That is to say, the bargaining chip in his hand does not pose any threat to Chuhe at all.


When Chuhe said one, Xiangliu couldn't hold on any longer and pushed the two children away.

"No, I'll let it go!"

After the two children were free, they rushed directly towards the Chu River. Because of their lives, they arrived at a distance of [-] kilometers in the blink of an eye.

When Mo Bubu came to Chuhe's side, he knelt down, kowtowed and said with tears streaming down his face.

"Master, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't be greedy for life and afraid of death, and make you unhappy."

The little monk also knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

"Master, it's my fault if I'm wrong. I sold my elder brother to save my life. If you want to punish me, punish me."

The two children kowtowed like pounding garlic, but Chuhe didn't pay attention to them. Naturally, he had to bear his own mistakes, and it was okay to let them kneel for a while.

Xiangliu didn't have time to appreciate Chuhe's training of his disciples. Seeing that the two children had already arrived in front of Chuhe, Chuhe still didn't move.

"Human monk, Chuhe, oh no, master, I have released your disciple, you can't break your promise, return my demon pill to me."

Xiang Liu yelled from below, but he didn't expect Chu He to actually take out the demon pill, and he was about to fly towards Xiang Liu.

Mo Bufei didn't bother to cry anymore, and hurriedly stopped him.

"Master, you can't give him the inner guts. Xiangliu is vicious by nature. If we let him get the inner guts and restore our strength, then we will definitely die."

"That's right, master, what kind of reputation are you talking about with a monster? We'd better let him stay here, let's go!"

The two apprentices were persuading, they both understood the truth, why did the master start to get confused.

It's just that they didn't expect that the persuasion of the two of them was ineffective, and the demon pill still came out, and fell towards Xiangliu below.

Xiang Liu really never dreamed that Chuhe would actually keep his promise. He suddenly felt that if he were to let his life go and take him as his servant, in this world of great strife, he might still be alive. Longer.

Seeing the Yaodan getting closer, Xiang Liu opened his mouth and waited below.

Unexpectedly, when the demon pill fell, a light and shadow also caught up. Although he didn't understand what the master was doing, as a disciple, he had to correct the master's mistakes.

He urged the spirit sword, and slashed down heavily towards the demon pill, and the sound of the blade colliding with the spirit pill spread across the world for a while.

Xiang Liu was furious.

"Bold boy, if you dare to spoil my good deeds, I will kill you!"

Originally thought that the demon core would be cut into pieces by himself, but Mo Budong was surprised to find that the moment his spirit sword touched the demon core, there was a feeling of being cut on a stone, and his spirit sword was directly shaken by the demon core. broken.

This is not because of how powerful the demon pill is, but because the spirit sword shattered when it hit something harder and couldn't withstand the impact.

Mo Bubu was stunned, everyone knew that the snake demon's weakness was his inner gut, which was nothing but flesh and blood, how could it possibly shatter the spirit sword.

Seeing that the demon pill fell at an accelerated rate due to the strike of the spirit sword, it reached Xiang Liu's mouth in an instant.

Everyone is stupid.

"Master, why are you doing this? After eating the demon pill, his strength will recover. Let's run!"

Mo Butong couldn't see through Chuhe's thoughts, and he didn't dare to blame Chuhe. Now he can only choose a more correct way, which is to run away.

If Xiang Liu was a Golden Immortal, Mo BuFong would naturally not be afraid, because he believed that the master must have a way to escape.

But this Xiangliu is a Daluo Jinxian, and the gap in strength can no longer be made up with Lingbao.

Mo BuTong dragged Chu He to escape, but Chu He remained motionless and shook off Mo BuTong's hand.

"Escape? The reason why I came back is that besides saving you, I have one more important thing, which is to kill him!"

Chu He didn't use his spiritual sense to transmit the sound, but just said it casually, the little monk could hear it, and Xiang Liu could hear it too.

Chapter 613 Beheading Prime Minister Liu

Xiang Liu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Stupid human being, I originally planned to let you live, but you dared to provoke me with your own words. This is your own death. Don't blame me for being ruthless."

"You inherited Nuwa's inheritance, so you must have Nuwa's bloodline. If I eat you and fuse with Nuwa's bloodline, I may go one step further and become an existence of Nuwa's level. Thank you so much."

