Now it was the turn of the audience to get excited. The scene in front of them was too unimaginable. For a moment, the shock they received now was far greater than the shock caused by the punishment of the Heavenly King who escaped from death just now.

"I'm not mistaken, our magic soldier was actually saved by that snake demon, what did she use to save it just now, did you see that!"

"Use her blood, where did you pay attention just now, and you didn't see it, it's really convincing!"

"No, stop lying to me. The blood of monsters is evil and poisonous. We humans will die if we touch them. How can we save people? Are you dazzled!"

"It's not dazzled, it is indeed the devil who used her blood to resurrect our magic soldier."

"I want to ask you a question, please don't scold me, I just want to ask, if the blood of a monster can resurrect human beings, is this monster still a monster?"

"We usually become miracles that can bring people back to life. This little girl is not a demon, but a god!"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!"

"What did I say nonsense, what I said is not the truth, everyone has seen it. Look at this goddess who is still comforting our magic soldier, so gentle, so kind, so simple, how could she be a monster, Even a monster is a good monster!"

"At first, I didn't believe it. Chuhe said that there are good monsters in the world. Now I believe it. This girl named Ling'er is a good monster!"

The barrage has already exploded, but the emperor Li Qingming, who has been paying attention to the barrage, forgot to issue an order to punish these rebellious mortals.

Because he was also stunned. He had always known that Nu Wa was the creation god of the human race. Although he believed it, he was not in awe until Ling'er revived his divine weapon in full view.

Chapter 634 I Want to Follow Nuwa's Descendants

This is simply a miracle, just a thought flashed by, Li Qingming's face was already smiling, since Nuwa's descendants have the ability to bring the dead back to life, doesn't it mean that as long as they catch her and bleed her every day, they can give her back to life? Build yourself a not legion.

You must know that even Da Luo Jinxian is no match for his tens of thousands of magic weapons firing the magic cannon together, but these magic weapons are all in short supply, and one dies less than one, and in the face of the fear of death, many people dare not go all out battle.

As long as the descendants of Nuwa are taken down, it is tantamount to telling these divine soldiers that they will no longer have to worry about death, and just fight with all their strength.

At that time, wherever my army passes by, all powerful enemies will be wiped out, and the heaven will be the center of the entire universe, making all races tremble under my feet.

"Punish the Heavenly King, no matter what method you use, capture Nuwa's descendants alive!"

The Heavenly Emperor issued an order, and the Heavenly King of Punishment finally ignited his fighting spirit, but before the war, there was still one thing to do first.

"Ah Quan, hurry back!"

Ah Quan is the magic soldier who was pinched to death by Chuhe just now. Since he is a member of the Heavenly Court camp, he is now staying on the side of the Chuhe demon head and kowtowing to Ling'er. This is simply a blatant challenge to the authority of the Heavenly Court. .

"I won't go back, I will follow my savior!"

Ah Quan, who has always been honest and obedient, actually said such outrageous words, the eyes of King Lingzhi became more and more gloomy.

"Ah Quan, don't mess around. Now is not the time for you to be self-willed. That female devil has no kindness for you. Our heavenly court has cultivated you since childhood, raised you, and let you step by step from a mortal to the position of a magic soldier." , everything you have is given by the Heavenly Court, if you want to be grateful, you should also be grateful to the Heavenly Court, do you understand?"

Lingzhi Tianwang's remarks were very embarrassing, Ah Quan was obviously intimidated by him, and struggled violently in his heart, and it seemed that he was also in a dilemma.

However, Chuhe naturally couldn't let a magic soldier go back easily.

"Hehe, I said, you heavenly kings, don't you want to lose all your face? Just now you exchanged the life of this magic soldier for your own life, right? Even if the magic soldier was raised by your heavenly court since childhood, he would He has already died once, and he should be repaid for any kindness, so what right do you have to kidnap him morally?"

"He has his own right to choose now. Since your Heavenly Court is known for its morality, shouldn't you respect the choice of other little magic soldiers?"

Chuhe's words are well-founded. Even if the audience below knew that he was the devil, they still nodded to his words.

"This devil seems to be right. The young general of the magic soldier has already died once, and the court's kindness of nurturing has been repaid. Besides, he was saved. For the savior, the beast will not die. Admit it, and then continue to face each other with a knife!"

"You're right. It's true that the Heavenly Court did something wrong. It's fine to punish the Heavenly King to escape, and to exchange the life of the little magic soldier. To be honest, isn't it a bit too shameless!"

"Young soldier, you choose yourself, we respect your choice."

