"I can't tell you this. If I let you know the identity of my uncle, then I will..."

"Then what about you? Could it be that you are a cowardly monster with a big head? You dare not tell us your life because you are afraid that we will punish you, or do you think your name is too ugly and we will laugh if you say it?" Big teeth!"

Mo Bubu also became very brave, and even dared to speak out to mock the snake demon.

The snake demon has a hot temper and was almost ignited by him. The murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Although he hid it well, Chuhe still noticed it.

Although he doesn't know what bad idea the snake demon is playing, it must be aimed at them. Logically speaking, Chuhe should run away directly at this time, but he is really curious, because in the prehistoric era when the lich wars, the world at that time was destroyed. After breaking through, all the great powers have fallen one after another, and such a monster has survived until now. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chuhe couldn't believe it.

"Since it's inconvenient to reveal your name online, I won't ask, but I'm still very curious. How did you survive in such an environment when the Lich War was so fierce in the prehistoric age?"

After Chuhe asked this question, even the snake demon was a little puzzled, with a pair of huge snake eyes rolling around, unable to understand the meaning of Chuhe's words at all.

"What Lich War?"

The snake demon was surprised at what Chu He said about the Lich War, and Chu He was even more surprised that the snake demon didn't even know about the Lich War.

"Back then, the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan lived together on this big road, and they lived in peace at first, but unfortunately, as the power of the two clans expanded, friction soon began, and a series of fierce conflicts broke out. After the conflict, The powers of the Lich and Demon races were all killed and injured, causing the two races to weaken rapidly, and human beings took this opportunity to grow stronger and officially enter the age of mythology!"

After hearing these anecdotes, the snake demon was obviously shocked and speechless. After a while, he spoke slowly, but his tone was filled with endless hatred.

"My uncle said that at that time, Nuwa was an old immortal, but she just told me to stay here and let me out as long as I didn't hurt human beings anymore. I didn't expect that I would wait for endless years, and she still refused to let me out. It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't keep her promise, but that she was already dead!"

"I'm so angry, how can I avenge her after she died? Who should I ask for revenge!"

The snake demon's eyes were full of resentment, and a miserable roar resounded through the entire sky. There was no difference, and the little monk couldn't stand such a loud sound, so he covered his ears, but still couldn't stop the resentful voice from eroding their hearts. brain.

Hearing what the snake demon said, Chuhe became even more curious. From the words of the snake demon, it is not difficult to hear that before the Lich War, Nuwa locked him here for self-reflection because of his gluttony. Chuhe's mind was spinning rapidly. , I want to find those big snakes that like to eat people described in the Shan Hai Jing.

The first thing Chuhe thinks of is Zhu Jiuyin, because according to legend, it has a pair of huge eyes. When the eyes are opened, the sky and the earth become brighter, that is, it is daytime.

When the eyes are closed, the sky and the earth become dark, that is, night.

But this big snake kept his eyes closed just now, but the sky was sunny, which meant that he was not Zhu Jiuyin.

Is it a snake repair?He likes to eat human beings and harms the world everywhere, so he might be arrested by Empress Nuwa and reflect on it.

But thinking of this, Chuhe shook his head again.

No, in the mythical records, the snake cultivator was beheaded by Dayi because of his many evil deeds.

Could it be Jiuying?

Jiuying is also doing all kinds of bad things. It is said in the rumor that Jiuying can spray both fire and water, so it is called the monster of water and fire.

It sounds like a baby crying, and it has nine heads, so it is called the Nine-Infant Monster Snake.

It is said that he originally had ten heads, but one was bitten off when he was fighting with the 梼杌, so he became nine.

Jiuying lived in a big river in the north, the water was thousands of feet deep and the waves were turbulent, known as fierce water.When the ten suns came out, the fierce water boiled. Jiuying thought the water was too hot, so he jumped ashore and ate anyone he saw. When eating, he had to have 9 kinds of food for him to eat at the same time. In the end, he was shot and killed by Dayi. Beidi is in the fierce water.

Jiuying was also beheaded by Dayi. These snake monsters are clearly recorded as dead, so it is impossible for them to be alive.

Thinking of this, Chuhe suddenly thought of another snake demon.

Xiang Liu!

In the myths and legends, there is only such a snake demon, because his blood will pollute the land, causing no grass to grow and no life to live. Therefore, he cannot be beheaded, so he has to be sealed to prevent him from harming the world.

