In other words, Chuhe doesn't have a spirit treasure that can decide the outcome, and as a golden fairy, it's not easy for him to crush a goddamn god.

I really didn't expect that there is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and this Chuhe even dared to underestimate the enemy without taking himself seriously. I'm afraid he will never meet such a good opportunity in his life.

The Fantian Seal fell rapidly, and when it touched the spear made of colorful spirit stones, there was a clanging sound of metal collisions, followed by a powerful wave of energy spreading from the place where the two spirit treasures collided .

Some of the nearer golden armored gods couldn't bear such a big impact, and their bodies were directly crushed by the energy. Their bodies were like firecrackers exploding in the sky.

Daoist Lingbao didn't care about the death or injury of the golden armored general, he was just amazed that a small spear could actually temporarily resist the huge Shattering Seal, which had to be admired.

"Sometimes, when I think about it, I really compare myself to others, and I am so angry. As the Lingbao Tianzun, I am in charge of the Lingbao Dao, but I don't have as many Lingbao as you. It's ridiculous to think about it."

"Where did you get so many treasures, two magical weapons, just give me one, and I will be invincible in the golden fairy realm, but soon these things will all be mine!"

King Lingbao talked to himself, but Chuhe didn't pay attention to him at all. King Lingbao didn't get angry when Chuhe ignored him. Maybe he felt that Chuhe was so frightened that he couldn't speak for a while.

Now time is running out, if Nuwa's descendants are allowed to heal the injury, even if that fool monster does not participate in the battle, he can't handle it with just a four-elephant pagoda.

"I don't have time to talk to you anymore. I admit that you are very strong, but when manpower is exhausted, if you want to blame, you can blame your untimely birth. If you meet this old man, go to hell!"

Under the urging of Lingbao Tianwang, the Fantian Seal doubled in size, and the spear was squished under the pressure. Finally, it could no longer control the huge pressure of the Fantian Seal, and the Fantian Seal slammed down.

"Hey, it's a pity, you are also a talent, I will intercede with the Heavenly Emperor, and leave you a whole body, but since this snake demon can transform into a human form and is so beautiful, the old man suddenly doesn't want to kill him. "

"Obtain your Lingbao, I am occupying this secret realm, even if the Emperor of Heaven comes to me, I can retreat completely, I plan to take your sister Ling'er for my own use, the blood of Nuwa's descendants can actually bring people back to life, with Such a powerful bloodline will give birth to a baby, what an extraordinary existence it will be."

Although Lingbao Tianzun has got rid of the seven emotions and six desires, Linger's beauty cannot be ignored by concentration. In addition, as a descendant of Nuwa, she has a strong attraction to the human race. For the sake of prohibition, I want to take it as my own.

Sensing Lingbao Tianzun's undisguised greedy look, Ling'er kept backing away in panic.

"Don't come here, come here again, Brother Chuhe won't let you go!"

"Stop shouting. Your brother Chuhe is dead. I will be your brother from now on. As long as you are obedient and serve me well, I will let you experience the happiness you have never felt before..."

Lingbao Tianwang approached Ling'er step by step, and the hala in his mouth flowed all over the floor. Just when he was overjoyed, Chuhe's voice sounded again.

"is it?"

As if seeing a ghost, Lingbao Tianzun turned his head in disbelief, and saw that his Heaven-shattering seal was printed on the ground right now, and the Chu River should have been drained into mud long ago, so why can he still speak.

It didn't take long before he discovered that dense cracks suddenly appeared in the Fantian Seal that he was proud of, and those cracks expanded rapidly, filling the entire Fantian Seal almost instantly. Directly penetrate the Heaven-shattering Seal and suspend in the air.

"Impossible, Fantian Seal is the hardest spirit treasure, how could it be pierced by a spear, I don't believe it!"

The scene in front of him was impossible for Lingbao Tianwang to fix. He stared blankly at the Shattered Seal, not noticing the movement of Chuhe for a while.

"The toughest Lingbao, I think he is not as tough as your mouth, hurt my Linger, and dare to tease my Linger, I will smash your stinky mouth first!"

The spear was still floating in the sky, and King Lingbao didn't know how Chuhe would attack.

"Heavenly King, be careful behind you!"

At this time, the Golden Armored God will remind him that Lingbao Tianzun didn't know what was going on, so he followed the voice and turned his head, only to see Chuhe swinging an iron rod and sweeping towards his head heavily.

