Xiang Liu was right, things like thunder and lightning are the most rigid and yang things in the world, and people with great mana can summon them, but they can't control them precisely, not even the Daluo Jinxian has this ability.

"Nine-headed worm, oh no, I should call you eight-headed worm now, you have been locked up here for too long, and you don't know something called a lightning rod, which can gather lightning together, don't worry, immediately Just let you get acquainted."

After Chuhe finished speaking, the colorful spirit stones floating in the thunder and lightning changed their minds again.

This time it turned into a mushroom shape, with a huge iron umbrella on its head to collect lightning, and when the lightning was gathered on the umbrella, an iron rod below would guide the lightning downward.

And below is Xiang Liu's huge body.

"I'm waiting for you to get to know your lightning rod. I'm not afraid of thunder and lightning, but I'm also afraid of your small silver needle."

Xiang Liu didn't care about the impending danger, and was still clamoring.

Chuhe didn't talk nonsense with him, and when the umbrella covered all the lightning, the iron rod below stabbed Xiangliu's huge body.

When it first came into contact with Xiang Liu's body, the entire umbrella began to flicker, becoming extremely bright.

The lightning gathered above finally found an exit, and frantically rushed towards Xiang Liu's body.

Due to too many lightning passing through at once, the iron bars turned into dazzling white.

An unprecedented loud noise exploded in the barrier.

Xiang Liu's head was buried inside, and he didn't know exactly what happened outside, but he also started to panic when he heard the loud noise, and wanted to pop his head out to see what was going on outside.

But just as he poked his head out, he saw a vast expanse of white, his eyes were instantly blinded by the strong light, and immediately after that, a violent pain began to come from his body.

This pain was tens of thousands of times stronger than the pain he experienced, and he couldn't bear it for a while.

The current pierced through his scales in an instant, and his flesh and blood rotted instantly. The blood, which was originally smelly and cursed, was directly vaporized under such a strong current, and there was not even a little blood foam.

The electric current spread rapidly along his flesh and blood, and after being touched by the electric current, his body was breaking apart.

For the first time, Xiang Liu felt the fear of death. In order to prevent the electric current from penetrating his whole body, he resolutely cut off the part that had been hit hard. A huge head connected to a neck hundreds of meters long fell lightly like this. on the ground.

Because the electric current had pierced his flesh and blood, he was left with only a layer of hard skin. After losing weight, the skin was as light as a deflated balloon.

Xiang Liu was completely paralyzed with fright. He never imagined that those lightning bolts that could only tickle him would have such great power when gathered together.

In fact, Da Luo Jinxian is not so afraid of lightning, even if they are gathered together, they cannot cause such serious damage to an existence of this level.

The reason why it became like this is mainly because Xiang Liu's own flesh and blood are cursed, and he is the embodiment of evil, which happens to be incompatible with the attribute of thunder and lightning, so there is such a miraculous effect.

In the beginning, the thunder and lightning couldn't penetrate the thick layer of scales on his body, so it couldn't cause such serious damage to him.

Now that Chuhe's lightning rod came out, it gathered lightning and had the ability to penetrate his scales, and Xiang Liu became a nine-headed worm ready to be slaughtered.

Seeing the moment of life and death, Xiang Liu knew that it was useless to hide it, so he simply opened his mouth wide and swallowed the lightning rod made of spirit stones in one gulp.

And Xiangliu didn't expect that this effect is very good, because of its skin and flesh barrier, the surrounding thunder and lightning can't feel the existence of the lightning rod, and they can't gather the lightning together. When the lightning rod disappears, the lightning spreads towards the surroundings again. , the situation is back to the way it was at the beginning.

Seeing that he didn't have to die, Xiang Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted arrogantly.

"Boy, I have seen through your trick, now I see what you do? I know what you are thinking, do you want to use this deformable weapon to cut off my head? It's okay, my head will be cut off It can still grow, you can't do anything to me now."

Chapter 615 Kneeling and begging for mercy

This is Xiangliu's characteristic, as long as he has one head left, the other nine heads can grow out, so in order to kill him, all nine heads must be cut off together.

He knew that Chuhe didn't have this ability, and he couldn't do it either.

"As a little angel, you can hurt my uncle to such an extent that you can already be proud of yourself. However, you have completely angered me. One day I will go out, when I go out , I will kill you and everyone you care about, leaving no one behind!"

Xiang Liu was really angry, even if Nuwa suppressed him back then, it was just punishment, but this kid really wanted his life, and he seemed to have the ability to take his own life.

Originally the incarnation of evil, Xiang Liu has always bullied others, but now he is being bullied by a small human race, how could he accept it.

"I'm sorry, since I've done something to you, I don't intend to let you survive. Don't think that if you swallow my colorful spirit stone, I can't do anything about you."

