Li Zhi tried his best to explain, but the general didn't believe him at all.

"The monsters I have seen are not good. Why do you think this snake monster dare not fight back? Isn't it because she is activating the big formation, this is her palace, what is she doing with the big formation? Is it because she wants to kill us?" Get trapped inside and eat us like food!"

"It's better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster. You don't understand this truth, King Tiger Tiger!"

The god general was so aggressive that Li Zhi was so stunned that he couldn't speak.

At this time, Lingbao Tianzun spoke.

"Snake demon, if you don't want to have any grudges with us, please leave the formation immediately. We are just looking for the demon leader Chuhe. If there is no us here, we will leave without disturbing you."

Opening her mouth, she asked Ling'er to leave the formation. Brother Chuhe was fighting with Xiangliu at this time. If she couldn't help, brother Chuhe would be in danger. She must not leave.

For brother Chuhe, she must guard the formation today.

"I will not leave the big formation. Moreover, brother Chuhe is not the devil in your mouth. He is the descendant approved by my mother. My mother will not choose to give her inheritance to a devil. Don't slander Chuhe." elder brother."

As soon as Ling'er finished speaking, the general just started screaming.

"Did you hear that this snake monster is actually called Brother Chuhe the Demon? It seems that she is already a member of Chuhe the Demon. Isn't that our enemy? What are we waiting for? Kill her!"

These god generals have an instinctive fear of big monsters, they don't care what is good or bad, as long as there are big monsters that can threaten their lives, it must be the best solution to get rid of them.

"Yes, kill her."

"Kill her!"

At this time, thousands of golden-armored generals swarmed into Ling'er's boudoir, all shouting to get rid of Ling'er.

Li Zhi was displeased, but he opened his mouth after all, not knowing what to say.

These gods and generals and Li Zhi are all young and young, so they don't know the history before the creation of the Heavenly Court by the Heavenly Emperor, but Lingbao Tianzun knows the character Nuwa, and he also knows that the monster with a human body and a snake tail in front of him may really be a descendant of Nuwa .

But I can't control that much anymore, because Nuwa's descendants just said that Chuhe has been inherited by Nuwa, so his strength will become very terrifying. Time is still no match.

Moreover, since Nuwa's descendants chose the devil, she is willing to degenerate, and she can't blame her for being ruthless.

"Bold snake demon, you dare to defend the demon leader Chuhe. For the sake of your simplicity, we can forgive you. However, you have to tell us where Chuhe has gone. Also, leave the big formation immediately. If you don't If you do what I want, then it’s embarrassing!”

Lingbao Tianzun said and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Thousands of golden-armored gods will automatically form an array, and the aura cannons in their hands are ready to be fired. The terrifying energy fluctuations make even the golden immortals sure to die if they are hit.

If there are too many ants, it can become an elephant, and Linger can't stand the shells gathered by thousands of people.

"I won't leave the formation. If I leave the formation, brother Chuhe will die?"

Ling'er was still too innocent, she didn't want to kill in vain, let alone brother Chuhe's death, but she didn't know that her words directly made Lingbao Tianzun murderous.

Since Chuhe, the descendant of Nuwa, will die, so what are you waiting for, why not kill two birds with one stone.

And since Nuwa's descendants are guarding the formation, it means that Chuhe must be in a very dangerous place. If the formation is broken at this time, the devil Chuhe will probably die in the formation.

Chapter 619 Ling'er Was Seriously Injured

Looking at the nervousness of Nuwa's descendants, maybe Chuhe is accepting Nuwa's inheritance. When the big formation is shattered and Nuwa's inheritance is interrupted, he might still have a share of the pie.

You must know that it may be a sin not to hand over the seized Lingbao to the Emperor, but such things as inheritance are fleeting, and if they are not caught in time, they will never be encountered again.

So even if he absorbed Nuwa's inheritance, the Heavenly Emperor would not be able to say anything even if he knew about it.

This is a great opportunity, maybe it can make him go farther than the Emperor of Heaven.

Thinking of this, Lingbao Tianzun's eyes are still red.

"What are you still doing in a daze, fire!"

Thousands of divine generals were already very nervous, but now when they heard the order from Lingbao Heavenly King, they pressed the button directly, and the light from thousands of spiritual light cannons all converged together, emitting an extremely dazzling light.

This kind of radiance was no less than that of the God of Destroyer Thunder that Chuhe killed Xiangliu just now.

Ling'er instinctively sensed the danger, but she still didn't run away. Instead, she put her hands on the ground to protect the formation.


Lingbao Tianzun ordered again, and a cannonball containing terrifying energy exploded towards Linger's body. The moment it touched her body, the scales were blown apart like paper, and then the terrifying energy exploded. It poured into her body and exploded directly in her body.

For a time, blood rained all over the sky, and the terrifying energy fluctuations splashed flesh and blood in all directions. Many gods were directly shocked to death by the terrifying fluctuations, and even more unlucky, their bodies were cut open by the scattered phosphorous pieces on Linger. Even the soul was cut in half.

Those people were completely wiped out without even screaming.

It was this loud bang.The entire palace was razed to ruins, and the sound of strong explosions, as well as Linger's miserable roar, continued to drift into the distance.

A huge hole appeared on Linger's body, so that her upper body and lower body were connected by a layer of skin.

Blood splattered.

The rain of blood fell on the bodies of the dead generals in golden armor, and immediately turned into spots of light and merged into their bodies, just after Lingbao Tianzun thought something ominous would happen.

Those golden armored generals who were watered by Ling'er's blood rain were miraculously resurrected.

"The blood of Nuwa's descendants actually has the ability to bring people back to life. It's unbelievable, unbelievable."

When Lingbao Tianzun looked at Ling'er again, his eyes were already full of desire.

