"Don't!" When this cannon goes down, half of the magic soldiers will definitely fall, and the magic soldiers near the center of the explosion will be directly wiped out, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Ling'er didn't want to see this happen, so she naturally stepped forward to stop it.

Originally, Chuhe wanted to strike first, but he was interrupted by Linger. King Lingzhi saw that Chuhe really stopped, and hurriedly ordered.

"Fire, kill the devil!"

Tens of thousands of spiritual light cannons sprayed out, gathering a huge dazzling beam of light in the sky, and almost at the same time, the beam of light burst towards the Chu River.

"Master, be careful!"

The monsters also started to fight back, but due to the loss of command, they were not unified when they fired, and the aura cannons did not gather the maximum power, but these scattered shells still caused extremely serious damage to the opponent. There was a gap in the place where they arrived, and all the magic soldiers hit by the shells were like kites with broken strings and fell towards the lowering speed.

Ling'er wanted to save him, but Chuhe stopped him. At this time, he could not protect himself, so don't think about saving others.

Chuhe didn't dare to catch tens of thousands of shells. Although he had a series of magical weapons such as the four elephant pagoda, the six-petal lotus flower, and the Shensha flag, the power of the Lingguan cannon was too great.

This is also a terrifying weapon brought about by the development of science and technology. There is no such thing in other worlds.

"You all disperse, don't worry about me."

As soon as Chuhe said that, he quickly moved away, but the speed of the spirit cannon was too fast. Under the urging of so many people, its speed even surpassed that of lightning, and the short distance was almost instantaneous.

Although Chuhe had been prepared, he was hit by the beam of light. As soon as he touched it, the light cannon exploded instantly. Everyone watching the live broadcast saw a huge mushroom cloud rising rapidly with Chuhe as the center.

Tens of thousands of people activated the aura cannon, and Willy surpassed the power of the Tsar's hydrogen bomb Ivan the Great. Everything he touched under this terrifying energy fluctuation would be turned into powder, like those three thousand monsters who had no time to escape, It was directly vaporized in the intense high temperature, without even a scream.

The surrounding air also seemed to be instantly ignited, and the sea of ​​flames spread rapidly, and all communication devices were silenced by the magnetic field brought by the explosion.

The live broadcast screen was also directly blacked out. This time, it was not because someone turned off the live broadcast, but because of the silence of the electromagnetic waves caused by the explosion.

Li Zhi stared at the black screen in front of him in the live broadcast room.

Even though he is a heavenly king, this is the first time he has seen the attack of tens of thousands of spiritual light cannons. Such a terrifying power, he believes that if he is hit by this blow, he will only end up in ashes.

"Heavenly King, the Goddess won't just die like this?"

Behind him, about [-] golden-armored generals who defected to the enemy murmured, obviously, they couldn't accept the current situation either.

Li Zhi stared at the screen, but the screen was covered with snowflakes. Angrily, Li Zhi punched the live broadcast stage, smashing the entire live broadcast room to pieces.

"Come with me to the battlefield. Come on, if Chuhe survives by chance, he must be very weak. At that time, only we can protect him!"

Of course, protecting the Chu River is only second. Their most important protection target is Ling'er.

The goddess is too simple, even a mortal can hurt her, the most important thing is, she will not fight back.

"But if this is the case, we will be exposed!"

A god will ask.

"At this time, why bother so much, as long as the descendants of Nuwa can survive, it doesn't matter if we all die!"

"Yes, if you don't agree with life and death, just do it. Heavenly Court has let me down so fucking badly, and openly insulted humans as animals. You must know that our parents, wives and children are all human beings."

"And these heavenly kings don't regard us as subordinates at all, but just consumables to send to death at any time. This is true for the Lingbao Heavenly King, and even more so for the Punishment Heavenly King."

The generals waved their weapons angrily, and followed Li Zhi to fly towards the battlefield.

They guessed right, even if Chuhe used the Shensha Banner, the Four Elephant Pagoda, and the six-petaled lotus, the impact of the explosion just now was too strong. In order to protect Linger, he put himself At the position closest to the source of the explosion, the explosion just now was basically scratching the itch for magic soldiers like Shensha Banner, and did not cause any harm to them at all.

The Four Elephant Pagoda was still rotating above everyone's heads, but after the big bang, the speed of rotation was not as stable as it was at the beginning, and some began to shake.

The six-petaled lotus in the innermost place should have been destroyed in the explosion because of the worst quality, but fortunately, it has the real Myeongdong as its spirit, which directly improved its quality by a large level, so that it could survive the explosion. Survive the big explosion.

Even so, Master Myeongdong, who is a tool spirit, was also severely damaged, and his soul was a little bit scattered, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

Because the extrajudicial incarnation has the defensive ability of Daluo Jinxian, he didn't suffer much damage.

