If he really didn't care about himself, there would be no need to come back. Xiang Liu was so difficult to deal with, and every second he appeared in front of him would be an extra point of danger. There was no need for Master to risk himself.

He said this because he didn't want Xiang Liu to feel that the relationship between the master and them was too close, and to make Xiang Liu feel that the two of them were not really important bargaining chips. In this way, their chances of surviving would be high.

Mo Bu Bui's guess is right, that's what Chu He thinks.

In fact, Xiang Liu didn't care at all whether the relationship between Chu He and the two children was harmonious or not. He only had his demon pill in his eyes. Just now, when Chu He said that he got the spirit stone, Xiang Liu's heart suddenly became tense. .

After waiting for endless years, looking forward to the stars and the moon, now he really makes him look forward to someone who can help him escape the sea of ​​suffering.

"Where is the spirit stone, show me quickly!"

Even though Xiang Liu was deeply scheming and kept his emotions and emotions in check, he still couldn't help but feel excited when he heard the news that the Yao Dan was in Chu He's hands.

Chuhe knew that if the spirit stone was not taken out, there would be no hope of saving the two children.

So he stopped coddling, and slowly took out a green glowing stone from his bosom.

"Look, is this the spirit stone you want?"

With just one glance, Xiang Liu's nine pairs of eyes enlarged at the same time, his scarlet pupils staring closely at the green demon pill in Chuhe's hand, the familiar luster and familiar smell made his whole body tremble.

"Quick, bring the spirit stone to my uncle!"

No matter how calm he was, Xiang Liu couldn't hide the ecstasy in his heart. Greed and longing were written on his snake face, and Chu He smiled instead.

Just shaking it in the palm of his hand, he took the spirit stone back, and said lightly.

"I said, Master Xiangliu, you were so excited when you saw this stone. Could it be that this is some kind of precious thing?"

Perhaps because he realized that his behavior was too obvious, Xiang Liu immediately calmed down, no longer acting so exaggerated, but said calmly.

"It's not a treasure, but something very commemorative to me. Countless years ago, I fell in love with a soaring snake, and she gave me this green spirit stone as a token of love. I have always Carry them all with you.”

When he said this, his tone suddenly became harsh.

"It's all the fault of that stinky bitch, Nu Wa, who suppressed my uncle, and even took a fancy to my uncle's token of love, and even snatched my token of love away. You think I should hate her!"

Xiangliu really lied a lot, and he didn't write a draft when he lied. If Chuhe hadn't known that this green stone was his demon pill, or he would have been deceived by him.

Facing people who like to lie, Chuhe naturally had to play a good joke. Hearing that it was a token of love, Chuhe suddenly lost interest in Lingshi.

"Hey, I thought it was some kind of treasure. It turned out to be just a token of love between you and your wife. Then it is really useless if I want it. However, I have a question. As Xiangliu, you are the evil person in the world. Incarnation, Teng Snake is an auspicious incarnation, is she blind? That's why she fell in love with you?"

"Also, things like love tokens are not unique to our human race. You big monsters in the wild period, do you know what love is? You still have love tokens, do you think I am a fool?"

At first, when Chuhe said that he didn't care about the spirit stone, Xiang Liu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Chuhe would give it to him obediently, but he didn't expect that this kid was so shrewd that he could find flaws in his lies, so it was hard to deal with.

Moreover, since Chuhe received Nuwa's inheritance, due to the suppression of his blood, Xiang Liu could no longer see through Chuhe's inner thoughts, which made him unable to use his innate talent.

He has always regarded human beings as transparent people, who can see through their past and thoughts at a glance, so human beings have always been manipulated by him, and he has never taken human beings seriously.

But when he couldn't see through Chuhe's thoughts, he realized that, compared with human beings, the monster race is probably really no match.

His lie was seen through, and Xiang Liu was already murderous. Originally, he wanted to trick Chuhe into handing over the spirit stone, and then swallow him and his two apprentices to restore his strength.

After all, being suppressed for so long, he needs to eat something to recover his strength.

After eating Chuhe, there are three of his disciples, that is, the damn descendant of Nuwa, an underage baby who guards her for endless years. How can he bear this kind of humiliation, he must eat her.

It can also be regarded as a kind of compensation for Nuwa punishing herself.