"Take her body back, collect all her blood, and use her blood to revive our soldiers. With it, we can create a legion that is not legion, and the heaven will be invincible."

Lingbao Tianzun's voice was trembling, and the golden armored general on the side lifted up the huge scales on the ground and said.

"Heavenly King, the scales of this snake demon are so hard that they can be made into armor. No one below the Golden Immortal can break through the defense!"

"Okay, the descendants of Nuwa are full of treasures, so don't waste them."

A group of people below were frantically discussing how to make the best use of Ling'er, but Ling'er was lying on the ground, unable to stand up, and the large formation she was trying to protect with her body was also destroyed by the terrifying energy fluctuation just now.

The pain in her body, coupled with the sadness in her heart, made her cry involuntarily, but her crying was so shrill that it made people's hair stand on end.

"It's not good that the snake demon is angry, hurry up and attack again, don't give her a chance to fight back."

Hearing Lingbao Heavenly King's words, some golden armored soldiers hurriedly gathered together to organize the next attack, but those golden armored soldiers who were saved by Ling'er's blood did not choose to rush forward to make up for Linger immediately .

They stared at their bodies, felt the blood of Nuwa's descendants flowing in their bodies, a strong sense of belonging rose from their hearts, and they could no longer raise their butcher knives to the snake demon in front of them.

Seeing these people in a daze, the other gods roared angrily.

"Why are you standing still, get ready, the snake demon is about to counterattack, if you don't want to die, kill her immediately."

After being yelled at, the expression on the face of the dazed general behind him remained unchanged.

"What snake demon? I've never seen the blood of a monster have the effect of resurrection. She is not a demon, she is a god. She is right, she is our creator god!"

As soon as the speaker's voice fell, his head slid off his body.

Lingbao Tianzun directly beheaded him.

"The enemy dares to confuse the public with evil words and disturb the morale of our army. If anyone has such an idea, if you say it now, I don't mind killing a few more."

The fear of death once again enveloped the golden armored soldiers. In fact, what happened just now has shaken the hearts of many golden armored generals.

Where have they seen monsters who are about to be tortured to death and refuse to fight back? Where have they seen monsters whose blood can revive people.

"The monster, no, the girl is not trying to fight back, she is crying, because the hurt we caused her is too painful, she is just venting her painful emotions."

As soon as the man finished speaking, his head fell silently.

Lingbao Tianzun's eyes were gloomy.

"Who else wants to speak for the snake demon!"

Everyone was stunned, killing one after another, they were all shocked.

"Listen to my orders, form an formation, and fire!"

King Lingbao is crazy. He must let Nuwa's descendants die. This will not only weaken Chuhe's strength, but also put him in danger. What a wonderful thing.

And those soldiers in golden armor were forced by the fear of death to form formation again and fired at Ling'er.

It's just that the shells gathered by nearly a thousand gold-armored soldiers this time are much smaller than the last time. Among the thousands of people, many of them did not do anything on purpose, and some even didn't fire directly, just for show.

There were less than 100 people who wholeheartedly wanted to shoot and kill Ling'er, but the power of the spirit shells gathered by these 100 people was not small.

Especially Ling'er was seriously injured and couldn't even escape.

Seeing that the Lingguang Cannon did not meet his expectations, King Lingbao was very angry, but it was useless for him to be angry, he couldn't drag all 900 people out and behead them.

Since God General is unwilling to contribute, then he will contribute more.

"Attention, aim the muzzle at the snake monster's head. Her lower body is protected by hard scales, and the attack effect will be greatly weakened, so attack her head to ensure a one-shot kill!"

Lingbao Tianwang looked at Li Zhi while talking, and when he saw this kid hiding behind, his eyes were also dull, and he didn't say a word, so he got a little angry.

"Huwei Heavenly King, why are you standing there, watching a show? Quickly use your third eye to ignite the soul of this snake demon. We only need her body, and the soul is not important."

"If you dare to be passive and sabotage, I will report to the Emperor of Heaven and let him deal with you severely. But if you behave well this time, I will speak to the Emperor of Heaven and ask him to let your mother go. How should you choose? Get it!"

Chapter 620 Kill them all, leave none behind!

Between his mother and the descendants of Nuwa in front of him, Li Zhi thought for a moment before choosing the former.

Feeling Li Zhi's killing intent, Ling'er panicked even more. She was not afraid of death, but worried that she would not see Chuhe for the last time.

"Don't kill me, I didn't hurt you, why are you doing this to me, why?"

Linger's questioning made many gold-armored soldiers bow their heads, and they didn't even dare to look at Linger.

Li Zhi also dodged his eyes, but he finally made up his mind.

"I'm sorry, Nuwa's descendants. If you want to blame, I will blame you for getting too close to that big devil Chuhe, but don't worry, seeing that you care so much about him, I will send him to accompany you soon."

As Li Zhi opened his third eye, the air was steamed for a while, and the red lotus karma rose up.

"No, I don't want to die. Brother Chuhe promised me to take me out and protect me. I don't want to die now."

Ling'er's mournful cry shook the heavens and the earth, and the world felt her emotions. The situation changed suddenly, and the sky also let out a howl.

Heaven and earth are crying for the descendants of Nuwa, this kind of scene can only be seen in legends, Lingbao Tianwang felt that his Dao rules were trembling, and he also began to be afraid.

However, excessive fear will make people unable to think calmly, so he finally chose to swing the butcher knife.

"Hurry up, this snake demon can affect the world, if she is allowed to display supernatural powers, we will all die."

King Lingbao shouted, but Li Zhi didn't move yet.

"Li Zhi, don't you want your mother to be free? What have you been pursuing all this time? Seeing that the opportunity is right in front of you, if you miss it, you and your mother will never see each other again in this lifetime!"

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