Chuhe couldn't see the barrage here, but these magical soldiers could see clearly. Now with the support of mortals, and what Chuhe said just now, his wavering heart was completely determined.

"I'm sorry to punish the Heavenly King. I have already died in your place. Since it was the immortal sister who brought me back to life, I cannot be ungrateful. The heavens often say that being an immortal requires morality. I think it is morality to repay someone's kindness! I don't plan to go back."

Shenbing made this decision, which stunned all the soldiers present, and the mortals who were watching the barrage applauded silently in their hearts. They hated Chuhe, but they didn't hate Linger.

Moreover, Chuhe kills people, Linger saves people, and with such a good girl as Linger by Chuhe's side, these mortals don't worry about their lives being in danger.

Seeing that the public opinion was about to blow up, the Heavenly Emperor's Thief's heart was unstable, and the power of faith plummeted, the King Lingzhi knew that he had to say something.

"Ah Quan, don't be foolish. You think you have the right to choose. Your family, your parents, wife and children are all watching you. If you do this, you will disappoint them, and there are rules in heaven. Openly betraying the enemy is going to kill your family members, you don't want them to die because of you!"

Chuhe was really speechless when he threatened his family members. After this move, even if the soldiers wanted to stay in their own camp, they would choose to leave for the sake of their families. , he is actively helping Ling'er fight the public opinion war, and now it seems that Tianting is even more shameless!

"Fuck, you guys are really shameless! Those parents and children are threatening, even demons are not ashamed to do this. You still have the nerve to call yourself the Heavenly Court, and you have the nerve to represent justice. You really are shameless!"

Chuhe scolded happily, and the mortals who were watching also expressed their agreement, but they only dared to think in their hearts when they insulted heaven, and they dared not say it at all.

"Ah Quan, come back quickly, your parents, wife and children are waiting for you!"

King Lingzhi didn't want to talk to Chuhe at all, but continued to urge Ah Quan. Ah Quan glanced at Ling'er with mixed feelings in his heart.

Ling'er is too kind, so naturally she can't be like Chuhe. For the sake of public opinion, she has to force Ah Quan to stay with her.

"If you want to go back, go back. Their place is your home, so don't worry about it!"

Ling'er said softly, and reached out to pat Shenbing's shoulder, like a mother comforting her child.

Nuwa's descendants have an inseparable bond with human beings, coupled with the brilliance of Ling'er's motherhood, everyone shouts for her in their hearts.

Unknowingly, countless powers of faith began to gather on top of Ling'er's head, snatching away his followers. This is absolutely unbearable for the Emperor of Heaven.

Heavenly King Lingzhi naturally knew the seriousness of the problem, but just now the Heavenly Emperor said that he wanted to capture Nuwa's descendants alive, so now he dare not do it rashly.

"Come back soon, Ah Quan, this is the last time I warn you, or your family members will be buried with you because of your ignorance and reckless betrayal!"

I thought Ah Quan would come back obediently after breaking Ah Quan's spirit.

It's a pity that Ah Quan has his own ideas.

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, I don't plan to go back, and you don't want to threaten me with my parents, wife and children. I am an orphan myself, and my parents are long gone, and because my character is really honest and honest, no girl likes me. Where can I be?" There is no family, I am alone!"

"I have decided, I want to follow the descendants of Nuwa, and follow my own beliefs!"

Chapter 635 Who Is the Devil?

This is a shocking melon. Since the founding of Tianting for a hundred years, it is the first time that a divine soldier has openly betrayed, and it is still in front of so many people. This is undoubtedly crushing the face of Tianting on the ground. The mortals cheered Shenbing in their hearts and praised his bravery.

King Lingzhi was also stunned. For a very smart person, things will always develop according to his understanding, but he did not calculate that this magic soldier is an orphan, and he has no reason to threaten him.

For a while, Lingzhi Tianwang lost his mind and didn't know what to do.

At this time, it was still decisive to punish the Heavenly King, and his figure became blurred again.

"court death!"

It's just that Chuhe has just seen this scene, and he has already prepared himself.

"Ling'er be careful, this bastard is going to sneak attack again."

Chu He originally thought that the King of Punishment would still sneak attack on Linger, but the Four Elephants Pagoda flew quickly to protect Linger. Unexpectedly, after the King of Punishment suddenly appeared in Ah Quan, how could Ah Quan, a little real fairy, fight against Jin Immortal-level punishment king.

"As the King of Punishment, because you betrayed the Heavenly Court, it is a heinous crime, I will sentence you to death again, and let you be destroyed!"

