"Even the beasts in the world know how to be grateful. If you don't repent, you will intensify your efforts. You want to put Ling'er to death and burn her body with karmic fire. Do you know the pain of burning her soul?"

"At that time, why didn't you think you were cruel?"

Chuhe's words were so loud and reprimanded that many remaining generals lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Li Zhi wanted to refute, so he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything after all.

Chuhe sneered and continued to ask.

"Ling'er protects the formation, do you know what she is doing?"

When Chuhe asked, Li Zhi subconsciously shook his head.

"From Nuwa's palace, it's about a half-day's journey to the east. Xiangliu, a big demon from ancient times, was imprisoned there. Xiangliu was sealed by Nuwa empress with a big array, just to prevent him from harming the world after he went out. I'm working on it. Fighting with Xiang Liu to a critical moment, you destroy the eyes of the formation and let Xiang Liu go, do you know what kind of disaster will happen to the world?"

"What, Xiangliu? The nine-headed snake, Xiangliu?"

Li Zhi was dumbfounded, he had never seen a monster in the ancient times, let alone Xiang Liu, the great demon in the ancient times.

"How is it possible? In the Lich War in the ancient times, those big monsters should all die!"

This is the thought of everyone on the Tianting side, but when they look at the descendants of Nuwa who are close in front of them, their hearts are actually not so firm.

"Do you have any evidence that the big demon is still alive?"

Chuhe naturally couldn't produce evidence, and he was not interested in producing evidence.

Just when the people in Tianting were still suspicious, Master Songling spoke directly.

"If you want proof, I'll give it to you!"

In fact, when Chuhe learned that Linger was in danger, he rushed to Nuwa's palace in a hurry. Didn't Master Songling fall behind at that time?

As an immortal cultivator, Xiangliu's skins are rare treasures. They can be refined and made into good defensive magic weapons. This is the physical defense of the Da Luo Jinxian level. Although it is injured by lightning, compared with The external incarnation refined by Chuhe's great witch corpse is a little bit worse, but it is definitely not something that ordinary golden immortals can break through at will.

So Master Songling conveniently put away Xiangliu's snake skin.

Chuhe didn't know these things, and now seeing the heavenly generals didn't believe it, Master Songling felt that it was time to show them Xiangliu's skin!

As the Taiyi fairy gourd gradually grew in size, the skin pouch left by the big snake was released from the gourd.

The huge skin pouch filled the small space at once.

Seeing the huge snake phosphorus, all the generals in the heavenly court were startled and hurriedly backed away.

"Could it be a fake? Such a big snake, couldn't it be the snake slough of the descendants of Nuwa?"

Some people questioned it, but God will soon refute it.

"Even if your brain is not good, your eyes are not blind, not to mention that the size of this snake skin is much larger than that of Nuwa's descendants just now, and if you look up, there is one piece of this thing, Two, three...a total of eight heads!"

Hearing people say this, the generals also carefully counted the heads on the top, and there were eight of them.

"What he said is true, there really is a big snake!"

The generals have already begun to believe Chuhe's words. This situation is very dangerous. Although Li Zhi wants to stop the generals from wandering, he is considered the most humane in the heavenly court, and he still has basic etiquette, justice and shame.

Li Zhi remained silent, as he agreed with Chuhe's statement, but he agreed that Xiangliu was still alive, and he did not agree with what Chuhe said that he was going to kill Xiangliu.

Xiangliu is a snake demon, and the descendants of Nuwa in front of him are also snake demons. It is difficult for Li Zhi not to think that they are monsters working together. Chuhe is already difficult to deal with. On the other side, that court is really in danger.

However, Chu He's focus was no longer on Li Zhi. He looked up and saw that Xiang Liu's head was indeed only eight.

He hurriedly asked Master Songling.

"Have you put away all the big snake's skins?"

These generals had never seen Xiangliu, so they didn't know that he had nine heads, but Master Songling knew it very well. When Chuhe asked him, he understood what Chuhe meant.

