At this moment, the goddess was stunned. She knew very well that Chuhe was accepting the inheritance of the queen mother. At this time, the inheritance might contain the remaining will of the queen mother. She had not seen the queen mother for endless years, so she couldn't wait to ask .

"Are you talking to my mother?"

Seeing the goddess showing such an eager look for the first time, Chuhe quickly agreed.

"Yes, I was just talking to your mother."

The goddess grabbed Chuhe's hand, leaned her whole body over, and a good smell instantly filled Chuhe's nostrils.

"Where is my mother, why can't I see her!"

Before he finished speaking, tears fell down, and Chuhe couldn't bear it, but he also knew that the goddess could see through his thoughts, so he had no choice but to speak out.

"Your mother told me many things in my sea of ​​consciousness."

Chuhe felt that her hand was firmly grasped by the other party. Because of her excitement, her nails were deeply embedded in Chuhe's flesh and blood.

Chuhe endured the pain in his palms, not daring to show any more on his face.

"What did the queen mother say? Did you mention me?"

Chuhe was lying. Although he knew he couldn't lie to her, he couldn't bear to tell her. In fact, Empress Nuwa didn't say much about her daughter.

"Your mother said many things, and you are the one who talked the most."

Hearing this, Nuwa's descendants wiped away tears and asked eagerly.

"What did my mother say about me? Did she say she still remembered me? Did you tell her that I miss her so much!"

When he got here, Chuhe realized that something was wrong. He had lied just now, so why did the descendants of Nuwa still act so excited? Could it be that she didn't see that I lied again, or would rather listen to me lie.

But no matter what the situation is, for the descendants of Nuwa, they hope to hear that the queen mother cares about her.

"Your mother told me a lot about you, saying that you are a big idiot, you are three years old and can't walk, you need to be hugged by your clansmen every time, and you are also a crybaby, every time your mother goes out to do something , you cry and don’t let her leave, she said that you are so clinging to her, like a child who can’t grow up, she is very worried about you.”

Although Chuhe's words are nonsense, they are well-founded, because Empress Nuwa said herself that her daughter has never let her down in terms of letting her down.

When the Nuwa Empress fell, the descendants of Nuwa were still young. What can a child do to disappoint their parents? After thinking about it, they are stunted, stupid, and crybaby.

Sure enough, after hearing Chuhe's words, Nuwa's descendants were already weeping. It seems that Chuhe guessed everything correctly.

The point is that I still lied to her this time, didn't she see it.

In fact, Chuhe didn't know that after accepting Nuwa's inheritance, Nuwa's descendants could no longer see Chuhe's inner thoughts, that is, Chuhe would no longer be easily seen through her mind like a mirror.

"What else did the queen mother say?"

The descendants of Nuwa cried and laughed, obviously in an unspeakable fluctuation of sadness and joy.

"Your mother is very worried about you. She said that you lost your mother when you were so young. She is sorry for you. She told me to take good care of you!"

Chapter 609 Just Call My Husband

When they heard Chuhe's words, the descendants of Nuwa were already sobbing, and their longing for their mother finally broke out at this moment.

She lay in Chuhe's arms, tears streaming down like rain.

Chuhe could feel her sadness, so he could only comfort her.

"Don't cry, there is still a long way to go. Your mother cares so much about you, so I must take good care of you. I will never break my promise."

"I will not let you stay here any longer, and be alone all day long. Come with me. I will take you to the human world. If they see that the descendants of Nuwa are still alive, they will definitely like you. .”

"As close as you can get to them, you won't suffer endless loneliness here anyway, can you?"

Chuhe sincerely wanted to invite the descendants of Nuwa to leave with him. The descendants of Nuwa were obviously moved, her eyes rolled, and the joy on her face could not be concealed at all.

However, after only a while, her expression darkened, and she said sadly.

"Chuhe, I really want to leave with you, but I still want to suppress Xiangliu. This palace is the center of the formation. If I leave this palace, or if this palace is destroyed, Xiangliu will be killed." They will come out and cause harm to the world."

"He is too powerful now, I can't stop him at all, let him come out, the world will be devastated."

The descendants of Nuwa are right. With Xiangliu's nature, if he is allowed to come out, he must have a full meal. Because I have never seen how Xiangliu used to eat people in ancient times, but according to his Body shape, at least tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people can be eaten in one meal.

In fact, Chuhe didn't have much compassion for these people, but since he accepted Nuwa's inheritance, he seemed to have inherited Nuwa's love for human beings.

Now Chuhe can't accept this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I'll clean up that dog, and I'll take you out of here."

"Can you beat it?"

Nuwa's descendants looked at Chuhe in puzzlement, and Chuhe laughed.

In the past, when he did not accept Nuwa's inheritance, he really didn't have any confidence at all, but now he has not only accepted Nuwa's inheritance, but also reached the half-step golden fairy realm, although Xiangliu has the level of Daluo Jinxian , but he doesn't have a demon pill, and he can't even use supernatural powers, so he can only rely on his body to fight against Chuhe.

Chuhe has many ways to deal with the nine-headed worm.

"If I didn't have the confidence to defeat him before I met you, but after I met you, I was full of power. Xiangliu is just a big snake with nine heads, just look at it, here With a little time, I can completely remove him from the world."

"Okay, I'll preside over the formation here and help you subdue him."

"By the way, there are still things I haven't explained to you clearly. Xiang Liu was imprisoned by my mother within a radius of no more than fifty miles. He can only move around there, and he can't get out at all. If you confront him, try to stay as far away from him as possible. He can't hurt you."

