Nuwa's descendants didn't know, and Chuhe didn't even know. He thought it was a normal thing. After all, it was a spirit stone brewed by heaven and earth. So what if he knew how to transform himself, after all, Sun Wukong also knew how to 72 changing.

Chuhe didn't take it seriously, and watched the letter bird transformed from colorful spirit stones circle around Nuwa's bedroom, and then flew out of the palace.

Originally, Chuhe thought that this colorful spirit stone could really help him find Nuwa's inheritance, but this thing flew towards the outside of the hall. In Chuhe's eyes, it seemed that it was taking the opportunity to escape.

"Okay, you colorful spirit stone, you're playing this game with me, right? Do you think you can escape?"

Chuhe chased after him without saying a word, and walked out of the bedroom of Empress Nuwa, which is the boudoir of the descendants of Nuwa. Xinniao just stayed in the boudoir for a while, then spread its wings and continued to fly towards the one above.

"Little master, this is an extremely rare heaven and earth spirit treasure, don't let it get away!"

Master Songling hurriedly urged, and Chuhe also hurriedly chased after him. He didn't get any good treasures when he came here, and the only seven-colored spirit stone had to run away, so what happened to the crime he just suffered?

Miraculously, Xinniao seemed to be playing tricks on them. Chuhe tried his best to catch up. Every time his speed increased, Xinniao's speed also increased, and every time his speed slowed down, Xinniao's speed also slowed down.

It is just above the head of the Chu River, keeping the same distance from the Chu River.

There is a feeling of being tricked, the Chuhe evil fire comes up, and sacrifices the god evil flag, and is about to suppress the colorful spirit stones.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Shensha flag was released, Xinniao felt the danger, and flew upwards in a swift motion, disappearing after a while.

Chuhe has also obtained many treasures, but after obtaining the treasures, it was the first time that they were ruthlessly played and abandoned by the treasures.

I am afraid that only the person involved can understand the taste of this.

After chasing all the way out of the underground palace, Chuhe returned to the ground. I thought the letter bird had escaped, but I didn't expect that the letter bird was hovering right under the North Star, flapping its wings and beak. Peck at the night pearl that represents the North Star.

Chapter 607 Half Step Golden Immortal

Although Chuhe is not superstitious, he can't bear the fact that this is the palace of Empress Nuwa, and he has just conquered the spirit stone. This thing is like a wild monkey that shakes the sky. Move your mouth.

This is a blasphemy of the belief of Empress Nuwa.

Chuhe just glanced at it, and found that the goddess' face became ugly.

"You kid is crazy, come back quickly, that's not something you should touch."

Chuhe shouted to stop, but Xinniao just looked back at him, and then continued to peck at the night pearl with its beak. Seeing that the goddess was about to lose her temper, Chuhe was about to cry.

"My ancestors, stop quickly, this is not your home, you can do whatever you want!"

Just when Chuhe finished speaking the last word, Xinniao finally pecked off the luminous pearl on it, and the luminous pearl fell down rapidly, along with a scroll made of animal skin.

From the moment the scroll appeared, a surge of demon power surged out.

Chuhe didn't know that power, but Nuwa's descendants were very familiar with it.

She looked at the animal skin scroll in astonishment, and murmured two words.


"Little master, it is Nuwa's inheritance, and that animal skin scroll is Nuwa's inheritance."

Master Songling shouted excitedly, thinking that Xinniao was here to make trouble, but it turned out that it really knew where Nuwa's inheritance was.

Due to the material problem, the luminous pearl fell rapidly downwards, while the animal skin scroll fluttered and slid down from above.

Just when the Ye Mingzhu was about to fall to the ground, Chuhe hurriedly reached out to catch it, thinking that as long as the Ye Mingzhu was not broken, he would have a way to reinstall it on the dome. confessed.

It seemed that the scroll fell too slowly, Xinniao couldn't wait any longer, grabbed the scroll with both feet and flew towards the Chu River, arriving in front of the Chu River with Ye Mingzhu almost at the same time.

