Seeing Chuhe staring at her blankly, the girl was a little angry and said in a stern tone.

"Human, I'm asking you something, why do you want to trespass on my cave and steal the demon pill?"

Being scolded again by the other party, Chuhe regained consciousness in an instant, and he said hastily.

"Nuwa empress, calm down, I am your admirer. By chance, I broke into the enchantment and was trapped by a big snake. He used my two apprentices to force me to come to you to get a green spirit stone. Those two The children are my disciples, I couldn't bear to see them being eaten by big snakes, so I came here to steal the spirit stones, I hope Empress Nuwa will forgive me."

As soon as Chuhe finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong. Just now, Empress Nuwa called the green spirit stone in front of her a demon pill. Could it be that this **** stone is not a spirit stone at all, but Xiangliu's demon pill.

Thinking of this, Chuhe suddenly understood why that bastard Xiangliu just used his body to trap himself, but did not make any offensive means at all. It is rumored that he is a monster that can spray fire, water, and thunder. At first, Chuhe thought that It was Xiang Liuren who was so heartbroken that he was unwilling to kill himself.

Co-authoring, he has lost the demon pill, unable to display supernatural powers, and can only use his body to deal with himself.

If I had known it would have been better to push his body away with the Ruyi golden cudgel and run away, you fucking big snake, you really are nothing.

Chapter 601 The Descendants of Nuwa

"The big snake you mentioned is Xiangliu. He's lying to you. It's not a spirit stone at all, but her demon pill. He's a bad person. He likes to eat people. My mother doesn't want him to cause harm to the world, so I can't help it." Take out his demon pill and suppress it here."

"You can't give him the demon pill!"

The peerless beauty spoke again, her voice still melodious, but Chuhe was stunned by her words.

First of all, this huge monster with a human body and snake tail is not Nuwa, but a descendant of Nuwa. Could it be the same as Zhao Ling'er in Legend of Sword and Fairy.

And she seems to be very similar to Liu Yifei, but she has a more beautiful outline and more aura than Liu Yifei.

The second is whether this descendant of Nuwa is too simple and kind, but she is trespassing, so it is fine if she is not angry, and she is still reasoning with herself.

Isn't she worried that he lied to her?

"It turns out that you are a descendant of Empress Nuwa. I didn't expect you to survive the Lich War. It's really great."

Chuhe is telling the truth. After all, as the creation god of mankind, Nuwa will definitely be admired by the human race. In addition, she died too tragically. It is a very good thing that future generations can survive.

Chuhe was very excited, but when the descendants of Nuwa heard about the war, it aroused her sadness, and she was a little teary-eyed.

"In order to protect me, my mother has kept me hiding here and refused to let me go out. Now I don't know what it's like outside, and that Xiangliu sent someone to me to get demon pills. It's too much !"

Nuwa's descendants clenched their fists and looked angry, making people really not afraid of her.

At first Chuhe thought that only small things could be cute and cute, but after seeing Nuwa's descendants, he realized for the first time that cuteness and cuteness have nothing to do with height.

"Then can you help me clean up Xiangliu and save my two relatives!"

Chuhe seemed to see hope. If Nuwa's descendants made a move, Xiangliu would be wiped out just by raising his hand. By then, the little monk would be safe with Mo Bubu, and Xiangliu wouldn't even want to get the demon pill.

But what the descendants of Nuwa said next disappointed him.

"I'm sorry, I also want to help you teach that big villain a lesson, but I can't beat him at all."

Nuwa's descendants felt a little wronged, and even apologized to Chuhe.

"What, you can't beat him? Isn't this unscientific?"

Chuhe really didn't believe that Nuwa Empress existed like a fairy, how could her descendants be so unbearable, they couldn't even beat a Xiangliu who didn't have a demon pill.

Seems to have been poked into something, the descendants of Nuwa said a little embarrassed.

