"What's going on now, why did we suddenly become animals!"

"And he didn't shy away from us, just say it like this, is this really the king of punishment, I don't believe it!"

"Damn it, if you dare to treat us like animals, we dare to turn against you and seek refuge with the devil Chuhe!"

"Speaking of brothers, this Chuhe is a devil. From the moment he appeared in the Kunlun Great World, he seems to have never done anything harmful to nature. Even releasing three thousand demons did not harm a single life. If You said he was a devil, but why didn't he act like a devil should?"

"On the contrary, Jin Xian, who claims to be the King of Law Enforcement in the Heavenly Court, even carelessly disregards human lives, and treats his subordinates as scapegoats, taking it for granted. This is the real devil!"

Chapter 636 You Think You Are The Only One With The Emmanuel Cannon

"That's right, Chuhe originally planned to crush the magic soldier in his hand to death, but after hearing the voice of Nuwa's descendants, he let him go. Does this seem like something a devil would do? "

"Grass, I'm getting more and more confused now. I can't tell who is the devil. Could it be that our human race has been raised by the heavens as animals for more than 100 years!"

"There is still something unclear. If you open your eyes and look carefully, you will understand. The descendants of Nuwa saved people with their own blood, and are still appeasing the heavenly soldiers who are enemies. Such a good girl, she is considered a Demon, I also want to follow her left and right."

"Yes, we still believe in the emperor of heaven, we should believe in the descendants of Nuwa!"

After such a commotion, the faith of mortals collapsed, and Li Qingming clearly felt that the power of faith he had absorbed was rapidly wilting and was almost dry.

You must know that what he cultivates is the Dao of Faith. Without the blessing of the power of faith, he will never be able to save half a step. This time he can no longer stand on the dry bank to enjoy the scenery. Li Qingming was furious for the first time, and he was very angry. He slapped all the things on the table flying, and all the generals in the audience knelt on the ground in fright, and said hastily.

"Damn King of Punishment, dare to say such words in public. This is openly provoking the rule of Tianzun. After he comes back, he must be severely punished!"

"Yes, this kid really takes himself seriously. He dared to say that he treats humans as poultry. Is he mentally ill? Even if it is the truth, he can't directly say it."

"Yes, punish him severely, let him directly accept the nine-fold sky thunder, and reflect on it in the thunder field, of course, if he can survive the thunder field!"

"It would be pity to put him in the minefield. If I ask you, we should throw this brash King of Punishment to the extremely cold place in the northern border, and let him become the bait for those horrible existences there, wouldn't it be better."

Hearing this, no one said a word, but this one was the one who was vicious!

I thought that the Emperor of Heaven would adopt this opinion, but the Emperor of Heaven did not punish the Heavenly King of Criminal Law.

"Close the live broadcast for me right now. These untouchables know too much, but they are not good to them. The King of Punishment is right. This is a world where strength is respected. As long as the Chu River can be destroyed and the descendants of Nuwa can be captured alive, these Human beings who dare to resist will be wiped out together.”

"They are greedy for life and afraid of death. If you kill a few, they will continue to surrender! The King of Punishment is decisive and ruthless, which is very satisfying to me."

"The King of Lingzhi, who has always been very smart, is actually confused at this moment, and he is still negotiating with the devil. What is he thinking!"

The words of the Heavenly Emperor completely stunned the gods and generals. They never thought that the always kind Heavenly Emperor would have the same idea as the Punishment Heavenly King. In his eyes, he was a perfect existence without any blemishes.

Now the words of the Emperor of Heaven have completely collapsed the belief established in their hearts.

"Why are you standing still, turn off the live broadcast!"

The Emperor of Heaven was furious again, and the gods reacted.

"Hurry up, ask the god general in charge of the live broadcast to shut down the live broadcast, grandma, are you a fool, the matter has become so serious, and he is still live broadcasting."

"The order has been sent to him. I don't know why, but the live broadcast has not been closed until now."

Tianting is also puzzled, how can there be such a problem, the person in charge of the live broadcast has never made a mistake, as everyone knows, the person in charge of the live broadcast is not negligent, but is controlled by others.

The person who controlled him was naturally Li Zhi, just when the two sides confronted each other.Li Zhi has quietly come out from the other end of the barrier, and he has been paying attention to the things here. Seeing the mortals being ignited with anger, this is a golden opportunity.

The God General who was in charge of the live broadcast had already been knocked out by him, and the live broadcast was naturally proceeding in an orderly manner.

The Heavenly Emperor hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet, but he began to urge the Punishment Heavenly King to do it. At this time, procrastination would really lead to disaster.

Hearing the order of the Emperor of Heaven, the King of Punishment was even more proud.

"Did you hear that, Heavenly King Lingzhi, the Heavenly Emperor praised me for doing a good job just now, but you are just too indecisive. You will naturally have to attack the devil with a thunderbolt. Why do you think so much!"

"All the magic soldiers obey the order, aim at the Chu River, and fire at me!"