Xinniao flapped its wings triumphantly, as if asking Chuhe for credit again, but unfortunately Chuhe ignored him, but kept checking Ye Mingzhu in his arms, worried that this Xinniao might damage Ye Mingzhu.

Seeing that Chuhe only cared about Ye Mingzhu, Master Songling hurriedly reminded him.

"Little master, Nuwa's inheritance, hurry up and pick it up!"

After Chuhe checked Ye Mingzhu and found that there was no damage, he finally let go of his hanging heart.

He grabbed the letter bird, and then snatched the animal skin scroll from under its feet, without even opening it, and directly handed it over to the descendants of Nuwa.

"This is something left by your mother. It should be useful to you. Open it first and see what is written on it?"

Good guy, Master Songling originally thought that Chuhe's evasion of wanting to pass on Nuwa to Nuwa's descendants was just talking, but he didn't expect this kid to really do it.

He wished he could grab it from Chuhe directly. If you don't use it, I can use it.

When Nuwa's descendants received the animal skin scroll, they were full of tears, and the breath of the queen mother remained everywhere on the scroll.

And it was such a treasure that she never knew about, and always thought that the inheritance of the queen mother was in the queen mother's bedroom.

Seeing the pear blossoms raining down on the goddess crying, Chuhe felt a pain in his heart.

"Quickly open it and have a look, maybe there is something your queen mother wants to tell you inside!"

Hearing what Chuhe said, Nuwa's descendants hurriedly opened the animal skin scroll, and she couldn't understand the dense patterns on it, and there was no mention of her on the scroll.

Seeing this made her even more sad.

"What's going on, why are you crying more fiercely?"

Chu He curiously leaned over to take a look. It didn't matter. The place where the whole scroll was scanned by Chu He's eyes began to emit dazzling light, and the light went straight to the dome.

Soon, the dense patterns and oracle bone inscriptions on the book jumped out of the paper as if they were alive, and got into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Chu River. Although it was just a small roll of animal skin, the information contained in it It almost burst Chuhe's head.

With the influx of information, Chuhe understood many ancient secrets in an instant, all of which were the memories of Empress Nuwa.

The patterns and characters on the scroll disappeared, but the scroll was still shining, and the light was so bright that it shot straight into the sky.

At this moment, a beautiful woman with a snake tail appeared in Chuhe's mind. Her eyes were clear, which made people feel unattainable.

Chuhe immediately recognized that person as the real Empress Nuwa.

"Later Chuhe, pay homage to Empress Nuwa!"

Chuhe in his mind rushed to pay homage. If there were other sages, Chuhe would not be so respectful, with the exception of Empress Nuwa.

"I didn't expect such a weak human race to accept my inheritance!" Empress Nuwa stared at Chuhe, obviously a little surprised. She had a premonition that her inheritance would be inherited by the human race, but she didn't expect it to be such a weak human race.

Don't look at the celestial immortals in today's era, they are invincible below the golden immortals.

But in the era of Empress Nuwa, at the level of Jinxian, some powerful monster races have this kind of strength as long as they are adults, and those who are more powerful are directly Da Luo Jinxian when they are adults.

Empress Nuwa didn't like him at first glance, Chuhe was somewhat disappointed, but Empress Nuwa accepted this fact after sighing.

"I didn't expect you to get your brother's inheritance. In this way, I look forward to you even more. Now that the aura is recovering, the catastrophe of the Kunlun Great World is coming. I hope you can protect my daughter and protect the human race from catastrophe and massacre. .”

"Get ready to accept the inheritance!"

Empress Nuwa raised her hand suddenly, but Chuhe hadn't reacted yet, what does it mean to accept inheritance?Could it be that what I just accepted was not an inheritance?

But without waiting for Chuhe to think about it, the dome suddenly flickered, with strong light, like two suns suddenly appeared in the sky, and almost at the same time, a beam of energy fluctuations poured out from the direction that lacked the night pearl.

