Chapter 590 The Light Cannon Is the Key to the Barrier

At this time, if he adds fuel to the flames, Li Zhi and Lingbao Heavenly King will definitely end up miserable, but he can't do this because he wants to take the place of Punishment Heavenly King and be the number one Heavenly King.

He must win over Huwei Heavenly King and Lingbao Heavenly King to stand for him, otherwise, relying on the strength of the Punishment Heavenly King far surpassing him, he would be wishful thinking if he wanted to get the throne of the First Heavenly King.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. According to my observation, Chuhe did not escape, but entered the barrier!"

Hearing this news, Li Qingming, who was furious, finally became a little interested, and his eyes signaled the King of Lingzhi to continue talking.

"Your Majesty, maybe you didn't notice just now that the six-petal lotus that Chuhe was riding on was hit by the spiritual light cannon and hit the barrier, but the explosion sound was too loud, covering up the sound of the impact."

"It was at this time that a strange fluctuation began to occur around the barrier, as if the barrier had been opened. I guess that kid definitely didn't disappear in place, but after entering the barrier, because the barrier itself The reason is that the two heavenly kings cannot find their traces."

The king of Lingzhi is indeed the king of Lingzhi. His brain is really good, and he can analyze Chuhe's behavior at that time almost every time.

Even the King of Punishment, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but nodded.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The demon Chuhe even bombarded himself with a spiritual light cannon. From his performance all the time, it is not difficult to see that his brain is not sick, but has other plans. It seems that he can't open the barrier. I just want to use the Spirit Cannon to open it."

"I really didn't expect that the key to unlock the enchantment turned out to be the aura cannon we made. It's really interesting!"

It's really interesting. Once you discover this secret, you can enter the secret realm. You must know that secret realms with this kind of enchantment are generally very rare. There must be a lot of opportunities and treasures in it.

"Immediately seal the news tightly. Don't let that old dragon king in the East China Sea know that the secret realm is alive, or that old thing will definitely come and snatch it from us."

"Then quickly dispatch the god generals to carry the spiritual light cannon to support, open the enchantment, and enter the secret realm. The secret realm that appeared in our Kunlun Great World is the opportunity of our Kunlun Great World. How can a devil take away the opportunity."

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, Punishment Heavenly King, you two also go to protect the secret realm, don't let the devil Chuhe escape!"


The two heavenly kings led away, and for a while, in a small mountain forest, the highest combat power in the heavenly court except the heavenly emperor gathered, and the situation in Chuhe River became very dangerous.

But Chuhe is not thinking so much right now. After entering the enchantment, he was stunned by the situation inside. He originally thought that the enchantment was just a small area with a radius of a hundred miles, but now it seems that he is too naive.

The reason why I think its range is small is because the enchantment is buried deep in the ground, revealing a small sharp corner, which is hundreds of kilometers wide.

Chuhe spread out his consciousness to explore the boundary of the enchantment, but it turned out that the secret realm was too big, even bigger than Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Master, where are we now? Looking at the eerie silence below, I always feel something is wrong!"

Mo Bufei said nervously, to be honest, he was flustered the first time he entered the enchantment. He always felt that this enchantment was different from Huaguo Mountain. It was not like protection, but like suppression. The strong sixth Feeling told him that there are extremely powerful demons inside.

Chuhe is naturally aware of the danger, but since the enchantment appears, there is no reason not to enter. Besides, danger is accompanied by great opportunities. Looking around, Chuhe saw a light above the distant mountain top. flashing.

"There is something shining in front, let's follow it!"

In this extremely quiet and unfamiliar environment, encountering a glimmer of light will attract human beings to the past. This is instinct.

A few people flew towards the distant hills at high speed, but they didn't see anything like flying insects, birds or beasts along the way. The forest below was airtight, and it was impossible to see through the situation inside.

Everything is eerily quiet, so quiet that it makes people flustered.

The little monk kept staring down with his two big eyes, always on guard, but he felt that the forest below was moving all the time, up and down, very weird.

"Hey, brother, look, are the trees below moving?"

