The palace where Nuwa lived as a younger sister, it seems that since ancient times, girls have paid more attention to the beauty of living than boys, so the upper floor of the entire palace is inlaid with countless night pearls. After the gate is closed, the light of night pearls will reflect the house very brightly. .

And just glanced at Chuhe, and found that the positions of these luminous pearls were actually arranged according to the astrology, and the position of the Polaris among them was the largest luminous pearl.

There is also an altar under the Ye Mingzhu. After so many years, the altar is covered with dust, but Chuhe can still tell from the bones of some cattle and sheep scattered there that these are the sacrificed animals.

It is hard for Chuhe to imagine that an ancient sage like Empress Nuwa had already stood at the peak at that time. He did not enjoy the offerings of the world, and he also engaged in feudal superstition. Could it be said that the position of the North Star needs the power of Nuwa's level? There is also the existence of enshrining.

Nuwa is at the level of a saint. This is the highest level of existence that Chuhe knows. What is Nuwa offering sacrifices to?Her god?

Could it be that saints also have fear? What is on the brightest North Star in the starry sky?

Chuhe didn't dare to think too much, in the end he had to shake his head, deliberately pretending that he didn't see anything.

The shock that this scene brought to him was too strong, and with his current thinking, he didn't even dare to think about the meaning behind this incident.

Chu He looked around the top of the main hall, but found no green spirit stones at all, and the main hall was empty, with only one floor, and couldn't find the so-called spirit stones of Xiang Liu, that big snake would definitely not let Mo Bubei go so easily There are also little monks.

What should I do?

Just when Chuhe was at a loss, he suddenly discovered that there were several strangely shaped bricks placed in the center of the hall.

Looking closer, it is a nine-square grid, and the nine-square grid has six sides, and there are scattered patterns on the six sides.

Chuhe just glanced at it, and he was sure that the patterns on the six sides of this Rubik's cube were the six stone carvings on the main hall.

On the first pair are endless stars, and a person with a human head and a snake body is kneeling devoutly at the bottom, and the direction where she kneels is the brightest North Star in the sky.

The second one is a sacrificial scene, where a group of human-faced snake gods are slaughtering livestock and carrying them to the altar.

Right above the altar, a man and a woman are praying with their hands folded.

The third is a peerless beauty with a human face and a snake god who is kneading clay into the shape of a human being. The other is a peerless beauty with a human face and a snake body holding a scepter in her hand, accepting the worship of the human race.

Why does Chuhe think she is a peerless beauty? In fact, the words on the stone carvings are all simple outlines, and there is no human painter who can reproduce them one by one.

But Chuhe can tell that she is a peerless beauty, because as long as he sees her face, a face will automatically appear in his mind, and that face looks at him with a smile in his eyes.

The Chu River was greatly shocked. I don’t know how many years these stone carvings have gone through. Generally speaking, the dry sea and rocks are not enough to describe such a long time, but these stones are not damaged. The imprints on them may be left by carving, and they can still affect to the Chu River.

Even after so many years, there is not even a trace of dust on these stone carvings, as if they were cleaned not long ago.

The content of the fourth stone carving is that the peerless beauty with a human face and a snake body is filling the sky with a colorful spirit stone. At that time, there was a huge hole in the sky, and countless flames were left from the sky, and the world was devastated.

Seeing this, Chuhe no longer doubts that this is the palace of Empress Nuwa, and the stone carvings on it are also telling her life story.

Thinking of Chuhe here makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Didn't the ancients realize that it is a very ominous thing to engrave their own life stories in the place where they live!

The fifth picture is the Lich War, this picture is relatively dark, the sky is covered with dark clouds, Empress Nuwa stands side by side with his elder brother Fuxi, but the leader of the opposing witch clan can't see clearly.

The sixth picture is a scene of extermination. The beautiful back of Empress Nuwa is pierced by a spear, and blood gushes out along the spear. Her elder brother Fuxi is rushing towards him like crazy, while his back is A group of powerful witches are still struggling to kill him.

Chapter 597 Another Layer of Restriction!

The sixth picture is over, and the life of Empress Nuwa is also coming to an end.

Judging from the last pattern, the queen's side is obviously at a disadvantage, so why did the ancient lich battle end with both sides hurting and all the bosses falling?

Chuhe didn't know these details, and there were no records on the stone carvings.

As for the fact that Xiang Liu was suppressed here by Empress Nuwa, there was no mention of it on the stone carvings. For Xiang Liu, seeing such a major event of being imprisoned for a lifetime was just a matter of hand for an existence of Empress Nuwa's level. It's just labor.