Tens of thousands of magic soldiers looked at each other, some of them didn't really want to obey the order of the King of Punishment. After all, they watched their brother being used as a life-saving talisman by the King of Punishment. Die, let alone such a meaningless death.

"You still dare to disobey orders! If you dare to stand up disobediently, believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

After all, Yu Wei is still in charge of the Heavenly King of Punishment. He is in charge of the punishment of heaven. I don’t know how many people have been concocted by him. Naturally, they hate and fear him. There is no way. They have not yet had the courage to give birth to rebellion.

Sure enough, under the majesty of the King of Punishment, the soldiers raised their weapons again, firing tens of thousands of shots, oh no, now it should be 98 shots aimed at the Chu River.

The spiritual light cannon is ready to be fired, and the huge psychic pressure is rapidly gathering. Chuhe basically dare not attack this kind of attack, but he is not without countermeasures.

"Hehe, you thought you were the only one with the magic cannon. I'm sorry, but I happen to have a few too. My little ones, this group of thieves from heaven always bully us with the magic cannon. Should we give him some color? ?”

From the Four Elephant Pagoda, more than 800 spiritual light guns flew out directly. These are the weapons of the golden armored generals under the barrier. bigger.

There are more than 100 magic soldiers, that is, the level of earth immortals. Although there are many people, the terrifying energy contained in the heavenly immortals and the big demons of the real fairy level who use the eight hundred spiritual cannons here is still not as good as the opponent's magic soldiers At least they believe that as long as this shell is fired and explodes in the camp of the heavenly soldiers, at least half of the lives of the divine soldiers can be taken away in an instant.

"Master, look quickly, is there someone on the opposite side who has already peed out of fear!"

"It's really shameful. I thought the divine soldiers sent by the Heavenly Court were some kind of ruthless killers. The co-authors are a group of cowardly brats who are afraid of death!"

"Hey, I'm cowardly before I hit this, what's the point?"

The big monsters already feel bored.

Chapter 637 bite back

"That's not necessary. We have female descendants here. We can be resurrected after death. This group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals are originally the scapegoats of other heavenly kings. They are no different from the mortals they call livestock. They die. It’s dead, it’s just consumables!”

"Hey, the kid on the other side, if you want to survive, put down your weapon obediently. You have also seen that our master has a kind heart and does not kill a good boy who has reformed from evil."

This sentence is simply murderous. The Shenbing who had already been counseled was completely panicked, and many people couldn't help but put down their guns.

The King of Punishment was confused. He looked at the [-] spirit cannons that the other party took out, and he felt dizzy for a while. Those who went in with King Lingbao and Li Zhi were all the generals of the Heavenly Court, and those were the backbone of the Heavenly Court. Why are all the weapons in their hands in Chuhe's hands.

"Devil Chuhe, why do you have our weapons in your hands? What did you do to those generals?"

The questioner was Lingzhi Heavenly King. His voice trembled a little. The might a thousand gods inspired was enough to kill Da Luo Jinxian, and there were two Heavenly Kings to help out. How could it be like this.

"What's the matter? When I wanted to kill Xiangliu, those beasts attacked Ling'er who was guarding the formation. Ling'er thought that they were human beings, so she didn't fight back and was almost killed by them. These beasts Of course I was slaughtered!"

"Of course, if Ling'er hadn't interceded for them, none of me would have stayed!"

Chuhe's words were earth-shattering, and directly shocked King Lingzhi.

"You fart, you are not even a golden fairy, how could you beat the two heavenly kings plus a thousand gods and generals, stop bragging! And what happened to that Xiangliu? Does he really exist? "

After all, these words contain a huge amount of information, even if the King of Lingzhi is so intelligent, it is difficult to digest them for a while.

"Hehe, I have all the cannons in their hands. If they are alive, will they obediently hand over the weapons in their hands?"

"And you old bastard, Xiang Liu is still alive, and soon he will break through the barrier, that is the existence of Daluo Jinxian, as long as he comes out, it will definitely make the world of Kunlun miserable. As the envoys of heaven, Now you should do your best to deal with Xiang Liu, not me!"

Chuhe originally wanted to avenge Ling'er by killing the King of Punishment, but this kid didn't know what magical power he could use to let someone else die for him, although Chuhe felt that as long as he kept attacking, he would be able to catch the King of Punishment sooner or later real body.

But there are too many magic soldiers present, it is estimated that it will take at least a lot of time to catch the King of Punishment.

Linger's foot injury could not recover. Although she kept smiling, Chuhe knew that her feet must be in piercing pain.

And this pain comes from the soul and goes straight to the bone marrow.

The reason why Ling'er didn't show it was definitely because she didn't want to worry about herself.

It's okay to have his hands cut off, and he will find the king of punishment to settle accounts in the future. Anyway, the heavens will not let him go well, and they must continue to pester him.

"Hehe, didn't you just clamored to kill me, you demon? Why did you suddenly change your mind and join us in killing Xiangliu? You must be cowardly, you know you are not our opponent, think Want to make up a random reason to trick us?"