But Xiangliu was suppressed by Dayu in the Shanhaijing, how did he become a Nuwa empress?

Thinking of this, Chuhe also knows that the events before Shan Hai Jing are too long ago, and many records are legends, so the latecomers may have misremembered them.

Just now this guy said that he didn't even know about the Lich War in the prehistoric era, let alone be suppressed by the ancient sage Dayu in the age of mythology. He should undoubtedly be the one who was sealed by Empress Nuwa.

"So I thought this secret realm was some kind of blessed place. It turned out to be a place where you were suppressed. Are you right, Master Xiangliu!"

Hearing Chu He call out his name, Xiang Liu was obviously stunned. It was hard to believe that this human being could guess his identity in such a short period of time, but his surprise only existed for a while, and turned to His eyes became extremely cold, and he said with a grin.

"Boy of the human race, since you have already guessed the identity of the uncle, have you forgotten something?"

Seeing Xiang Liu laughing wantonly, Chu He hurriedly spread his divine sense around, only to feel that there were huge things approaching here in all directions.

In fact, there is no need to search for it with spiritual consciousness, because those things in all directions have quietly approached, and they are already close at hand without knowing it.

"Little monk, am I dazzled? Why do I feel that there are eight pillars reaching the sky approaching us?"

"It's not a pillar, but it looks a bit like eight mountain peaks, and it also looks like eight tornadoes. No, why does this mountain look so similar to the snake demon's? Could it be that it has eight accomplices?"

"No way, one big snake is difficult to deal with, if there are eight more, wouldn't it be..."

Mo Bufei felt the danger, and his whole body was not well.

No matter how stupid Chu He was, he should realize that the eight peaks that were approaching were actually only Xiang Liu's eight heads.

Thinking of this, Chuhe laughed instead.

"It's said that the snake demon is insidious. I've gained a lot of experience today. You deliberately lowered your posture and chatted with me just now to get your other eight heads over, trying to trap me in it, right? "

Xiang Liu leaned his neck back and laughed wantonly, his laughter was indescribably ferocious.

"Human monk, you are very smart, but unfortunately you understand it too late!"

Chapter 593 Nine-Headed Cage

It was indeed too late, the snake itself reacted very quickly and was very smart, Xiang Liu was planning the current matter when he missed a hit, and now the eight heads are closed, like a cage, locking the three of Chuhe in in.

The originally clear sky suddenly turned dark, and suddenly there were nine pairs of glowing things in the whole sky, which were really Xiang Liu's eyes.

All eyes are on Chuhe.

Chuhe was thinking about how to escape from danger.

The front, back, left, and right roads no longer exist, and even the top is covered by nine huge tongues, the top is a dead end, and the bottom is Xiang Liu's huge body.

Now Chuhe could only attack downwards, and immediately raised the Shensha flag. As soon as the Shensha flag came out, the sky and the earth changed color, and Zhu Jiuyin was also taken aback.

"The God Demon Banner in the hands of the Great Witch Gonggong, what does your kid have to do with him?"

Xiangliu is from the monster clan, although he pretended to be five people and six people in front of Chuhe, but in fact his status in the monster clan was really bad, otherwise Empress Nuwa, who was the leader of the monster clan during the Lich War, would have also He will not be forgotten here, so that endless years are wasted.

However, Gonggong is one of the leaders of the monster clan, and he is a character who can change the color of the world when he is angry. Xiang Liu instinctively feared the Shensha Banner.

"What, are you afraid? If you are afraid, let me out, or else I will make you look good!"

Chu He yelled loudly, but in fact he was very guilty. Facing the ancient giant beast of the prehistoric era, without knowing his strength at all, Chu He had no confidence in defeating it.

Xiang Liu was very scared at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he was no longer afraid.

"Stop bluffing me, you kid. It was you who told me that in the prehistoric period of the Lich Wars, those big figures were all killed and injured. Even the old witch, Nuwa, the leader of our demon clan, died. Shit Gonggong is not as good as her!" Well, how can you still be alive, you threaten me with a guy who has been dead for an unknown number of years, do you treat me as a fool?"

It's over, this Xiangliu is not only bad, but also very smart.

He saw through Chu He's thoughts all at once, and Chu He was a little impatient, not to say that with the progress of the times, people's hearts would become more and more elusive, but why did Xiang Liu, who lived in such a long time ago, have such lively thoughts.

Or is it that human beings are bad because they learned from the monster race.