Thinking of this, Chuhe couldn't help but smile bitterly. Xiang Liu, who was not worth mentioning to Empress Nuwa, has now become his biggest threat.

After watching the six murals, Chu He bowed to the six stone sculptures one by one. When facing the two stone sculptures of Nuwa creating man and Nuwa repairing the sky, Chuhe chose to kneel down to the great man who created the human race. The saint kowtowed to thank him.

The pictures of the six stone carvings have been determined, and the next step is to reassemble the disturbed pictures of the six stone carvings.

For the ancients, this may be an impossible thing to do. For modern people, it is not too easy to restore the six sides on the Rubik's Cube!

Soon the six sides of the Rubik's Cube were reassembled by Chuhe. At almost the same time, there was a sound of machine turning under Chuhe's feet, and then the floor under his feet was slowly moved away, revealing a staircase leading directly to the ground. In front of Chuhe.

It was extremely dark below, and Chuhe couldn't see the end as far as he could see. He didn't know what was below, and Chuhe felt a little uneasy for a while, wondering whether he should go in or not.

But after thinking about it, the queen is the creation god of the human race, how could she hurt the human race.

Chuhe laughed and walked down. What surprised Chuhe even more was that a light was lit up from the moment he stepped on the originally dark stairs.

It's just that the lamp was dug out from the left and right stone walls. Chuhe curiously leaned over to see what kind of fuel was used to make it burn after endless years.

Chuhe went over and didn't see any fuel, but found a miraculous phenomenon, that is, the lamp was carved with some complicated and obscure lines, and the function of these lines was not clear to Chuhe.

However, the aura of heaven and earth can be attracted by these lines and finally gather here. This device can turn the spiritual energy into fuel and ignite it. What's more powerful is that it is still stepping. Every time you step on a step, the step The lights above the steps will come on.

Such a high-end thing, if it hadn't been lived in modern times, Chuhe couldn't believe that the ancients at that time had already researched this way of lighting.

In this way, after endless years, is human beings progressing or regressing?

Chuhe goes all the way down, and the stairs rotate and extend endlessly downward, as if they will never reach the end. Although Chuhe is curious about what's inside, he doesn't have so much time to spend here.

So he took out a round stone from the Four Elephant Tower and let him roll down the stairs. The stone bounced and slid down, and the lights below were also lit. The sound of hitting the steps stopped, only a humming sound was heard, and the stone fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.

Finally at the end, Chuhe heaved a sigh of relief and rushed down quickly.

After a while, I came to the bottom floor, which was empty except for a round stone platform with a size of several tens of feet. From the top of the stone platform, Chu River saw a more mysterious pattern, but the texture on it was the same as the stone on the steps just now. Lights are somewhat similar.

Could it be that this thing is also driven by spiritual power?

Chuhe immediately circulated his spiritual power, and the spiritual power in his body was violent. For a while, due to the surge of spiritual power, the stone lamps on the nearby steps became brighter and brighter, even catching up with the current strong flashlight.

The stone lamp is getting brighter and brighter, but after the pattern below absorbs a huge amount of spiritual power, there is no response. Could it be that I made a mistake?

Or is it that these patterns require special steps to activate, but I don't know.

At this time, Chuhe was a little worried. Many habits of the ancients were different from those of the present. He didn't even know about the special restrictions on opening the slate.

At this moment, Grandmaster Song Ling spoke.

"Master, from my point of view, this should not be a formation that requires aura to be activated, but a formation that is activated by some kind of blood connection. The pattern below should be a blood-drawing groove!"

"Blood introduction tank?" Chu He looked at the stone platform with a radius of tens of feet, and was completely dazzled.

"Just kidding, if such a big stone platform is filled with blood, it won't even drain me dry. How could this be a blood-inducing tank!"

Chuhe shook his head, he couldn't believe it.

But Master Songling said firmly.

"Master, I have done a lot of research on the next formation. Although I can't fully understand what this mysterious pattern is, it is similar to the stone lamp on the steps. It needs a fixed thing to activate it. What the stone lamp needs is spiritual power. .And what this stone platform needs is blood."

"And master, don't look at this pattern with human eyes. You have to know that the original owner of this palace is Empress Nuwa. Empress Nuwa is a big monster. Didn't you see that her figure on the stone carving is similar to that of human beings?" Compared with the human body, the human body is pitifully small."

Speaking of this, Master Myeongdong also started to interject.