"You are my nobleman, I have nothing to repay you, I can only eat you with tears in my eyes, and become a part of my body, which is also a kind of repayment to you!"

Xiang Liu felt that Chuhe was settled, and after getting the demon pill, he would be invincible here, what kind of bullshit big formation, he would be afraid if Nuwa was still there, but Nuwa was dead, this big formation fell into disrepair for a long time, How could it be possible to trap him!

He laughed unrestrainedly, but he didn't expect Chuhe to laugh unrestrainedly too. Endless spiritual power surged, and the rules of the avenue began to spread. For a while, Chuhe's long hair fluttered, and he looked like a killing god.

"You nine-headed worm, you really think that I will be so stupid as to obediently give you the demon pill, are you underestimating me?"

"Hehe, why are you regretting it now? But it's too late to regret. I have swallowed the demon pill, and my strength is recovering. In today's world, I am the strongest god, and no one is my opponent!"

Xiang Liu smiled arrogantly, and Chu He said jokingly.

"Are you sure that your strength is recovering? Could it be that my eyes are not working well, so why didn't I see anything?"

Xiang Liu was so happy at first that he didn't realize that his strength hadn't recovered for a while.

Originally, the demon pill was supposed to get in touch with his body, but the demon pill was swallowed into his stomach, like a stone sinking into the sea, and he couldn't feel its existence.

How is this going?

Could it be that the little Taoist priest just damaged the demon pill with his sword? No, it's impossible. When he swallowed it, nine pairs of eyes were staring at it. The demon pill was intact.

Just when Xiang Liu couldn't figure out this weird scene, Chu He stretched out his finger and yelled at his body.

"Come out, colorful spirit stone!"

Before Xiang Liu could understand what Chu He's words meant, suddenly there was a reaction from the originally empty neck, and a hot light pierced directly through his flesh and blood, spinning rapidly around its neck.

The hard scales that Xiangliu was originally proud of turned into tofu after being cut by the colorful spirit stones.

The seven-colored spirit stone spun around quickly, and Mo Bubu and the young monk were surprised to see that Xiangliu's huge snake head was cut off.

Until the snake's head fell to the ground, Xiang Liu still couldn't believe it. If the spurted blood hadn't wet his body, he still wouldn't have realized that he was beheaded by Chuhe.

Or in a way he couldn't believe.

After the seven-color spirit stone cut off one of Xiang Liu's heads, the seven-color spirit stone flew out of his body. At this time, he was no longer in the shape of a demon pill, but a spinning gear.

This gear changes completely with Chuhe's thoughts, that is, when he knew that Lingshi can be transformed into a letter bird, he had this idea. Since the colorful Lingshi can change shape at will, can it be controlled by his thoughts? It becomes what you want it to be.

First of all, Chuhe made the colorful spirit stone look like a demon pill, and he succeeded directly the first time.

The changes of the seven-colored spirit stones can be confused with real ones, and even Xiang Liu himself didn't recognize them.

"How about it, Xiangliu, it doesn't feel good to be decapitated, don't you think that when you get the demon pill, you will eat me, and then you will eat Ling'er, this is absolutely unforgivable .”

How could Xiangliu know who Ling'er was, but now the fire in his heart needs to be vented.

"Ah, hateful human beings, you actually deceived my uncle, this uncle must make you die!"

Xiang Liu was already insane. He thought that he had the chance to win, and he could go out immediately, feasting on the human beings, watching them panic-stricken, but he didn't expect this kid to lie to him.

"Let me die badly, you don't have the ability!"

Chuhe was bullied by Xiangliu. For a person who has not yet attained enlightenment, the enemy is too powerful, which will leave a psychological shadow on him and affect his Taoism. Maybe he will never go further in the future. step.

Now he wants to kill this monster with his own hands, except for his own demons.

Xiang Liu's eight heads flew upwards, all of which opened their mouths wide open, looking very pervasive.

Seeing that the three people from Chuhe who had gathered fifty miles above were about to be swallowed by Xiangliu's big mouth, the little monk was so frightened that his face turned pale with fright.

