However, the most powerful thing about the Seven-color God Stone is its own hardness. The light it emits looks very bluffing, and it is like scratching an itch for the Shensha Banner. Work, that is the existence of saint level.

No matter how powerful the colorful stone is, it is impossible to fight against the saint.

No matter how unwilling it is, it can only be suppressed by the Shensha Banner, and can only resist in embarrassment.

"What kind of chess piece is this? It's amazing!"

Nuwa's descendants did not expect that after Chuhe took out the two flags, he would bring back the original disadvantaged situation. At first, she was very happy, but when she thought that she couldn't show it too clearly, she had to pretend to be calm and praise.

Chuhe has now stabilized the situation and has time to answer the goddess' question, but this question is too sensitive for him to answer right now.

You must know that the Shensha Banner is a relic of the Great Witch Gonggong, and the witch clan and the Yaozu are deadly enemies. Maybe there is a shadow of Gonggong in the final battle that strangled the Nuwa Empress.

If she knew that her weapon was what she used to kill her mother and her enemies, she would definitely be very sad.

"This is what I picked up in a ruin by accident. I thought it was very powerful, so I kept it with me at all times. I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

After Chuhe said this, he regretted it. He forgot one thing, that is, Nuwa's descendants can see through his thoughts just like Xiangliu. Didn't she know everything he was thinking just now?

It was fine if she knew about it, and he had lied to her. For a while, Chuhe felt a sense of guilt. Even the joy of conquering the colorful spirit stone could not offset this feeling of guilt.

"So that's how it is, that's really great!"

Chuhe didn't dare to turn his head back, but listening to the tone of Nuwa's descendants, he could feel that she didn't realize his thoughts.

In fact, what Chuhe didn't know was that although Nuwa's descendants could see that his thoughts were not supernatural powers, but a talent inherited from Nuwa, but this talent was not as powerful as Xiangliu's. Even the past that that person experienced can be seen through.

Nuwa's descendants want to see through Chuhe's mind, there is a prerequisite, that is, the two people look at each other, eyes are the windows of the soul, Nuwa's descendants can feel what Chuhe is thinking through their eyes.

This is the unique talent of the Creator for his own creations, which he cannot envy.

Seeing that Nuwa's descendants did not see through his thoughts, Chuhe secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"This colorful spirit stone has been subdued by me, and it will be a matter of time before he accepts me."

Chapter 605 Human race is the strongest race?

Now the situation is favorable to Chuhe, but Lingshi did not give up resistance and is still struggling.

This is like boiling an eagle, the two sides stare at each other, whoever can't keep his eyes closed first will lose.

Compared with willpower, Chuhe is not convinced by anyone, isn't it just to boil the eagle, the young master will play with you to the end.

Chuhe first cut off the blood connection, because he found that Lingshi could use his blood donation as fuel to fight against himself, and if he continued to let him drink his own blood, he would be supporting the enemy.

He wouldn't keep doing such stupid things.

Without the support of blood, it would be even more difficult for the Lingshi to deal with the suppression of the Shensha Banner. I don’t know how long it took, but the colorful Lingshi, which had been struggling to resist, finally stopped moving. It may have consumed too much spiritual power, and it even floated. The empty ones can't do it, and they fall straight down.

Although Chuhe knew that it was the hardest substance in the world, he still felt distressed that the colorful spirit stone would be bumped after falling, so he hurriedly picked it up with his hands.

Unexpectedly, the colorful spirit stone was not only hard, but also very sharp. When he accidentally rubbed one of the rough edges, Chuhe's hand was easily slipped away by the spirit stone like tofu.

A lot of blood gushed out and was absorbed by the colorful spirit stone. Chuhe was worried that the colorful spirit stone would continue to resist after getting his own blood, but this time he was wrong.

The seven-colored spirit stone lay quietly in Chuhe's hand, and there was no more movement.

It's like being on the high-speed Chuhe River, but you're the best, I'm really convinced.

Nuwa's descendants really did not expect that Chuhe would be able to subdue the colorful spirit stone so quickly.

"As expected, you are the predestined person that the queen mother said. In this way, there is hope for the revival of our family!"

Nuwa's descendants couldn't hide the excitement in their hearts, and they couldn't help but rushed towards the Chu River. The colorful spirit stones tactfully penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Chu River, and just like this, the beauty slipped into her arms, smelling the fragrance from her hair. Chuhe was a little confused by the scent of fragrant grass.

