"It's just that I didn't expect your Heavenly Emperor to be that trash Li Qingming. I beat him all over the place and ran away all over the world. I didn't expect that after letting him escape to the Kunlun Great World, the crow turned into a phoenix, and he became more talented. Already!"

Chu He's words were directly calling the Emperor of Heaven by his name, and the audience on the side were frightened.And Chuhe's words behind it also burst out even more explosive big melons.

"It's incredible that the Emperor of Heaven was defeated by Chuhe!"

"The most important thing is not this. Well, who can win or lose? The most important thing is what this kid said. Our Heavenly Emperor fled to us after being defeated by this big devil. Doesn't that mean that he is also a foreigner?" , the Heavenly Emperor whom we have dedicated so many years to worship is actually a foreigner!"

Chapter 588 I Have Evidence

At this moment, the barrage was boiling. Li Qingming had always regarded himself as orthodox in the Kunlun Great World. Now that his identity was exposed, the belief in the audience's hearts collapsed.

"I thought it was a blessing for us mortals to have a great figure like the Emperor of Heaven in our Kunlun Great World. I didn't expect him to be a foreigner. It turns out that we have been ruled by a foreigner for a long time, and we don't know it."

"What nonsense beliefs, we are slaves of foreign races!"

The bullet screen has already begun to be rebellious, and the power of faith is also declining, and it is about to dry up. The Lingzhi Tianzun seems to be more anxious than the emperor Li Qingming.

"Don't listen to that devil's nonsense, he is just a little fairy, how could he beat our great emperor, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, he is obviously lying to shake your mind."

"You don't even think about it. For hundreds of years, the Heavenly Emperor has established the Heavenly Court to protect your safety, cleanse the world of demons, and let you live a rich life that you have never had before. You still dare to question the Heavenly Emperor. Do you still have a conscience?"

"Furthermore, what the big devil said is somewhat true. The Emperor of Heaven was born in the Kunlun Great World since he was a child, and he devoted his life to eliminating demons and defending the way. Lord Heavenly Emperor acted in time, the world has already become a purgatory, you are all the rations of monsters."

"Not only are you ungrateful, do you want to rebel!"

A few words from the Lingzhi Heavenly King instantly brought back the wavering thoughts of mortals.

"Yes, yes, we don't believe that the Heavenly Emperor, who has been guarding us all this time, went to detail a devil. I really committed a mistake and went crazy. I am guilty, and I ask the Heavenly Emperor to punish me."

This barrage is kneeling on the ground and kowtowing, the Emperor of Heaven saw it, if this boy dared to say something outrageous, he would have been beaten to death by the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Court, but now the situation is forcing, even if the Emperor of Heaven is unhappy, he must Smile and forgive him.

"This deity is all for your well-being. Even if you misunderstand it, it doesn't matter. This deity still treats you as children. This deity will spend his whole life protecting the safety of the world."

The Emperor of Heaven spoke, and the mortals below were boiling.

It's just that after Li Qingming finished speaking, he said to the Criminal Law Heavenly King through voice transmission.

"Write down the few people who just said the rebellious remarks, and find a chance to make them disappear. In the world of this deity, there should be no voices of doubt. This will lead to the impurity of mortals' beliefs and thoughts, and affect the cultivation of this deity. However, you Remember, don't let them die too comfortably."


The Heavenly King of Punishment bowed and replied, for so many years, the Heavenly Emperor has never let his majestic King of Punishment deal with a few unscrupulous people, which shows how angry the Heavenly Emperor is.

"Hehe, it seems that Li Qingming is quite good at brainwashing. I have to admire the fact that he has enslaved and tamed mortals so quickly."

"However, you may not believe how cruel this person who sits on the throne of heaven is. As long as you call out his name, you will face annihilation. This is a kind man who compares his people to children." Is that what a father should do?"

Chuhe saw that he could talk to Li Qingming, so he was not in a hurry to enter the barrier, but wanted to talk to him, so that he was really disgusted.

Sure enough, Chuhe's words caused an uproar again.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could the Emperor of Heaven do such a thing? Don't talk nonsense."

"That's right, Lord Heavenly Emperor has always been a loving god in our hearts, how could he have the heart to hurt us?"

"You kid, don't confuse the public with false words and slander our Lord Heavenly Emperor."

"The devil is disgusting, telling stories at will, why are you still standing there, isn't he going to commit suicide? Could it be that you are afraid?"

The audience was excited, and Chuhe also knew that after nearly a hundred years of enslavement and five generations of brainwashing, these people could no longer tell right from wrong.

