"The so-called happy life is not what you say. The real happy life is to follow one's heart and be happy with grievances. If you can sacrifice the people around you at will in order to become the supreme existence in the end, then I don't want this kind of happy life!"

When Chuhe said this, the world changed color, and a rule of the road began to bind him imperceptibly, but this feeling was a bit false, but Chuhe was very excited.

For a long time, he has been stuck in the position of a celestial being, not because he has been unable to comprehend Xiaoyao Dao, but now facing desperation, facing the choice of life and death, he chooses to follow his heart, and he has finally won the favor of Dao, that is to say, he is now His insistence is right, as long as he continues to walk on this road, he will definitely be able to prove the Golden Immortal.

Thinking of this, Chu He's expression became extremely excited, Xiang Liu did not lie to me, there is a great fortune here, and I have already comprehended the true meaning of Xiaoyao Dao before I entered the secret room of Nuwa's palace.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but now that the threshold of Xiaoyao Dao has been touched, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a golden immortal.

"If you abandon the little monk and there is no difference, you two don't need to talk anymore. The happy life I want is different from what you think. The free and easy way I want is whether I want to be free and unrestrained. Live happily and open up a pure land of bliss for them."

As soon as Chuhe said this, the invisible rule trembled, and a new chain of rules was being conceived in the depths of Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness.

Master Songling and Master Mingdong stopped saying anything when they saw Chuhe being so decisive. To be honest, they thought it was stupid for Chuhe not to give up on the two children, but they were very moved. , they will have more hope of life, which is what they want most.

"Since the master said that, we won't mention these anymore. Now let's think about how to open this stone platform as soon as possible."

"I think it is better to let the bloodletting slowly, there is really no other way except these."

As a Buddhist vajra arhat, Master Myeongdong doesn't understand the bullshit of these formations, let alone how to adapt them.

Chuhe thought for a long time, and finally came up with a side idea.

"Do you think there is a possibility that this formation does not need to be filled with blood, but only needs to soak every groove with blood. For people in ancient times, they should not be too precise. array."

Chuhe's idea is right, but the idea that the ancients were not very proficient in formations is outrageously wrong.

In that prehistoric era, all kinds of powers displayed supernatural powers, and the formations they created were even more unimaginable. For example, the enchantment that the Chu River broke in, except for the light energy, everything else was blocked. It is this that makes future generations unable to understand.

Chapter 599

"Then try it and see if the master's method is feasible!"

Master Songling was very excited by Chuhe's idea just now. To be honest, this is a shortcut. This large formation may only need to be infiltrated with blood to open it. Since the Nuwa clan is huge in size, it can fill up the blood tank with just a little blood. .

Chuhe stopped talking nonsense, and used spiritual power to guide the blood to flow out, and gathered into a blood cell in the air. When the blood cell became solid, Chuhe waved his hand, and the blood cell began to roll along the blood groove below. It was soaked in blood, the blood groove became extremely bright, and the big formation was also crackling.

"it works!"

Chuhe admired his intelligence a little, and continued to use his supernatural powers, rolling the blood cells along the blood groove. As the blood cells became smaller and smaller, they finally disappeared completely when they reached the end.

The big formation has been completely lit up, and with a click, the huge stone slabs are separated from the left and right, and there is a large space below, with a strong fragrance inside.

"There must be a treasure, I can feel the call of the treasure."

Master Songling was impatient.

Just as Chuhe was about to go down, Master Mingdong stopped him.

"Master, there may be danger below, let the poor monk find the way for you!"

Immortal Myeongdong rushed down without saying a word. A six-petal lotus flower opened in the cave below. The lotus fluttered gently and moved a little. It seems that Immortal Myeongdong was also very careful. A big monster of Liu's level is suppressed. If there is any restriction in it, as a golden fairy, it may be wiped out in an instant, and there is no chance to resist.

Seeing the six-petaled lotus disappear from sight, he could no longer be seen in the huge hole.

"Old bald donkey, what have you seen? Is it safe down here? Is there any baby!"

Master Songling urged him, but he was a bit annoyed because he didn't wait for Master Mingdong's reply.

"Master, let's hurry down too, I'm worried that the old bald donkey will take the opportunity to take the baby away, and we will lose money by then!"

Chuhe shook his head. Logically speaking, Master Mingdong shouldn't have given no reply, and as his own spirit, he signed a master-servant contract with him, so he didn't dare to hide anything from Chuhe. Damn.

