"Ling'er, have you heard that there are spirit-gathering grass in the north, which can heal your injuries. Let's go now and find you the spirit-gathering grass now."

When he heard that Ling'er's feet were saved, Chuhe felt unspeakably excited.

Li Zhi frowned and persuaded again.

"You may not have heard clearly. The Far North is a very dangerous place. Jinxian has no hope of escaping if he goes in. With your strength, if you go in, you will die without life, and the so-called spirit-gathering grass is also a dangerous place. A legend, I don’t know if it exists or not.”

"Even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will go in. No danger is important to me."

After Chuhe said this, tears welled up in the corners of Linger's eyes again. Her tears today seemed worthless, and they always burst out unsatisfactorily.

Chuhe picked up Ling'er and flew upwards.

"Little master, let them go like this?"

Master Songling opened his eyes wide, a little inconceivable. In his memory, Chuhe was a master who had clear grievances and grievances. If he had revenge, he had said everything, so how could he let it go.

"I didn't let them go. In my heart, it's not a pity for them to die ten thousand times. It was Linger who let them go. Linger gave them their lives. I won't ask where they go, but if I Seeing you, I will not give you a second chance, and it is not certain whether you will have a second chance!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he flew directly upwards. Before he left, he took away hundreds of light cannons scattered on the ground.

Seeing Chuhe leave, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Master Songling was still a little bit upset that such a kind girl like Linger was forced to be like that by them, they would not be too exaggerated to cut her into pieces.

However, Chuhe's kindness is also a good thing for him. As a servant of Chuhe, it is a good thing for the master to have kind thoughts in his heart.

Originally, he was still worried about his future, but now that he has Miss Ling'er, it is even more impossible for Chuhe to kill him.

Thinking of this, Master Songling also felt relieved.

After collecting Xiang Liu's snake skin, he spat hard on the person below him.

"It's cheap for you bastards. You keep talking about subduing demons and eliminating demons. You are not even as good as demons. If I were ashamed, I would have found a stone and smashed to death, because I have no face to live in this world."

After Master Songling finished speaking, no one dared to refute.

Even some people have begun to question it.

"What the Emperor of Heaven said about eliminating demons and defending Dao is our fault, but he never said that there are good demons, and we will kill all of them equally, is that true?"

After this person finished speaking, the other person directly gave him a big fight. He was a general who was saved twice by Ling'er.

"Zhang San, who the hell are you calling a demon? That's the descendant of Nuwa, the descendant of Empress Nuwa, our God of Creation. If you dare to call her a demon again, I will collapse now you!"

Being pointed at with a magic cannon, the man immediately apologized.

"Sorry, I made a mistake, it's the goddess, the goddess."

These words are blatantly offensive to the Heavenly Court. If they were placed at other times, these people would definitely be shown on the spot. However, in the current atmosphere, no one thinks that there is anything wrong with what they did.

Li Zhi's Dao heart has also been messed up. From the moment Ling'er pleaded with him, he no longer believed in Heaven, let alone that superior uncle.

Now he doesn't believe that Chuhe is the monster who they say has done all kinds of bad things.

Because he has never seen a monster that can stop killing, and put his life away after a few words of persuasion, that is the person he loves most.

Li Zhi asked himself, if someone crippled his mother's feet, and he has the ability to kill the murderer, can he choose to put down the butcher's knife?

And when he knows that his beloved is still saved, can he abandon his life and go to the extreme north without even thinking about it to pick the fairy grass that only exists in legends?

What's even more ridiculous is that how could the extremely kind-hearted existence of Nuwa's descendants collude with a big devil. Chuhe is afraid that it is not the opposite, not a devil, but a living Bodhisattva.

"Hurry up, take me back, the Great Emperor has great powers, and maybe there is a way to help me rebuild the fairy bones and restore the Lingtai."

The Lingbao Heavenly King was lying on the ground. Now he is a mortal, and after his knee was broken and his spine was pumped, he can no longer stand up. He is a complete useless person.