"Little master, I'm sure I've collected all the big snake's skins, and his skins are a whole. I didn't take a closer look when they were entangled together. How could there be a head missing? Could it be that his head was completely destroyed by lightning?" Crushed into powder?"

Master Songling was also flustered, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

After hearing what he said, Chuhe shook his head.

"Impossible, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel has become the size to cover Xiangliu snake's body, and the attack covers the whole body, it is impossible for one point to be severely injured, even the skin is lost, while other parts can be preserved so intact. "

Thinking of this, Chuhe sighed.

"It seems that it failed, or let the stinky snake run away!"


Master Songling was so frightened that he spoke out. He was a Daluo Jinxian level existence, and he already hated Chuhe so much that he would definitely take revenge on Chuhe.

Even the little monk knew that the reason why the master was able to unilaterally torture the snake demon Xiangliu was because of the grand formation set up by Nuwa, which left him nowhere to escape. Killing him is as difficult as climbing the sky.

No, not to mention killing him, the next offense and defense are out of position, and I will become Xiang Liu's prey on my own side, and will be hunted down mercilessly!

Chapter 627 Soul Damage Irreversible

Since he knew that Xiang Liu was still alive, Chuhe couldn't waste time here, because he had just opened his consciousness and already noticed the suspected existence of Xiang Liu.

Chuhe was still not fully sure of Shangxiangliu, and Linger was seriously injured, and the little apprentice was desperately refining the magic weapon, Tianyan, this was not the time to fight Xiangliu.

"At first I wanted to ravage you and let you experience all kinds of torture in the world, but my uncle is kind and can save you from suffering, so I will send you on your way now!"

Chuhe's golden cudgel was raised high, and this time there was powerful spiritual power surging above the golden cudgel, this time Chuhe was no longer just playing around, this time when the stick went down, it was going to chase Lingbao Tianwang's soul away.

Seeing that he was about to fall, the original arrogance of Lingbao Tianwang was gone, and it happened that he was also kneeling on the ground and began to kowtow non-stop.

"Brother Chuhe, don't kill him."

At this time, Ling'er's injuries had almost recovered, and when she saw that Chuhe wanted to kill someone, she hurriedly spoke out to stop her.

"Ling'er, what are you talking about? This old thing caused you to suffer such serious injuries. How can I relieve my hatred if I don't destroy him physically and spiritually, and turn his bones into ashes!"

Chuhe has never wanted to torture and kill a person so much. There is not enough time, and he can give up torturing him, but Chuhe feels that he cannot let him go.

"Brother Chuhe, they are all mortals. If they did something wrong, it is justifiable. Please, let him go. It is already miserable enough for him to be beaten like this by you. The hatred in my heart is gone. Come on!"

Ling'er is still too kind, and she is still pleading for the murderer. Rao Lingbao Tianwang's heart is as hard as iron, and she shed tears of regret.

"Descendants of Nuwa, it's my fault. I'm too greedy and want to harm you. My crime is unforgivable, I deserve to die!"

"It's good to know that you deserve to die, I will send you on your way now!"

Chuhe's golden cudgel slammed down heavily, seeing that Lingbao Tianzun was about to be turned into powder, he shouted suddenly.

"Don't kill me, I have a way to cure the burning of the karma!"

Hearing this, Chuhe stopped his stick and asked coldly.

"My Four Elephant Pagoda has been injured by Ling'er, and Ling'er has recovered, what kind of healing karma is burning, what do you mean by that?"

"The burn of the soul is irreversible. Although your thought tower is miraculous, it can never cure the burn of the soul. If you don't believe me, let Ling'er girl go down to the ground and try!"

At this time, Ling'er was shrouded by the Four Elephant Pagoda, and his body was suspended in the air. Chuhe wanted to verify the words of Lingbao Tianwang, so he waved the Four Elephant Pagoda to stop spinning, and Ling'er landed on both feet.

Ling'er didn't realize that something was wrong, just about to take two steps, the whole person seemed to lose support and fell down.

Chuhe hurried forward to help.

"What happened to Ling'er?"

