Chuhe is also a very smart person, from Xiang Liu's words, he could already hear something was wrong, this kid didn't want to die by himself, could it be that he was afraid!

"Hehe, you also know that this is a confined space. If you don't let me go, I will let my weapon spirit explode. This is a golden fairy-level explosion. Even if I can't resist it, don't think about it. When the time comes for us to die together, neither of us will be happy."

As soon as Chu He said this, Xiang Liu's eyes became even more gloomy.

"Boy, don't threaten me with sacrificial explosions. Only you humans can use this magic weapon to explode, and most of them only work on you humans. Although the sacrificial explosion is very powerful, it can hurt me, but you Don't forget, I have nine heads, I will lose one head and swallow your magic weapon, if you are dead, I still have eight lives?"

What Xiang Liu said was right. To be honest, Chuhe was a little envious of the guy with so many heads.

Although there were quite a few spirit treasures in his hand, only the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petaled lotus could explode, and there was only one chance, because Xiang Liu couldn't give himself a second chance.

"Then why are you still standing there? Don't you always want to eat me? Why are you so slow to speak? What are you afraid of?"

Chuhe also couldn't figure out why Xiangliu was chatting leisurely with him since he had already taken the absolute initiative in Xiangliu's real thoughts.

"Afraid? I have done all kinds of evil things since I was born, so I don't know what fear is. It's just that I've been imprisoned in this endless time for too long. I haven't seen the scenery outside for a long time. I want to go out for a walk! "

Xiang Liu finally expressed his thoughts, he wanted to go out.

And this is also what Chuhe doesn't understand, relying on Xiangliu's strength to completely crush him, if he can't get out, why should he go out.

But thinking of this, Chuhe suddenly changed his mind. He could take Xiangliu out of the barrier, because he has a magic cannon, and this kind of thing is a bug in the barrier. It is estimated that Nuwa who set up this barrier in the prehistoric era The empress did not expect that future generations would make such a thing as aura cannon.

Still not right, Chuhe had just communicated with Master Songling's spiritual consciousness, and Xiang Liu knew that Master Songling wanted to collect his blood with the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

That is to say, in the cage, Xiang Liu could know what Chu He was thinking in his heart. In this case, Xiang Liu must have known that Chu He entered the barrier with only a few light cannons.

He could completely eat himself, then get out the aura cannon by himself, and then let himself go.

It's simply too simple.

Chuhe didn't speak all the time, just thinking about it in his heart, that is, when he thought of this, Xiang Liu suddenly laughed.

"You don't think I can't open this enchantment, do you? Then you underestimate me too much. For a person of your level, there may be nothing you can do about my sister, but for me, knotting The boundary is just a layer of window paper that has been in disrepair for a long time, and it will break if you poke it!"


Chuhe was completely shocked. In the battle with Li Zhi just now, Li Zhi's violent attack hit the barrier more than once, but nothing happened to the barrier. cause any harm.

But such an indestructible thing has become a window paper in disrepair in Xiang Liu's mouth.

"What is your strength?"

Chuhe couldn't help but became curious, and Xiang Liu didn't mean to hide it from Chuhe, but instead showed off his strength.

"I just peeked at your spiritual consciousness. Although it has been so many years, and the system of cultivation has changed one after another, overall, there is still a clear record of the division of levels."

"If my strength is placed in the strength realm of your human race, it should be what you think of as the Da Luo Jinxian!"

When Xiang Liu said these words, Mo BuTong and the little monk were stunned.

"My god, Da Luo Jinxian, you nine-headed worm are not bragging, how could there be such a powerful thing."

"That's right, Da Luo Jinxian, I haven't heard of it for many years. I thought it was just a rumor in the mythology."

Even if a child doesn't believe it, Chuhe still believes it more or less.

It was the first time he faced such a powerful enemy, and he felt a sense of frustration in his heart. This kind of strong pressure is definitely not something that an ordinary Jinxian can bring to him. This is definitely the peak of Jinxian, or the level of Da Luo Jinxian The presence.

"If you are really the Great Luo Jinxian, I will definitely not let you out. You are a monster. You have done all kinds of evil things. Now you are probably the most powerful fighter in this era. I would not dare to let a big monster like you control the world." Dare to imagine what the world would be like."

Although Chuhe is regarded as a devil, his heart is not evil, otherwise he would not have rescued Mo Bubu and the little monk over and over again.

"I didn't see it, you are quite kind, but you have nothing to do with the destruction of the world. I can assure you that as long as you are willing to let me out, I promise that I will not hurt you at all, and I can still live in the world." Here is a great fortune for you, maybe you can prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal here?"

