Chuhe hurriedly comforted him.

"Don't worry, I've sent the carrier pigeon to report the news, and Xiang Liu was crippled by me, and now he's very weak, if he has the guts to sneak attack a golden fairy, hundreds of golden armored generals might still be there!"

Thinking of this, Chuhe's expression suddenly changed.

"No, Xiangliu's demon pill is still in the temple. When I was angry at the time, why did I forget about it? If Xiangliu gets the demon pill, he can restore the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, then we will be miserable gone."

Chuhe said he was going back, but Linger stopped him, and then shook the green gemstone in his hand.

"Brother Chuhe, Ling'er is just simple, but Ling'er is not stupid. Since I caught you stealing the Yaodan, I always carry such important things as the Yaodan with me."

Looking at the Xiangliu Yaodan in Linger's hand, Chuhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright then, let's go out."

Chuhe mobilized more than a dozen aura cannons and blasted them directly towards the enchantment wall of the secret realm. The aura cannons that touched the enchantment wall automatically opened a hole, and a strong wave of energy gushed out.

Chapter 630 Who Is Your Mother?

At this moment, the Heavenly King of Lingzhi and the Heavenly King of Punishment were guarding above the secret realm with [-] silver armored soldiers.

Several days have passed, and there is no movement in the secret realm, and their communication tools have also been blocked by the secret realm.

So even though the sky was overturned inside, and Chuhe even made the world-destroying thunder in order to kill Xiangliu, there was no movement outside the secret realm.

Lingbao Heavenly King was a little anxious. Although he was smart, his eyes were darkened. He didn't know what was going on inside. Even if he was smart, he couldn't predict the outcome.

"You said that King Tiger Mighty, who has been in for so long, doesn't know how to send us a message. Even if the communication tool can't communicate, is it so difficult to send two golden armored generals to report the situation to us? You think so? ?”

Lingzhi Heavenly King kept pacing aside, but the most powerful Punishment Heavenly King was still there, closing his eyes and resting his mind without saying a word.

"Then even if King Huwei is young and doesn't think well, Lingbao Heavenly King is quite old, so why is he so ignorant? He doesn't know that we are waiting outside, and he doesn't know that the Emperor of Heaven is here so he can hear about them?"

The more Lingzhi Tianwang said, the more angry he became. After a while, he slapped his forehead suddenly and said in horror.

"Could it be that they encountered some danger, such as the prehistoric big monster, who was directly eaten by the big monster, and the whole army was wiped out!"

This time the King of Punishment finally showed his expression, his eyelids twitched a few times, if this is the case, the loss of that court would be too serious.

But it's all like this, and the King of Punishment still doesn't say a word, like a log.

The talkative King Lingzhi felt that it was boring, and secretly cursed this boring gourd in his heart. God gave him a mouthful, and he didn't let you just eat.

Also stop talking to him.

Just when he was melancholy, the silver armored soldier rushed to report.

"Report, the energy fluctuation of the spiritual light cannon is coming from the secret realm in the southwest."

Hearing these words, the Lingzhi Heavenly King finally came to his senses and flew towards the direction that the Silver Armored Divine Soldier said, and the Punishment Heavenly King who had been silent all this time also followed silently.

After coming here, the enchantment of the secret realm was blasted away by the spiritual light cannon, and a large group of people were waiting for the good news inside.

Unexpectedly, what came out of the cave was a six-petaled lotus flower. Although it was the first time for everyone present to see this thing, they were very familiar with it during the live broadcast.

Therefore, as soon as the six-petal quantification appeared, the King of Lingzhi became nervous.

"Finished formation, the devil is coming out!"

As soon as they heard that the devil was about to come out, the magic soldiers immediately formed an array, and tens of thousands of people gathered above the sky, forming a huge net, which was composed of tens of thousands of magic cannons.

The damage caused by [-] aura cannons can seriously injure Ling'er. If he is hit by [-] aura cannons, Chuhe can't even think about it.

The spirit cannon is really interesting. If it is tyrannical, it will look like that alone, and it will not cause substantial damage to Jinxian at all.

However, if hundreds of them gather together, they can inflict heavy damage on a strong person at the Golden Immortal level.