But he naturally has his own way to convince these people, because when the law enforcement officer killed the onlooker who said the wrong thing, he was someone who recorded the whole process, but later saw that the person who said the wrong thing was killed After killing him, he ran away in a panic, lost his mobile phone, and Chu He just picked it up!

Now Chuhe took out his mobile phone and played the video at that time in front of everyone.

The content of the video is very simple. At the beginning, it was just shooting the scene of the old man touching porcelain, but it happened that someone called the name of the Emperor of Heaven, and then soon the law enforcement officer came and killed the man. After running away because of fear, the man's cell phone When it falls to the ground, the picture becomes pitch black.

However, the scene of the law enforcement officer killing the man was very clear, and everyone was stunned.

Facing the mountain of ironclad evidence, Ling Zhi Tian Wang still couldn't find any good excuses for his eloquent eloquence, so he could only stare coldly at the general who dealt with the aftermath, with the expression of blame in his eyes.

"Turn off the live broadcast and kill him immediately!"

A roar that resounded through the sky came from Yunxiao Tiangong, the voice carried a powerful force, and scattered all the clouds in the 33 layers of heaven.

"Why did the live broadcast suddenly disappear? Is there no signal?"

"My signal is full, but I can't see the picture or hear the sound."

"The live broadcast has been shut down, you two idiots."

"What's going on? I've never seen a video of a law enforcement officer killing a mortal. It must have been directed and acted by the devil himself!"

"What is self-directed and self-acted? The scene at that time was a small car accident. Who would have expected that the law enforcement officer of the heavenly court would appear. Besides, the law enforcement officer of the heavenly court's aura gun is the crystallization of our unique technology. The big devil Chuhe How could there be!"

"Doesn't that mean that what the devil said is true, could it be that our Heavenly Emperor..."

"Shh, shut up, you're an adult now, you should understand a truth, say what you should say, don't say what you shouldn't, with so many people watching, don't talk nonsense."

"Then let's talk privately."

"it is good!"

The barrage of the two was quickly followed by countless mortals. When they said they wanted to chat privately, the amount of their friends' information was overwhelming. In less than ten seconds, the number of friend requests had reached billions .

Because of this, the server crashed directly, and the accounts of the two were forced to log out, but they could no longer log in since then, because they were gone!

Lingbao Tianzun didn't even need the emperor's order to know that Chuhe must die.

"Boy, do you know what kind of consequences your actions will bring to you? You are courting death yourself, no wonder me!"

As Lingbao Tianzun spoke, he activated the Fantian Seal and threw it towards the six-petaled lotus.

Chapter 589 Retreat

Just now, the Fantian Seal was the first to attack on its own, and its power was already too great for the little monk Mo Budong to bear. Now Lingbao Tianzun is urging the Fantian Seal at close range, coupled with the blessing of the Lingbao Avenue, the power of the Fantian Seal has been turned over just now. More than ten times.

Mo BuFei and the little monk could clearly feel the coercion outside while staying inside the six-petal lotus. If this hit hits, it doesn't matter whether the master will be safe or not, the two of them will definitely be killed on the spot!

Just when the two were panicking, the first attack was the Spirit Cannon. A strong light shot on the six-petaled lotus, and the sound of explosion sounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the six-petal lotus, like a billiard ball hit by a club, slammed into the barrier behind it.

Since the enchantment cannot recognize the aura cannonballs, the six-petal lotus surrounded by the aura cannons was put in together.

I thought that the Chu River would be blasted into pieces by the spiritual light cannon, but I didn't expect the six-petal lotus to disappear directly after retreating for a while.

"What's going on here, did this kid use some secret technique to escape?"

Lingbao Tianzun didn't realize why Chuhe disappeared for a while. After entering the enchantment, Chuhe was blocked by the enchantment. Lingbao Tianzun was completely unable to search for the spiritual power fluctuations on him, as if he disappeared suddenly. average.

This is embarrassing, the Emperor of Heaven is furious now, and he can't wait to cut Chuhe into pieces immediately. If he is allowed to run away, he must be the one who will be cut into pieces when he goes back.

At this time, Li Zhi finally came to his senses, because he just couldn't refine the Four Elephant Pagoda with Karma for a long time, and he felt that he was probably deceived by Chuhe.

The Four Elephant Pagoda was just a bait to attract his attention. Thinking of this, the muscles on Li Zhi's face twitched, his anger made him unable to think calmly.

He is a majestic golden fairy, but he can't beat Chuhe, a little fairy, in terms of force. What's more annoying, his real deity ran away.