The King of Punishment removed a sledgehammer again, and smashed it down heavily on Ah Quan's head. At this moment, Jinxian's terrifying power was fully revealed, and Ah Quan felt frozen, unable to even move.

"you dare!"

Chuhe also gave a loud shout, and the avatar outside his body cooperated with the six-petal lotus to shoot together. The six-petal lotus wanted to save the god soldier Ah Quan.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, the six-petal lotus had just flown over, and the sledgehammer of the punishment king had already hit heavily, and Ah Quan's body was smashed to pieces by the sledgehammer, as if it was made of paper.

A large puddle of blood sprayed, and his soul was completely wiped out under this heavy blow.

"do not want!"

Ling'er watched Ah Quan being ruthlessly killed in front of her eyes. She yelled and stretched out her hand, wanting to use blood to revive Ah Quan who was like mud on the ground, but she was powerless.

The soul is annihilated, and even Da Luo Jinxian can't even try to save it.

"This is the Heavenly Court, right? This kind of organization that only cares about itself and doesn't care about other people's lives, I must crush you!"

Chuhe was completely angry. He failed to protect Ling'er well at first, and now he failed to protect Ah Quan well. It was a failure.

The avatar outside the body quickly zoomed in, and grabbed the Punishment King again, and the Punishment King was held in his palm again.

Chuhe reached out to squeeze him to death, but Linger yelled.

"Brother Chuhe, it's not him inside!"

Chu He let go of his hand, and sure enough, a silver armored soldier was lying on his palm trembling.

And the King of Punishment once again appeared in the formation of the divine soldiers, still with a hint of a smile on his face after the plot had succeeded.

However, at this time, I thought that the Heavenly King Lingzhi would praise him, but unexpectedly, the Heavenly King Lingzhi frowned.

"Punishment Heavenly King, you are confused, so many people are watching, why did you kill that little magic soldier, do you know that this kind of thing will cause public outrage, when these mortals see what we have done, they will still Will you support us as firmly as before?"

Of course, the Heavenly King Lingzhi uses his spiritual consciousness to transmit sound, so it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to hear these words.

But things have already been done, and the speed is too fast. Ah Quan was beaten to death and exploded to death. The audience before the live broadcast were not blind, let alone fools. They all had their own opinions.

"It's too much. What did the magic soldier do wrong? He died once. What crime is there? He just doesn't want to be an enemy of his savior. This is also wrong!"

"Even if it's wrong, you can't strike so hard, just beat people to death. Is this something a heavenly king can do, and that little magic soldier died for him."

"Look at how sad Nuwa's descendants are crying, and look at this murderer, who is still laughing when punishing the king of heaven. Who is the demon!"

For a time, there were all kinds of doubting voices among the mortals, and the majesty of the heaven was greatly challenged.

Naturally, the Punishment King can also see such a barrage. He recorded the speakers one by one, and when he has time, he is slowly clearing up, so that these untouchables know a truth, what to say, what to say will die!

"Let me just say that if you do this, you will provoke public outrage. He is just a magic soldier and can't affect the situation at all. Even if I don't succeed in persuading him, you should at least let him live to have a better effect. Why do you Do it!"

Faced with Lingzhi Heavenly King's questioning, Punishment Heavenly King said impatiently.

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, why do you care so much about the thoughts of these untouchables? What do they think has anything to do with us? When the matter is over, the devil Chuhe will be executed, and the descendants of Nuwa will be arrested by us. , just kill it."

"They are just super productive livestock. They can be slaughtered. Have you ever seen the owner consider the poultry's feelings when doing something!"

King Lingzhi was stunned, and he shouted hastily.

"Stop talking, you're not using the divine sense to transmit sound!"

The sentence of punishing the Heavenly King was not a sound transmission from the divine consciousness. He naturally knew that he said it on purpose. For more than 100 years, the Heavenly Court has always ruled mortals from the standpoint of morality.

Now, for the first time, mortals are hearing the inner voices of those at the top of the heavens.

"Just now, did I have a problem with my ears? The King of Punishment said that we are livestock, and if we are slaughtered, we will be slaughtered. He also said that the master does not need to care about the opinions of poultry? Did you hear that too?"

"Damn it, what do you mean by that? We devote ourselves to serving the Heavenly Court all our lives, praying to the Heavenly Emperor all day long, and the Heavenly Emperor tells us all the time that we are the masters of this land, and the Heavenly Court only exists to maintain order, and they are only for us It is better for human beings to survive and not come out to maintain order."

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