"What do you need me to do?"

Handing over the command again, although it was a bit of a cowardly feeling, Chuhe felt that something was wrong.

"King of Criminal Law, you have superb magic power and clever means. I hope you can protect our magic weapon. After all, it is our magic cannon that can cause fatal damage to this monster."

"Leave it to me. I'm not good at protecting this kind of thing, but I'm very interested in killing these monsters."

The King of Punishment suddenly joined the battlefield, quickly reversing the one-sided situation. He teleported to the back of several big monsters at the level of celestial beings, raised his giant hammer, and killed them directly.

Attacking the Heavenly Immortals with the combat power of the Golden Immortal level was a unilateral massacre. For a while, the three thousand monsters fell into a disadvantage, and the magic soldiers lost the pressure brought by the monsters, so they were free to deal with Chuhe.

"Since you said that in the enchantment, a thousand god generals attacked the snake demon and failed to kill her, then I will use two thousand god soldiers. The attack power may be worse than that of a thousand god generals, but everything Be careful, don't beat this girl to death, it's not easy to deal with!"

"The magic soldier obeys the order, shoot two thousand volleys, and aim at the snake monster for me!"

At this time, Chuhe's injury is still not healed, and he can't make a move. Just now, the avatar outside his body was hit, and he temporarily lost his fighting ability. At this time, Chuhe couldn't find anything to resist. For a while, he was a little desperate .

"Ling'er, leave me alone, run, I have a way to get out of here, run!"

"I will never leave brother Chuhe, Ling'er will definitely protect brother Chuhe!"

Looking at Linger's resolute gaze, Chuhe wanted to scold others, this silly girl is really crazy, what does she take her life for, is it a joke.

"It's really touching to be a husband and wife with a deep love. I have to say, Chuhe, you really have two brushes. It took you only a long time to enter the enchantment, and you can capture the hearts of Nuwa's descendants and make her willing to do it for you." Go to hell, to be honest, this old man is really envious!"

"But don't worry, I won't let your little lover die, but you must die!"

"Why are you still standing there, fire!"

Two thousand divine soldiers fired a volley, and the attack power was no less than that of a small nuclear bomb. Chuhe was already unable to support the Shensha Banner again. If it went badly, Ling'er would be seriously injured.

"Ling'er, leave me alone, I can't die, if you don't run away, go and kill them, only by killing them can we hope to survive."

It's a pity that Linger couldn't listen to Chuhe's words at all. She had a deep obsession with human beings, and she couldn't do it.


King Lingzhi was worried that if he waited any longer, if Chuhe really persuaded Nuwa's descendants to go berserk and attack, then it would really be over.

So he couldn't leave any chance for Chuhe to come back, so he hastily ordered to attack.

The magic soldiers were also very obedient and fired directly.

The bright shells arrived in an instant, and in an instant, a violent explosion exploded in the air again, and a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Li Zhi was still rushing forward at full speed, but he heard two violent explosions along the way, and one of his hearts sank to the bottom of the sea.

"It's not good, General Huwei, they are still bombarding, Chu River must have been blasted to pieces!"

As soon as the god general said this, Li Zhi's face turned green. If you want the descendants of Nuwa to live, you must let Chuhe live. tragedy.

"Don't worry, this side is still attacking, which proves that Nuwa's descendants must still be alive, otherwise they won't continue to attack, please rest assured."

Chapter 641 Despair

What he said was reasonable, but Li Zhi couldn't feel relieved at all.

"Even if the descendants of Nuwa are still alive, but she has been bombarded three times in a row, she is probably dying. Brothers, hurry on the road, even if you burn your life essence, don't be sorry. If the descendants of Nuwa die, we will die if we are alive." It doesn't make sense anymore!"

"Obey, king!"

Li Zhi's group, who were flying at high speed, suddenly had blue flames around them. This kind of flame was similar to the flame burning in the soul.

They are burning their souls, using this method of drinking poison to quench their thirst and rushing to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

The explosion just now fell slowly after 10 minutes. Ling'er thought that he was about to be torn apart by the explosion again, but found a big bone in front of him.

