Motivated by Chuhe's mind, the Four Elephant Pagoda began to rotate violently, forming an invisible protective cover around the tower body invisibly.

He watched the Four Elephant Pagoda turning violently, and thought that the god seal inside the Four Elephant Pagoda was being burned and was struggling in pain, so he worked harder to release the karmic fire.

Because his attention was all on the Four Elephant Pagoda, Chuhe's real body had left his side and was flying towards the seven guardians without him knowing it.

The seven protectors had already been beaten to the point of crying by Mo Bu different. If King Tiger Might hadn't shot the six-petaled lotus away just now, they would have been defeated by Mo Bu Bu in an extremely shameless way.

However, although the six-petal lotus was forced away by Li Zhi, Mo Bu different's attack did not stop at all. The six-petal lotus circled around the seven guardians, and shells of spiritual light kept shooting out. The seven people had already lost their temper after being beaten. Swear.

"Little brat, what kind of hero are you hiding behind the magic weapon? If you have the ability to come out and challenge me, grandpa will beat you all over the ground to find your teeth!"

Mo BuFong doesn't like him at all.

"Hehe, the provocative method is useless to me. You don't call me a devil one by one. Since I am a devil, I still talk about benevolence, justice and morality to you. Naturally, I will deal with you in the same way as a devil."

"I kindly advise you not to struggle, and to surrender quickly, so as not to suffer, I can still give you a face, my lord!"

Chapter 586

The Seven Great Protectors never imagined that such a young child would have such a smart mind, and it was not easy to be fooled at all.

However, the problem is very serious now. They know that it will not be long before they will collapse. Seven people were beaten like this by a magic cannon.

The seriousness of the situation had been transmitted to Lingbao Heavenly King through the holographic image. He suddenly felt that he should not compete with Lingzhi Heavenly King at that time. Before he arrived, Lingbao Heavenly King felt that there was a big hole ahead.

"You seven hold on for another 10 minutes, and I'll be right there!"

Lingbao Heavenly King shouted loudly, and the voice in the walkie-talkie exploded in the ears of the Seven Guardians. Hearing the voice of Lingbao Heavenly King, the Seven Guardians suddenly became energetic.

It was like grabbing a life-saving straw in the torrent, and hope was ignited in everyone's heart.

These hopes cheered them up one by one, and they began to become decisive in the face of Mo Budong's attack.

"Burn life and spiritual power, let's hold on for another 10 minutes!"

"In this case, our cultivation base will be greatly reduced?"

Just as one Dharma protector made a suggestion, the other was a little unhappy. Burning life and spiritual power would seriously affect their future cultivation, which was undoubtedly very fatal to them.

"There must be some other way. Let us persist for 10 minutes. There is no need to burn life and spiritual power. In this way, our way to advance to Jinxian will be completely blocked!"

Hearing the burning of life and spiritual power, some Dharma protectors were already unstable and began to panic.

"Tell me, what else can I do now? If we don't burn our spiritual power, we will be blown away by that kid one by one. Life and death are not guaranteed, so why talk about cultivation? It's a joke."

"The great protector is right, if you can't break it, you can't stand it, we will fight these demons!"

The seven protectors quickly agreed, and the seven began to change their positions, forming the formation of the Big Dipper, and then red flames began to emerge from their bodies. This kind of flame was very strange, and it made people gasp .

The little monk on the side looked at this scene and asked a little puzzled.

"What else can they keep?"

On the other hand, Mo differenti quickly understood their behavior, and said with some displeasure.

"Damn, this group of people are really crazy. I just shot them a few shells, and they are burning their life and spiritual power like crazy. Don't they want to prove the Golden Immortal?"

"Grandma, don't think that you can resist me by doing this. I haven't used my trick yet!"

Mo Budong was a little angry, the master gave him the order to take down these hair protectors, but it has been so long, he only succeeded in a sneak attack once, and he still hasn't solved the remaining seven.

What made him even more upset was that these seven people were clearly at the end of their rope, yet they didn't surrender, and they were still stubbornly resisting, determined to fight against him.

"How do I feel that they are delaying time?"

The little monk looked at the essence through the problem, and Mo Bubu also realized that something was wrong. It turned out that this group of bastards waited for helpers. Although Mo Bubu was not afraid of the other party coming back, no matter what kind of powerful person, as long as Da Luo Jinxian does not come, He is safe.

The master didn't even raise his two Shensha flags, and he was able to fight back and forth with the Golden Immortal-level Huwei Tianwang. Even if there is another Golden Immortal, so what, we will still suppress it together!