"Besides, how could something like Xiangliu exist in myths and legends, and you made it up to look good? Take a step back, even if Xiangliu really existed, the eight hundred gold-armored gods would all fall. , should also have fallen during the fight with Xiang Liu, and has something to do with you, do you have that ability?"

"Besides, you are holding Xiangliu's demon pill, so Xiangliu is naturally controlled by you. Is it because you deliberately let Xiangliu go in order to escape the sanction of the heavenly court, causing heavy losses to the heavenly court? It must be like this!"

Listening to the analysis of the King of Punishment, the King of Lingzhi couldn't help but take a high look. It is really puzzling that the King of Punishment who has been silent like a dull gourd still has such a meticulous mind.

Moreover, as soon as the words of punishing the Heavenly King came out, the divine soldiers who were still a little unsteady began to raise their weapons again.

If Xiangliu was really controlled by Chuhe, then those god generals might really have been killed by Chuhe's demon head. They killed so many god generals, but they were all the immediate superiors of these god soldiers. How many of these god soldiers Still have feelings.

Moreover, some mortals who had already turned their hearts to Ling'er began to waver again. After all, although the heavens treated them as livestock, they still had a way to survive.

If the descendants of Nuwa kept Xiangliu as a pet, the monster's food was a bit special, it was human beings like them.

It's better to die than to live. They still hope to live, even though they live without dignity.

Sure enough, the slander was all based on one mouth, Ling'er couldn't stand it, and angrily reprimanded the king of punishment.

"In ancient times, you humans were so brave and simple. How did you get here? I can't see any good qualities. Brother Chuhe didn't lie. Originally, we were about to kill Xiangliu because of your heavenly court. The people broke the formation and let Xiang Liu escape."

"At this time, if you really want to rule the people's safety, you should unite with us to deal with Xiangliu. After all, there are many people and strength, so maybe it won't cause the loss of life. I don't want to see anyone innocent again. die."

Ling'er was still thinking about the safety of the human race at this time, but what the two heavenly kings heard was more like a disguised begging for mercy.

"Haha, snake demon, don't confuse people with your gossip here, do you think we are all fools, you hold Xiang Liu's demon pill, Xiang Liu must be at your command, you let us join forces to deal with Xiang Liu, Do you want to find the right opportunity to give us a blow in the back, when the time comes, the vitality of the Heavenly Court will be exhausted, no one will be able to restrain you, and you don't have to pretend to be charitable, you can do whatever you want in the world, right?"

The Heavenly King of Lingzhi is really powerful, and a few words rekindled the fighting spirit of the soldiers. Originally, they were used as consumables by the King of Punishment, but now the King of Lingbao gave them the meaning of death again, so they are not so afraid of death. !

"You nonsense, I didn't mean that, human beings are my children, how could I hurt them!"

Seeing that Linger was about to cry in a hurry, Chuhe hurriedly took her hand.

"Ling'er, there's no need to argue with this kind of people. They don't believe it themselves, just let them suffer a little bit. We'll leave immediately and go to the extreme north to find the spirit-gathering grass for you. Your feet should be hurting all the time! "

Chapter 638 A Hydrogen Bomb Level Attack

"Hehe, I still want to run. Do you think that you can still run away when you are surrounded by so many magic soldiers? If you use Xiangliu Keng to kill our magic generals, this king of hatred will have to avenge you!"

"As long as you kill the demon Chuhe, capture Nuwa's descendants alive, and seize Xiangliu's demon pill, it's another matter whether that big demon dares to make mistakes at that time, let alone being raised in the heavenly court, how can it be qualified?" to eat humans."

The Heavenly King Lingzhi gave a good solution to Xiangliu during the live broadcast, and those staunch Heavenly Court supporters began to scroll and swipe the screen.

"Yes, the demon leader Chuhe must be killed, and then this female snake demon will be arrested, and the dead general will be resurrected with her blood. Wouldn't everything be auspicious?"

"That's right, we would rather believe that the Heavenly Court can protect us than a foreign devil. After all, we have all grown up under the protection of the Heavenly Court for more than 100 years, so the Heavenly Court must be right."

They've been scolded as beasts, but this group of people is still maintaining the Heavenly Court. Sometimes, human paranoia is more terrifying than demons.

"Hurry up and kill them. I'm scared when I see so many monsters. Two heavenly kings, we will cheer for you. You will definitely win."

"Chuhe, you heard it too. It's everyone's intention to kill you. You can either obediently arrest you, or you can save yourself a lot of pain. If you resist desperately, there's nothing you can do. As the King of Punishment, I have one There are hundreds of ways to make you survive but not die!"

As soon as the King of Punishment waved his hand, tens of thousands of divine soldiers were all ready to attack the Chu River.

The three thousand monsters didn't know whether to attack the two heavenly kings first or the tens of thousands of soldiers.

"You self-proclaimed righteous lackeys, this path was chosen by you yourself, don't regret it."

"Little ones, since they want to die, let them be fulfilled! Fire!"

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