Thousands of golden celestial beings that can directly blast and kill undefended spirit treasures.

Tens of thousands of shots would be even more extraordinary, even Da Luo Jinxian might not dare to challenge such a powerful energy group.

And what's more interesting is that this thing is easy to operate, it can be launched by aiming and pulling the trigger, and it can automatically form an array when it is close.

If this kind of magic cannon is in hand, there will be tens of billions of people in the Kunlun Great World. Think about what kind of devastating scene the power of the eruption will be if they shoot together.

However, these mortals don't even have a magic cannon. Why, it's not that the heavens are worried that these bastards will use the magic cannon to rebel!

Let's not talk about Chuhe's panic. Ling'er panicked when she saw such a big formation and so many magic cannons.

The wound on her body is healed, but the pain is unforgettable to her.

Subconsciously, Ling'er backed away, and Chuhe stood in front of her.

"Don't be afraid of Ling'er, I will protect you!"

When they saw Ling'er, all the magic soldiers present were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a beautiful woman in their life. They forgot their identity for a while, and their movements stopped.

Even the King of Punishment, who had been silent all this time, couldn't move his eyes.

Lingzhi Tianwang kept looking at Linger who was behind Chuhe. At this time, Linger turned into a human form, and the level of Lingzhi Tianwang could not see his real body, so he subconsciously regarded Linger as a human being.

"Little girl, if you are held hostage by the devil Chuhe, just blink your eyes. We are the messengers of the heavens who uphold justice, and we will definitely rescue you from the devil."

Hearing that someone outside said that Chuhe was the devil again, Linger was not happy.

"Brother Chuhe is not a devil, he is a good man, the successor chosen by my mother, please don't hurt him!"

Good guy, I didn't expect such a good-looking girl to speak for the devil, and Lingzhi Tianwang's tone was not difficult and kind.

"Little girl, you must have been deceived by the devil. He is not a good person. He once unleashed the big demon cholera in the world and made the world miserable. He is the big devil that our heavenly court must wipe out. You should leave him quickly and be careful not to be killed by him." accidental injury."

"I don't allow you to say that about brother Chuhe. He is not a big devil. How could my mother choose the big devil as the successor of the inheritance?"

King Lingbao is very smart, and he got a lot of information from Linger's words.

First of all, when Ling'er talked about her mother, you must know that in the Kunlun Great World, only the Emperor of Heaven is the ruler, and the Emperor of Heaven does not have any wives, let alone daughters. Therefore, this beautiful girl in front of her should be a human race in the secret realm.

And she has a high status, she should be a princess.

But when Lingzhi Tianwang heard Linger say that Chuhe inherited her mother's inheritance, his brain couldn't figure it out.

What is inheritance?That is something left over from endless years ago. Could it be said that this beautiful girl is a human being born endless years ago.

What the hell, how could human beings live so long, even golden immortals may not be able to live so long, could this little girl be a big Luo Jinxian?

No, how could Da Luo Jinxian not release any coercion in the face of so many cannons pointed at him? Isn't she afraid of death?

Besides, how could there be any human beings before the endless years, thinking of this, Lingzhi Tianwang's tone became even colder.

"Little girl, who is your queen mother?"

"My mother's queen is the god of creation for you humans, Empress Nuwa."

Linger's words startled a thousand waves.

"What is the God of Creation? I've never heard of it."

"What is Nuwa, isn't our human race created by the Emperor of Heaven?"

"That's right, our human race was created by the Emperor of Heaven. This little girl is pretty, so why is she running the train with her mouth full!"

Chapter 631 Linger is a Snake Demon

Lingzhi Tianwang was stunned for a long time. This female baby insisted on saying that she was a descendant of Nuwa, and also said that Chuhe occupied Nuwa's inheritance. Nuwashi was a snake demon with a human head and a snake body. Girls are also snake demons.

"Are you a demon?"

Lingzhi Tianwang's eyes were gloomy again, and his words were already full of evil spirits. The Punishment King who had been silent at the side also reacted after hearing these words, and became alert to Ling'er.

The tens of thousands of silver-armored soldiers in the air were all standing in formation, waiting for an order from the two heavenly kings.