However, Chuhe couldn't guarantee to give her a satisfactory answer. To revive an ethnic group, at least a certain number of clansmen was required.

Now she is the only one left in the Nuwa family, how can she talk about revival.

And even if Chuhe helps reproduce offspring, as a human race, whether the child he gives birth to is a human race or a monster race, it is considered a monster race.

Even if the two of them are making villains day and night, it is impossible to succeed in the great cause of restoring the tribe.

Because it is impossible for Chuhe to accept and let his children marry close relatives.

"I can't guarantee that I can help you revive the tribe, but I can assure you that I will definitely protect you in the future and will not let anyone hurt you."

What Chuhe said was the truth, not because of the lust, but because of the inheritance, plus the appreciation of Nuwa Empress, Chuhe can't repay this kindness alone.

Taking care of the descendants of their clan is something that must be done.

Besides, even if it's just for sex, so what, a fair lady and a gentleman are so good, as long as I treat her well in the future, it's better than her staying alone in this boring temple with no one to talk to.

Seeing that the two of them actually started to fall in love with each other, Master Song Ling coughed a few times at the side.

"Little master, don't forget about the business. You just recovered the seven-colored spirit stone, and you haven't got the inheritance of Empress Nuwa yet."

Sure enough, for a strong Jinxian who has lived for tens of thousands of years, the only way to see is to make their strength grow by leaps and bounds. Compared with Nuwa's descendants, they care more about Nuwa's inheritance.

Because of Master Songling's reminder, Nuwa's descendants seem to realize that she has too close a relationship with Chuhe, and they just swore not to let Chuhe get her heart too easily.

Nuwa's descendants pushed Chuhe away in desperation, then raised her face, pretending to be a cold beauty and said.

"Yes, you haven't obtained the inheritance of the queen mother, so you should go and see if the queen mother can recognize you."

Chuhe was pushed to the front by her. Because there was a colorful spirit stone at the door, its light was too shining, which attracted Chuhe's attention all the time. It was only after the spirit stone was subdued by herself that Chuhe really started to observe. To the bedroom where the Empress Nuwa lived

The sleeping palace is very large, but the layout is similar to the boudoir where the descendants of Nuwa lived. There is also a pool inside, but the pool is so small that it cannot accommodate the body of a mortal. Even the jade bed covered with vanilla and feathers is infinitely smaller. size of.

It is enough to prove that Empress Nuwa should always live here as a human being. It seems that she not only likes the human race, but also wants to become a human race.

In addition to the hot springs and the jade bed, there are many caves in the surrounding walls of the Nuwa Empress' bedroom, where all kinds of treasures are placed.

There are huge night pearls, jade stones that look like rabbits, and the feathers of some beautiful spirit birds. The bottom one was some crude pottery. If Chuhe guessed correctly, it should be made by humans for her. , although compared to those treasures, the pottery is very ugly, but it is still collected by the empress Nuwa as a treasure.

Immortal Mingdong glanced over and found that there was not a single decent weapon, so he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

On the contrary, Chuhe can understand that everyone has a love for beauty. It stands to reason that Empress Nuwa, as a monster, should not care about these things, but her bedroom is decorated like a human beauty girl. It is enough to prove that Empress Nuwa wants to treat herself more like a human being in private.

But thinking of this, Chuhe has a question. Since Empress Nuwa created humans, she must not have known that there was a species of human race in advance.

And in that era, there were basically no things that walked independently with two feet. How could she think of separating two feet for human beings to make them stand up?

Thinking of this, Chuhe looked at the descendants of Nuwa beside him.

The descendants of Nuwa could see his thoughts through his eyes and shook their heads hastily.

"I don't know about this matter, but I seem to have heard from my mother that she is a human being recreated in the image of the Great Arctic God that I admire in my heart."

"God of the North Pole, shouldn't it be the North Star?"

This is a shocking thing. The thing Nuwa worshiped was a human, or a god in the shape of a human. This seems unlikely. Could it be that the human race is the highest race in this incident?

Even an existence like the Nuwa Empress has to be worshiped, but before the ancient times, why have I never heard of such a powerful human race?

Chuhe's heart churns for a while, some things he really can't understand, but as a human race, after so many years of development, it has been proved that only the human race is the most suitable for cultivation, and the human race has the sea of ​​consciousness and the divine palace.