However, what he just experienced made him understand that if they escaped at this time, their status as masters and apprentices with Chuhe would have been exhausted. Originally, they were going to die at the hands of Xiang Liu, but now they died later.

Mo BuTong drew out his short sword and slashed towards the snake's head below. The Buddhist beads in the little monk's hand had already been released, spinning rapidly around the lower hair. Even if they were dead, they could not resist without resistance, or they would be seen clearly by Xiang Liu. up.

The hard blows of the two angels looked very bluffing, but the hit on Xiang Liu's head was just a big splash of sparks, which did not cause any substantial damage to him at all.

Xiang Liu's head continued to go up, and when he was only one meter away from the foot of Chu River, Chu River suddenly burst into shouts!

"Stop for me!"

It was as if the words were followed by words, but the eight heads of Xiangliu's constantly upwards actually stopped at the foot of the Chu River. This scene was so shocking that the little monk looked at Chu River incredulously.

"Master, when did you become so powerful? What kind of move is this? It can force Xiang Liu to stop."

Chu He chuckled, it's not because of him, but knowing that Xiang Liu was trapped in a small space with a radius of fifty miles, Chu He measured the distance and just happened to be standing outside the seal.

Xiang Liu's eight heads collided with the seal, and Ling'er, who was in the eye of the formation, felt the impact brought by the formation, and immediately mobilized his spiritual power, pouring spiritual power into a formation eye in the center of the palace.

She didn't have much reaction on her side, but on Chuhe's side, it's completely different.

Xiang Liu's head, which was standing on the edge of the formation, was suddenly shocked by something, and the little monk who was close at hand smelled a bad smell.

"Why do I smell a burning smell?"

Mo Bufei was a little curious, and then the little monk stretched out his ears to listen carefully with a dazed expression.

"It's not just the smell of burning. Listen, it seems that rolling thunder is approaching, but our sky is clear and there are no clouds at all. What's going on?"

Chapter 614 Breakthrough by Lightning

Two children, look at me, you don't quite understand, Chuhe gestured with his eyes to let them look down.

Lightning began to grow on the seal that could not see the boundary at first, and countless lightning flashes, emitting a dazzling light, and the lightning spread rapidly within a radius of fifty miles like a swimming snake.

Maybe because he had had enough suffering from the lightning, Xiang Liu retracted his body the moment he saw the lightning coming out, forming a circle and hiding his head inside.

Then the lightning quickly approached, and from the first sparks began to flicker on Xiang Liu's body, like a chain reaction, all the lightning surged towards Xiang Liu like crazy, for a moment, the entire seal They were all submerged by lightning, and Xiang Liu's screams were mixed with the rumbling thunder.

As well as the thick smoke emitted from the scorched body, this scene is too shocking, relying on the fact that there is no difference and the little monk's cultivation base, I am afraid that I can't figure out what happened!

The thunder and lightning continued to flicker, and Xiang Liu's pitiful howls kept coming. I don't know how long it took. Although Xiang Liu was struck by lightning badly, it was actually just a relatively bluffing skin trauma. For an existence of his level, it is very difficult The injury will soon be healed.

Chuhe was a little disappointed when he thought that thunder and lightning would have a big effect, but when he thought that this was Linger's effort to help him, it was not bad to be able to do this.

"Haha, brat, it turns out that you have teamed up with Nuwa's descendants, no wonder you know about my demon core, but don't think that this will do anything to me, these lightning bolts can't do me any real harm, This uncle is not immortal here, you just wait for me, after this uncle goes out, I will let you die badly."

Chuhe snorted coldly, wanting to stay is the incarnation of evil, if he is really let out, he will definitely retaliate against himself non-stop, so he must get rid of him no matter what today.

"Thunderbolts attack your whole body. It looks very powerful, but it disperses the power and cannot cause substantial damage to you. However, I have a way to gather these lightning bolts and attack only one part of your body. I don't believe it. You can still resist the divine thunder gathered at one point."

After Chu He finished speaking harshly, Xiang Liu was not afraid at all.

"You kid has just had a mouthful. What's the situation in this big formation? I've been in it for endless years. I still don't understand. These thunderbolts are released aimlessly. How do you gather them? Do you think What are you, a saint?"

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