand and he would pick it up immediately.

The situation on the Heavenly Court has seriously deteriorated, and Li Zhi is very angry. If you wait any longer, let alone the Eight Great Guardians, there will be no Guardians in the Heavenly Court in the future.

"Bold little thief, you actually tortured and killed my Heavenly Court Guardian, you want to die!"

Li Zhi yelled loudly, his whole body was surrounded by golden light, and his third eye, which had been closed before, opened. In just an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and a terrifying coercion spread out.

In his third eye, endless karmic fire ignited wherever his gaze swept, and soon the karmic fire came to the six-petaled lotus.

Originally, the six-petal lotus, as a spiritual treasure, would not be afraid of this kind of karmic fire that only burned the soul, but when the karmic fire was about to approach, the six-petal lotus fled quickly.

The real Mingdong inside felt a great danger. He felt that if he was burned by karma, he would be destroyed physically and mentally. Since then, the six-petal lotus has completely become an ordinary spiritual treasure!

"You still want to take care of yourself!"

Chu He didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly urged his avatar outside his body to attack and kill Li Zhi. Li Zhi really didn't expect that Chu He would dare to take the initiative to attack, and he was laughed angrily!

"Okay, since that is so anxious to die, I will help you."

Chapter 585 is kind of heads-up!

Naturally, Chuhe wouldn't just watch Li Zhi torture and kill the young monk, and there was no difference, so he rushed to stop him.

The extrajudicial avatar instantly grew bigger, and met Li Zhi's three-pointed two-edged sword. Li Zhi didn't expect Chuhe to be so big that he dared to catch the white blade with his bare hands, and said with a sneer.

"Devil, are you too arrogant, and you don't even pay attention to this heavenly king. I didn't attack you with all my strength just now. Do you think that this heavenly king is easy to bully?"

"You'll know if you try it!"

Chuhe is not afraid at all. He has just come into contact with the three-pointed and two-edged knife. It is obvious that this Lingbao looks like a bluff, but it is not very powerful and cannot cause damage to his external incarnation.

Sure enough, the three-pointed and two-edged knife fell heavily, and Chu He clamped the blade tightly with both palms. For a while, the blade could not fall down.

Li Zhi was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect that he could actually take over his own weapon.

Moreover, it seems that his extrajudicial avatar did not have the slightest damage, which made Li Zhi even more delighted. It turns out that this extrajudicial avatar is also a treasure, which is enough to withstand his own attacks, which proves that he is the same as the six-petal lotus and Taiyi. Immortal gourd is a level.

This kid is a little celestial being, where did he get so many rare treasures? Could it be that he is going to follow the path of Lingbao Tianzun?

Don't think about it too much. As a Jinxian, Li Zhi crushed Chuhe in terms of strength, so he exerted force suddenly, and the extrajudicial incarnation couldn't bear it, and his figure was bent by the huge force.

The figure of the extrajudicial incarnation hunched down, and in this scene, in the eyes of the audience, it was Li Zhi who had the upper hand.

"Sure enough, King Huwei didn't use all his strength just now. Look at it now. It's just a single attack. The demon Chuhe can't even stand it. He is about to be crushed to his knees."

"Tell me whether he will beg for mercy after a while, anyway, he will kneel down anyway, and he won't have so much burden on his heart if he says something flattering."

"He probably only now understands how big the gap in strength between him and King Tiger Might is. At first he begged for mercy and he might still have a chance to survive. Now that his subordinates have killed the guardian, the Heavenly Court will not forgive him no matter what."

"At least begging for mercy can give him a decent death. Otherwise, if he really suffers from the [-] torture tools used by the Heavenly King, then he may even cry for his father and mother to no avail!"

"It's over, King Huwei is mighty, you are the God of War in my heart!"

"Heavenly Court is guarded by an immortal like you, we all feel extremely at ease."

Seeing that the battle situation was reversed again, and the surging power of faith surged out again, the Heavenly Emperor sat on the Zijin Emperor's Throne, watching with great interest what happened before him.

Sure enough, this kid Chuhe is vulnerable. In this era when the Dao has just been restored, Jinxian is already standing at the peak of the world's combat power. Not everyone can try to challenge Shenwei in vain!

Looking at the situation, the analysis of Lingzhi Tianzun may not be accurate at all. To deal with Chuhe, nephew alone is enough, and maybe Lingbao Tianzun does not need to come forward. Outsiders get strong.

However, just when everyone thought that Li Zhi was winning, an accident happened. A small and exquisite pagoda suddenly flew out of Chuhe's palm and flew towards the top of the avatar outside him. Hovering, a terrifying force surged towards the top of the avatar's head.

It was as if blood had been spattered in an instant, the power of the avatar outside the body increased sharply, the head that was originally suppressed and could not be lifted, finally slowly lifted up, even the hands were gradually raised, and the avatar outside the body was about to stand up When he got up, Li Zhi tried his best to suppress him, but he couldn't stop his ferocious momentum.

"Four Elephant Pagoda!"

Looking at such a treasure, Li Zhi's eyes were burning hot. This kid is not as strong as himself, and he relies on these spirit treasures to resist him. If he can get the four-elephant pagoda to instantly improve his strength, and the six-petal lotus, he can protect himself from Being attacked by someone is fatal.

As well as the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, as long as he calls out his name when fighting the enemy, he can take the opponent into his pocket.

When the time comes to force his uncle to release his mother, the mother and child can be reunited. This is what Li Zhi has always dreamed of. At first, he didn't have any hope, but after seeing Chuhe, he felt that everything was possible.

Li Zhi's third eye shot directly at the Four Elephant Pagoda, which was immediately surrounded by karmic fire. Li Zhi planned in his mind to use the karmic fire to burn the spiritual imprint left by Chu River in the Four Elephant Pagoda, and then took the opportunity Capture the Four Elephants Pagoda.

Others might not even dare to think about it, but for Li Zhi, who is uniquely talented, snatching other people's Lingbao is not that troublesome at all!

Chuhe felt that the Four Elephant Pagoda was being enveloped by karmic fire, and the spiritual imprint he had left behind was really beginning to loosen, but Chuhe was not panicked at all.

The Four Elephant Pagoda is different from the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petal lotus. The former has no weapon spirit and is not afraid of karmic fire at all. Although the karmic fire can indeed erase the god seal of the Four Elephant Pagoda, the Four Elephant Pagoda is a magic weapon. Baby, Li Zhi's three eyes are also powerful at the level of a magic weapon. You are also a magic weapon. If you can attack, don't I know how to defend?

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