But the people inside were miserable. The magic soldier who was lucky not to be crushed to death by Chuhe died suddenly!

Chapter 639

His level is too low. Even if Chuhe tried his best to protect him, his body was shattered, and even his spirit was scattered.

The little monk was covered in blood, and he was sitting behind Chuhe, but he knew he was still alive from his constant chanting.

Chuhe's physical body was still not strong enough, and he took the initiative to stand in front, so he was the most seriously injured. Half of his body was blasted away, and blood splattered everywhere.

On the other hand, under so many protections, Ling'er didn't suffer any injuries at all. Her defensive power was already high. In fact, she only needed one layer of protection from the Shensha Banner, and she could withstand the shock wave just now.

"Brother Chuhe, are you okay!"

Ling'er looked at Chuhe's pierced body, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. She hugged Chuhe into her arms, shook Chuhe constantly, bit her finger, and fed her blood to Chuhe.

The miraculous thing is that her blood could have resurrected the dead, but Chuhe was only seriously injured. Logically speaking, after drinking Linger's blood, he should recover immediately.

But Chuhe's injury is only getting better slowly, as if Ling'er's blood is of no great use.

"Why is that?"

Linger asked in confusion?It's just that Chuhe can't answer him at this time.

"Haha, why is this happening? Naturally, it is because the devil Chuhe has done a lot of evil and provoked the anger of heaven and people, so that the blood that could have saved people's lives has no effect on him! It's really heaven's evil that can be forgiven, and self-inflicted evil can't live!"

The horrible explosion just now did not kill Chuhe, it was beyond the expectation of King of Punishment, but this kid was already dying and basically lost his resistance. What made King of Punishment even more happy was that Linger, the descendant of Nuwa, was not harmed in any way. .

He looked at the Shensha Banner above his head, the Four Elephant Pagoda, and the six-petal lotus. He was surprised that these secret treasures were still intact in the violent explosion just now!

"Okay, today's battle is probably the biggest harvest for our heavenly court. Killing a Chuhe will yield more things than we explored a dozen secret realms. This matter is the curtained heavenly court."

"Snake demon, if you are sensible, hand over Xiangliu's demon pill quickly, otherwise, I will order the magic soldiers to fire at the Chu River again. Although I don't know why he survived the explosion just now, but the next Once, there is absolutely no chance of him surviving."

"Besides, you don't want to die either. You are still so young and beautiful. Your future is limitless. After handing you over to the Emperor of Heaven, I will persuade the Emperor of Heaven to marry you. At that time, as the Queen Mother, you will You can enjoy endless reverence, glory and wealth, why bother to die for a devil!"

"I don't! If you want to hurt brother Chuhe, you have to step over my corpse first."

Ling'er gritted her teeth and put Chuhe behind her. She stood in front alone. Because Chuhe was seriously injured, the Shensha Banner could no longer function normally.

So if the Punishment Heavenly King continues to order the divine soldiers to fire, then Ling'er will really be blown away by the explosion.

"Incarnate outside the body, kill them for me!"

Originally, there were two Jinxians in Chuhe, Immortal Myeongdong and Master Songling, but they were too damaged in the explosion just now, and they were unable to form combat power for the time being, especially Immortal Myeongdong, who was about to disappear.

The young monk's strength is low, and he is not suitable to participate in the battle at all. Linger, the only one who can beat these two people, will not kill them. On the contrary, the next time he attacks, Linger will die.

Now the only thing Chuhe can count on is this incarnation outside his body. I hope he can delay the time so that he can recover from his injury as soon as possible.

As expected, the incarnation outside the body did not disappoint Chuhe, and caught the nearest punishment king as soon as he made a move. Chuhe learned smart this time, and used his remaining strength to control the Shensha flag, and imprisoned the punishment king in his body Outside the inside of the big hand of the avatar.

This time, the King of Punishment wanted to repeat the same trick, and Chu He completely shattered Jin Chan's plot to escape. He urged his body several times, and even the magical soldiers who wanted to be replaced by him had already flown into the big hands of the incarnation outside his body. It still has no effect, and his people are still trapped inside and cannot get out.

"Pinch him to death!"

How can the incarnation outside the body wait for Chuhe's orders? He started to put his palms in the first time he grabbed the criminal law Tianzun. Sure enough, the existence of the golden fairy level is different, not like the little guy of the magic soldier level. Crumble it.

At this time, the Punishment Heavenly King was like a smelly and hard stone. Although the avatar outside his body exhausted all his strength, he was only slowly tightening his hand a little bit.

According to this speed, it may take a long time if the Heavenly King of Punishment inside cannot hold on.