But Mo Bufei also knew that the master didn't mean to entangle them too much, but was anxious to enter the enchantment. The master was so anxious to get rid of these guardians, there must be his intentions.

Soon, the spiritual consciousness of the two of them was able to detect a huge energy fluctuation from the direction of the heaven, which was of the Jinxian level without thinking.

Mo different panicked.

Instead of playing tricks on opponents with the Emmanuel Cannon, he took out the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, intending to take all seven of them into it.

Just when he took out the Taiyi Immortal Gourd to collect the seven protectors, something suddenly appeared in front of him and smashed down on his head.

It was originally just a small brick, but by the time it was smashed down, it had turned into a huge mountain.

"Good guy, Fan Tianyin! We are saved!"

Someone immediately recognized this treasure, which is the most commonly used weapon of the Lingbao Heavenly King.

Seeing the appearance of the Fantian Seal, all the seven guardians showed joy. They were still burning their life and spiritual power with all their strength, but now they are slowly putting them away. If they only burn for a while, it will have little effect on their cultivation. The Lingbao Tianzun has already With support coming, they have won for sure, and there is no need to take such a big risk and pay such a big price.

The audience below also boiled.

"What kind of thing is that big brick? It can't be a magic weapon."

"This seems to be the magic weapon of the Lingbao Heavenly King. It is said that this overturning seal is a super-aggressive spirit treasure left by the great power of the ancient times. If you are hit by it, you will be smashed into pieces!"

"Okay, once the Lingbao Heavenly King comes, the seven guardians won't have to suffer anymore."

"You guys know nothing, you don't need the help of the Lingbao Heavenly King at all. You didn't see that after the seven guardians were burning with red flames, the little Taoist priest had nothing to do with them. Isn't this the seven heavenly kings who were enraged and started to move?" Is it real?"

"Yeah, I haven't taken that little kid seriously all this time. I didn't expect that little thing to jump like that. It angered the Seven Guardians. You should take care of him!"

The audience below thought that Tianting was sure of winning. Who would have thought that they have never experienced the sufferings of the seven guardians, and they have no idea how aggrieved they are.

"Lingbao Tianzun hasn't arrived yet, but his Lingbao Fantian Seal has arrived. Brothers, let's turn our defense into an offensive. When the little Taoist priest is struggling to deal with Fantian Seal, we will help kill him !"

If it were other immortals, the first time they saw the Fantian Seal, the seven guardians would know that the other party would definitely die, but facing the six-petal lotus, which has a super protective spirit treasure, they couldn't guarantee that the Fantian Seal would be able to kill it all at once. Smash the two into a meat paste.

Chuhe also felt a powerful wave of spiritual power approaching rapidly, and the sky-shattering seal hit the six-petaled lotus, and the whole battlefield suddenly burst into a buzzing sound of metal impact.

The huge sound waves made the eardrums of all the people present vibrate, and those mortal audiences with lower strength were even shocked until their ears bled, and they were already deaf!

The six-petaled lotus was shaken non-stop, but it was not directly smashed as everyone imagined. However, although the six-petaled lotus did not seem to be damaged much, there was no difference in it, and the little monk suffered. The powerful impact It makes them dizzy, like the seven heavenly kings are being shot by the magic cannon.

If it comes a few more times, the little monk will be shocked to death in the Lingbao!

Chapter 587

There is no way, the strength of the two is really not good, although there is only a realm between Tianxian and Jinxian, their strength is indeed different.

In this world, Master is the only one who can overwhelm the Golden Immortal at the level of the Celestial Immortal, and even win completely.

If they prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal, they are still afraid of the Shattering Seal, so they will go straight up and fight it.

Mo Bufei and the little monk are in a bit of a miserable situation now. What they thought was an absolute defense has now become a cage that binds them.

Every time Fan Tianyin hit the two of them, his heart trembled and he vomited blood.

However, the two of them knew that staying here would be death, but they had nothing to do, because as long as they were out of the protection of the six-petaled lotus, their small bodies would inevitably lose their souls when they were hit by the spirit treasure urged by the golden fairy The end of the.

The situation is really reversed, judging from the calm appreciation of the seven heavenly kings who were crushed by the Fantian Yin, if no one breaks this situation, then the two of them will really be in trouble.

But at this time, no one noticed Chu He who was approaching quietly. His avatar outside his body was too bluffing. The gigantic monster with tens of meters and hundreds of feet attracted the attention of all the audience and Li Zhi.