"That's right, just like the palace I just came in. Although there is only one floor, it is indeed hundreds of feet high. The ancients didn't like to put on some bells and whistles when building houses like now. They paid more attention to practicality. There is only one explanation for such a tall house. They That's how tall you are!"

Speaking of this, Chuhe had to believe the words of Master Songling.

"According to what you said, Empress Nuwa is several hundred feet tall. If you cut a finger casually, the blood that bleeds out can fill up the blood-absorbing tank."

Because this happened just now, he tried his best to separate Xiang Liu's two heads with the Shensha Chess, but he only broke a layer of skin. Flow into a stream.

And at this moment, Master Songling poured cold water on him again.

"Master, it's useless even if you have enough blood to fill the blood tank, because this kind of blood tank should have extremely high requirements for blood. This is the palace of the Empress Nuwa, and there must be something extremely important below. I want to go in It must be a descendant of Nuwa, or to relax a little bit, a clansman of Empress Nuwa."

"That's the one with a human face and a snake body. I'm afraid this is not suitable for you."

Chapter 598

It is true that Chuhe is not from the Nuwa family, and it is indeed not suitable, but what Master Songling does not know is that Chuhe is the one who has received Cangwu's inheritance, and he has the blood of Emperor Fuxi on his body.

Fuxi is Nuwa's older brother, so this is a free opportunity.

"I think I should try."

Amid the difference between Master Songling and Daoist Mingdong, Chuhe cut his finger, and a drop of hot blood flowed into the blood-introduction tank. Just when the two golden immortals shook their heads, the occult blood tank changed drastically. The drop of blood that dripped in seemed to be boiling inside.

The entire formation began to brighten, and the lines began to become clear. The formation showed signs of activation.

"No? No? How is this possible?"

Master Songling opened his eyes wide in disbelief. To be honest, even in Dongsheng Shenzhou, there are legends about the Nuwa Empress creating human beings, but they are creating human beings, not strangers. Relationship, not to mention blood connection.

Even Master Myeongdong remained calm and didn't know what to say, and he sighed after a long time.

"Could it be that the master is actually a descendant of Nuwa, then you can take the secret treasures here casually, good guy, although I don't know what's in it, but the place of the Nuwa empress must not be ordinary things."

In any case, both of them have become Chuhe's weapon spirits. Seeing that their master is about to get a great opportunity, how can they be unhappy.

The stronger their masters, the greater their chances of surviving in the world. At first they were invincible at the level of a golden fairy, but now they realized how insignificant they were after seeing Xiang Liu, who was still alive at the level of a big Luo golden fairy.

The two were very excited, but Chuhe was worried.

After a drop of blood went down, the big formation below just started to become brighter, and there was no intention of opening it at all.

Although it was determined that this thing was opened with blood as a primer, but as a human race, Chuhe couldn't gather so much blood, so what should he do?

You can't drain all your blood just to activate a formation, it's too nonsense.

People are dead, what inheritance is needed.

"Why don't you just let the master bleed a little every day and wait until the blood tank fills up?"

Master Songling came up with ideas behind his back, but Chuhe didn't agree.

"Your method sounds feasible, but if you look at such a big blood tank, if you really put a little bit of it in a day, and wait until it is full of blood, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey. At that time, the little monk will still be different, and he will probably be eaten by Xiang Liu. Drop it and turn into a papa!"

Chuhe is still worried about the two children, but this is not something Master Songling considers.

"Master, big things don't care about small things. They are just two children. If you lose them, you lose them. As long as you can get Nuwa's inheritance, it will not be easy to clean up that Xiangliu."

Master Myeongdong also quickly persuaded.

"Yeah, in this world of great strife, why are there so many scruples? Although those two children are our disciples, if you want to blame them, you can blame them for their bad luck. At this time, you should increase your strength so that you can go on in the future." farther."

Seeing that Chuhe was unmoved, Master Songling continued to persuade him.

"Master, you are still young and may not have gotten rid of the so-called seven emotions and six desires. As someone who has experienced it, I will tell you that these things are the fetters on the road to success. In this world, the fetters between people are only temporary, and survival is eternal. , as long as you survive, you will eventually become the strongest in the universe."

"At that time, no one will be able to threaten you anymore, and you don't have to worry about the people you care about being threatened. The whole world will follow your wishes. Wouldn't it be happy and carefree?"

Master Songling's words are very contagious. When he was fighting with Chuhe in Dongshengshenzhou, he knew that Chuhe was going to take the Xiaoyao Road. He also understood the Xiaoyao Road.

Although the ultimate goal is the same, Chuhe, his seat, cannot agree with it at all.

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