It would be fine if he faced the Heavenly Punishment King alone, but there was also the Heavenly King of Wisdom next to him, it was impossible for him to watch him crush the Heavenly Punishment King to death.

Although he is smart, he is still ranked second among the heavenly kings. In terms of strength, he is still much stronger than the last heavenly king, Li Zhi.

The battle between Li Zhi and this big skeleton was also seen by the King of Lingzhi at that time.

So he knew that it was meaningless to attack Chuhe's incarnation outside his body now, so he started to attack Chuhe himself in the way of besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

However, his attack could not cause any harm to the Chu River covered by the Four Elephant Pagoda. At this time, it is the turn of Lingzhi Tianwang to be in a dilemma.

At this time, as long as there is another Linger cannon, Chuhe will definitely be out of his wits, but the descendants of Nuwa who are guarding in front of him must be the first to suffer. This pretty girl was blasted into pieces by the cannonball of the spiritual light, then it would be impossible to complete the Heavenly Emperor's confession!

what to do?It is to sacrifice the life of the King of Punishment, and slowly let the divine soldiers beat the descendants of Nuwa to serious injuries, and then slaughter Chuhe. At that time, the King of Punishment may die, but Heaven will get rid of the devil and his A magic weapon and a spirit treasure!

To get the descendants of Nuwa, and maybe even get the great demon Xiangliu who he has never believed in existence. If this is the case, it is nothing to sacrifice a punishment king.

It's a pity that this is only the best result he can think of. However, the fact is that the three thousand monsters began to fight back violently when they learned that Chuhe had been severely injured.

Although there are many magic soldiers, their strength is not enough. Now the soldiers on both sides are exchanging fire fiercely, and the whole sky is in chaos.

There are probably less than 2000 magic soldiers who can really free up their hands to attack, and as time goes by, this number will become less and less.

At that time, if we don't have enough people, let alone seriously hurt Nuwa's descendants, it is estimated that even her fur will not be hurt.

Chapter 640 The Clever King of Spiritual Wisdom

What troubled King Lingzhi the most was that Chu He's injuries were recovering rapidly, and the King of Punishment didn't know how long he could last. Will free up his hands to deal with himself.

The King of Lingzhi knows better than anyone else that in terms of strength, he is no match for the King of Punishment. If the King of Punishment is dead, he will definitely not survive this catastrophe.

If all the divine soldiers were to fire at Nuwa's descendants now, they would really be blasted into pieces, and it would be difficult for him to go back if he could not fulfill the order of the Emperor of Heaven.

How to break the situation!

Suddenly King Lingzhi had an idea, why was he obsessed with attacking Nuwa's descendants? This silly girl was hit by several stray bullets just now when she was in a daze. At that time, Heavenly King Lingzhi frowned, worried Ling'er was furious and tore herself into pieces. After all, monsters who survived the ancient times must have two brushes. If they really want to get angry, they must not be opponents.

However, things were beyond his expectation. After being hit by a few shells, Ling'er carried it so hard, without any intention of fighting back.

In this situation, King Lingzhi couldn't help but believe that what Chuhe said, that King Lingbao led people to attack Nuwa's descendants and almost beat her to death should be true.

As an enemy, even King Lingzhi had to admit that the peerless beauty in front of him was too kind, and he couldn't bear to let her die like this!

"Listen to the order of the gods, bombard the arm of this big skeleton for me, and rescue the king of punishment!"

Soon, King Lingzhi came up with the best solution, which would not only need to kill Nuwa's descendants, but also guarantee his side a sure chance of victory.

After hearing the order, the divine soldiers hurriedly aimed their cannons at the avatar outside them. The attack of thousands of people illuminated the sky again, and a huge shell hit.

The avatar outside his body wanted to avoid it, but Chuhe was behind him, so he had no choice but to resist the shell.

The sound of the explosion resounded in the sky again, and another small mushroom cloud soared into the sky. King Lingzhi quickly retreated, barely escaping the range of the explosion.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, the avatar outside his body was shrouded in flames, and his tightly closed hands couldn't be clenched because of the impact just now.

This is the time that Xingfa Tianzun was waiting for. Seeing a gap, he no longer summoned the divine soldiers to die for him. The explosion was torn into pieces, and the whole body was emitting black smoke. It looked like it was in a panic!

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, you fucking want to kill me too, don't you?"

Faced with the questioning of the Punishment King, Lingzhi Tianwang said with some embarrassment.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry to punish the Heavenly King, but this is the best way I can think of. The one shot just now at least makes the incarnation outside the body lose combat power for a short time. Before these heavenly soldiers are given by the three thousand demons, Killed to the point of collapse, the two of us have to fight quickly."

I have to admit that at such an emergency, the brain of the Lingzhi Heavenly King is still very useful, and the Punishment Heavenly King thought for a while before saying.

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