Lingzhi Tianwang's words angered Ling'er, and Ling'er just wanted to refute, but was stopped by Chuhe.

Ling'er is too simple, plus she has not been in contact with human beings for these years, she is led to run by the rhythm of Lingzhi Tianwang, and she is easily led into the ditch.

However, after her mother was insulted, Ling'er didn't care who persuaded her, and naturally wanted to reason with Lingzhi Tianwang.

"My mother's queen is a big monster in the ancient times, she is not a monster. She has been caring for human beings carefully all her life, and punished many big monsters who like to eat people, just like Xiang Liu who suppressed in the enchantment. Mother's masterpiece."

"And in my heart, humans and demons are the same, as long as they understand each other, they can coexist peacefully."

"Did you hear that, did you hear that, this banshee actually said that human beings are the same as demons, and she actually treats us as demons? It's the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"Lord Heavenly King, please lower your supernatural powers and kill this monster on the spot, otherwise we will all become monsters in her eyes, how can people live like this!"

"Yeah, I saw her as a good-looking girl, but I didn't expect her words to be so anti-human. Since she is not of my race, then don't show mercy."

"There is a snake demon that has lived for endless years in the secret realm, which is really eye-opening!"

"Fuck, what you said reminded me. If this snake demon lived for endless years, wouldn't she be extremely powerful? Is the Heavenly King still her opponent?"

"Just don't worry, this little girl looks harmless to humans and animals, and she is a princess. She should have been pampered and spoiled since she was a child. If she really fights, she has no ability."

Chapter 632 Strong Demon Pill

The barrage was full of discussions again, and the emotions of the human race were aroused by Linger's words, but some smart people still noticed other things Linger said just now.

"The little beauty said just now that her mother suppressed Xiang Liu in the barrier. What is Xiang Liu? Could it be something that looks like a willow tree?"

"You know what a fart. If I remember correctly, this Xiangliu should be a nine-headed serpent. It is recorded in the Shan Hai Jing that it has been beheaded by Dayu, and its corpse has been suppressed forever."

"Then why did this little girl say that Xiang Liu was suppressed by Nu Wa?"

"What else can I do? She's a liar. The monster clan is like this, especially the fox clan. The more beautiful monsters are, the more they like to lie. We must not trust her!"

Of course, Linger couldn't see the comments below, otherwise she would definitely be pissed off.

Seeing that the fire is almost ready, the Heavenly King of Lingzhi is ready to do it, but before he does it, he also has doubts. After all, these human races do not believe that Nuwa created humans. It took several generations of mental brainwashing to achieve this effect.

But as the smartest person, he is very clear that Nu Wa is indeed a real person.

"Little snake demon, you said that your mother suppressed Xiangliu in the barrier. Xiangliu is a legendary monster. You have lived in the same place with him for so long, and he didn't eat you?"

Linger quickly shook her head.

"No way, Xiang Liu was taken out of the demon pill by my mother, and he can't show his full strength now."

"Do you have any evidence?"

Lingzhi Heavenly King was still asking, Ling'er thought for a moment, and then took out Xiangliu's demon pill.

"No, this is Xiangliu's demon pill."

As soon as he saw this demon pill, the Heavenly King Lingzhi was taken aback. As the king of law enforcement in the heavenly court, he did not know how many demons he had killed, and he had seen many demon pills, but there was never a single demon pill that could be so powerful. It made him fearful just by looking at it.

This is enough to prove that what the little girl said is true.

The Heavenly King of Punishment at the side finally got on guard after seeing the demon pill, and transmitted his spiritual consciousness to the Heavenly King of Lingzhi.

"The demon pill is true, so I guess the little girl's words are also true. If Xiangliu below is still alive, it will be a tragedy for the entire Kunlun world!"

Hearing this, Lingzhi Tianwan's heart tightened, he didn't expect that the always arrogant King of Punishment would be afraid sometimes.

"The King of Punishment is right to be worried. This demon pill can last for endless years, which proves that its owner is indeed still alive. It's just an empty shell, as long as I trick the demon pill in the little girl's hand, Xiang Liu will obediently obey the orders of our heavenly court when we have this thing in our hands."