When he turned his head, the stick that was supposed to hit the back of the head instantly hit Lingbao Tianwang's mouth.

The moment he touched it, all his teeth were knocked off by the golden cudgel. Before he could cry out the pain, the fallen teeth flew in his mouth. Because of the speed, they turned into bullets and knocked Lingbao away. The back of the king's neck is pierced.

The momentum of the flying teeth continued unabated, and they shot towards the golden armored general behind him. Those unlucky ones never dreamed that they would be jumped to death by a mouthful of old teeth!

Lingbao Tianzun was drawn and flew out.

Chuhe only used physical attacks, did not use any spiritual power, and did not use magic power. The damage caused by this seemed exaggerated, but it did not do much damage to Lingbao Tianwang.

Chapter 625 Obsolete!

As a Golden Immortal, his physical body can recover at any time, and he was recovering quickly from this kind of injury not long after he flew upside down.

By the time his body hit the rock wall behind him heavily, his injuries had recovered.

But the injury has recovered, and the pain is still there.

Although as a Golden Immortal, he cannot avoid the instinctive pain of his body. As a Lingbao Heavenly King who is not good at fighting, he is rarely injured, so his tolerance to pain is very low.

The intense stimulation made his mind soar, and the sharp pain rushed straight to his forehead.

That's what Chuhe wants to do, to torture him little by little. If he didn't give Mo Butong the divine eye, he would also let Lingbao Tianwang enjoy the feeling of karma burning his body.

"How dare you hit me!"

Lingbao Tianzun was a little fierce. This kind of attack, which did not cause any harm to him, was very insulting. Suddenly, he sacrificed all the magic weapons and threw them at Chu River.

Chuhe chuckled, and charged up again with the golden cudgel.

The spirit treasures that turned to Chu River were easily pierced by the spears made of colorful spirit stones, just like paper. At this time, the Lingbao Heavenly King realized, good guy, this deformable spirit treasure is also a magic weapon level thing.

Before he could finish being surprised, Chuhe's golden cudgel had already slammed down on his lower limbs. In desperation, Lingbao Tianwang hurriedly used magic treasures to protect his body, but he still didn't expect that this was as ordinary as it looked. The strange golden iron rod is actually the same as the changing spirit treasure.

The magic weapon of the Lingbao Heavenly King was knocked to burst as soon as it came into contact with the golden cudgel, and it couldn't stop it for a second. Even when the golden cudgel smashed the Lingbao, the speed showed no sign of slowing down.

This is still a magic weapon, oh my god, Lingbao Heavenly King's eyes are straight, a fairy has four magic weapons in his hand, does his family have a weapon shop? right.

You might as well be the King of Lingbao!


A shrill scream resounded through the sky, and the legs of Lingbao Tianwang were directly broken by Chuhe. He couldn't stand anymore and fell down unsteadily.

Just as he was quickly recovering his legs, his knee was attacked again, with a comminuted fracture that kept him from ever standing again.

"Give me a sigh!"

With Chuhe's roar, Lingbao Heavenly King knelt down in front of Linger with a plop.

"Kowtow to her and admit your mistake!"

Lingbao Heavenly King originally thought that there was only physical pain, but he did not expect that there would be spiritual insult. As a heavenly king, how could he kowtow to the monster to admit his mistake.

But at this time, he couldn't control anything.

Chuhe hit the old guy's back with a heavy blow. The old guy couldn't support his balance and fell heavily on the ground. His head touched the bottom first, smashing the stone into a big hole, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

He wanted to stand up, because this posture was too humiliating, but he found that the knee injury could not recover automatically anyway, and Chuhe had his hands and feet in the attack just now.

He also had a temporary idea, thinking of making Lingbao Tianwang kowtow to admit his mistake.

"God Nuwa created the world to have you. You are ungrateful and dare to hurt Nuwa's descendants. You are really wolf-hearted and ungrateful. You'd better reflect on me."

Lingbao Heavenly King knelt on the ground, but his mouth continued to be aggressive.

"What kind of nonsense, descendants of Nuwa, times have changed, now it is the world of the human race, not my race, their hearts must be different, they must die, I did nothing wrong..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden cudgel pierced the back of his neck and came out of his mouth, and Lingbao Tianwang's voice stopped abruptly.