Li Zhi was a little hard to accept.

Lingbao Tianzun was not as desperate as him, but said with a wry smile.

"It doesn't matter if that kid escapes. His Four Elephant Pagoda and this incarnation outside his body are all here, and the three thousand demons he keeps in captivity are his most important combat power. We take these and threaten him, so we won't believe him not coming back."

Li Zhi has a different opinion.

"Since the devil has already escaped, how can he care about these external things? He will definitely not come back."

It's not that he threw cold water, but that what he said was right. In fact, Lingbao Tianwang didn't believe that Chuhe would come back, but he still said with a wry smile.

"Even if that kid runs away, the Four Elephant Pagoda and his three thousand monsters fall into our hands, he can't make any big waves, and handing these treasures to the Emperor of Heaven will more or less save us Both are guilty."

These two people were in the game, but they didn't realize that Chuhe had entered the barrier at all.

"Forget it, let's subdue the Four Elephant Pagoda first, and let's talk about the rest at that time."

Li Zhi was a little discouraged. He didn't know the magical effect of the Four Elephant Pagoda at first, so he agreed to Lingbao Heavenly King's request to give him this treasure without hesitation. Now he somewhat regrets it.

It’s just that I can’t say clearly that Chuhe’s external incarnation is also a rare treasure, but it’s not suitable for him to use, and Chuhe doesn’t know how to keep in touch with this external incarnation. There is no way to sever the link between the two.

The avatar outside the body is still a master. Even if he wants to, he has no choice but to stay by his side forcibly. If he is manipulated by Chuhe to deal with him, wouldn't it be equivalent to carrying a time bomb with him.

These three thousand monsters are even more useless to him. Unlike his uncle, he can convert the power of thoughts into cultivation and absorb them. After refining these monsters, they can help his uncle to a higher level.

But in this way, the difference in strength between him and his uncle will be even further, and the hope of rescuing his mother will become even slimmer.

Not to mention the loss of the Eight Great Protectors for nothing, and not getting any cheap money, Li Zhi felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

However, something that made them even more uncomfortable happened next. After Chuhe entered the barrier, he directly controlled the incarnation outside his body and activated the Four Elephant Pagoda.

The Four Elephant Pagoda rotated rapidly, absorbing all three thousand monsters.

Then a wormhole-like thing appeared behind the huge incarnation. After all, the two of them had seen a lot. Although they didn't recognize what the wormhole-like thing behind them was, they could guess that it was used to transfer time and space. of.

"No, he wants to run away!"

Lingbao Tianzun felt that the sky was falling, and he fought with Chuhe, lost eight protectors, and made the emperor lose face in front of mortals. What's more annoying is that Chuhe retreated completely, without even a hair Leave it to them.

How could they accept such an ending.

"Stop him!"

The Lingbao Heavenly King was far away, and Li Zhi happened to be standing next to the avatar outside him. He also realized that the avatar outside his body was trying to escape, so he hurriedly swung the three-pointed double-edged knife and smashed it down heavily on the avatar outside him. Well, even if he destroys his external avatar today, he can't let Chuhe take it away so swaggeringly.

However, his powerful attack was easily neutralized by the floating four-element tower above the avatar's head.

The three-pointed two-edged knife was slashed on it, and the Four Elephant Pagoda had nothing to do with it. Instead, the three-pointed two-edged knife was knocked out. Seeing that it was about to break if it was struck again, Li Zhi raised his hand, but the second attack did not hit it. .

He is such a handy weapon, if it is destroyed, then she will lose her wife and lose her army. Li Zhi can't accept it at all.

There is no other obstacle, the incarnation outside the body has already walked in front of the impulse, and when entering the wormhole, he did not forget to turn his head and wave goodbye to the two golden fairies. Almost vomited blood.

"Smash him!"

After he let out a roar, the Heaven-Shattering Seal fell from above rapidly, and the surrounding ground was deeply sunken. Creatures with a radius of a hundred miles felt the magnitude [-] earthquake.

When Lingbao Heavenly King took away the Fantian Seal, there were no smashed incarnations underneath, and Chuhe just ran away under their noses.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the Emperor of Heaven couldn't restrain his anger anymore, he got up from the throne abruptly, and roared angrily.

"Waste, two wastes, who call themselves heavenly kings, can't even deal with a little Chuhe, let him leave so calmly, what's the face of our heaven, come, arrest them both for me Come back, I will punish them severely!"

Li Qingming was furious, and the terrifying energy poured out, the King Lingzhi was so frightened that he trembled all over.

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