"Because my mother left early, he hasn't awakened his blood, so he can't beat that bad snake. But fortunately, my mother imprisoned him in a narrow area with a formation, so that he can't escape to do evil, so I can only be responsible. Maintain the formation every once in a while so that he can't escape."


Chuhe was really speechless. He thought that the descendants of Nuwa could kill Xiangliu, but he turned out to be an incompetent idiot. After countless years, he still couldn't awaken his blood.

"the stupid one is you!"

Chuhe just thought about it in his heart, and his thoughts were known by Nuwa's descendants. Chuhe secretly exclaimed that it was not good. Could it be said that big snakes have the talent of insight into people's hearts?

"I'm sorry about that, I have no other meaning, I just... regret that you failed to awaken your bloodline, no other meaning."

Chuhe himself couldn't think of a reason to make it up, but it was such a reason that Nuwa's descendants believed it.

"I forgive you, but you still can't take away the spirit stone. Although your two relatives are very pitiful, if you want to release that big villain, you don't know how many people will die."

"That's right, little master, the descendants of Nuwa are right. Sometimes what should be discarded should be discarded. For the sake of two useless dolls, do you really want to make trouble with Xiangliu?"

"Besides, Xiang Liu took them as hostages. He just hoped that you could bring him back the demon pill. Before you get the demon pill, the two of them will be safe."

Chuhe frowned, obviously unhappy.

"I've already said that I must save the two of them. If I can't even protect the people I care about, then how can I go further and become a golden immortal?"

Chuhe has no choice, the rules of the avenue have begun to take root in his heart, if he retreats at this time, I'm sorry, the heart of the avenue will be broken, and the rules of the avenue will wither, and he can no longer go any further.

It can be seen that Chuhe really cares about the two relatives, and Nuwa's descendants are also a little worried. She rests her chin on one hand and frowns as if she is thinking of a good way.

After an unknown amount of time, her frowning brows suddenly lit up, and she said excitedly.

"Why don't you go to my mother's bedroom. Since you can enter here, it proves that you have the blood of our people. Maybe you can get some inheritance in my mother's bedroom. That big snake is most afraid of my mother. Maybe you We can find a way to deal with him.”

It's really selfless, this descendant of Nuwa is too simple, no matter whether Chuhe is a bad person or not, he tells Chuhe such an important secret.

"Thank you so much for that!"

Seeing that Chuhe was still stunned by the silly girl, it was useless for Master Songling to wink at him, so he had no choice but to take the initiative to thank the descendants of Nuwa.

"Then what, since it's all a misunderstanding, can you ask Nuwa's descendants to show their respect and let me go!"

Master Mingdong thought he was dead. When he first entered this underground cave, he was attracted by this demon pill at the first sight. He wanted to take it back to claim credit in front of the little master, but he didn't expect that he would be killed by Queen Nuwa as soon as he entered the door. The person caught him straight, and after seeing her huge body, Master Mingdong's heart died at that moment.

I didn't expect that the descendants of Nuwa were such a simple girl, and they resolved the misunderstanding with a few words. If I had known that I would have said something at the time, I would just beg her to let me go.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just worried that your voice would disturb the other two thieves. That's why I restrained your voice. Don't be angry."

Good guy, Chuhe is still regarded as a thief. Although he is a little unhappy, the descendants of Nuwa are right, he was a thief in the first place.

Daoist Mingdong dare not be angry. Although Nuwa's descendants have not awakened blood, they only used one move to catch him at the Jinxian level, and she will not escape at all. Her strength is at least the peak of Jinxian, and it is even possible. It is also the Da Luo Jinxian.

He is a little golden fairy, how dare he be angry with the big Luo golden fairy, he thinks his life is too long!

"Shangxian, you are being polite. I made mistakes first, and I should be punished by you."

Chapter 602 The inheritance is better for you

After some conversation, the three of them more or less lost their respect for Nuwa's descendants, just like Chuhe, and began to ask some questions unscrupulously.

"Dare to ask the descendants of Nuwa, have you always used this form to move around? Can you become a human?"