"That's great, Linger."

Chuhe blurted out, calling Linger, the descendant of Nuwa.


The descendants of Nuwa were a little puzzled.

Chuhe chuckled.

"Didn't you say that after inheriting your mother's inheritance, I can give you a name. Now I will give you a name. How about Linger?"

"Linger, Linger, this name sounds nice, thank you Chuhe."

"Don't call him Chuhe, it's too ostentatious. Call me husband, if you can't, you can call me brother."


Although Ling'er couldn't see what Chuhe was thinking, but looking at his smirk, she knew that the name husband was definitely not a good thing.

"I'd better call you brother, I think brother is kinder."

Chuhe frowned, thinking that the little girl is not as innocent as she thinks, it's not easy to cheat.

"Okay, you can call me brother, anyway, you should call me husband sooner or later."

Chuhe murmured, to be honest, he was a little shameless to call a person who was infinitely older than himself his elder brother, but different races cannot be distinguished by age alone.

Looking at Ling'er's appearance, she should be a young adult in the Nuwa clan, and she looks like she is in her 20s. In addition, she has inherited Nuwa's inheritance, so it doesn't matter if she calls herself an elder brother.

"Okay, sister Ling'er, you are here to preside over the formation, don't let the big snake break free, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Chuhe couldn't wait to take Ling'er out, so as Xiangliu who blocked the way, please die.

Letting my wife guard here for endless years is already an unforgivable crime, and in addition to being messed up by him, even the two little guys are in his hands, and the new and old grudges are counted together, isn't that really right? Living.

Chuhe flew away, Linger called him to stop.

"Brother Chuhe, take the demon pill of the monster. If he doesn't speak well and hurts your two relatives, you will be very sad. I don't want you to be sad."

Originally, he was determined not to let Chuhe take away the Yaodan, but now he took the initiative to call the Yaodan to Chuhe, although it was only a small change in details.

Chuhe was extremely moved.

"Silly girl, if you really gave the demon pill to that big snake, the two of us don't have to go out and wait to be eaten alive by him, so you put away your guts, I have a way to deal with him."

Ling'er was puzzled, she simply thought that Xiangliu would exchange the two children with the demon pill, but brother Chuhe didn't want the demon pill, so how could he save his two children.

But before she asked, Chuhe had already left the palace and galloped towards Xiangliu.

Shibie looked at each other with admiration for three days, and learned that Xiangliu didn't have a demon pill, and he was bound in a formation and couldn't use it. He was like a human sandbag. Chuhe had a hundred ways to kill him.

However, just as Chuhe left, Li Zhi and Lingbao Tianwang had someone blast a gap in the barrier with a magic cannon, and they seized the opportunity to sneak in.

And not long after they came in, they saw a great glow above Nuwa's palace, and a bright beam of light shot straight into the sky. At that time, Chu River was accepting Nuwa's inheritance.

"Two heavenly kings, there must be treasures if there are abnormalities there."

When Chuhe accepted Nuwa's inheritance, there was so much movement that the soaring beam of light could be seen in most of the enchantment, so the two heavenly kings quickly locked on Nuwa's palace.

"With such a strong light shining, there must be a rare secret treasure or spirit beast born. As long as we get one, our trip will not be in vain."

"After capturing him, dedicate it to the Emperor of Heaven, and the sin of you and I letting Chuhe go will be resolved!"

Lingbao Tianwang's eyes were fiery, and Li Zhi was also very excited.

"Since there is a Lingbao in this world, it is our chance. Don't let that boy Chuhe take the lead. Let's go!"

Chapter 610 The Lying Xiangliu

A group of people flew towards the opposite direction of Chu River, but Li Zhi and his line were so far away from meeting Chu River that they collided in the same plane, but they didn't find each other.

Chuhe came to Xiangliu's side first, and it was only three days since Chuhe left. To be honest, Xiangliu didn't expect Chuhe to come back so soon.

However, with the sky-reaching beam of light emanating from above Nuwa's palace, he knew that this kid probably succeeded.

So when Chuhe appeared in his field of vision, Xiangliu spoke first.

"Congratulations, boy, you have obtained Nuwa's inheritance. I didn't expect you to be favored by Nuwa. It seems that you are also a person with great blessings. Congratulations!"

Xiang Liu first complimented Chuhe, then changed his tone.

"However, you must know how to be grateful. That great opportunity is the way I showed you. I owe a little bit of credit to you. You have gained such a great benefit. Did you forget what you promised me?"

As Xiang Liu said, Mo Bu BuTong and the little monk slipped out of Gitti. They hadn't seen each other for three days, and the two children were visibly haggard, because Xiang Liu had licked their bodies with his tongue many times, although he hadn't seen them because of the green gem. He is keeping restraint, but the desire to eat people in his eyes cannot be concealed.

The little monk was still really worried. He licked his mouth and swallowed them both.

So as soon as he saw Chuhe coming back, the little monk burst into tears immediately.

"Master, you are finally back, I thought you didn't want me anymore?"

Even Mo Bu Bui, who always liked to pretend to be strong, had tears in his eyes. He didn't expect that the master would really come back, and once again risked himself in order to save them.

"Master, the most proud thing in this life is to worship you as a teacher."

"Okay, you two brats, don't get involved with me, I'm not your master, you are just my disciples incarnated outside of me, you have nothing to do with me, I didn't come here to save you, I just came here Show off to the big snake that I got the spirit stone."

Hearing what the master said, the little monk, who was still crying, cried even more fiercely, but he changed his mind. He knew that what the master said was definitely not his true words.

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