Chuhe was a little disappointed. He clearly felt that the descendants of Nuwa had moved their hearts, but it was somewhat disappointing to say such a sentence at this time.

"Shouldn't you be the one to accept inheritance? As a descendant of Empress Nuwa, why did you leave the inheritance to me?"

"Besides, it's not that you haven't awakened your bloodline yet. You might be able to awaken your bloodline by accepting your mother's inheritance. By then, you will become even stronger. You don't have to worry about whether Xiangliu will escape. He can get rid of it."

When Chuhe was talking, Master Songling kept shaking his head, thinking that even if the hero is sad and beautiful, you can't do this, it is the inheritance of the Nuwa Empress, and you are willing to shirk it, this kid really If you want a woman, you don't want to die.

Master Myeongdong is also in a hurry, thinking that it’s okay for you to shirk it, why should you say things so clearly, the descendants of Nuwa are simple, if they don’t know that the blood may be awakened after inheriting the inheritance, you are like this Remind her, she already knows everything, so how can she say that the inheritance is handed over to you.

She's still young, if the descendants of Nvwa can get one step closer to inheriting her strength, the monks who will chase her by virtue of her appearance may not be out of the blue.

Moreover, the little girl is so innocent, she can easily be deceived by men.

Although Chuhe's appearance is indeed handsome, for countless monks, there are many people who are better looking than him, and there are countless people who are better at speaking and coaxing girls than him.

Boy, you have no chance!

Inheritance can't be let down, and if you get the inheritance, you can go one step further and let the little girl rely on you, so you have a chance.

Master Myeongdong and Master Songling both had a resentment of hating iron but not steel.

Chuhe didn't mind at all, because he would definitely think that inheritance was the most important thing when it was another time, but this time, he really didn't want to compete with Nuwa's descendants.

This little girl is too innocent and kind, if she has no strength, she will definitely be deceived.

Chapter 603 Colorful Lingshi

"What are you talking about? The queen mother loves me so much, she has already given me what should be given to me, and those things that don't belong to me, I can't get them if I want them.

The queen mother once told me that our family will not perish just like this. He calculated that there will be a person in the future who can inherit her will, lead the monsters to re-control the order of the world, and protect the safety of the human race. Since you have the blood of my family, maybe you are The predestined one waiting for my mother. "

Nuwa's descendants blinked their beautiful eyelashes, and Chu He didn't shirk after hearing this.

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and hope to become the predestined person Nuwa Empress is waiting for."

"Then I'll take you in."

As soon as the descendants of Nuwa waved their hands, a door suddenly opened on the originally empty stone wall. The door only opened a gap, and colorful lights shot out from inside.

Just looking at this light full of aura, Master Mingdong and Master Songling's saliva flowed out.

Especially Master Songling, who has been practicing in closed doors for a long time, thinking to go further with his own comprehension, but he has only been in contact with Chuhe for less than a month, and he has already discovered a fact that he has to admit.

That is, if you squat at home, no good things will hit your head. If you want to get good opportunities, you must learn to go out more. Only by going out more can you get more opportunities.

As the gate slowly opened, the colorful light became more dazzling. Chuhe looked around and saw that the colorful light was a colorful spirit stone.

The colorful spirit stones are suspended in mid-air, automatically spinning in the air without wind.

"Nuwa's seven-colored divine stone that mends the sky!"

Master Songling was the first to express his amazement. He was trembling with excitement.

"This is a legendary treasure. It is said that it is the hardest thing in the entire universe. Otherwise, Empress Nuwa would not use it to mend the sky. Refining the seven-colored god stone into a weapon is the hardest weapon in the world. Any spirit treasure It is impossible to break through its defenses."

Hearing what Master Songling said, Chuhe was also a little excited. When he came to the seven-colored stone, the gorgeous light reflected his face into a colorful shape, and his eyes couldn't hide the look of longing.

Chuhe stretched out his hand, wanting to take it, but was directly stopped by Nuwa's descendants.

Chuhe thought it was because she refused to let him take it, so he was somewhat discouraged.