The appearance of Chuhe made Ling'er so excited that she didn't even notice the problem with her feet.

"Brother Chuhe, I can't feel my feet. I can't seem to walk anymore!"

Ling'er said in a panic, Chuhe was completely furious this time, originally thought that Ling'er was only seriously injured, but for the big monster, the body's tolerance is very strong, as long as the injury is cured, it will be back to normal.

But how could Chuhe think that the injury caused by the red lotus industry fire could not be recovered. How could Chuhe accept such a simple and kind Ling'er who was made disabled by these people.

His eyes turned red in an instant, with a monstrous killing intent, and Shen Shaqi trembled with excitement when he felt this killing intent.

Just taking a glance at Li Zhi, Li Zhizhen felt as if he had fallen into an abyss. He had already been pierced by Chu River, and facing Chu River in this life was like seeing a nightmare.

Now that Nightmare was angry, he couldn't even give birth to the consciousness of resistance.

"I thought that digging out your divine eyes would be your punishment, but now it seems that you must die too!"

In fact, Chuhe knew that Li Zhi was not the same as Lingbao Tianwang, he was a bad embryo through and through, he still had human nature, but he was deceived by the emperor of heaven.

Originally, he wanted to let him live, but now it seems that he is the one who caused the most harm to Linger, so I'm sorry, Li Zhi must die!

Chuhe's golden cudgel changed its direction and slammed down heavily on Li Zhi.

Ling'er in her arms suddenly hugged Chuhe tightly.

"Don't kill him, he's a good man, he spoke for me at first, please don't kill him."

Chuhe should have thought earlier that even the heinous Lingbao Tianzun and Ling'er would intercede for him, let alone Li Zhi.

The golden cudgel was raised high again, and put down gently, Chuhe's mood was extremely uncomfortable.

"But Linger, he made you unable to walk anymore, don't you hate him?"

Unexpectedly, Ling'er smiled. The smile was clean and pure, without any negative emotions.

"Although I can't walk, I can still fly. It doesn't affect my life in the slightest. And with Brother Chuhe by my side, I'm content. Ling'er doesn't want anything, and I don't want revenge. Please." Let them go."

Ling'er was still pleading for Li Zhi, and by the way, also for the golden armored general behind him. The general who was resurrected by Ling'er with blood was once again rescued by the snake demon they said.

At this time, their mentality has reversed. Even if the Heavenly Emperor comes here and tells them that the descendants of Nuwa are snake demons, they will never raise their butcher knives at the descendants of Nuwa. Some people have even made up their minds to defend Nuwa to the death. The safety of descendants of Wa!

When Li Zhi heard Ling'er pleading for him, tears fell down. He was not afraid of death, but he still had regrets and wanted to go back to see his mother for the last time.

In the past, as the Heavenly King of the Heavenly Court, he had killed countless monsters, but he had never bought one, which would make him regret it as much as he does now.

If you had been braver back then, stood up to protect the descendants of Nuwa, if you hadn't been threatened by Lingbao Tianzun, you would have burned the descendants of Nuwa with karmic fire.

Since he was a child, his mother has been praising him for being kind and courageous, and distinguishing right from wrong. He has done too many things wrong in the past few days.

Chu He sighed, retracted the golden cudgel, and retracted the Shensha Banner. Li Zhi regained his freedom, but lost his fighting spirit. He stood up slowly, but he couldn't straighten his chest.

"The fire of the red lotus is not incurable. It is rumored that there is a kind of gathering grass growing in the extreme north. Eating it can repair the damaged soul. Of course, this is just a legend, and the extreme north is a restricted area of ​​life. 300 years ago, a The small world suddenly came to the extreme north, and I heard that there are many unknown big monsters living there, and all the monsters are powerful."

"Countless people want to go there to try their luck, including those at the Golden Immortal level, but it's a pity that none of them survived."

Li Zhi muttered to himself, as a user of Ye Huo, he was the one who knew best how to treat Ye Huo.

Chapter 628 Evil has evil retribution

When Chuhe heard the news, he laughed.

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