"Do you think I can't do anything to you if I can't cut off nine of your heads at the same time? Aren't you afraid of thunder and lightning? I'll let you take a good bath in the thunderstorm."

"Don't talk about your nine heads, I will make your body die in a thunderstorm!"

As Chu He said, he put his hands together suddenly, and two Shensha flags flew out from his sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly became extremely huge, covering the entire sky. This time Chuhe didn't use the Shensha flags to suppress, but let them stir the world .

Suddenly, the situation changed, and the originally clear sky was instantly covered with black clouds, and the sky became pitch black. The surrounding clouds were gathering and colliding, and countless lightning flashes jumped and flickered inside.

The rumbling thunder frightened the little monks and Mo Feitong not to dare to look up. Chuhe put them into the six-petaled lotus to prevent them from being accidentally injured by the thunder.

Looking at the dark sky filled with thunder, Willie was no less than the thunderstorm in the formation. The thunder and lightning just hit him too hard. Seeing the thunder and lightning, Xiang Liu felt a little trembling all over his body, but he couldn't lose. Losing the battle, he still roared strong and calm.

"Chuhe, even if you know that my uncle is afraid of thunder and lightning, so what? If you have the ability to make a lightning rod, as long as I have the courage to cut off my wrist, I will cut off wherever I am struck by lightning. You can still help me!" what?"

What Xiang Liu said was actually correct, if Chuhe really had no way to deal with him before, because the seven-colored spirit stone was too small to transform into a size enough to cut off nine heads.

So if you use colorful spirit stones, you can only cut the flesh with a blunt knife, bit by bit.

But Chuhe still has a treasure, a treasure that can instantly wipe out Xiangliu.

Then Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

This is the Dinghaishen needle iron that is rumored to be used by Dayu to control the waters. It is fine iron with incomparably good electrical conductivity, and there is one more powerful thing, the Dinghaishen needle iron can be infinitely magnified.

"Ruyi Golden Cudgel, let me get bigger, bigger, bigger!"

Following Chu He's voice, a sea god needle iron flew out of Taiyi Immortal Gourd. The mark that the Monkey King had originally left on it had been obliterated by Chu He, and now Chu He is his master for the time being.

Dinghaishen Needle Iron does not have any consciousness, it does whatever the owner says.

After hearing the master's order, it quickly grew in size in front of Chuhe. In a few breaths, it changed from the size of a small silver needle to a thickness of several tens of feet, and it still continued to grow without any energy. , Xiang Liu panicked until his thickness completely covered the large formation with a radius of about fifty miles below him.

Because the Ruyi golden cudgel was hanging over his head, one end of the golden cudgel was directly inserted into the black cloud stirred by the Shensha flag above, and the flickering lightning was attracted by this huge iron pillar, and the current flowed along the golden cudgel. The rod passed down, and the upper end of the golden cudgel was illuminated by lightning again.

When the thunder and lightning touched the seal, the thunder and lightning gathered above the seal also began to gather violently. Two powerful and incomparable lightning lights converged and entangled. Such a powerful current directly ionized the surrounding air.

The hair of Mo Bubu hidden inside the six-petaled lotus exploded, and his clothes were also covered in static electricity, sparks flickered from time to time.

Even Mo Bu Bui, who was far away, was made like this by the electric current, not to mention Xiang Liu below.

Tiny electric arcs flickered all over his body, this was because the powerful current above was converging, and the static electricity generated on the ground was attracted by the current above.

Xiang Liu had never heard of such a scene, and had never seen it before. He realized that this might really be the end.

If he was hit by an electric current larger than his body, his whole body would be punctured by the electric current in an instant, and he would be vaporized by the electric current in an instant when he would not have time to cut off his beard and robe.

Worried that he would not be able to kill with one blow, Chuhe used the golden cudgel to continuously gather lightning. The golden cudgel became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a beam of light that stabbed people who couldn't open their eyes. The originally dark sky was covered by him. illuminate.

"Originally, I was thinking of using a golden cudgel to knock you into a pulp little by little, but it seems that using lightning to wipe you out is the best choice. The Empress Nuwa didn't kill you, probably because your blood is tainted with corrosion. Sex also has a strong curse, he is worried that your blood will pollute the earth and affect the creatures living on it."

"Empress Nuwa is still kind. If I were to pollute the land, it would be better than to leave such a scourge like you in future generations. I might as well find a way to destroy you today, and you can die in peace!"

Standing above, Chu He's voice was like a torrent of bells, every word carried endless majesty. In a trance, Xiang Liu felt that Nu Wa had reappeared, and he actually felt an urge to worship.

Not long after, Xiang Liu finally lowered his proud head.