Withstood three bombardments in succession, even though the external avatar was the refined body of a great witch, it couldn't withstand the successive attacks. After the last attack in the crotch, the external avatar couldn't stand stably and fell heavily to the ground.

Chuhe looked at it distressedly, and hurriedly took him back into the Four Elephant Pagoda to heal his injuries.

"Good guy, you are really the good bones of the central savior. I am a little moved, but the bones can't hold it anymore. Next time, I'll see who will stand in your way!"

"Listen to my order, two thousand rounds, volley!"

The order was issued again, and another two thousand shells hit him. Originally, Chuhe's injuries had almost recovered, but unfortunately, the explosion just now caused him to suffer severe injuries again. This time, even if he was not hit, the aftermath could completely destroy him. kill.

Even if Linger wanted to protect herself, it would be useless.

Is this the way it is, is it over?

"Ling'er, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you out of the enchantment. I don't have the ability to protect you. When I was really in trouble, I let you stand in front of me. I am ashamed of your mother's entrustment to me." ,I..."

Chuhe wanted to say more, but Linger suddenly turned around and put his finger against his lips.

"Brother Chuhe, don't be silly. Ling'er has been lonely and boring in the enchantment for countless years. After seeing you, I really realized that I am still alive. It is Ling'er who should thank you, and you let me know The queen mother still cares about me, and it was you who let me know that the outside world is so wonderful, and the human race is so powerful that they don't need my protection anymore, and I can rest assured after I die!"

At this time, he was still thinking about defending human beings, and the Lingzhi Heavenly King was somewhat unbearable. He wanted to order the attack to stop, but the Punishment Heavenly King issued the order for him to attack.


Another burst of bright flames came, Chuhe smiled wryly, and hugged Linger's body tightly. At that moment, he felt extremely peaceful.

"Three thousand monsters, don't work hard any more, run for your life, everything is over."

Chuhe's spiritual consciousness transmitted sound, and the three thousand monsters had lost half of them at this time, and the king of punishment was like a killing god, reaping lives every time he appeared.

"Master, I am willing to live and die with Master!"

"Guys, since it's about to end, how about we set off fireworks for them!"

A big demon at the level of a fairy shouted loudly, he was the last big monster at the level of a fairy, and the one that was not targeted by the king of punishment was mainly because his reminder was a giant white dragon, and the dragon family was also a giant of Kunlun. The master of the world's oceans, he is the son of the old dragon king Aosi.

Of course, the King of Punishment didn't know that Aobai was the son of Aosi, but looking at his appearance of the dragon clan, in order to avoid the war between the heaven and the dragon clan, he didn't take any action against Aobai.

But Bo Bai started to attack him. The white dragon twisted its body and flew towards the King of Punishment.

The King of Punishment did not expect that an immortal would attack him on his own initiative, and he was caught by Bo Bai before he could react for a while.

Without saying a word, Ao Bai curled up his body into a circle, trapping the Heavenly Punishment King in the middle.

At this time, a large group of monsters hurriedly echoed.

"Bai Bai, what do you mean by big fireworks?"

Bo Bai smiled bitterly. "It's self-explosion. Instead of being defeated by the king of criminal law, we should hug ourselves and explode together. I believe that so many demons of us will explode together. Willie will definitely be no less than the aura cannon attack just now. Maybe we can take away a king of heaven Woolen cloth!"

"Brothers, what do you think!"

"Okay, count me in!"

"Count me in too!"

These monsters know the virtues of the Heavenly Court, so they will definitely not let them go. Anyway, death is death sooner or later, so why not die vigorously at this time!

For a while, all the monsters used were moving towards Bo Bai quickly, and they used self-detonation to take away the criminal law Tianzun.

Criminal Fa Tianzun panicked all of a sudden, so many monsters exploded themselves, even if he was a golden immortal, he couldn't stand it, he didn't want to be killed in a situation where he was sure to win, if it got out, how would he mess around in the future.

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, save me!"