Chapter 611

"Human monks, you can't judge people by their appearance. Don't you human races often say that people are inherently good? The same is true for us monster races. No creature is born a villain. When I was young, I was also romantic, doing good deeds everywhere, and t Snakes will love me."

"And tokens of love are not something unique to you humans. Don't look down on us monster race, we monster race also have feelings."

Chuhe believed this, because Ling'er was the kind of monster with feelings, but Xiang Liu said that he had feelings, so he could only hehe.

"However, if a stone is stored for such a long time, how can it still be intact, and when I touch it, it doesn't feel like a stone, it's warm, how can it look like flesh and blood?"

"What kind of flesh and blood can be preserved for such a long time without rot, I'm curious, can you explain to me?"

Chuhe was still teasing him, Xiangliu didn't know yet, but this time Xiangliu didn't talk soft words. When he was chatting with Chuhe just now, he repeated his old trick, and the eight heads were approaching quickly, and he would be able to kill Chuhe immediately. The river was shut up.

At this time, Xiang Liu felt that he was sure of winning, so he stopped speaking nicely to Chuhe, and instead spoke in a harsh tone.

"Fucking brat, you talk so much nonsense, do you think I am so free to chat with you here? Obediently hand over the green gem, or I will eat you!"

While Xiang Liu was speaking, the eight big heads had already surrounded the Chu River, the sky and the earth changed color, and the inside became dark again, but this time Chu River was not afraid at all, and just took out the demon pill from his bosom again.

"Master, it's not good, run!"

Mo Bubu hurriedly shouted, but it was too late, Chuhe winked, signaling Mo Bubu not to panic.

"You old bastard, do you know that I hate others to threaten me the most, you threaten me again and again, do you really treat me like a soft persimmon?"

Chuhe also shouted viciously, but his vicious look did not frighten Xiangliu at all, on the contrary it made him unable to help laughing out loud.

"Stupid human race, don't you understand your current situation? You are in my nine-headed prison, and you still dare to be arrogant with me. You don't want to die too happily, do you?"

Xiang Liu decided to eat Chuhe, and this time, he was going to die no matter what.

"Hehe, your demon pill is in my hands, and you dare to be so arrogant with me. If you dare to touch me, I will eat it immediately, and then explode myself. I see how you threaten me!"

Xiang Liu didn't expect that Chuhe knew that the spirit stone was his demon pill, and he fell into a passive state, his original arrogant look disappeared instantly, and he started talking in a soft voice instead.

"Human cultivator, I don't know what you are talking about, what kind of demon pill, I have never heard of it, it is just an ordinary stone, as long as you give it to me, I will let you go How about your apprentice, isn't this a good condition?"

Xiang Liu still wanted to try to get away with it and trick Chuhe into not being a demon pill, but how could Chuhe believe his words.

"Xiangliu, as the embodiment of evil in the world, I don't believe a word of what you say. It's okay to want your inner alchemy. I want to see your sincerity."

"Besides, you don't dare to threaten me. I'm just a little celestial monk, but you are a big Luo Jinxian. I will exchange my little life for your demon pill, so that you will never be able to use magical powers. No matter what, it's all about me." Earn, do you understand?"

As soon as Chu He said this, Xiang Liu was completely discouraged. The importance of this demon pill to the demon race is no less than the importance of the altar to human beings. Without this thing, not only will its strength plummet, but it will never even think about it in the future. Take a step forward, let alone break free and swim in that new world.

So the cage that originally surrounded the Chu River was slowly opened, and the bright sunlight shone in again.

And Xiang Liu's smile was brighter than the sun.

"Human cultivator, human master, you are my master, and I will be your grandson from now on. As long as you give me your inner guts, I will not hesitate to make me a cow or a horse in the future."

"Then are you willing to sign a master-servant agreement with me and be my slave?"

Chuhe raised his eyebrows, flew high into the sky, and after a safe distance from the big snake, he asked lightly.

How could Xiangliu agree, he is a proud monster race, how could he sign a master-servant contract with a lowly human being, how can a human race be the master since the human race is food.

And he was just suppressed here. He has already learned from Chuhe's sea of ​​knowledge that the world of great struggle is coming, this secret realm has been discovered, and more and more people will come here to explore the secrets. Eating more people can also increase strength, breaking through this barrier is just around the corner.

If he signed a master-servant contract with Chuhe, his life and death would be completely controlled by Chuhe, so it would be better to let him die!