Consciousness of the sea can enhance the power of the mind and greatly improve your ability to understand the way of heaven. The shrine can accommodate all kinds of spiritual power, and the method can greatly promote your cultivation.

Chapter 606 Spirit Stones Will Change?

These are things that neither the Yaozu nor the Wuzu have. Don't underestimate these two things.How long did it take for Nuwa to create talents, the monster race and the witch race all fell, and finally the human race unified the world and opened the age of mythology.

Since then, although there have been some great monsters, there is no other race that can completely crush the human race, and the human race has always stood at the peak.

Moreover, these human races were only created by Nuwa, and what a powerful existence the real "god man" himself, who was raised by Nuwa Empress, must be!

Thinking of this, Chuhe didn't dare to think about it anymore. A Nuwa's palace had brought him too much shock. If these vaguely revealed information were spread, it would probably cause huge confusion.

"Little master, what's the matter with you, why do you look so ugly? It doesn't matter if you don't have a magic weapon, and you still have Nuwa's inheritance."

Master Songling went around but didn't find any decent treasures, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Seeing Chuhe's sadness, he thought that he was thinking the same as himself, because he was distressed by the magic treasure that had no benefits.

Chuhe doesn't have such a narrow mind.

"Don't you know that the monster race and the witch race in ancient times liked to fight with their bodies, and even magic weapons were just auxiliary tools. They would not be opportunistic like humans, and invented many powerful magic weapons, some of which even Can deflate opponents who are much stronger than themselves."

For example, Taiyi Immortal Gourd, this kind of thing, as long as the owner holding the gourd calls out your name, if you dare to promise, a heavenly immortal may counterattack and kill Jinxian.

Moreover, this trick has a miraculous effect on both the Monkey King and Li Zhi. Even Li Zhi is not as powerful as the Monkey King, so he doesn't even have a chance to counterattack. Refined inside.

After being taught a lesson, Master Songling didn't dare to talk back, so he could only listen obediently.

The descendants of Nuwa couldn't help being a little funny when they saw an old man who was much older than Chuhe, who was reprimanded by Chuhe for not daring to speak.

"Chuhe, in fact, what you said is right, but our monster clan doesn't have any decent magic weapons, but it doesn't mean that our monster clan won't use external force to deal with the enemy. We like to use formations, all kinds of formations, just It's like a trap, if you accidentally fall into it, you will be miserable, our monster race is not as stupid as you say, we can only use brute force!"

Chuhe had just taught Master Songling a lesson, and then was taught a lesson by the goddess. He could only smile wryly and could not refute.

"Since Shangxian already knows my name, can Shangxian tell me what to call me?"

As soon as the name was mentioned, the expressions of Nuwa's descendants suddenly dimmed. Chuhe thought that he must have accidentally brought up her sadness, and his stinky mouth was really damned.

"Our clansmen will only be given names by our parents when we become adults. When my mother died, I was still young, so I don't have a name until now."

"If you want to get the inheritance of the queen mother, you can also give me a name."

"Then what are you waiting for, where is the inheritance!"

Chuhe can't wait to name Nuwa's descendants. Should he name her Wife or Daughter-in-law?

Just when Chuhe was struggling, Nuwa's descendants saw through his thoughts, and her heart was straight. She didn't really understand what modern people call "wife" and "daughter-in-law". But the emotions expressed in Chuhe's eyes, It should mean that.

"The inheritance is in this room, you need to find it yourself."

"I'm looking for it?"

Chuhe looked around, but he didn't find anything strange at all. The thing of inheritance is so mysterious and mysterious. If it doesn't recognize you, you won't even try to find it in your life.

Having seen Chuhe's embarrassment, the descendants of Nuwa comforted him.

"Since you have been approved by the Seven-Colored God Stone, I believe you will be approved by the Queen Mother."

That is to say, but Chuhe is still beating drums in his heart, but in front of the goddess, naturally he can't show lack of confidence, which is a very deductive point.

Now that it has been approved by the colorful spirit stones, the spirit stones that Nuwa Empress kept close to her should be very clear about the inheritance.

Chuhe released colorful spirit stones and asked.

"Lingshi, tell me where the legacy of Empress Nuwa is!"

Originally, Chuhe was just testing it out and had no hope at all. Unexpectedly, the colorful spirit stone actually reacted. It changed its shape and turned into a letter bird and flew forward.

I don't know if it's Chuhe, but even Nuwa's descendants are stunned. She never knew that the seven-colored spirit stone could transform.

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