Li Zhi finally made up his mind, and the red lotus fire burned towards Ling'er's tail. When the fire touched the scales, it made a crackling sound. The flame burned on his body, but a blue flame came out, which was the soul burning. will produce the color.

Maybe Ling'er has never suffered such a great pain in her life. The moment the flame touched her body, she trembled in pain, her huge body kept rolling on the ground, she screamed with all her strength, trying to relieve the pain, but It's useless, the red lotus karma burns the soul, and the pain cannot be offset.

"Haha, it's useful, it's useful. The Red Lotus Karma Fire can destroy the snake demon's soul without harming her body. It's great, it's simply great!"

King Lingbao trembled with excitement, and then yelled at Tycoon Li Zhi.

"Burn it up, what's the use of burning her tail, burn her body quickly, and burn her soul!"

"And you guys, let's fire, why are you standing still!"

Lingbao Heavenly King was already crazy, he didn't listen to the urging, Ling'er felt that the flame was going up all the way, and it was about to burn her body, at this time her tears were all dried up.

No more tears flowed, but colored blood flowed from the corners of her eyes.

But at this moment, the spiritual light shells came straight to her face, and she could feel the strong energy fluctuations from a long distance away, Ling'er suddenly laughed wildly, the laughter was extremely shrill.

"Brother Chuhe, I'm sorry, I'm afraid Ling'er won't be able to wait for you to come back!"

She closed her eyes, waiting for the arrival of the Emmanuel Cannonball.

A loud bang exploded in her ears, and it was strange that she did not feel the pain caused by the explosion. She hurriedly opened her eyes and found a hanging four-elephant tower covering her head, the four-elephant tower It rotates rapidly, completely isolating the explosion.

The figure of Chuhe was lying in front of her at this moment. Although he was only about seven feet tall, he protected Ling'er behind him like a mountain. Feeling the familiar figure from behind, Ling'er finally smiled.

And she finally let go of her defenses, and her huge figure slowly shrunk, turning into a human appearance.

"Brother Chuhe, it's great that you're back, I can still see you, you run, there are many of them, you are no match, leave me alone!"

Chuhe turned his head and saw a big hole was blasted out of Linger's waist, with only a little skin and flesh left. Her feet were burning with red flames, and the moment she saw Chuhe again, she felt the piercing pain. I forgot, she was still smiling sweetly, but when Chuhe opened his mouth for the first time, he didn't say a word, tears were already pouring out.

"Don't be afraid, Linger, I'm back!"

Chuhe hugged Ling'er into his arms, and the colorful spirit stones turned into Taiyi gourds, sucking all the burning flames from Ling'er's feet.

For the colorful spirit stone, the red lotus karmic fire can't do any harm to it.

Ling'er in her arms was so painful that she almost fainted, her breathing became weaker and weaker, and she was about to die.

Chu He turned his head, glanced at Li Zhi, Lingbao Heavenly King, and the nearly thousand golden armored generals behind them, and said in an extremely cold and cruel voice.

"Kill them, leave no one behind!"

On the way back, Master Songling had already told Mo Bubu about Linger's affairs, so when he saw his wife being beaten like this, Mo Bubu's heart jumped out. For the first time in his life, he had endless killing intent, his eyes crimson.

The first to attack was the Taiyi fairy gourd transformed from the colorful god stone. When it had absorbed the red lotus karmic fire, it turned the gourd over and pointed the mouth of the gourd at Li Zhi and Lingbao Tianwang.

The gourd turned upside down crazily, and a surge of blowing force came out from inside.

Lingbao Tianzun was the first to realize that something was wrong.

"Not good, this devil wants to fight back, quickly fire, attack Taiyi Immortal Gourd!"

The gods also reacted quickly, pointing their guns at the huge Taiyi Immortal Gourd above, but before they could fire, red flames spewed out from the mouth of the gourd.

They are too familiar with this flame, it is the red lotus fire.

"Get behind me!"

Li Zhi reacted in an instant, and began to greet the general to stand behind him. Now he is the only one who can deal with Honglian Yehuo in the court.

But it was too late when he spoke, endless karmic fire was sprayed out by the gust of wind, the fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind boosted the power of the fire, and the direction of the heavenly court was instantly enveloped by the red lotus karmic fire.

As soon as the lower-level gods came into contact with the red lotus fire, blue flames began to emit from their bodies. Their souls were instantly swallowed by the flames, and then died in endless pain.