Chuhe really didn't expect that Xiangliu would start to seduce him, wanting Chuhe to let him out.

And since it can open the enchantment here at will, why does it stay here? Could it be that the outer enchantment is just a cover, it is actually sealed here and cannot leave.

When Chuhe thought of this, Xiangliu had already seen through his thoughts.

But this time Xiang Liu didn't admit it frankly, but just changed the topic.

"Walking tens of miles to the west from here, there is a big mountain, and there is a palace under the mountain. There is a green spirit stone in the palace. As long as you bring the green spirit stone back to me, I can release it." Your little lives, what do you think of this deal?"

"Hehe, you must have no good intentions. Why should I go if you let me go? Why should I help you do things that are not beneficial at all?"

Chuhe had already determined that Xiangliu must have something to hide, and the green spirit stone might be the key to his escape, so he asked him to get it.

Chapter 595 The situation is more severe than imagined

"Young man, don't think so much, I just help you get a spirit stone. As long as you get the spirit stone back, I can give you a great fortune, allowing you to directly break through the golden fairy. With so many magic weapons in your hand, if you Proving the Dao of the Golden Immortal, even I can’t say that I will be able to subdue you, so don’t you feel tempted by such a good deal!”

Xiangliu kept seducing Chuhe. To be honest, Chuhe was a bit overwhelmed. The other party could see through your thoughts, just like playing a bright card, and he could take care of your pain points casually.

And you don't know what he thinks at all, or even what he is going to do, so how can you play this.

And Chuhe is also very excited about the great opportunity. After all, what he has always longed for is to be able to prove the Taoism of the Golden Immortal. At this critical moment of spiritual recovery, the stronger you are, the more opportunities you will have.

Chuhe had other thoughts, but he calmed down at this moment and stopped thinking about it, because he knew that no matter what he thought, Xiang Liu would find out.

It's better to follow the tricks and see what kind of tricks this big snake monster is going to play.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Chu He directly agreed, but Xiang Liu didn't realize it. He thought that this kid would scribble a few more times to make himself spend more time talking, but he didn't expect him to be so decisive.

"Okay, happy, my uncle likes such decisive human beings, you are deeply in my heart, since you are willing to help, I will not make things difficult for you"

While talking, Xiang Liu untied the cage.

Originally, he really planned to eat Chuhe, but when he learned that Chuhe had two Shensha flags, he began to have a heart for Chuhe.

When he found out that Chuhe still had a Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, and from the depths of his sea of ​​knowledge, he also learned that a guy named Monkey King, Monkey King, was actually the colorful spirit stone used by Nuwa to mend the sky. Transformed.

This is not a disguised connection with that old witch Nuwa, and this kid also has the inheritance of Cangwu, which is the inheritance of the emperor Fuxi, and that is the elder brother of the great demon Nuwa. There is a good chance to steal his inner alchemy.

As long as you get the inner alchemy, the seal shackles imprisoned on your body will no longer be effective, and you will be free.

"It's okay to let you go. In order to prevent you from getting the spirit stone and suddenly regretting it after getting the fortune, I need to take back your disciple and the spirit cannon in your hand. Is this request reasonable?"

Chuhe was really surprised. He didn't mention the matter of the Light Cannon, and he didn't even think about it. How did Xiang Liu know? Could it be that he can not only understand his own thoughts, but also perceive the things he has experienced in the past? , this is too scary.

"Master, you can't give him this thing, we can't get out if you give him!"

Mo Feifei kept shaking his head. Although he couldn't figure out what kind of tricks Xiang Liu was playing, his keen sense of smell could already guess that Xiang Liu was definitely not holding back any good farts.

Knowing that Mo Bubu cared about him, Chuhe could only smile helplessly.

"Do you think I have a choice?"

"Okay, I promise you, I can give you the Light Cannon. These two children are still young, and they are not enough to fit your teeth. Please don't hurt them!"

With the contact these days, Chuhe has unconsciously regarded the two little guys as his own. Even though he knows that these two are Xiangliu's hostages, he can remind Xiangliu that after all, this old thing has not been seen for many years. I have eaten people, what if I get hungry?

"Don't worry, I won't hurt them, but I can tell you that I will only give you a month at most. If you still can't walk out of the palace after a month, then don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

As Xiang Liu spoke, he stuck out his tongue and licked the little monk's bright head. The little monk was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, which should not be said to be on Xiang Liu's body.

"Master, you can't stop cultivating fate, you must come back."