So much so that Chuhe's deity has quietly touched the back of the seven heavenly kings without anyone noticing.

Chuhe patted the back of one of the heavenly kings.

"Brothers, how about going to the theater? You can still relax your vigilance so much during the war, how can I say you are good?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind, and the guardian who was photographed turned around. Seeing Chuhe's murderous face, he immediately realized that something was wrong. He was just about to tell his brother to call the police, but he was immediately hit by a thunderbolt. Tianlei hit his Tianling Gai directly, and he fell down instantly with black smoke from his mouth.

Chuhe took the aura cannon in his hand, and then six deafening thunderbolts struck, and the remaining six guardians were attacked by Chuhe without any precautions, and all of them were hit.

All the cannons in their hands were snatched by Chuhe.

Almost at the same time, Chuhe moved for a year and took back the six-petal lotus, and Fan Tianyin flew over after chasing the six-petal lotus.

Chuhe ignored it. Instead, he quickly flew to the side of the enchantment, and then let a few big monsters around him hold a magic cannon.

"Come on, come on, shoot at me!"

The power of the eight spirit cannons used together is obvious to all these monsters. Now that Chu Herang is firing at him, what is he doing? Looking for death?

"Master, don't let yourself get overwhelmed. There is still a long way to go. With your supreme talent, you will definitely be able to stand at the pinnacle of this world. You must spare your life!"

"That's right, master, I know you are under pressure to face an opponent at the Jinxian level, but you can't give up on yourself and end your life like this."

"Master, if you can't beat him, you can just run away. No matter what he is, the King of Tiger Might or the King of Lingbao, we will hold you back and let you leave safely."

A few big monsters here keep expressing their loyalty, they will be wrong, Chuhe is really helpless.

Even Mo BuTong and the little monk spoke in puzzlement.

"Master, what are you doing? Could it be that you want to create the illusion of suspended animation to confuse Heaven?"

"Little monk, what are you thinking about? With Master's ability, I am afraid that using this magic light cannon will not cause any harm to him at all. Master, you must have other deep meanings in doing this, please tell us quickly! "

Chuhe ignored it, but ordered loudly.

"I don't have time to explain to you now, shoot at me, hurry up!"

Chuhe's majesty is still there. Although the order is to fire at the master, these big monsters still obediently obey. As the cannons in their hands become hot and bright, they successfully attract the attention of the audience outside the venue.

"Hey, look quickly, what is that devil doing? He even let his monsters shoot at him. Does that mean he doesn't want to live? It's really hard to understand."

"There's nothing wrong with this. This kid is just an existence at the level of a celestial being. He is at the end of his strength against the King Huwei, who is at the level of a golden fairy. Now that the King of Lingbao has arrived, and the two great golden celestials are attacking together, he will undoubtedly die.

It may be that knowing that there will be very severe punishment for offending the Heavenly Court, rather than being tortured so painfully, it is better to end one's life like this, being swept by the Emmanuel Cannon, and dying without any pain. "

"Such a big devil died like this, wouldn't it be too cheap for him? I thought that when he was caught, we would all go to the execution ground and throw leftover rotten eggs at him."

"It's fine for the devil to seek death, and he brought his two apprentices with him. Isn't this a trick? If I were that little Taoist priest, I would definitely not agree to what the master did. At this time, I knelt down and begged for forgiveness from the heavenly court. He still has a way out."

"Yeah, that little Taoist priest died a bit unjustly. With his strength and aptitude, I'm afraid he can become an existence comparable to Huwei Tianwang in the future. It's a pity!"

It was with this little effort that Lingbao Tianwang finally rushed to the battlefield with all his strength. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being a little confused.

"Devil Chuhe, what do you mean? Suicide? But if you kill yourself, why do you hide in the six-petaled lotus? Are you afraid of death?"

"It's better for you to lay down your weapons now and surrender obediently. His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is benevolent. I will intercede for you when the time comes. As long as you devote yourself to the Heavenly Court from now on, it is not impossible to save your life."

Lingbao Tianzun doesn't blush when he tells a lie, and Chuhe is not a fool, so how could he believe what he said.

"I really didn't expect that such a big change has happened in the past 100 years since I left the Kunlun Great World. Two golden immortals have appeared one after another, and your heavenly emperor Li Qingming has not yet shown up. Since he is higher than you, he must be stronger. stronger than you."

"In this era when the avenue is not yet perfect, there are actually three golden immortals in the heaven. To be honest, you do have arrogant capital."

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