Irrigated towards the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Chu River.

At this time, Chuhe's mind was extremely clear. He felt that his strength was rising steadily, and he had no energy.

This energy irrigation lasted for a long time, almost submerging the sea of ​​consciousness in Chu River.

What's even more miraculous is that the seeds of the avenue rules that Chuhe Zhihai had just begun to germinate under the irrigation of this energy began to take root and germinate rapidly. It is also constantly extending and expanding.

When the inheritance was over, Chuhe felt that he had already stepped into the realm of the Golden Immortal. He only needed to comprehend more rules of the Dao and let its vines bloom to officially become a Golden Immortal.

When Chuhe was excited, Empress Nuwa was also very surprised. She had seen many amazing and talented human races, and she had seen their regular saplings, but she had never seen such thick and powerful branches of Chuhe. .

Chapter 608 Who Are They?

And with her knowledge, she didn't see which avenue Chuhe was going to take for a while. Among the three thousand avenues, there was no way that Chuhe cultivated.

"Human youth, what road are you going to take?"

Chu He bowed and saluted: "If you go back to your mother, the kid is going to take the Xiaoyao Dao!"

It was the first time Nuwa heard that there was such a road, so she couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Xiaoyao Dao? What is Xiaoyao?"

"Happy is to do whatever I want, to say what I want to say, to love who I want to love, no one can restrain me, no one can stop me, I want to wipe out all the injustices in the world, and make the world clean. "

This is not happy, this is simply arrogance, reaching the level of Nuwa, there are many things that cannot be done according to one's own wishes, the human race in front of you can say such big words, it is simply arrogance.

But Nuwa, as the creation god of the human race, can see through Chuhe's mind.

The person in front of him who has received his own inheritance is not bragging, but sincerely wants to do so.

Thinking of this, Empress Nuwa couldn't help being amused, but also hopeful!

"I can't imagine the way you described, but I believe in you, I believe that you can fulfill the promise you said, maybe, maybe you are really a chance, a chance to defeat them..."

When Empress Nuwa said this, the originally illusory figure almost disappeared.

Chuhe couldn't help being curious.

"What are they? Do you still have enemies? You have already set foot in the realm of saints, why do you still fall? Was it done by the Wu Clan?"

"I can't say their names, but I can tell you that the Lich War was a trap, and we were all tricked by them..."

Nuwa's voice became weaker and weaker, so that Chuhe couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Who the hell are they? How do I respond?"

Chuhe continued to ask, but what was waiting for him was not the answer Chuhe wanted.

"There is not much time left for the Kunlun Great World. You must improve your strength as soon as possible to survive the coming catastrophe..."

"What catastrophe?"

Chuhe asked again, but this time Empress Nuwa didn't answer. It may be that the figure she transformed was too blurred to see clearly, and she might not be able to speak anymore.

Chuhe was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. However, since the impending catastrophe might have too much impact and Empress Nuwa couldn't say it, there was one thing she could definitely answer.

"Your daughter can't awaken the blood, can you teach her a way to awaken her blood?"

After Chu He said this, the afterimage that had disappeared before suddenly reappeared like a flash of light, and Empress Nuwa finally couldn't stand it under her cold face, revealing an expression of incomparable surprise.

"My daughter has never let me down in the matter of letting me down. The method of awakening the bloodline is very complicated. It is too late to tell you in detail. You have inherited my inheritance. Let her awaken the bloodline and protect her I'm counting on you!"

Having said this, the phantom of Empress Nuwa completely disappeared.

"Nuwa Empress, is there a way to awaken the bloodline in the inheritance? In which chapter?"

Chuhe still has something to say, and he has a hundred questions in his heart, but he has no chance.

Since the phantom of Empress Nuwa completely disappeared, Chuhe automatically withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness, that is to say, when he said this sentence, it was not a communication of consciousness, but he shouted it out with his mouth.

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