The little monk didn't want to die, he was suffering extremely sadly, but Mo Bufei was stubborn, knowing that begging for mercy would appear spineless at such a time, so he persisted, but the tears couldn't stop falling down.

Chu He didn't say anything more, turned around and flew towards the mountain that Xiang Liu knew.

Watching Chu He leave, Xiang Liu was full of thoughts in his heart. Although he was a snake demon, his mind was extremely active, and he could often see through the inner world that others could not see through.

But for Chuhe, although the two children called their masters affectionate, Chuhe never really acknowledged these two apprentices at all.

For the Yaozu, unless they were blood relatives, no one else was important. Xiang Liu didn't quite believe that Chuhe would risk his life for the two apprentices and return to him.

If he can really come back, maybe I can consider not eating him!

Chuhe flew all the way towards the mountain, and there was no concept of time here. I don't know how long it took to fly, and finally came to the mountain.

I saw a huge mountain towering majestically, its height pierced into the sky, and it was many times higher than the Himalayas.

Chuhe has never seen such a mountain before, and he couldn't help but think that if this mountain appeared in his original world, it would definitely knock down the Himalayas and become the champion.

This also proves from the side that this small world secret realm originally did not belong to the Kunlun Great World.

It's not right to think about it carefully. Since Xiang Liu was imprisoned by Nu Wa in the prehistoric period, the place where Xiang Liu was imprisoned must also be the world at that time. It is impossible to create a world for him alone. Although Nu Wa has great magic power, but According to the rumors, he didn't have this ability.

That is to say, this secret land originally belonged to the Kunlun Great World. It may have experienced the Lich War, which pierced the land of Shenzhou, and a lot of land was blown away, directly drifting in the universe. Now the spiritual energy has recovered, and the road has begun to improve. As if attracted by the homeland, this secret land returned to the Kunlun Great World and intersected with it.

If this is the case, then this situation is definitely not a special case. There should be many similar lands that have been blown away, and there may be more terrifying existences than Xiangliu living in them, and the small world they live in is also heading towards Kunlun. With the arrival of the big world, the entire universe will eventually become a unified continent, but the area of ​​this continent should be unimaginably large, and all kinds of gods, demons and spirits that exist in it will come out.

Thinking of this, Chuhe's head grew dizzy. Before meeting Xiangliu, he thought that Jinxian was the pinnacle of the world.

After meeting Xiang Liu, he suddenly felt that even Da Luo Jinxian could never be said to be invincible in this world, because it is not impossible that there may still be saint-level power somewhere!

Chapter 596 Nuwa Palace

In this case, the situation is more severe than imagined, and I must comprehend the Dao as soon as possible, otherwise, after those great powers appear, my life and death will no longer be in control.

In fact, Chuhe's life and death are no longer under his control. There is a huge gap between Xiangliu and his strength. He can drive him to nowhere with just a little blood. This gap cannot be made up by the spirit treasure in his hand.

Just when Chuhe was distracted, a black bird suddenly flew out of the mountain. The whole body of the black bird was blue, but the place where it flew over left a colorful rainbow, which looked very beautiful.

"Grass (a perennial herbaceous plant), there is actually a mysterious bird in it. How can this be an ordinary palace? How could there be such auspicious appearance of a mysterious bird in an ordinary palace? This motherfucker could not be Empress Nuwa herself Where to live!"

Chuhe didn't think that what he just said casually was really hit by him.

This is indeed the place where Nuwa once lived.

The palace is all made of stones, because there was no decent construction technology at that time, so the buildings were not very beautiful, but these buildings deeply attracted Chuhe's eyes.

Because in addition to stones, there are many precious stones built into the wall, such as agate, Hetian jade, and imperial green jadeite, which are directly used as stepping stones on the ground.

If you put this in the previous world, just take out a piece, it would be enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life.

It wasn't until I took a closer look that the so-called stones were not ordinary products, but shell fossils, although modern people don't like shells very much.

But in ancient times, shells were an absolute hard currency, the only currency at that time.

In other words, this entire magnificent and domineering palace was built with money.

Chu He couldn't help clicking his tongue, and stood outside the palace for a long time before finally stepping in.

There are two huge stone pillars at the entrance of the palace. Two monsters with human heads and snake bodies are carved on the stone pillars. The monsters hold bone weapons in their hands, which should be used to guard the gate.

Chuhe entered the main hall with a heart of awe, but a palace gate already made Chuhe feel like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. After entering it, Chuhe was stunned.

Presumably the relics of Emperor Fuxi looked dilapidated, not at all like a palace.

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