Chuhe breathed the fresh air, and before he had time to slow down, he heard a violent explosion, followed by a mournful roar, which sounded like Ling'er.

Chu He hurriedly turned around and looked in the direction of Nuwa's palace. Since the distance was very far, Chu He couldn't see what was there, but could only faintly see a series of fire explosions, which Chu He was very familiar with. It's the Lightning Cannon.

Chuhe finally understood why the formation that had just restrained Xiangliu suddenly opened a gap. Ling'er must have been attacked.

Moreover, the horrible explosion just now and Ling'er's shrill screams are enough to show that the gaffe is very serious.


Chuhe shouted, and flew towards Nuwa's palace.

The little monk and Mo BuFong didn't understand what happened at all, but Master Mingdong and Master Songling had already guessed what happened.

They chased after him without saying a word.

There was also the little monk who was following behind, and he was under the magic power. Where could he catch up, he was left far behind at the very beginning.

Fortunately, the colorful spirit stone was very fast and turned into a colorful auspicious cloud, which caught Mo Bubu and the little monk, and then rushed forward to catch up with Chuhe.

When he caught up with Chuhe, the little monk and Mo Budong heard Chuhe muttering to himself so hard that his teeth were almost broken.

"You bastards of the Heavenly Court, if Ling'er has something good or bad, I will definitely wipe you out and die!"

Knowing that the little master loves Ling'er from the bottom of his heart, Master Songling comforted him.

"Little master, don't worry too much. Even if Miss Ling'er doesn't have the bloodline of determination, she can't beat Xiang Liu, she is not something a little golden fairy can deal with. Don't worry, she has scales that are harder than Xiang Liu. Those bastards in Tianting can't break her defense at all, and they can't beat Miss Linger at all."

Master Songling's words reassured Chuhe a little, and then he jumped onto the colorful auspicious clouds and flew towards Nuwa's palace with all his strength.

"Ling'er, you must be fine, wait for me to save you!"

Not long after Chuhe left Nuwa's palace, King Lingbao and King Huwei arrived at Nuwa's palace.

They were first shocked by the huge palace, and they were extremely excited when they saw the relief sculpture of a snake head and a human body carved at the door.

"This may be the palace where God Nuwa resides. There must be countless treasures inside, as well as Nuwa's inheritance. Why are you still standing there, go in and search!"

In fact, there is no need to wait for the Lingbao Heavenly King to give an order, the thousands of golden armored generals they brought have already swarmed into the temple.

Chapter 617 Simple Linger

These generals were like greedy locusts, taking away everything they could, such as gems, feathers of rare birds, and night pearls inlaid on the dome were knocked off one by one by them.

So as soon as they appeared, the originally magnificent palace instantly turned into a dilapidated stone wall.

After looting the palace, they didn't stop.

"Heavenly King, there is a ladder here, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance, should we go down and have a look!"

The Lingbao Heavenly King's expression was ugly. No matter what you say, these generals are at the level of real immortals. How come they are like bandits, and there is really nothing left.

And as a monk, what are you doing with so much gold, silver and jewelry? It's useless.

What made him even more angry was that the so-called Nuwa Palace didn't even have a decent treasure, and the door below was wide open, someone must have entered.

"Could it be that the kid Chuhe got there first?"

Lingbao Heavenly King said viciously, Li Zhi also nodded.

"Nuoda has a palace and doesn't have any treasures. That kid must have taken them all. I just don't know if he has left now or is hiding below."

"Go down and have a look, don't let that kid run away!"

Hearing the order from the Heavenly King, a group of god generals shouted and rushed into the steps. Looking at the stone lamps above, they also found it novel. Based on the principle that thieves would not leave empty space, this group of god generals buckled all the stone lamps on the steps. Come down and put it in the treasure bag in your arms.

However, some people scrambled for the stone lanterns, and some people flew towards the lower end. When they reached the lower end, they saw a stone platform that was tens of feet wide open, and there was a huge cave under the stone platform.

"It seems that someone just opened it. The big devil Chuhe must still be inside. It's time for brothers to make contributions. If you capture Chuhe alive, the Emperor of Heaven will give us a Dharma protector no matter what."

"I think we should wait for a while. How can we deal with so many spirit treasures on that kid?"

"Cut, it's something that is afraid of death. People are dead, and they can't die for thousands of years. Let's go together. Even if the devil is powerful, he can kill us directly. As long as we can hold on for 2 minutes, when the army arrives, That kid has no escape, wouldn't the first merit be ours?"

"Yes, give it a go, change into a motorcycle, when will our brothers stand up, this is our chance, let's do it!"

As soon as the gods made up their minds, they flew towards Ling'er's boudoir below.

The eye of the formation that imprisoned Xiangliu was in Ling'er's boudoir, and Ling'er was urging the formation with all his strength to help Chuhe get rid of Xiangliu.

Because she was so engrossed, she didn't realize that those god generals appeared in her boudoir.

However, as a descendant of Nuwa, she has a sense of closeness to human beings, and the silly Ling'er has not sensed the danger yet.

Instead, he shouted at several generals.

"Come and help, a large formation requires a lot of spiritual power, I can't last long alone!"

Originally, the god generals didn't pay attention when they landed, because they didn't expect a Ling'er hundreds of feet tall to be here.

They thought Ling'er's tail was a pillar in the hall, but the patterns carved on it looked like the scales of a big snake.

But when they looked up following the voice and saw Ling'er's real body, a general on the spot was so frightened that he passed out.

"Demon, snake demon!"

One of them yelled, and the others ran away in fright.

Ling'er didn't even know that humans had already regarded her as a monster who was quick to deal with, and she was still explaining to these generals.

"I'm not a monster. My name is Ling'er. I'm a descendant of Nuwa. Your human race was created by my mother, so I won't hurt you."