The little monk himself was dazzled, so he pulled Mo Bu BuTong to confirm, but Mo Bu BuTong glanced twice, but didn't find anything at first.

"Little monk, are you scared? Haha, I can't blame you, who made you so young and timid!"

"Why are you so timid? I'll talk to you seriously again. Take a closer look and see if the forest below is moving, and it's moving up and down very rhythmically!"

Maybe it was just when Mo Bubu glanced twice that the ground below was not moving, but after the little monk said, he began to observe the ground carefully. Sure enough, after a while, a large mountain below was moving rhythmically. uplifted, and then slowly descended.

And every time this happens, there will be a dull rumbling sound. The rumbling sound starts with the uplift of the mountain and ends with the fall of the mountain, not to mention how weird it is.

Mo Bubu was also so frightened that his face turned pale, and he gently pulled the corner of Chuhe's clothes and said in horror.

"Master, why do I feel that the land below is alive?"

Chuhe's spiritual consciousness is much stronger than the two of them. He just didn't pay attention at first, but now he has already noticed that something is wrong below. From the very beginning, he felt the undulation of the ground below, accompanied by the rumbling sound, and thought it was something unique here. The geographical appearance led to such a result, and he didn't care at first.

But when he flew to the place where the light was, and looked down, there was a dark red light emitting from a huge circular pit through the gap.

And it wasn't any volcano that caused this weird imagination, because although the luminous thing didn't reveal its full view, Chuhe could already tell that it was a huge pupil.

A pupil that is tens of feet in size, and his entire body is the forest below, the fluctuation of the forest is its breathing, and the strange rumbling sound is its snort.

"Master, why don't you speak!"

It was the first time that Mo Bufei saw Chuhe's expression was tense, and he didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Chuhe still didn't speak, but pointed to the huge pupil below.

Mo Bubu stared down, but didn't see anything for a while.

"It's such a big hole, and it still glows. There must be a lot of treasures in it. Master, please wait first, and I will fetch the treasures for you!"

Chapter 591 Snake Demon

Mo Bubu's eyes lit up, thinking that when he encountered some treasure, he would fly downward as soon as he jumped, but fortunately, Chuhe caught him in time, and said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

"You're crazy! It's not a baby here, but a monster's eye."

Rao is not different. He is conceited that he has the memory of two lives, but he has never seen such huge eyes. Could it be said that the following are prehistoric beasts that only exist in Shan Hai Jing?

Chuhe doubted whether the things in it were the same as his own sea of ​​consciousness, inhabited by all kinds of monsters from the Shan Hai Jing era.

"What, eyes!" Mo Bufei yelled out in horror.

"Don't make a sound!"

Chuhe hurriedly stopped it, but it was too late!

The behemoth below has already sensed the human beings from above, and a big scarlet eye suddenly opened, and the tens of feet wide pupil exudes a strange red light.

Just being stared at by one eyeball of this monster, Chuhe felt a chill down his spine, and an inexplicable sense of fear came to his heart.

It was even worse for the little monk, Mo Bubu. A kind of fear sucked into the depths of the soul made the two of them stagnate. For a while, they even forgot to fly and fell rapidly downward.

Fortunately, Chuhe reacted quickly and caught the two of them.

However, before the two people who escaped by chance could be happy, the pupil quickly approached them. After the eyeball was hundreds of meters away from the ground, Chuhe finally saw clearly that this head was a huge snake head .

And the snake head is rushing towards them, the huge mouthparts are like a bottomless pit, there is no difference and the little monk knows it all, blame me for eating them.

"Master, I'm sorry, it's all my fault for waking him up!"

Mo Bufei's voice was crying, and it seemed that he was terrified. How could Chuhe have time to tell him who was right and who was wrong at this time.

"Don't worry about right or wrong, let's escape first."

With such a huge body, Chuhe couldn't think of a duel with him at all. This kind of thing is so huge that hitting his body is like tickling, and it can't cause any substantial harm to him at all.

So there was wind at the foot of the Chu River, and it flew towards the front quickly. When it flew up, he wondered why there were no birds and beasts in such a large forest.