Seeing that Chuhe didn't believe it, Master Songling was anxious, he didn't want Master Mingdong to get the inheritance.

"My little master, don't worry if there is any treasure down there that can be used against you. If the old bald donkey gets it, he will go to heaven. Even if he can't get this kind of treasure, don't forget Now, there may be the inheritance of Empress Nuwa here, if he breaks in indiscriminately and obtains the inheritance of Empress Nuwa, then your trip will be in vain!"

What Master Songling said was reasonable, and Chuhe also tried to call Master Mingdong a few times, but Master Mingdong didn't respond at all, which made people suspicious.

And inheritance is really so wonderful, because I have already opened the big formation above, people who go down now will be regarded as people with the blood of Nuwa's family by default, if there is really inheritance, maybe they will really choose Mingdong real person.

"Then let's go down and have a look!"

Chuhe said and jumped down from above.

The cave below is a hundred feet high. It is already deep in the ground. It is reasonable to say that a place where the sun is not visible all day should be extremely cold and cold. However, it is the opposite here. The temperature in the cave is suitable. The further you go down, the more comfortable the temperature is. After landing , Chuhe felt that the floor was warm, as if the floor heating was turned on.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge pool in the cave, which is filled with smoke.

"Good guy, there is also a hot spring."

To be honest, Chuhe really wanted to jump down to take a bath now, but now the business was important. Chuhe looked around and found that the walls of the cave were all stones, and there was nothing strange about it.

Next to the hot spring, there is a huge stone slab made of jade. The slab is covered with herbs and feathers. The Chu River can tell at a glance that this huge slab is a bed.

Unexpectedly, it was a sin to come to the boudoir of Empress Nuwa.

Chuhe clasped his hands together and kept apologizing in his heart. Master Songling only thought about the baby, and had no time to care about these etiquettes. He wandered around in the huge cave.

"Old bald donkey, where have you been? You are quite old, and you are still as naive as a child. You are playing hide-and-seek with us, right? Come out quickly and tell us what treasures you have taken."

It is no wonder that Master Songling was angry, because there should be treasures in this place, but apart from a hot spring pool and a large stone bed, it is actually empty.

Subconsciously, Master Songling thought that Master Mingdong took all the contents inside.

He was very angry, but Master Myeongdong still didn't reply.

"Old bald donkey, have you had enough fun? If you don't come out again, the little master will get angry later and let you go around, grandma, I didn't expect a monk to be so greedy, so many treasures, you eat alone Come on, you are not afraid of dying!"

Master Songling was still cursing, and Chuhe was also a little puzzled. He had a master-servant relationship with Master Mingdong. He could feel that Master Mingdong was in the cave, but he couldn't see it at all.

"Could it be that there is no invisible baby?"

Chuhe was a little puzzled, and walked towards the sensed direction of Master Myeongdong. When he walked between the walls, Chuhe's induction became stronger and stronger, and his feeling told him that Master Myeongdong was inside the wall.

Chu He subconsciously stretched out his hand and pushed, a door suddenly opened where it was only a wall. After the door opened, the first thing that came into view was a stone platform. There was a green stone floating on the stone platform. The green light gives people a strong sense of uneasiness.

Almost immediately, Chuhe thought that this green stone must be what Xiangliu wanted.

He was here to get this, so Chuhe walked forward without thinking too much.

It may be that all the attention was attracted by the green spirit stone on the stone platform. Chuhe didn't find the real Myeongdong hiding behind the stone platform until he walked in. Although he only existed in the form of a soul, Chuhe could see his face panic.

"So you are hiding here, what's going on, you obviously found a green gem, why didn't you take it?"

Chu He opened his mouth to question Master Myeongdong, but Master Myeongdong opened his mouth but couldn't say anything, so he could only shake his head and signal Chu He not to approach.

Chuhe didn't understand what he meant for a while, and was still confused.

Master Songling, who was constantly looking for Mingdong in the cave, suddenly found something abnormal.

He couldn't find Master Mingdong all the time, so he thought that Master Mingdong might be hiding in the hot spring, so he plunged into the hot spring and rummaged in it for a long time. He searched the whole pool but couldn't find Master Mingdong.

Chapter 600 Empress Nuwa Is Alive?

Strangely, he found a very beautiful shell at the bottom of the pool, but the shell was so big that it had a radius of one foot.

This kind of big shell must have lived for many years. Generally, there will be some rare treasures in it, and it may even give birth to spiritual things of heaven and earth. If you find any treasures, give them to the little master in time, and the old bald donkey of Master Mingdong will definitely get them. Baby just hide.