Not long ago, he was the aloof Lingbao Heavenly King, but now he has become a cripple, the fairy bones have been taken away, the Lingtai Sea of ​​Consciousness has been crushed, and the saplings of the Great Dao have been destroyed.

The god generals that he didn't pay attention to at first, but now they have become existences that he can't wait for.

Lingbao Tianzun raised his hand to ask for help, a golden armored god stepped on his hand fiercely, without the protection of divine power, his hand was directly crushed by the golden armored god, and the phalanges burst one by one, violently The pain almost made Lingbao Tianzun faint.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to walk just now, I didn't see your hand, are you okay!"

The god general hated Lingbao Tianzun long ago, and everything he suffered today was caused by him. Originally, King Huwei wanted to stop the behavior of attacking Nuwa's descendants, but he was behind the catalyst to escalate the incident.

Moreover, because of Chuhe's revenge, his brother was burnt to death in the first round of karmic fire attacks. That was his own brother. If he didn't hurt Nuwa's descendants and offend Chuhe, he would Did such a tragedy happen?

His hand was trampled off, and Lingbao Heavenly King was furious.

"What's your name, a little god general dares to bully me, I want you to die!"

Lingbao Tianzun yelled at him, trying to accuse the other party.

However, the other party smiled and stepped heavily on his only remaining hand.


"You old bastard still dares to yell at me, you don't even look at what's going on now, you think you're the aloof Lingbao Tianzun, you're just a useless person, a bug, I can crush you to death whenever I want Time to crush you!"

"You bastard, killed many of us, you still have the face to live, you are the most damned one, brothers beat him to death, to avenge the dead brothers."

If Ling'er's kindness awakened the conscience of these golden armored generals, then what Lingbao Tianzun did aroused the resentment in the hearts of the golden armored generals. If this kind of resentment reaches a threshold, it will need a pouring exit.

And the current Lingbao Tianzun is this exit.

A group of people swarmed up and kicked and stomped on Lingbao Tianzun.

Lingbao Tianzun couldn't bear the severe pain from his body, and hurriedly asked Li Zhi for help.

"Tiger Mighty Heavenly King, please, save me."

Chapter 629 Linger's Follower

Li Zhi turned his head and glanced coldly at Lingbao Heavenly King.

"Why do you want to save you? Our Lingbao Heavenly King died heroically in the battle with the devil Chuhe. I admire you very much. I swear that I will follow the example of Lingbao Heavenly King and learn from your fearless spirit of sacrifice. Are you right? "

As soon as Li Zhi's words came out, it was tantamount to a death sentence for Lingbao Heavenly King. Lingbao Heavenly King was completely desperate. He was obviously still alive, but he was already dead!

Thinking of this, Lingbao Tianzun suddenly laughed wildly, as if he couldn't feel that he was being trampled by hundreds of people.

"Haha, hahaha, this old man's life has become a joke..."

By the time the Golden Armored God General had finished venting his emotions, Lingbao Tianzun had turned into a dead dog.

The generals came to Li Zhi's side.

"Huwei Heavenly King, do you want to bring the body of Lingbao Heavenly King back to the Jade Emperor?"

King Huwei snorted coldly.

"His appearance is unsightly. I'm afraid he will frighten the Heavenly Emperor. It's better not to take him back. It's getting late. Let's go back to the Heavenly Court."

"Do you really want to go back to the Heavenly Court? I don't want to go back to that place now. It turns out that we have been deceived by the Emperor of Heaven for so long, and we are still foolishly working for him. We really think we are consumables!"

After someone started, someone followed.

"That's right, if the Heavenly King were to turn against the Heavenly Court, we would at least be able to live at ease."

Li Zhi frowned. To be honest, he was also a little bit moved, but these people were too few after all, and fighting against the Heavenly Court was completely like hitting a stone with an egg.

