"Shensha Banner, Shensha Banner! It really is the Shensha Banner!"

Seeing the two Shensha flags floating in the sky, the Lingbao Heavenly King was very excited. This is the legendary magic weapon. With it, it can exert part of the strength of the great witch and Gonggong. You can call Gonggong to fight for you, think about it, let a saint come out to fight for you.

Who else is the opponent in this world.

Lingbao Tianzun was already so excited that his soul was about to ascend to heaven. He wanted to control the Shensha Banner without blinking his eyes, but the Shensha Banner did not respond at all. Even his Dao rules could not communicate effectively with the Shensha Banner.

Before the rules touched the Shensha flag, he was shattered by the evil spirit around the Shensha flag. However, Lingbao Tianwang was not discouraged at all. He had a lot of patience for how the magic soldiers could be subdued so easily. The two flags of gods and evil spirits, he will keep them in his bag even if he is the emperor of heaven.

Chuhe has seen through the small thoughts on Lingbao Tianwang's side. Chuhe just wants to laugh in his heart. He doesn't want to talk to Lingbao Tianwang now, he just wants to solve Li Zhi as soon as possible.

Now Chuhe has come in front of Li Zhi, but Li Zhi can't move at all, watching Chuhe approaching a little bit, there is nothing he can do.

But he didn't panic, because the front of him was already covered by the red lotus karma fire, and Chuhe's Lingbao was now controlled by the Lingbao Heavenly King, so Chuhe couldn't cause substantial harm to him at all.

"Devil Chuhe, you really have two brushes, and you can control them with two big black chess pieces, but don't think that you can do whatever you want. Bao, you can't cause substantial harm to me at all, do you mean you still want to hit me with your fist?"

"As long as you are contaminated with the fire of the red lotus, no one can save you!"

Li Zhi didn't panic in the slightest, even though he was at a disadvantage, he still remained calm, as if nothing happened.

Chuhe smiled, with such a strong hatred that the muscles in the corners of Chuhe's eyes jumped wildly when he made such an expression.

"Seven-Colored Divine Stone!"

Chuhe can't touch the fire of red lotus, but he still has a treasure, the seven-color god stone quickly flew to Chuhe's side, and under the rotation of Chuhe's mind, the seven-color god stone turned into a pair of gloves and automatically put on Chuhe's right hand On, the glove automatically extended to his arm until it covered Chuhe's entire arm.

It was also the first time for Li Zhi to see a spirit treasure that could change its shape at will. He was also very novel, but he still didn't realize the danger, but sneered.

"Tips for carving insects."

Chuhe didn't speak. In his eyes, Li Zhi was just a dead person. Anyone who hurt Ling'er, no matter whether it was intentional or unintentional, Chuhe would never let go.

Seeing that Chuhe stretched his hand into the karmic fire, the scene of Chuhe being burned by the karmic fire that everyone expected did not appear, his hand moved forward slowly in the flame, and soon reached Li Zhi's forehead.

Until Chuhe put his hand between Li Zhi's eyebrows, at the position of his third eye.

Li Zhi seemed to finally understand what Chuhe was going to do.

"What are you going to do, kid! You don't mean to poach my divine eyes, don't you kid..."


Before Li Zhi could finish his words, Chu He's finger pressed deeply into the center of Li Zhi's brow, and then Chu He pinched his third eye and pulled it hard, the third eye that could release the red lotus karmic fire An eyeball was pulled out directly from the center of his brow by Chuhe.

Blood gushed out from the wound, and Li Zhi's face was covered with blood. The situation that he thought he would win turned into this in an instant, and his Dao heart was shattered by Chuhe. From then on, Chuhe will become Li Zhi The nightmare, as long as Chuhe does not die, Li Zhi will never be able to survive.

Chu He didn't care about Li Zhi's thoughts at all, but waved to Mo Bu Bu Bu behind him.

Mo BuTong came to Chuhe in a hurry.

"What is the master's order?"

"This eye, yes, I give it to you!"

Mo Bu Buyi was taken aback. To be honest, since he worshiped Chu He as his teacher, Chu He has saved his life several times, but he has never given him any greeting gift between master and apprentice. Unexpectedly, the first gift was It is at the level of divine soldiers.

Moreover, this eye is extremely aggressive, even if Da Luo Jinxian accidentally touches the Tao, his soul will die, and his body will die and his Tao will disappear.

"Master, did you really give it to me?"