But Xiang Liu disagreed a hundred times in his heart, but he said it with a smile on his lips.

"As long as you return the demon core to me, not to mention being your servant, even being your dog is fine, master, please return the demon core to me, okay?"

"However, you must return the demon pill to me before I can sign a master-servant agreement with you. What do you think?"

Xiang Liu called his master, but he was filled with endless anger in his heart. After he got the demon pill, he would make Chuhe suffer a terrible death. He would let this kid watch his two apprentices being eaten by him. Then cut off a piece of his meat every day as a tooth offering.

"Okay, then you release my two apprentices first, and I will give you the demon pill."

Chu He said lightly.

"Master, don't listen to him. If you give him the demon pill, none of us will live. You can leave quickly. This disciple is already very grateful if you can come back and save me."

This is a dead end, Mo Bubu can see that if Xiangliu gets the Yaodan, it is absolutely impossible to let the master go, so it is impossible for him to live.

In fact, everyone understands the truth of what Mo Budong said, but after he said it, Xiang Liu couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his bloody mouth to swallow Mo Bufei.

It's just that the other eight heads saw that Chuhe also put the guts into his own mouth, so Xiangliu had no choice but to give up.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, master, how can you not believe me, I really want to be good, and I will not do bad things anymore. Empress Nuwa has locked me here for endless years, and has wiped out all the evil in me , I am just a kind big snake now, master."

"Let them both go, and I'll give you the demon pill!"

Chuhe didn't believe Xiangliu's show of weakness at all, but repeatedly emphasized that Xiangliu should let him go.

Chapter 612 I'm going to kill him!

Xiang Liu was [-]% unwilling to let him go, but there was nothing he could do about it, the initiative was in Chuhe's hands, and Chuhe had something he cared about very much.

"It's okay for me to let you go, but if I let you go, wouldn't I be at a loss if you don't give me the demon pill? How about this? I'll let this little monk go first. After you give me the demon pill, I'll be there again." How about letting this little Taoist priest go?"

"It's so good!" It was the little monk who spoke, and he was very happy to hear that he was able to leave, but he didn't expect that the reason why Xiang Liu chose to let him go first was because Xiang Liu felt that in Chu He's heart , or not different is more important.

"Well, your grandma has a leg, you little bald donkey, how can you sell your senior brother like this? You still have to be shameless."

Mo Bu Bui was about to be blown out of anger, pointing viciously at the little monk in order to survive was extremely shameless.

The little monk was not angry when he was scolded, but put his hands together and said solemnly.

"Senior brother, as the master's senior disciple, you have to take responsibility, and the chance of survival must naturally be left to the younger brother. Besides, just now you expressed your loyalty to the master and let the master go. Since you have chosen righteousness and awe-inspiring, Then now is not just the opportunity to fulfill you."

Seeing the decisiveness of the little monk, Chuhe was a little angry. Even if these two people were not his true disciples, Chuhe hoped that the two of them could help each other and overcome difficulties together, advancing and retreating together.

Obviously, these two people are at odds with each other, and they still need to be trained.

Xiang Liu didn't listen to a single word of the quarrel between the two of them. It's the same for everyone if they let go first, it's just that they die sooner or later, anyway, all three of them will die in the end.

If the plot can follow Xiang Liu's idea, then he is sure to win, but how could Chuhe give him this chance.

"You nine-headed worm, do you think you are qualified to bargain with me?"

"I give you two choices. One, release my two disciples immediately, and I will give you the demon pill."

"Second, I ate the demon pill right away, turned around and left. They are just two children. They are not in harmony with each other. They are greedy for life and afraid of death. This has already disappointed me. I don't care about their life or death anymore!"

Chuhe's second sentence was serious, and Mo Bubu couldn't hear it. At this time, his mood was a little complicated. He felt extremely regretful about what happened just now, even though he was at the critical moment of life and death.

Xiang Liu panicked, his nine pairs of eyeballs rolled rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

Chuhe doesn't give him so much time.

"I'll give you three seconds, if you still can't make a decision, then I'll accept your demon pill!"


When he said three, Xiang Liu still wanted to stand up again.


But when he said the second, he could no longer think calmly. When Chuhe was caught by him at first, he had explored Chuhe's consciousness, and he really didn't have a deep bond with these two apprentices.

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