It turns out that such a big thing is guarding here, how can anything dare to approach it.

The speed of the snake is very fast, and one of its pounces is so fast that people can't believe it, but it's a pity that it can't even touch the Chu River.

Even the distance between the two is getting farther and farther.

After the snake head couldn't extend, it still didn't catch the fleeing Chuhe. The snake head stopped, staring at Chuhe in front of it with scarlet eyes, and uttered words.

"For how many years, my uncle has never seen the food delivered to the door by a human monk. If he just ran away like this, wouldn't this uncle be very embarrassing!"

Don't look at the ferocious and terrifying appearance of this big snake, but his voice is not rough, but gloomy, as if it is squeezed out from the throat, as if it comes from the endless ghost purgatory.

Seeing that the big snake hadn't moved, Chuhe put down his guard a little bit, turned around, bowed and said.

"In Xiachu River, I entered the secret realm by chance and disturbed Shangxian's rest. I'm really sorry. For the sake of my unintentional mistake, please Shangxian Haihan to let me leave."

Chuhe can't see through the depth of this snake demon at all, but judging from his huge size, its strength is definitely above Jinxian.

It is very likely that it has surpassed the Golden Immortal level.

"Oh ho ho, people who see me always kneel down and beg for mercy. You are the first one to apologize to me. If it was in the previous era, I might think you are very interesting, so spare your life. But now I don’t know how many years I haven’t eaten human monks, and I still have a good cultivation base, although it’s not enough to eat, the Tooth Sacrifice is also very good!”

The snake demon didn't give Chuhe any face at all, and was determined to eat him, but Chuhe was helpless, wondering why he was entangled with this kind of thing. It was just regarded as a polite ration by the other party.

No taste is good nutrition.

"Shangxian was joking. Although Shangxian's magic is huge, it is not so easy to eat me. I think we should take a step back. I will leave now and promise not to step into your territory again. What about you just now?" You are still sleeping, how about you continue to sleep and pretend that the two of us have never met?"

Chuhe is still bargaining. The reason why he is so confident is because he knows that his speed is faster than this snake monster. Even if the snake monster wants to eat him, it will not be so easy.

It is very unwise for a monster of this level to waste too much time and energy for a food that may not be eaten.

"Oh, that's really a headache, boy, what is your origin to have such super speed, this doesn't seem like the cultivation you should have."

The snake demon seemed to be seen through, and said helplessly, its tone softened, and Chuhe's vigilance lowered again.

Even Mo Bubu and the little monk, who were trembling with fright, finally calmed down. Although they had been hiding behind Chuhe, they had the courage to speak harshly.

"Hmph, you big snake monster, why don't you just rely on your size to be bigger, what's the big deal, my master won't be afraid of you!"

As soon as the little monk finished saying this, Chu He gave him a severe blow to the head.

"You kid, you don't know what he is capable of, yet you dare to provoke others, don't you want to die?"

Seeing that Chuhe was a little timid, the little monk didn't dare to be arrogant, but said aggrievedly.

"Master, shouldn't I cheer you up again? This snake demon is really scary. If I don't say a few words about him, I will be scared."

After the big snake was stunned, its eyes shrank sharply, obviously very angry, but soon its sinister look subsided, and it continued to speak in a tone that it thought was very kind.

"This child is really strange. You humans don't always say that your parents are good for your body, hair and skin. Why does he want to shave his head? Is it an unconventional way to attract the attention of others?"

From Orochi's words, it's not difficult to hear that Orochi must have been here for endless years, and he doesn't even know that Buddhism needs to be shaved.

It can be seen that this big snake has probably been here since ancient times, and has never been out, and it is estimated that it has never come into contact with humans.

Thinking of this, Chuhe was a little curious, and couldn't help asking about the identity of the snake demon.

"Shangxian doesn't know about Buddhism, then you must be from the prehistoric period. Dare to ask Shangxian, where are you sacred, and can you tell me your name?"

Chapter 592

Chuhe is very curious about the identity of the snake demon, but the snake demon is not willing to tell Chuhe his identity at all.

Instead he shook his head.

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