Mo BuTong was trembling all over, divine weapon, this is a divine weapon, Master Songling created the Taiyi Gate with only one Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and also became a Golden Immortal because of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

And the Taiyi fairy gourd is just an innate spiritual treasure, one level behind the magic weapon, but the magic weapon has the ability to kill gods.

Regardless of whether Mo Butong was excited, the little monk also had red eyes. He really wanted to get this magical eye, but he also knew that what he had done recently had disappointed his master. He didn't dare to think about such a good opportunity.

I can only please the master in the future, and be loyal to the master, maybe I can get the master to give me something else.

In fact, things are not the main thing, but the attitude of the master. This is a real recognition of Mo Bu Bu as his apprentice, but he himself has not yet been recognized by the master.

Chuhe can guess the thoughts of the two disciples. The reason why he gave the eyes to Mo Bubu is that at the critical moment, Mo Bubu is more courageous than the young monk and has the courage to die, but Chu He appreciates Mo Bubu even more in his heart. .

Chapter 623

Doing this can also be regarded as an encouragement to the young monk. If he can't understand his intentions, then I'm sorry, this apprentice doesn't care.

"No way, this eye is a magical weapon. I will put it between your eyebrows. If it bites back, you may be burned to death by the red lotus karma, but if you can control it, your strength will be greatly improved." Will go one step further, how do you choose?"

Mo Fei was stunned, he didn't expect that he might die if he accepted the magic weapon?But if you think about it, this is not your own thing, of course it will resist, if it releases the red lotus karmic fire between its eyebrows, then needless to say, Mo Budong will be burned through the Lingtai Consciousness Sea in an instant, and die suddenly.

Facing death and magic soldiers, Mo Bubu was caught in a dilemma. Chu He thought he would refuse. After all, in the face of life and death, many people would choose to live.

Even if Mo Bufei didn't refuse, at least he should have hesitated for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the time for Mo Bufei to take a breath has already been decided.

"Master, life and death are determined by fate and wealth. It is up to the disciple whether he can get the magic weapon. Even if he dies, the disciple will still have no complaints or regrets. I implore the master to bestow the magic weapon!"

"Okay, if you have courage, you won't be mediocre just because of your ruthlessness, so I'll help you refine it!"

Chuhe's thoughts flowed, and a spirit stone fell off from his arm, turning into a black barrier to cover the divine eyes, so as to isolate the red lotus karmic fire.

Chuhe directly slid Mo Butong's eyebrows away with his fingertips, and put his third eye in.

Due to the change of owner, the god's eyes began to resist fiercely, and the flames spewed out violently, but were blocked by the shield made of colorful spirit stones.

But even so, Mo Bufei was unbearable, just for a moment, his eyebrows were like an explosion, and the magic soldiers saw that the red lotus karma could not cause damage, so they began to erode Mo Bufei's sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to control Mo Bufei , Let a dove occupy the magpie's nest.

How can Chuhe fail to see the deeds of the magic weapon, he hurriedly wanted to take the magic weapon back. To be honest, he was a bit abrupt, after all, the difference in strength was too great, even if it was bestowed on Mo Butong, he had to wait until he proved the way After the Golden Immortal, when he has the blessing of the Dao rules, he can barely resist the magic soldiers.

Right now, he has almost no chance of winning.

Unexpectedly, Chuhe stretched out his hand, but Mo Butong stretched out his hand to stop it with difficulty.

"Master, please believe that I can subdue the magic weapon, give me this chance!"

Now that he has said so, Chuhe no longer insists, and whispers encouragement to Mo Bubei.

"If you can regain the magic weapon in the realm of the immortals, then your future achievements will be limitless. I hope you can survive as a teacher."

"Reverend Mingdong, Master Songling, please protect him!"


Such a good opportunity, Master Mingdong and Master Songling have green eyes. If they knew that they could get such a good fortune by worshiping Chuhe as their teacher, they could even be Chuhe's grandsons. , they can follow the surname Chu.

But since this is the case, it is useless for them to be envious. Who made the two of them feel rebellious and tried to rebel when they were fighting against the Monkey King. Otherwise, the two of them might not need to be weapon spirits. Chuhe has already released them up.

After all, he is a golden fairy, and the probability of Chuhe giving them the magic weapon is much higher than that of Mo Bu Bu Bu.

But it was useless to regret now, Master Mingdong gave the little monk a vicious look, his eyes were full of sorrow for his misfortune, and he was indisputable in anger.

Then he protected the six-petalled lotus, and Master Songling stood in front of him. At such a critical moment, he didn't want his disciples to have any accidents.