Hearing this, the Punishment Heavenly King couldn't help but his old face twitched. What kind of concept is this? Controlling an existence that may be a Da Luo Jinxian to work for the Heavenly Court. If this matter is done well, the Heavenly Emperor will definitely reward you a lot. What kind of shit Chuhe Lingbao is no longer that important.

Originally, she thought that it was overkill for her to come here purely, but now it seems that it was really worth it for him to come here.

"Okay, tell me if you have any good ideas, and I will definitely cooperate with you with all my strength!"

The Punishment King knew that his brain was not as good as the Lingzhi Heavenly King, so he simply took the initiative to hand over the commanding power to the Lingzhi Heavenly King. The Lingzhi Heavenly King never dreamed that one day he would be able to command the Punishment Heavenly King, which was so cool.

The two had a quick exchange of ideas.

"Punish the Heavenly King, I will use words to lure this little girl to hand over the demon pill, and you will prepare quietly and wait for the opportunity. If I don't succeed, you will directly snatch it from her."

The Punishment King nodded, and the battle plan officially began.

King Lingzhi suddenly put on a warm smile, making Linger relax his vigilance.

"Little girl, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. What kind of bullshit, Xiangliu, and the demon pill must have lied to me. The demon pill in your hand is also fake, just to create a dangerous atmosphere, and then you are good!" Take the opportunity to escape, right!"

Linger frowned. She likes humans, but she doesn't like King Lingzhi a little bit. Compared with King Lingbao, this person makes people feel more uncomfortable.

"I didn't lie to you, the demon pill in my hand is real."

Seeing Linger's nervous look, King Lingzhi smiled, knowing that the little girl was hooked.

"I don't believe it, unless you show it to me and let me see it with my own eyes!"

Ling'er really foolishly stretched out her hand, intending to hand it to King Lingzhi.

"Then you have to look carefully, I really didn't lie to you!"

"My dear Linger, he is lying to you." Chuhe made a timely move and pushed Linger back. The King of Lingzhi's eyes froze. He was too excited just now, knowing that Linger was easy to deceive, but he forgot about her There is also a Chu River beside it.

"Do it!" Lingzhi Heavenly King's spiritual consciousness transmitted the voice, and the body of the Punishment Heavenly King who was still far away suddenly turned into an afterimage. Chuhe realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly turned around to protect Ling'er behind him.

However, it was already too late, the King of Punishment had appeared behind Ling'er at some point, and reached out to grab the demon pill in her hand.

Ling'er is not an idiot either, seeing someone coming to snatch it, she hastily held the demon pill tightly in her hand, after all, the Punishment King was a little slow, and did not grab the demon pill.

"Little girl, hand over the demon pill, this is not something you should control."

"I won't hand it over. I will guard this demon pill for endless years. I will keep it forever. No one can take it away from me!"

Ling'er also lost her temper and said something harsh.

"Well, you devil, since you are obsessed with your obsession, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

A sharp sword suddenly appeared in the hand of the King of Punishment, and he slashed directly at Ling'er's bright wrist. Ling'er never thought that this man didn't talk much, but was so vicious. Because the distance was too close, she had no time to stop.

The blade cut through her skin in an instant, and blood splashed everywhere.

"Impossible, why is it so hard!"

The King of Punishment originally wanted to chop off Ling'er's hand and leave with the demon pill, but he struck with all his strength, and the sword blade left a half-finger-deep gash on her skin. Although the blood spattered, It looks scary, but this scene is really incredible.

"It hurts!"

Ling'er suffered a great blow in her heart. Just now she was almost killed by Lingbao Heavenly King and Li Zhi under the enchantment, and now she saw another Heavenly King who came up and cut off her own hand. This was really unacceptable to her.

Chuhe was even more furious in an instant. He didn't know that the King of Criminal Law still had the ability to teleport, so he underestimated the enemy and caused Ling'er to be severely injured again!

Chapter 633

"Dare to hurt Ling'er, die for me!"

The Four Elephant Pagoda turned rapidly and slammed towards the King of Punishment. Knowing that the sneak attack was unsuccessful, the King of Punishment wanted to retreat, but he didn't expect that his Lingbao Divine Sword was caught tightly by Ling'er's flesh and blood, and he couldn't pull it out at all. not come out.