Even the Lingbao Heavenly King accidentally burned his arm. Fortunately, he knew the power of the Red Lotus Karma Fire, so he cut off the burning arm with a wave of his hand, causing blood to splatter all over the ground.

More than half of the thousands of golden armor gods will be lost in an instant, and less than 300 people will survive.

But the fire of karma was still burning, and the raging flames were like a talisman from hell. As long as the golden armored general touched a little, he would be quickly burned to death by the flames.

Li Zhi opened his third eye and was also absorbing the red lotus karmic fire. It was unbelievable that he was fine with the red lotus karmic fire burning on his body.

Chapter 621 Tangerine is in a good mood?

The surviving Golden Armored General is also desperately resisting the attacks of Master Myeongdong and Master Songling.

Seeing that Li Zhi was able to suppress Honglian Karma, Master Songling was unable to cause substantial harm to the rest of the people for a while.

"Little master, the Red Lotus Ye Huo won't work on Li Zhi, you should think of a way."

Endless anger had already risen in Chuhe's heart, he wished that the person in front of him would die immediately, seeing that Li Zhi could save so many people, Chuhe was of course upset.

After careful observation, the reason why Li Zhi is not afraid of the red lotus karma is because of his eye. Its third eye is like the Taiyi fairy gourd, which can absorb the red lotus karma.

Seeing that all the karma was about to be reabsorbed by Li Zhi, the next step was to fight back.

The Lingbao Heavenly King shouted at the soldiers behind him with his regenerated arm.

"Aim at the devil Chuhe for me, and give him a one-hit kill!"

What kind of bullshit will kill with one blow, the aura cannons of hundreds of people hit the Four Elephant Pagoda just now have no effect at all. Although they are low-level, it does not mean that they are low-intelligence.

But they had to listen to Lingbao Heavenly King's orders.

At this moment, Li Zhi spoke.

"The Spirit Cannon is useless against the devil Chuhe, so you should attack the little Taoist priest and the little monk first, Lingbao Heavenly King, and you are responsible for collecting his magic weapon, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd."

In Li Zhi's view, the only one who can really threaten him is the Taiyi Immortal Gourd. To seize the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, as long as this treasure is gone, everything will be easy.

Li Zhi opened his mouth to order, and the soldiers in golden armor immediately obeyed. At this critical moment, Li Tianwang saved their lives. At this time, Li Zhi's prestige was much stronger than that of Lingbao Tianwang.

Moreover, Li Zhi also ordered Lingbao Heavenly King. To be honest, Lingbao Heavenly King was commanded by a junior, not to mention how upset he was, but he had nothing to do at this time.

He could only pinch his nose and acquiesced to Li Zhi's command, who made him stronger than himself.

Everyone in the Heavenly Court knew that as long as time passed, Huwei Heavenly King Li Zhi was destined to go farther than Lingbao Heavenly King and Lingzhi Heavenly King.

Even the Punishment King, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings, is not necessarily Li Zhi's opponent.

Not because of anything else, but because of Li Zhi's third eye, which is a magic weapon at the level of a magic weapon, and it is born with others, you can't envy it at all.

"Okay, give me the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petaled lotus, and you should settle the battle as soon as possible!"

No matter what the result is, now they have finally found Chuhe, and beat the descendants of Nuwa who are far more powerful than them into a dying state. For such a heaven-shattering achievement, the Emperor of Heaven will definitely bestow supernatural powers, and this time he has to choose something aggressive in everything he says.

Otherwise, the most embarrassing thing is not being able to fight on the battlefield.

After the Lingbao Heavenly King finished speaking, he began to unfold his Dao. The Lingbao Dao is really powerful. On the way of his unfolding, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petaled lotus have begun to get out of control, and began to wobble toward the Lingbao Heavenly King. Flying away, fortunately, Chuhe's mind turned and pulled the two spirit treasures back in time.

Although the two spirit treasures were pulled back, they were unable to attack the group of bastards in the Heavenly Court. Without the cover of the six-petal lotus and the Taiyi fairy gourd, Mo Budong's attack was instantly sluggish. Those are two golden immortals, and they are not opponents of each other when they are desperate.

"What is the origin of this old man, why can he control our Lingbao?"

Mo Bufei cursed viciously, just now in the chaos he secretly killed several generals, but unfortunately he didn't enjoy killing at all, the one he wanted to kill the most was the three-eyed Li Zhi.