"I don't like to hear what you said, so repeat it!"

Chuhe pulled the golden cudgel out of his mouth, and the injury recovered visible to the naked eye.

His spine has been broken by the Chu River, and he wants to stand upright, but he can't do it at all.

As a king of heaven, with a respectable status, he doesn't even have to kneel down when he sees the emperor of heaven, but here he kneels down to a big monster, and he doesn't even say the cruel words from his mouth, how aggrieved he is.

The more Lingbao Tianwang thought about it, the more angry he became, and he opened his mouth full of blood and said.

"Listen to me, kid. I will write down all the insults I have suffered today. When the day comes, I will ask you to repay them double."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chuhe's golden cudgel was stuffed into his mouth again.

"No, it's not what I want to hear, I'll give you another chance!"

Chuhe took out the golden cudgel, and Lingbao Tianwang continued.

"Devil, no matter what you do, I will not give in to you. Our [-] heavenly soldiers are guarding outside the secret realm right now. The Heavenly King of Lingzhi and the Heavenly King of Punishment are waiting for you."

"Do you dare to kill me? If you dare to kill me, Heavenly Court will never let you go. Let alone you, even the descendants of Nuwa will be reduced to playthings. If you don't want to see such an ending. ..”


Before he finished speaking, the golden cudgel pierced through his body again. This time, Chuhe used tricks to make Lingbao Tianzun unable to repair it.

"Doing a lot of evil and being stubborn, if that's the case, then I'll let you know that your so-called threat is a joke to me."

Chu He threw the golden cudgel aside, and the seven-colored spirit stone turned into a dagger at the same time. Chu He pierced Lingbao Tianzun's neck with a knife, and then picked his spine hard, and Chu He picked out his spine.

Chuhe pinched the spine directly and pulled it hard, and the whole spine was torn off.

This spine is not simply to support the body, but Chuhe pulled out it together with his soul, and there is a fairy bone in it. If the fairy bone is lost, Lingbao Tianzun will no longer need to practice in the future.

Almost at the same time, Lingbao Tianzun panicked and shouted for Chuhe to stop.

"What are you going to do? Please, don't pull out my fairy bones. I know I was wrong. I will apologize to Nuwa's descendants now."

"Now you know you're wrong? You know you're begging for mercy. I'll give you a chance. If you don't take care of yourself, it's too late!"

Chuhe threw the fairy bones into the air, the golden cudgel jumped up and fell heavily, his fairy bones were shattered. From then on, Lingbao Tianzun's path of cultivation has come to an end, and it will never be possible to go further.

The old man who was stubborn at first, seemed to have been taken away by someone, and suddenly became dumbfounded. His clothes were torn and covered in blood, and he looked very pitiful.

Chuhe didn't intend to spare him so easily.

After dismantling his fairy bones, Chuhe pointed at the center of his eyebrows, his Lingtai was instantly shattered, and the saplings of Lingbao Avenue in his body were also shattered by Chuhe.

For a time, the sound of broken rules could be heard throughout the world.

The Golden Armored God General couldn't believe it even in his dreams. The existence of the majestic king level was abolished by Chuhe in this way. Not only can Lingbao Tianzun not practice, even mortals can't do it!

Chapter 626 Xiangliu is still alive

"Don't!" Lingbao Tianzun screamed vigorously, but the matter still happened, and there was no room for recovery. In fact, when his fairy bone was pulled out, he was already discouraged.

When Chuhe smashed his fairy bones, he finally understood that his threat was meaningless to Chuhe, who was not afraid of heaven at all.

"Devil, do you know how difficult it is for a human being to cultivate to the Golden Core level? You actually destroyed his fairy bone and smashed his altar. How can you be so cruel?"

Although Li Zhi's limbs were restrained by the Shensha Banner, his eyes were not blind, he could still speak, and roared over the Chu River to vent his anger.


Hearing the word cruel, Chuhe laughed. He laughed so loudly that the surrounding clouds were shaken away by his breath, and the laughter was mixed with endless hatred.

He pointed to Li Zhi's head and said.

"When you treat Ling'er, why don't you say it's cruel? Her strength is at least the pinnacle of Jinxian. She is half a step away from Luo Jinxian. Squeezing you to death is like crushing a bug. When you hurt her, she even protects you. You dare not fight back, and her blood saved your lives."

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