The little monk also hurried over to protect the Dharma, but with his strength, he couldn't do anything at all, and Mo Bu Bui was the protagonist. He could only keep reciting the six-character mantra, praying for Mo Bu Bu Bu's safety.

Seeing the little monk devote himself to praying for Mo BuFong, Chu He felt very relieved. The two disciples shared joys and sorrows, shared adversity, and shared life and death is what he wanted to see.

"You dare to give away my eyes, I will kill you!"

Li Zhi was completely furious, and the light around him burst into flames, breaking through the shackles of the Shensha Banner for a while, but Chuhe was not afraid at all.

Li Zhi without the magic weapon is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. It looks useless and can no longer cause any substantial damage to Chuhe.

"It's not your eyes anymore, and you don't know right from wrong, and you don't deserve to have magic weapons at all!"

"This is your punishment for hurting Ling'er. This is just the beginning. You can wait for the follow-up revenge slowly. I will definitely let you live or die!"

Li Zhi had already lost his mind. He rushed towards Chuhe angrily. He had just broken through and suppressed him, which had already made the Shensha Qi very embarrassing. Now that he dared to attack his master, how could the Shensha Qi make him get what he wanted.

Two large flags landed, piercing through his hands and feet one after the other, nailing Li Zhi to the ground completely. Li Zhi was filled with grief and indignation, but he couldn't move at all.

Li Zhi was beaten with no power to fight back like this, and Lingbao Tianzun did not expect that the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petaled lotus that he thought to be under control would fly away like this, and even ran to the disciples of Chuhe Dharma protector.

How could he bear it.

"Why are you still standing there, you can't beat the devil Chuhe, why don't you hurry up and attack that little Taoist priest while he is subduing the magic soldier, take advantage of his illness, and kill him!"

The brains of the generals are now blank, they can only follow the instructions and attack mechanically.

How could Master Songling let these people hurt Mo Bu Bui? Compared with real Mingdong, he has a deeper relationship with Mo Bu Bui. If Mo Bu Bu can really control the magic weapon, his future achievements will be absolutely limitless.

At that time, as his previous Supreme Master, Mo Budong will cover himself no matter what he says.

Just like in the imperial palace, the mother is more expensive than the child, whether Master Songling will have a way out in the future depends on how far he can go!

"You group of trash fish dare to hurt the master's disciple, you are courting death!"

The Taiyi Immortal Gourd instantly grew bigger and flew towards the Golden Armored God General.

"Pay me!"

Following Master Songling's loud shout, terrifying suction came from the gourd. The strength of these divine generals was not even as good as the eight guardians. How could they resist the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, which could hold Tiger Mighty King in it.

Almost face to face, the Golden Armored God generals were sucked into the Taiyi Immortal Gourd like ducks in the water, and they kept screaming.

Seeing that these people were about to suffer disaster, the Lingbao Heavenly King urged the Fantian Seal to drop down, and Taiyi Immortal Gourd had no choice but to dodge.

Just when Lingbao Heavenly King, fortunately, succeeded in one blow, Chuhe suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Damn old dog, the account between us, it's time to settle it!"

Chapter 624

The appearance of Chuhe gave Lingbao Tianzun a great sense of oppression, especially after Chuhe easily subdued Li Zhi, he has now begun to fear Chuhe.

However, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, he still had to be tough.

"Devil Chuhe, don't think that you are guaranteed to win. The old man is also a heavenly king. He is not the kind of soft persimmon you think. You can squeeze it if you want."

While speaking, Fan Tianyin took a head-on shot, which was so powerful that if Chuhe was hit, he would lose half his life.

But just when Lingbao Heavenly King thought the scheme had succeeded.

The colorful spirit stone suddenly flew over the sky, turned into a spear and stabbed towards the Fantian seal.

After all, the Lingbao Heavenly King is at the bottom of the level, so far he still hasn't figured out what kind of Lingbao the Colorful God Stone is. He thought it was just a shape-shifting Lingbao.

"Take a spear against my Heaven-shattering seal. Are you too naive? I thought you were a character, but I didn't expect you to be so brainless."

King Lingbao began to relax his vigilance. After carefully observing the battlefield, he found that the most feared Shensha Banner was suppressing Li Zhi at this time, and the only four-element pagoda that could make him feel troubled had been suspended above the heads of Nuwa's descendants, and was doing its best to treat her injuries.

The Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petal lotus are protecting his disciples, and they can't get away for a while.

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