The injuries of Nuwa's descendants can be recovered slowly, but the damage to the soul is irreversible.

Finally, Li Zhi completely absorbed the red lotus karma fire, and the terrifying red flame disappeared. All the gods breathed a sigh of relief, and they all started laughing.

"I thought we were going to be burned to death, but fortunately King Tiger Might saved us."

"Tiger Mighty King is mighty, we are willing to follow Tiger Mighty King to the death."

After one battle, King Tiger Might has grasped the popular hearts of so many gods, and these gods looked at him with only fear and resentment in their eyes. Compared with this, Lingbao Tianzun could not bear it.

He started to get angry at Li Zhi.

"What are you still doing in a daze, set fire to the devil, and that big snake monster."

That's still a snake demon. Ling'er lost her defense the moment she saw Chuhe. Her body has become a human mentality. Her beautiful figure and face made all the men dumbfounded.

Many people privately feel that such a kind and beautiful monster can no longer be called a monster, but should be a goddess.

Looking at Ling'er's scars, Li Zhi was also struggling in his heart, and Lingbao Tianzun was upset at this moment.

"If you don't hurry up, when I can't control these two spirit treasures, we will all die here. You should understand what we have done. Chuhe will not let us go."

That's right, Chuhe issued a kill order as soon as he showed up, and now Chuhe is doing his best to heal Linger's injuries, and when Linger recovers from his injuries, they will die.

Li Zhi shook his head, didn't think about it anymore, opened his third eye again, and a huge red flame surged towards him. You must know that this is not the one in an open place. The narrow space of the underground palace is almost impossible to avoid. Avoid, as long as it is burned by karma, Chuhe will surely die.

"No, master, be careful!"

Seeing that the danger was about to come, Master Songling hurriedly reminded that Ling'er trembled with fear when she saw the red lotus fire again, but even so, she still stood up abruptly, protecting Chu River behind her, and in that kind of ecstasy. In pain, she chose to protect Chuhe.

For a moment, Chuhe didn't say anything, but he believed in Ling'er in his heart, and he would protect this kind girl for the rest of his life no matter what.

He gently turned Ling'er around, and the two looked at each other.

"Ling'er, you rest here for a while, I'll go and collect his Red Lotus Karma!"

When Chuhe said this, King Lingbao laughed.

"How do you take it? Your Taiyi fairy gourd can't be used now, and this fake one is also under my control. The red lotus fire is now a death sentence for you, and you can't escape."

The Lingbao Heavenly King is determined to eat Chuhe. With him, Chuhe's Lingbao is basically impossible to use normally, and Chuhe without Lingbao is just a fairy, and Li Zhi doesn't need to take action. A soldier in golden armor casually hit him with a cannonball, and he can disappear in smoke.

And even the Four Elephant Pagoda, he can control it for a short time, and it is impossible to use the Four Elephant Pagoda to save his life.

Chapter 622 Give You An Eye For The Teacher

Lingbao Heavenly King felt that the orange was in good shape, and even Li Zhi relaxed his vigilance.

"Devil, if you don't want to suffer from the fire of karma, you should surrender obediently. With your strength, you can become a king in the heavenly court. I can say a few words to my uncle and save your life."

Chuhe didn't speak, but stood up and walked towards Li Zhi's direction.

Li Zhi didn't feel scared, but saw Chu Heming's stubbornness and persuaded him again.

"Stop it, for the sake of the girl behind you, stop trying to resist, you have no chance of winning, and your spirit treasures are useless, I am invincible here!"

Li Zhi wasn't bragging, but he didn't know that Chuhe still had more hole cards that he didn't use. He was no longer a fairy, he was already a half-step golden fairy, and there was no difference between his strength. .

And the so-called Lingbao Tianzun can seize the Lingbao are all jokes, he can also briefly interfere with the control of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petal lotus.

The fact that the Four Elephant Pagoda was controlled by him was an illusion created by Chuhe, just to make him paralyzed, because of all the people in it, only Lingbao Tianzun deserves to die!

Chuhe was still approaching step by step, Li Zhi shook his head.

"The devil is indeed a devil, but he says it's useless, then I'll give you a ride."

Just as the endless red lotus karmic fire was about to burst out, Li Zhi couldn't move. He didn't understand what was going on, and the eyes of Lingbao Tianwang on the side were straightened.

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