"If we go against the Heavenly Court, we will surely die. Don't say this again in the future!"

Although Li Zhi blamed him, his tone was not as firm as what he said.

"We can follow Chuhe. I think following him is more reliable than following Tianting."

"Yeah, this time Lingbao Tianzun died in battle, and so many brothers died, the Emperor of Heaven will definitely be furious when he finds out, maybe he will give us a crime of timidity and cowardice, and behead us as well. Even if he is merciful and doesn't kill us, he will definitely send us to hunt down Chuhe."

"I don't want to be an enemy of Nuwa's descendants anymore. She saved me twice. I can't really be a beast!"

The seeds of resistance have sprouted, and Li Zhi's mood is also fluctuating. For him, this is an opportunity. The cruel system of Tianting makes it an extravagant hope for him to even see his mother. He has long hated Tianting.

"If you don't want to do it, I can't do it either, but we'd better go back to the Heavenly Court first, pass on any news we receive to Chuhe in time, and it's most effective for us to give the Heavenly Court a counterattack at a critical moment."

"But it may be life-threatening at that time, don't blame me for not warning in advance."

"A person's dead egg is upside down, and he has been immortal for thousands of years. I have already died twice, and I am still afraid of dying!"

"The people are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death? Rather than sacrifice my life to Heaven, I would rather sacrifice my life to the descendants of Nuwa, because she really cares about our life and death."

"Yes, I swear to defend Nuwa's descendants to the death!"

"Okay, now that you have decided, follow my orders and don't expose your identities, and play by ear when the time comes."

"Okay, we all listen to you, the king of heaven!"

Chuhe may not have imagined that outside the heavenly court, another heavenly court with Ling'er as its belief has been quietly born, the flame of faith has been ignited, and soon there will be a prairie fire.

The power of faith converged into a thread, and one end of the thread was flying towards Ling'er.

When Chuhe first saw the silk thread, he thought it was a hidden weapon, and hurriedly pulled out the golden cudgel to cut it off. Unexpectedly, when the golden cudgel was swung down, the power of faith was like a flow of water, disconnected and reconnected, Then it poured into Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chuhe thought that something bad would happen, but when the power of faith entered Ling'er's body, her body began to emit a faint light, and her physical condition became better and better.

Seeing Chuhe's nervous appearance, Ling'er covered her mouth and snickered.

"Brother Chuhe, don't be nervous. This silk thread is the power of faith. I have accepted the belief of the human race since I was a child, but later the human race in the secret realm passed away, and I never received any power of faith. Human beings start to believe in me again, so happy.”

Ling'er smiled sweetly. Chuhe looked down along the silk thread. The other end of the silk thread came from Nuwa's palace, which was the place where the battle had just been fought.

For a while Chuhe suddenly felt that Linger's simplicity and kindness might not be all bad things, and Chuhe also began to rejoice that he didn't kill them.

But anticipating that they were going to die soon, Chuhe had a thought, and something in the shape of a carrier pigeon appeared in front of his eyes.

"Go and tell Li Zhi below to let them run, otherwise they will all become Xiangliu's rations!"

The pigeon received the news and ran towards the Nuwa Palace below.

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Master Songling finally understood why the young master let them go so easily, because he knew Xiangliu was coming.

Master Songling nodded subconsciously. Although he hoped that the little master would show kindness, he also didn't want Chuhe to be too merciful. He had to be decisive, otherwise in this world of great strife, kindness is a weakness.

But Ling'er knew that Chuhe was still hiding this trick, and stared at Chuhe angrily.

"Brother Chuhe, you lied to me."

Chuhe couldn't help but blushed, and didn't dare to look into Linger's eyes.

"I didn't lie to you. I promised you not to kill them. I did it but didn't kill them. But if they are unlucky and get eaten by Xiang Liu, then don't blame me!"

"Hmph, you are too bad, I ignore you!"

Ling'er pouted her mouth, looking very angry.

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