"This is a spirit stone conceived by heaven and earth. You can't touch it if you want. You have to use your blood as a primer. If it can feel your attraction, it will actively follow you."

"Then why don't you do it?"

Chuhe first asked the descendants of Nuwa, and the descendants of Nuwa said with a bitter face.

"For so many years, I have been nourishing it with my blood. The reason why it is not so violent is because I am here. It may feel kind, but for so many years, although it has accepted my blood, it has never recognized me. , if you have the ability to make it agree with you, then you can take it away!"

It turned out to be the reason. Fortunately, the descendants of Nuwa persuaded him, otherwise Chuhe would take the initiative to reach out, and would be regarded as hostile by the colorful spirit stones, and he probably would never like him again.

If that's the case, wouldn't this seven-colored god stone give birth to wisdom, and it wouldn't be reborn as the second Monkey King!

If you can let Sun Wukong be your subordinate, just think about it.

Chuhe couldn't wait to get the colorful spirit stone.

"Then let me try!"

No more words, Chuhe stretched out his hand directly, the blood slipped from his fingers, strung together into a silk thread and wound towards the colorful spirit stone, when the colorful spirit stone touched Chuhe's blood, it shone brightly, and it seemed that it was wrapped in a big hostility.

Moreover, the stunning light was like a stone, piercing Chuhe's palm directly, and a large stream of blood gushed out.

Nuwa's descendants didn't expect Lingshi's reaction to be so strong, and they hurriedly tried to appease Lingshi's emotions. At this time, Chuhe waved his hand and said.

"Don't interfere, I am confident to subdue it."

As Chu He spoke, he sacrificed the Four Elephant Pagoda and hung it above the heads of Nuwa's descendants. The Linglong Pagoda rotated rapidly, like a mirror, separating all the light from the Lingshi.

Seeing the usefulness of the Four Elephant Pagoda, Immortal Mingdong and Master Songling muttered in their hearts about Chuhe's behavior of emphasizing sex over friends, and they all returned to the Lingbao. The six-petal lotus and Taiyi fairy gourd all flew into the female Seeking refuge in the hands of the descendants of Wa.

Chuhe is going crazy, two old bastards, I haven't had time to hold hands with the little girl yet, you will take the first step when the time comes, you are really shameless.

But Chuhe didn't have time to worry about this problem.

Just when he was trying to touch the spirit stone with blood, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This is your creation, take it!"

This voice is also clear and charming, very similar to the descendants of Nuwa, this should be the remaining will of the empress Nuwa guiding him.

Chuhe was a little flattered. First, he got the inheritance of the Great God Fuxi, and then he got the approval of Empress Nuwa. It seems that he is destined to walk on the path that they did not compete for.

Since Empress Nuwa asked herself to take it down, it was impossible to harm herself, and Chuhe also began to use all her skills.

The arm was pierced, and more blood flowed out. Chuhe ignored the pain, and condensed the blood into a thread again, which cooperated with the strand just now and entangled towards the colorful spirit stone.

This time, as soon as the blood came into contact with the seven-colored spirit stone, its riot became more intense. Endless rays of light burst out, and everything touched by the rays of light was instantly pierced.

Just a few scattered rays of light swept across, and there were three more blood holes on Chuhe's body, and Chuhe himself spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Nuwa's descendants stayed in the Four Elephant Pagoda, watching all this nervously. Although she had not seen Chuhe for a long time, she always felt an inexplicable distress when she saw Chuhe injured somehow.

She wanted to go up to help, but Master Songling stopped her.

"Shangxian, when you first came into contact with the spirit stone, did it react so strongly?"

Nuwa's descendants hurriedly shook their heads.

"No, when I first came into contact with it, it was like a frightened rabbit. When it saw me, it just avoided me from a distance. After a long time, it was willing to let me approach, that is, not long ago, it was finally willing to let me go. I touch."

"But it has never had such a big reaction. If this continues, your little master will die."

The queen's descendants looked ahead nervously, a little worried that Chuhe would die here.

On the contrary, it was Master Song Ling who laughed out loud after hearing what she said.