Ling'er didn't know what went wrong. These people were clearly targeting her maliciously. For Ling'er, who hadn't seen a human being in endless years, these things were beyond her comprehension.

Chuhe patted her shoulder lightly.

"Ling'er, today's world is different from yours. Since the Lich War in ancient times, the status of the monster race has been replaced by the god race of later generations in an instant, and human spiritual beliefs have also begun to be controlled by the god race."

"Of course, most of these gods are changed after human cultivation, but they no longer regard themselves as human beings. They deliberately distinguish themselves from human beings, and try their best to erase Nuwa's inherent spiritual belief in human beings. They began to claim that gods created world."

Ling'er was obviously a little unbelievable and couldn't understand that even this kind of thing could be used to deceive.

"How could they do this? It's obvious that my mother created them. They shouldn't be fooled by these evil gods."

Hearing the word "evil god", Lingzhi Tianwang's face became even uglier. Now it is a live broadcast. Letting this little girl continue talking will affect the majesty of the emperor. At that time, I am afraid that the live broadcast will be closed again. They are human beings created by the emperor of heaven, so they will have different hearts again.

"Bold snake monster, how dare you slander the Heavenly Court and say that we are evil gods. At first, you thought you were a good person who was kidnapped by the devil Chuhe, but now it seems that you are the snake monster who is in league with this kid."

"The Heavenly Soldiers listened to the orders, and the Emmanuel Light Cannon formed an array to execute Chuhe and the group of monsters together."

As soon as the Lingzhi Heavenly King finished speaking, all the heavenly soldiers set up their cannons and pointed them at Ling'er. Ling'er was hurt by the cannon, and she was instinctively terrified and stepped back involuntarily. Chuhe also hurried forward , in front of him.

Now there is a very embarrassing thing, that is, the willy of the spirit cannon is too big, and Chuhe is really not sure that he can resist their attack.

A thousand god generals can easily pierce through Ling'er's defense with the aura cannon. If 1 people fire the cannon together, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, he will be blasted to pieces.

"Grandma, don't give them the chance to form formations at will, let me come out with three thousand monsters!"

Chuhe shouted loudly, and the Four Elephant Pagoda spun rapidly, and then three thousand monsters appeared in front of the world again. The terrifying monster aura seemed real, making the tens of thousands of silver-armored soldiers above feel a little unstable and dizzy.

The cultivation base of these magic soldiers is also the level of earth immortals. The original combat power is impossible to be the opponent of [-] monsters, but the aura cannon in their hands gave them great courage and gave them information to deal with these monsters.

"His grandma, that devil has released so many monsters again. Last time he let him escape, this time he must be exterminated!"

"Yeah, I can't let him be so presumptuous anymore, I really think there is no one in heaven, and he wants to run amok like a devil, I really don't want to think about it!"

"But I still feel that the little girl is not a monster, and when I look at her, there is always an inexplicable feeling of intimacy in my bones. I don't know if you have any."

"Hush, don't dare to talk nonsense, be careful of the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Court!"

Someone replied under his barrage, but it also let that person know that the person who answered him also had the same idea.

For things like monsters, Linger's reaction is completely different from that of humans, because in the era she lived in, the monsters were the masters of the land, and she didn't have any prejudice against the Yao people. Of course, she only had a prejudice against bad monsters, just like People are the same, but there are also bad people among human beings.

The three thousand monsters released by Chuhe have been refined by him for a hundred years in the Four Elephant Pagoda. Although their strength has greatly increased and their demonic aura has skyrocketed, their demonic nature has been completely refined.

So Ling'er was no different from seeing these three thousand monsters and seeing humans, but she was very happy inside.

"I didn't expect to see so many monster races in this era when the human race controls the world. I'm really happy. It's just that brother Chuhe, they all look so weak."

If others say that they are weak, these monster clans would like to have a big fight with you, and dare to look down on Lao Tzu, but hearing Linger say that, none of the three thousand monsters dared to refute.

As a descendant of great medicine in the ancient times, Ling'er frightened them deeply. They were afraid of Ling'er, even more than they were afraid of Chuhe.

"You are indeed a monster, and you are devoted to monsters. If you dare to say that you are a descendant of Nuwa, then can I understand that Nuwa is also a demon who wholeheartedly favors the demon clan!"

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