Doesn't this mean that the little master must care more about himself, and his chances of being free in the future will be much greater.

So Master Songling transformed into a form, turned over the huge shell on the ground, thought there would be some treasure inside, but after a closer look, he found that it was not a shell at all, but the armor of some kind of animal?

Recalling the battle with Xiang Liu just now, the armor on his body was similar to the one in front of him. Could it be that there was a big snake inside.

When he arrived here, Master Songling was only skeptical. After all, this kind of thing is too mysterious and impossible to happen.

But when he came out of the pool, he realized that something was wrong. There was a large pool of water stains around the pool. You must know that the floor here is warm, and if there is water on it, it will evaporate quickly. The water was obviously freshly poured in.

When he and the little master came in, they didn't go near this hot spring, could it be that old bald donkey?

As soon as Master Songling had this idea, he shook his head hastily, thinking how could this be possible, the old bald donkey is now a spirit, and he doesn't even have a body to take a bath with, and even if he takes a bath, he can't get out such a big pile of water stains, Thinking of this, his face suddenly changed.

"No, young master, there is something in here!"

His voice was loud, and Chuhe could hear him clearly. He turned his head to look at Master Songling, who hurriedly pointed to the water stains on the ground and said.

"Young master, if I guessed correctly, there is a big snake hidden inside, and he just took a bath and left, wait a moment, I can find his trace along the water stains on the ground."

Master Songling walked all the way along the direction of the water stains, and soon reached the strength, and the strength of the water stains was really the cave where the Chu River is now.

"Little master, run, there is something inside."

Master Songling didn't dare to speak loudly anymore, but just reminded Chuhe in a low voice outside, if such a big snake demon was at the same level as Xiangliu, then the three of them would really be an appetizer.

Chuhe also realized that something was wrong, because just after Master Songling finished speaking, Master Mingdong kept nodding, which proved that there was really something inside.

But there is nothing in the cave, where is the thing?

Could it be hell, Chuhe remembered a novel "Tomb Raiders Notes" he read in the time he lived before. When entering the tomb, a candle should be lit in the northeast corner. The candle will be blown out, and the tomb robber will take nothing at this time and run out in a hurry.

It seems that Chuhe should have encountered such a situation. The other party didn't want him to take away the contents, but he had to get this green spirit stone, otherwise the little monk would die!

"Don't worry about it, Nuwa, let me borrow your gemstone. Anyway, you have passed away, so don't worry about these things, please forgive me!"

While talking, Chuhe stretched out his hand to the gem, thinking that he would run away after getting it, and don't care about Nuwa's inheritance, let alone any treasure. It would be a great sin to offend Nuwa Empress.

However, as soon as his hand touched the spirit stone, he was held down by a strong force. This kind of force has no substance, and Chuhe was even more frightened, thinking that it could not really be a ghost. After a miserable life, he was unwilling to reconcile, so he turned into a wraith and guarded the room.

If that's the case, I will really confess my life!

Fight one last time, get something and run.

So Chuhe stretched out his other hand, wanting to take away the spirit stone, but this time there was no obstruction, Chuhe grabbed the spirit stone smoothly, just when he was secretly happy, a huge snake tail suddenly appeared in front of him, The snake's tail was about ten feet thick, and just shaking it around Chuhe made Chuhe's heart tremble.

Damn, there's actually a big snake here, the kind that looks like Xiangliu's level, the goddamn nine-headed worm, who only said there were gems in it, but didn't say a word about the big snake in it, grandma's Didn't you trick me?

Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!

"Human, why did you break into my cave and steal the demon pill!"

Just when Chuhe was flustered, there was a clear and melodious voice, which was like the sound of heaven, and Chuhe couldn't believe that it would be made by a big snake.

It may be that the other party's voice is too harmless, but Chuhe dares to look up at the other party's appearance.

I saw the huge snake body winding upwards, and suddenly turned into a human body at the end. Her snow-white and smooth skin was like silk and satin. Her body was covered with clothes woven with fairy grass and feathers. A garland of trees, inlaid with inexplicable spirit stones.

What surprised Chuhe even more was her face.

Although her face is tens of feet in size, Chuhe can tell at a glance that she is a peerless beauty, exactly like the Nuwa Empress in the mural.

Could it be that Empress Nuwa is still alive?

This is a shocking melon, and this is a saint-level existence. If Empress Nuwa is still alive, there is no one in this universe who can match her.

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