At this time, it also reflected his decisiveness. The Lingbao that had been carried close to his body was thrown away as soon as he said it, and he started to retreat after throwing it away.

The Four Elephant Pagoda that descended from the head directly smashed into the air, but the powerful destructive power still spread, and the three thousand monsters were swept away by this force, and the hairs of each one stood on end.

Tianbing was even more miserable, being tossed back and forth by the hurricane, like duckweed in the water.

The King of Punishment retreated suddenly. He thought he had escaped the attack range of the Four Elephant Pagoda. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stabilized his figure, a huge hand came from behind him and grabbed the King of Punishment in the blink of an eye. .

Chu He's incarnation outside his body pinched the King of Punishment tightly, Chu He said coldly.

"I tell you, anyone who wants to hurt Ling'er has only one end, and that is death!"

As soon as Chu He's words fell, the avatar outside his body directly exerted force, and quickly closed his hands. Almost at the same time, he heard a scream and saw a rain of blood splashing out of his palm.

All the people who were watching the live broadcast were dumbfounded. He was the Punishment Heavenly King, the strongest existence among the Four Heavenly Kings. I heard that he alone could single out the remaining three Heavenly Kings. To suppress him by force, such a powerful existence was simply killed by the devil?

"No, this is too unacceptable!"

"Damn it, the Heavenly Punishment King was crushed directly. That's the Heavenly Punishment King. The capital of the Four Heavenly Kings is not this kid's opponent. Doesn't that mean that this devil is already so powerful that there is no limit? What should we do?"

"Are we going to be enslaved by this devil in the future? No, I can't accept it!"

Someone screamed in pain, obviously unable to accept this fact.

However, Chuhe's external incarnation felt something was wrong, because the King of Punishment in his hand was too weak, too weak.

When he was in Dongsheng Shenzhou, he used the avatar outside his body to pinch Master Mingdong and Master Songling. At that time, the two were only half-step golden immortals, but the feel of the hand was extremely hard, and it was difficult to easily separate them. Squeeze to death.

Since the Punishment King is the most powerful of the Four Heavenly Kings, there is no reason why he should be so weak!

Chuhe opened his hands curiously, and a crushed silver armor fell out of his big hands, and this thing was not for punishing the king of heaven at all.

Chuhe immediately realized that something was wrong, the one who had just crushed to death was not the King of Punishment at all, but an unlucky magic soldier!

This bastard, I don't know what method he used, but he used the magic weapon to block himself, what a shame!

The magic soldiers here are also stunned, why is there an extra pair of armor on them in Chuhe's hand, in the formation formed by tens of thousands of people, suddenly one person left the team and hurried towards the direction where the king of Lingzhi was. fly away.

That person was the King of Punishment, and when he reappeared in the live video, everyone cheered.

"Wow, the King of Punishment is not dead. I thought he was dead. I'm so worried!"

"Hehe, you are a glass-hearted boy, how can an existence of the level of the Punishment King be killed by Chu He, who can't even beat the Tiger King? What a joke."

"Boy, you have to have confidence in our Heavenly Court, the strength of the Heavenly Kings is beyond doubt!"

"Hey, I was too nervous just now, it's all my fault, I shouldn't doubt our punishment king!"

A group of onlookers were laughing, but then Ling'er hugged the white armored body and dripped the blood from his arm onto his corpse.

Since Chuhe directly used the simplest and most violent physical method to crush the body, and did not hurt the soul of the divine soldier, after touching Linger's blood, the divine soldier's body recovered miraculously, little by little. The vitality came alive in front of everyone.

Shenbing didn't know what was going on, just now he was still in the big formation, when suddenly his eyes went dark, he felt trapped by something, and then his body was squeezed, and he died immediately.

But he just lived like this. The silver armored soldier who came back to life didn't know what happened, and was still staring at Ling'er blankly, but he was conscious, knowing that it was the female monster in front of him that he was still afraid of just now saved myself.

"You saved me?"

Linger nodded.

"I'm sorry, I blame Brother Chuhe's every attack. It must have hurt just now!"

Asked with such concern by a goddess-like figure, Shenbing originally wanted to show his will with death and fight the devil to the death, but with just one sentence, Shenbing somehow no longer had the will to resist Ling'er, nor did he cry. Out of frustration.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

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