"Nonsense, our human race was obviously created by the Emperor of Heaven. He created the Heavenly Court and created the Six Realms, so that human beings can live and live. Death has a place to go!"

A general is obviously brainwashed by Li Qingming. It seems that Li Qingming can make up any shameless lies in order to control human beings.

"No, your human race was not created by some heavenly emperor, you were created by my queen mother, ah, I won't tell you, come and help me, I can't last long alone!"

Naive, simply too naive.

The God General who said that the Emperor of Heaven created human beings wanted to argue with Linger, but a God General behind him pushed him away, raised the Spirit Cannon and blasted towards Linger.

"What are you talking about with a snake demon? It's over if you kill her!"

Ling'er Snake God was hit by the spiritual light cannon, and after the scales roared, the spiritual light cannon exploded directly, and a strong air current sent the golden armored god who was closer to him flying away.

Ling'er never thought that humans would attack her. Since she can remember, humans have worshiped her as a god, and she also loves humans deeply.

"Why do you attack me? Did I do something wrong to make you dissatisfied?"

The god general who just fired the cannon saw that the cannonball went down, Ling'er was fine, but he was overturned by the cannonball, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"Grandma, you snake demon asked what we did wrong. We are gods, you are a demon, and gods and demons are not compatible. Today I will subdue the demons and defend the way, and get rid of you, a monster!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, let's fire together!"

Seeing that the snake demon was hit by a cannon just now, he didn't get angry or fight back, these generals became more courageous, and even started to form a small formation, aiming the aura cannon at Ling'er again.

"Bold snake monster, dare to deceive the public by saying that the human race was created by the empress Nuwa. This is a blatant provocation to the emperor of heaven. As the god of law enforcement in the heavenly court, I will sentence you to death and execute it immediately."


The formation of ten generals made the original light cannon Willie more than ten times stronger, and a bright light shot towards Ling'er's waist.

A huge roar exploded underground, and the sound spread to the main hall.

Li Zhi frowned and asked sharply.

"What's going on next?"

"Back to the world, I just received the news from below that there is a huge snake monster hidden in the cave below. The snake monster is a hundred feet high, and our general has already exchanged fire with her."

Li Zhi frowned upon hearing this reply from a general.

"A big monster that is hundreds of feet tall? You dare to provoke? Take me down quickly, or they will all die!"

When Li Zhi yelled, the general obediently opened the way, and the Lingbao Heavenly King saw Li Zhi plunge into the darkness below, and he also flew down.

It's just that Lingbao Tianwang is a little curious, such a long corridor is pitch black, why don't you put two lights, is it because snake demons are afraid of light?

Lingbao Heavenly King said, and took out a luminous Lingbao from his pocket, and after offering it, he could see the surrounding situation clearly.

Chapter 618 The Ugly Heavenly Court General

The aura shells fired by the formation of ten people are already very powerful. Although Ling'er has scales that are harder than Xiangliu's, she cannot withstand the impact of the explosion.

Her whole body was overturned by the explosion, and she fell heavily to the ground, but even if she fell to the ground, she kept releasing her spiritual power toward the formation's eyes.

The huge air wave overturned the generals again, and their bodies hit the wall behind them heavily, causing a big hole to be punched out in the wall.

"Don't attack me, I'm protecting the formation, otherwise Xiang Liu will come out!"

Zhao Ling'er was shot twice in a row. She didn't choose to attack these generals, but tried her best to explain to them.

At this time, Li Zhi and King Lingbao had already arrived.

I thought it would be a scene of fighting, but I didn't expect it to be so harmonious.

The big monster was knocked down to the ground, but he didn't have any intention of revenge. Instead, he explained to them in a gentle voice that this was the first time he had seen this kind of monster.

After all, Li Zhi has half of human blood. Even if he was brainwashed by the emperor since he was a child, the inheritance from human instincts made him feel no disgust at the huge snake monster in front of him, and even had a slight liking for him.

"Who told you to attack!"

Li Zhi roared angrily, and the generals were too frightened to speak. After a while, they began to think of defending themselves.

"Heavenly King, she is a snake demon. If we don't attack her, she will attack us. Of course we have to strike first!"

"I only believe what I saw with my eyes. You attacked her, but she didn't attack you. That means she didn't have any malicious intentions. No matter whether she is a demon or not, we are trespassing on other people's territory. If you want to beat someone's master, you are also worthy to become gods!"

Li Zhi was furious, and he didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to get so angry. Could it be because the snake demon was too beautiful, which made him feel pity.

When Li Zhi said this, these god generals were not happy. The education they had received since childhood was that gods are greater than monsters. These monsters deserved to die. If they broke into their homes and robbed them, they deserved it. It would not be an exaggeration to kill her , who made her a monster!

"Heavenly King, I don't understand what you said. The Heavenly Emperor has always taught us that as gods, we should subdue demons and eliminate demons and maintain the heavenly court. Now when we see a big monster, you actually help a big monster to speak. Are you a demon?" What kind of Gu has been cast in Tou Chuhe, and now it is becoming more like a goblin!"

This is a big hat, and Li Zhi didn't dare to take this sentence. Although he didn't think so in his heart, if he continued to defend the snake demon, he would probably be regarded as a traitor to the heavenly court, punished by the king of heaven, and then chased by the heavenly king. Out of heaven, no, he still has to rescue his mother, so he can't leave heaven.

"I did not mean that!"

Seeing that Li Zhi panicked, the general asked coldly, regardless of his status.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Our opponent is the big devil Chuhe. Our primary goal in entering the secret realm is him. There is no need to make extra troubles. Offending this big monster, what benefits do we have? If we provoke her, we will definitely suffer heavy casualties. "

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