It is too inconvenient to have to raise your head when speaking. For those big monsters who can transform into human form, Chuhe also wonders whether Nuwa's descendants can also transform into human form, but the human race was created by Nuwa. For creators, it is rude to let them become the human beings they created.

"no problem!"

I just didn't expect that Nuwa's descendants didn't mind at all. She murmured at the corners of her mouth, as if she was reciting some spell, and then her figure was shrinking rapidly, and her snake tail was also changing, separating from the middle to become two. A white and slender jade leg.

Her figure finally stopped when it shrank to half a head slightly above Chuhe.

After becoming smaller, the descendants of Nuwa unconsciously turned around in front of Chuhe's eyes and said to themselves.

"I like playing with humans since I was a child. They are kind, united, and fun. It's just that I was too big at the time, and it would lead to tragedy if I was not careful. Later, my mother taught me a set of formulas, and I can transform into a human being." Playing with them like a class."

The descendants of Nuwa spoke happily, but at the end they became a little sad.

"It's a pity that the remaining humans here died because they couldn't reproduce. No one played with me anymore, and I haven't become a human for a long time."

The emotions of Nuwa's descendants changed quickly, but Chuhe didn't listen to what she said at all.

Because the one in front of her is so beautiful that Chuhe couldn't move her eyes away. Her frown and smile melted Chuhe's heart, and her frown touched Chuhe's heart.

Master Songling's eyes are straight at a very old age. Even Daoist Mingdong, who is not close to women, has already seen the world of mortals at his level of practice. Emptiness is form, and form is emptiness.

However, he still stared blankly at the descendants of Nuwa, as if opening his eyes an inch would be a blasphemy to her beauty.

Rao is a descendant of Nuwa who is pure in mind, but being stared at by three big men made her face flush.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?"

Chuhe shook his head.

"You do have something on your face."

The descendant of Nuwa, who always liked cleanliness, took a step back in surprise, trying to wipe off the dirt on her face, but she touched her face with her palm but found nothing.

"You're lying to me, what's on my face?"

The descendants of Nuwa were a little annoyed, being played by this kid in front of them!

However, Chuhe said seriously.

"Your face has a beauty that fascinates me."


Because she has been in contact with human beings for a period of time, Nuwa's descendants have some understanding of the love words that humans only see. She has never heard others say that to her, so she can't help being a little flustered.

But she can feel Chuhe's emotions, and he doesn't seem to be lying.

"Am I really that pretty?"

Unconsciously, the descendants of the queen became shy. Master Mingdong and Master Songling could only secretly raise their thumbs, thinking that the little master is so powerful that he is so good at flirting with girls.

"It's not just good-looking. Your beauty hits my heart directly. My love for you seems to be engraved in my DNA. After countless years of inheritance, it is still awakened by you."

Chuhe praised again, which made Nuwa's descendants very embarrassed. She looked at Chuhe shyly and asked curiously.

"What is DNA?"

"It's heredity. It must be that my ancestors admired you so much that that kind of admiration was deeply imprinted in his bones, engraved into his blood, and passed down from generation to generation."

Chuhe still spoke in a serious manner, blushing directly at what Nuwa's descendants said. Her level is too low to be Chuhe's opponent at all.

This can't be blamed on her, after all, shortly after she was born, she encountered a Lich war, and all the clansmen were killed and injured, leaving her alone.

Although there were human beings accompanying her in the early stage, how dare the human beings at that time be tempted by her, even if they liked her, they could only bury it in their hearts.

So much so that Nuwa's descendants lived for endless years, and no one said a word of love to her.

How can there be a girl who doesn't have a spring, and Yaozu is famous for daring to love and hate.

Chuhe's three or two words made the hearts of the descendants of Nuwa flutter, and an unknown emotion rose in his heart.

In order to alleviate this feeling, Nuwa's descendants hastily changed the subject.

"Aren't you going to save your apprentice? You should go to my mother's palace as soon as possible to see if you can accept her inheritance."

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