"Shangxian, please forgive me. It is not easy for me to cultivate my heart for endless years. You can't kill me like this. If you promise to let me go, I am willing to sign a master-servant contract with you, and I will be a loyal dog by your side from now on to protect your safety. "

Xiang Liu was reconciled, and he was willing to be a dog for Chuhe, and a Da Luo Jinxian would kneel down and be a dog for the whole world. Immortal Mingdong and Master Songling didn't even dare to think about it, and even dared not dream of such a beautiful dream.

"Master, I think this is okay. He is the Great Luo Jinxian. If you take him in, you can run rampant in this world, no matter what kind of heaven or enemy you are."

"Yes, as long as you accept him, let Miss Ling'er return the demon pill to him, and restore Xiangliu to her full body, we will destroy the Heavenly Court when we go out. Wouldn't it be wonderful for you to come to be the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Yes, in today's world of great controversy, it is better to have a Da Luo Jinxian level helper under him, which is better than any spirit treasure, and he is willing to be a servant. Just kill it!"

Chapter 616

Chuhe was in a tangle, and to be honest, he was also very moved, but he wanted to ask Linger's opinion on this kind of thing first. Linger was jealous, so he boasted in front of her, saying that he would kill Xiangliu and take him out.

But if she knew that she had left Xiangliu a way out, she would definitely be very angry.

Besides, didn't the queen think of this way to enslave Xiang Liu back then?Or she thought about it, but didn't do it, that's why, it can't be because of kindness.

After all, a monster of Xiangliu's level stayed with Ling'er, and Empress Nuwa would never put such a dangerous thing by her daughter's side if she had a backup.

It must be that even Empress Nuwa is not sure to subdue him, so why should I have a face?

Chuhe is extremely calm at critical moments, and he guessed right.

Xiangliu is different from other things. Although he is a big demon, he is different from the monster clan. He was born from the evil thoughts of the creatures in the world. He has no siblings, nor does he have a so-called soul. Although it is also bound by the rules of the Dao , but the rules of the avenue can't wipe him out completely.

The only way now is to use lightning to give him an electric shock therapy, so that his body can be completely silenced, so that he can be regarded as disappearing from the world.

Thinking of this, Chuhe made up his mind that this servant cannot be accepted.

"No matter how much you beg for mercy, you must die today. It's better to be decent. I won't let you feel too much pain."

Xiang Liu collapsed, he was willing to be Chu He's dog, and he still despises him, it seems that the hope of living by this is also shattered, Xiang Liu is completely desperate.

He regretted a little, regretted why he didn't eat Chuhe in one bite, but let him go to Nuwa Palace to steal some demon pill for himself. Now that he didn't get the demon pill, his life would be gone.

"Chuhe, I am a spiritual creature born of heaven and earth. If you kill me, it will be against the harmony of heaven and earth. I curse you. You will never be able to save half a step in your cultivation. You will be a small floating creature in this world of great struggle." Let Ping annihilate with the wind!"

Xiang Liu let out a roar that shook the sky, as if he had exhausted all his strength, his voice was able to overwhelm the rolling thunder for a while.

Seeing the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in front of him getting brighter and brighter, he gave a wry smile, and his huge body shrunk down to look like a human.

Chuhe really didn't expect that Xiangliu, who had an evil impression, turned into a human form with a dignified appearance, dressed in black, and stared at Chuhe with scarlet pupils.

The gathering of lightning and lightning will soon exceed the limit that the golden cudgel can bear, and the thunder of the World Extinguishing God is about to slash down. At this critical moment, the lightning above the seal suddenly disappears, and a big hole is suddenly opened in the seal.

"No, the seal has been released by itself! Master, kill him quickly!"

Since Chuhe no longer intends to take Xiangliu under his command, he is now a mortal enemy. If such a powerful enemy lets him escape, it will be an infinite disaster.

"World Destroyer Thunder, fall!"

Chuhe didn't know why the good thunderbolt suddenly disappeared, and the formation broke such a big hole.

He could only hastily mobilize Ruyi's golden cudgel, trying to kill Xiang Liu completely.

Following Chuhe's order, the divine thunder rolled down from the sky, and the seal with a radius of [-] kilometers completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder. The powerful thunderstorm directly blasted away the damaged seal. Annihilated by lightning, ceased to exist.

After a long time, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and there was nothing on the ground except a huge snake skin and a bottomless black hole.

"Are you dead?"

Master Songling poked his head and looked down. Immortal Mingdong saw the snake skin on the ground, and concluded that Xiangliu had been chopped into slag by lightning, and was silently reciting Buddhist scriptures to save his dead soul.

Chuhe also stared at the ground closely, and he was relieved to be sure that there was no sign of life in the cave below.

To deal with a big Luo Jinxian who still has no demon core and cannot display his supernatural powers, Xiangliu, or after he has been trapped for endless years and is already weak to the point of failure, beheading him like this still exhausted all the strength in Chuhe's body.

The Shensha Banner has no spiritual power to move, and it automatically falls into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Chu River, and the sky and the earth return to clarity.

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