Chuhe regretted a little, why did he tell Xiangliu so many things, and now let him grasp the opening, his situation is indescribably dangerous.

"Hehe, so what if you know, with your strength, you dare to do anything to me. You are just bigger. I have a lot of ways to deal with you."

Chu He is not bragging, when he was in Huaguo Mountain, he used two Shensha flags to divide the barrier, and now he wants to do the same, dividing Xiang Liu's eight heads squeezed together Come on, as long as you can separate a gap, as long as you can escape, you can escape with speed.

"Shensha Banner, open!"

As soon as he said it, Chuhe urged the Shensha flag vigorously, and the Shensha flag flew into the air quickly, spinning above Chuhe's head, and became extremely huge.

Chuhe separated his aligned hands, made a gesture of opening the door, and separated the Shensha flag.

Sure enough, even Xiang Liu couldn't bear the coercion brought by the Shensha Banner, and the two heads that were originally close together began to separate a gap.

Chu He smiled, and flew towards the gap quickly, and when he was about to pull out his ascent, the light in front of him suddenly disappeared. It turned out that Xiang Liu dragged a huge snake god to wrap around the cage surrounded by nine snake heads, giving the prisoner The cage adds another layer of protection.

Chuhe was also speechless.

"Can you still play like this?"

Seeing Chu He's despairing expression, Xiang Liu smiled even more happily. For a long time, he had not seen a human's body trembling with fear, or his face changing because of fear.

These are his appetizers, and the more frightened the prey, the better it tastes.

"Shensha Banner, open it for me!"

Chuhe was not reconciled, and wanted to open a passage again. However, this time, there was no light again, and it was still endless darkness, but a lot of blood spewed out of the darkness. The blood was extremely smelly, and it also brought With strong corrosiveness, just a little splash on the sleeve, it burned a big hole in the sleeve.

"No, Xiang Liu's body was torn apart with the Shensha Banner just now, you two come behind me, his blood is highly corrosive, and it also carries a curse!"

Although they don't know what the effect of the curse is, the two have just seen the danger of blood and hurriedly hid behind Chuhe.

Mo Bu hastily reminded.

"Master, quickly use six-petal lotus to resist the blood."

As soon as Chuhe sent the six-petal lotus, a large stream of blood splashed on it, and the six-petal lotus quickly emitted a puff of black smoke. Howled miserably, it seemed that he had suffered endless pain.

Chuhe hurriedly put away the six-petal lotus. One of the blood-stained areas had become pitch black, not only lost its luster, but even its divinity had been severely eroded. The block just stood there, not moving.

This means that Chuhe signed a master-servant agreement with Master Mingdong. If there was no such agreement, Master Mingdong would have defected directly to the enemy.

"Master, Xiang Liu's blood is very strange, I can't resist it at all."

Master Mingdong's tone was sad. He was worried that Chuhe would use him as a shield for his own safety, and he would surely die.

How could Chuhe fail to understand Master Mingdong's thoughts? He didn't feel sorry for Master Mingdong, but let him die like this, which is a pity.

After all, no one below the Golden Immortal can break the super strong defense of the six-petal lotus. Keeping this thing can protect the weak, which is very useful.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in vain, but you don't have to thank me, because this time, I may not be able to endure it, and you won't end well then."

For the first time, Chuhe felt the fear of death. For the first time, he yearned for freedom so much. In this dim cage, he was just waiting to die slowly.

Master Mingdong felt sad, seeing that Chuhe was about to die, Master Songling stood up.

"Master, how about I suck all the blood into the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, so that you will be safe?"

Good idea, Chuhe's eyes lit up, unlike the six-petal lotus, the inside of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd is a world of its own, even if Xiangliu's blood is sucked in, as long as it doesn't take long, the cursed blood will only Slowly eroding the small world inside, but the final result must be the death of Master Songling.

Chapter 594 Xiangliu's Conspiracy

"Boy, just scratching my skin made you nervous to this extent. It seems that you are not as powerful as you say."

"I advise you not to think about using your broken gourd to collect my blood, because this kind of garbage-quality magic weapon can't collect my blood at all. If you insist on forcibly collecting my blood, don't blame me for not reminding you. The Artifact Spirit above will become manic because he can't bear the erosion of the curse, maybe, after he loses his mind, he will choose to explode himself."

"In such a confined space, you should know the consequences of a magic weapon exploding itself. You will die without a place to die!"

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