"Listen to the orders of the gods, aim at the little white dragon, shoot a thousand rounds, and shoot in volley!"

The order had been issued, and the magic soldiers hurriedly turned their cannons and aimed at Aobai.

And the cannonball that had just been fired exploded around Chuhe again, but this time it was a bit strange. Although it exploded, only the sound of the explosion was heard, but the power of the explosion was not felt. It's fake and doesn't do any damage at all.

This made Lingzhi Tianwang unpredictable.

"What the hell is going on, the spirit cannon with empty sound can't work, it shouldn't, it's been so many years, the spirit cannon has never had this kind of problem."

Although the Spirit Cannon is an imitation of the shells of the human race, its activation conditions are different. The ordinary human shells will fire as long as the fuze is ignited, even if they are full of sand, they can be shot out. This is an empty cannon.

However, the spiritual light cannon is different. The condition for their firing is sufficient spiritual power, and such things cannot be adulterated.

Therefore, it is impossible to have an empty sound, which is really unimaginable.

Moreover, the fireball produced by the explosion of the 2000-person volley should have a diameter of two kilometers, but this time, the fireball of the explosion only became larger at the moment of the explosion, and then stood still, maintaining its original shape for about a second or two. It actually began to shrink slowly, as if the flames of the explosion were swallowed by someone.

What are you doing?

Almost everyone looked at this side, and soon, the flames of the explosion became smaller and smaller, until they were only the size of a person, and they discovered the abnormality.

A little Taoist priest stood in front of the flame, breathed out vigorously, and the flame was actually sucked into his stomach and swallowed.

"No need!"

The three thousand monsters were the first to call out this name. They never imagined that Mo Budong could eat the huge aura shell that could kill Jinxian, it was like seeing a ghost!

Chapter 642

However, Mo Bufei's stomach was full of flames, and he couldn't speak at all. After finishing his delicate movements, he suddenly puffed up his chest, and aimed his small mouth at the formation of magic soldiers in front of him.

After inhaling the flame, he naturally wanted to spit it out. Although the Heavenly King Lingzhi didn't understand how Mo Budong did it, he knew very well that this kid wanted to burn all the magic soldiers to death.

"Not good, spread out, this kid is going to breathe fire!"

However, everything was over, Lingzhi Tianwang was a little slow to react, and those magic soldiers were even more belated, they were still shocked because Mo Bubei swallowed their attack.

Suddenly, a fire flashed from Mo BuTong's mouth. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding air was boiling, and the intense heat surrounded them.

The flame in Mo Bu Bu's mouth was like a spark that ignited the hot air.

Thousands of surviving divine soldiers started emitting flames almost at the same time. At first, it was just the corners of their clothes, cuffs and the like, but when the divine soldiers reached out to extinguish them, the flames exploded quickly, turning them into a fire man.

The pain caused by the flames caused countless wailing sounds from the entire sky.

"You madmen, dare to bully my master, let you burn yourself to death!"

Mo Bubu's whole body was on fire, and bright flames rose from his eyeballs, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

He was like the Vulcan Gong Gong, looking down at all the people present.

Countless avenue rules spread from him, and these avenue rules were all engraved with flame totems.

"Golden Immortal, this kid proves the Dao of Golden Immortal, and he is still a very aggressive Dao of Fire!"

I don't know who yelled, pointing out the current state of Mo different, and suddenly the situation reversed, and the three thousand monsters also gave up the idea of ​​self-destruction, because the magic soldiers had completely lost their fighting power, and they also had an extra Golden Immortal Warrior on their side. force!

Lingzhi Tianwang opened his mouth wide.

"Impossible, you little Taoist priest, the last time I saw you, you were only a middle-level celestial immortal. You haven't even touched the doorway of the golden immortal. How could you suddenly become a golden immortal, and you are still a very domineering fire?" god!"

Mo Bubu took a fancy to Lingzhi Heavenly King in a daze, and just glanced at it. Everything Mo Bubuy saw was burning, and Lingzhi Tianwang hurriedly sacrificed a magic weapon to resist the fire.

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