"It's different this time. The spirit stone didn't choose to escape when it came into contact with the little master's blood. That means it doesn't actually reject the little master. On the contrary, it should still appreciate him."

When Master Songling said this, the pure little heads of the descendants of Nuwa completely couldn't figure it out.

Chapter 604 Subduing the Colorful Spirit Stone

"What do you mean by that? Since the colorful spirit stone likes your little master very much, why does it still hurt him?"

Faced with the incomprehensible expressions of Nuwa's descendants, Master Songling patiently explained.

"This is a kind of mutual recognition. After all, the Seven-Colored God Stone is a legendary spiritual object of heaven and earth, and it has already given birth to spiritual wisdom, so it is naturally very proud."

"It's impossible for someone to give it to the master casually. In this case, the master may not cherish the ease of getting it."

"Moreover, it also needs to test whether the little master is qualified to be the person it recognizes. After all, the master's cultivation is too low. Seven-colored spirit stones are things that only ancient sages can use. It really became a joke!"

The descendants of Nuwa nodded and fell into deep thought.

But her focus was on something else.

"You mean, if a man gets what he likes too easily, he won't cherish it?"

When the descendants of Nuwa spoke, their eyes kept staring at the Chu River, and the waves of light flowed, obviously with ulterior motives. Master Songling focused all his attention on the seven-colored god stone, and did not notice the change in the expressions of the descendants of Nuwa.

Just casually said.


"Then will your master do the same, won't cherish it if you get it easily?"

The tone of Nuwa's descendants had changed, she was very disappointed, but Master Songling still didn't hear it.

"Let's not talk about my master, even a man will do this. This is an axiom. It doesn't matter if it's a man or any creature."


Nuwa's descendant nodded, as if she really understood. She swore in her heart not to be too intimate with Chuhe, and let him know that she is easy to get.

All Chuhe's mind was fighting against the light emitted by the colorful spirit stones, and he didn't notice what happened behind him at all. If he knew that Master Songling had invisibly increased the difficulty of chasing the goddess to an unacceptable level.

Chuhe probably vomits blood, although he is vomiting blood now.

When he came in, he had consumed a lot of blood, and now his body was covered with injuries, and now his consciousness was a little blurred due to the excessive blood loss.

However, with the continuous outflow of blood to join the battlefield, Chuhe has somewhat grasped the situation and is no longer as passive as it was at the beginning.

After a fight with Lingshi, Chuhe roughly understood what Master Songling said was right. Lingshi was really testing his ability to see if he was qualified to be its master.

However, there is another situation that Master Songling did not expect. The seven-colored god stone kept attacking Chuhe, and the wounds made on him were not to kill Chuhe, but to absorb more and faster blood from Chuhe.

Chuhe is already a celestial being, his blood is more than ordinary people's, and his strong hematopoietic ability can also continuously replenish him with fresh blood.

However, the colorful spirit stone is like a bottomless pit, which cannot satisfy its desire at all.

Chuhe is now losing more than one liter of blood every second, and the spirit stone is only one meter square. Logically speaking, it can absorb enough blood to fill its size several times, so why does it refuse to stop at all.

And with more and more wounds on Chuhe's body, the speed of blood loss is far greater than his hematopoietic speed. If this continues, Chuhe will be sucked dry by colorful spirit stones in a short time.

At that time, instead of conquering the colorful spirit stone, he was conquered by the colorful spirit stone. Would he still have to recognize a master for himself in the future?

Thinking of this, Chuhe was not reconciled, and he was no longer polite to the seven-colored spirit stone, and directly sacrificed the Shensha flag, and two large flags roared out, flying towards the top of the spirit stone.

It may be that they sensed the danger of the Chu River, and as soon as they came out, they exerted their full power. A terrifying coercion descended from above, and an unprecedentedly powerful pressure began to form around the Shensha Banner.

Under such a strong pressure, Chuhe's blood has been coagulated, crushed into flakes and flying.

The colorful spirit stone also seemed to feel the huge pressure. Instead of absorbing Chuhe's blood with all its strength, it split part of the light to deal with Shenshaqi.

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