It was at this time that a gap suddenly appeared between Mo Bubu's ears and eyebrows, and his golden vertical eyes opened suddenly.

"The reason why I became Vulcan is because of this eye!"

"Ah, this eye was made by Li Zhi. Could it be that you killed eight hundred generals and gave it to King Huwei!"

The heart of Lingzhi Tianwang is about to be broken. At this time, the world has changed suddenly, and the heavens have lost a heavenly king, and Li Zhi, who was born with divine eyes and has an unlimited future.

Moreover, he is still the nephew of the Emperor of Heaven, if he is dead, how should he explain to the Emperor of Heaven!

Not only did he prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal, but he also completely refined and absorbed the Divine Eye, which was beyond Chu He's expectation.

"Good apprentice, it is not in vain to give you the divine eye as a teacher. You have helped me a lot this time!"

The appearance of Mo BuFong suddenly changed the situation on the battlefield earth-shakingly. This change was even more unexpected than when the King of Punishment joined the battlefield and slaughtered three thousand monsters.

Because on Tianting's side, the spirit cannon that used to attack Chuhe has lost its effect on him. As long as Vulcan Mobushi stands there, no shell can hurt Chuhe in the slightest.

Seeing that the boy's injury is gradually improving, he will be able to resume his combat power soon.

Although that kid has not reached the level of Jinxian, but his combat power is not weaker than Jinxian, and even the Punishment King is not his opponent.

Although Lingzhi Tianwang has superior intelligence, he is really stretched in fighting, and he is not a different opponent at all.

And he also has Taiyi Immortal Gourd to help out.

"Punishment Heavenly King, come out quickly, we are going to be finished!"

Lingzhi Heavenly King anxiously called out to Big Brother, because of the appearance of Mo BuTong, Bo Bai knew that he had a chance to win, so there was no need to blow himself up and lose his life in vain.

So if he doesn't blew himself up, he won't pose any threat to the King of Punishment.

How long can a celestial being imprison a real celestial being, the joke, the King of Punishment broke free from his grasp almost at the same time.

Seeing that the rest of the magic soldiers were burned into human form by the fire, many people had completely discarded the weapons in their hands because of the pain.

A magic soldier without a weapon is almost like a mortal, and the three thousand demons can just find any one of the true fairy level and slaughter them.

"Vulcan, Vulcan!" The King of Punishment, who broke free, was obviously very excited by the title of Mo Bu Bu Vulcan. Many people dreamed of proving the way of fire, but unfortunately, even Li Zhi, who was born with a fire eye, failed.

How can it not be exciting that Mo Bubu only needs to get a fire eye, and then he has to prove the way of fire.

If he can also get Li Zhi's eye, when he proves Daluo Jinxian, can he also prove the Dao of Fire? At that time, wouldn't he become the most fierce attacker?

The Punishment King suddenly became interested.

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, take down this little kid with me. He took Li Zhi's eyes, and he can become a golden immortal at such a young age. If he doesn't get rid of it, he will be the biggest disaster in heaven."

Heavenly King Lingzhi also nodded, obviously agreeing with Heavenly King Punishment.

And now is indeed the best time, Chuhe's injury has not recovered, there is only one who can fight over there, and this kid has just become a golden immortal, so he can't use the rules of the road proficiently at all.

At this time, the two old golden fairies worked together, and they were still very confident that they could take this kid down.

And there is only one chance for this. When Chuhe recovers from his injury, there will be no possibility anymore.

"You and I take turns to attack, we must take it as soon as possible."

As soon as the King of Punishment finished speaking, his whole body became blurred. The little monk knew that this was a sign that the King of Punishment was attacking, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"Brother, be careful, this person will teleport, he is an assassin, it's simply disgusting!"

However, when Mo Bufei heard the little monk, the King of Punishment had already touched Mo Bufei's back, and suddenly a sledgehammer smashed down on Mo Bufei's head.

Everything happened so fast that Mo Bubu had no time to escape. Just when Lingzhi Tianwang thought it was over, he discovered that Mo Bubu had a strange smirk when facing death.

A clever one, he always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell the details, so he could only remind him.

"Punish the Heavenly King, be careful, this kid might be holding back something bad!"

However, before the Lingzhi Heavenly King could finish speaking, the sledgehammer of the Punishment Heavenly King had already been slammed down heavily, and the moment the sledgehammer touched Mo BuTong's head, Mo BuTong disappeared in place!

Chapter 643 Entering the Barrier

The strange behavior of Chuhe also made the little monk very puzzled. After all, the two of them have been with Chuhe for so long, and they know Chuhe's style to some extent. When they met the monkey king, they didn't back down. something would be so alarming.

"Master, is it because you haven't recovered from the battle you just experienced, right? Don't worry, those minions of the Heavenly Court may not know that the magic cannon can open the enchantment until now."

When the little monk said this, Mo Bubu also became proud.

"As expected of a master, you can find such a tricky way to open the barrier. If I were to come, I'm afraid I'd have to hang around outside the barrier for the rest of my life."

Don't miss the sound of the horses clapping, and the little monk naturally didn't lose the wind.

"That's right, master is an extremely intelligent person, so it's not a big problem to enter a barrier, but you, stupid as a pig, still want to compare with master, you deserve it!"

After the little monk said this, Mo Bufei was upset.

"I said little monk, what do you mean by that? I'm also your senior brother. If you want to praise the master, you can do it. I just don't understand why when you praise the master, you have to pull me by the way? I asked you to provoke you! If you say that again, be careful that I will beat you!"

The child's temperament is also violent, and he will explode at the slightest. The little monk saw that Mo Bubu was angered by success, so he naturally said contentedly.

"Master, look quickly, Brother Mo Budong is going to beat me, master, you have to make the decision for me!"

"Shh, my two living ancestors, can you two keep your voice down, take a closer look at the bottom, what exactly is it?"

Although Chuhe found these clues, he was not sure. After all, it was his first time to come to this secret place. What kind of strange landform does the thing have, that is, it can breathe.

And if it is really what I think, such a big thing is a creature, then its size is really big and there is no limit. Chuhe has traveled to so many places and seen all kinds of monsters, but he has never Never seen such a big one.

So much so that he doubted his own opinion a little bit.

But seeing Chuhe being so serious, the two disciples stopped making noise, and instead looked seriously at the huge red glowing object below.

"In my opinion, it's the magma mouth. This is the top of the mountain, and there is something red and glowing on it. What is it if it's not magma?"

I really can't think of anything else.

The little monk shook his head as if against him.

"Brother, I don't think it's a magma hole at all. The temperature of the magma is extremely high, and it keeps steaming. Didn't you find that this thing has no temperature?"

"Then tell me, what is this?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not magma!"

Although Mo Bufei hated the little monk's words now, he had to say that what he said made sense. The two children just kept staring at the huge red object below, lost in thought.

Chu He frowned, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it looked like something's eyes, but he still wasn't sure, after all, he was still inexperienced, so at this time, Master Mingdong and Master Songling should come out, after all, both of them They are old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years. They have seen a lot, and they might be able to discover something.

When Chuhe thought about it, Master Mingdong and Master Songling, who were the spirits of the weapon, naturally appeared. They glanced at the red round object below and shook their heads.

"Master, I've never seen this kind of thing before. I really can't tell what it is, but judging from its appearance, it should be a stone that can emit light, but it's a bit round. It should be a genius or something. s things."

After Master Songling said this, Master Mingdong had a different opinion.

"What Master Songling said is also possible, but why do I feel that this thing looks like an eye? Don't you guys think it? And I always feel flustered when I look at him!"

Master Mingdong has a keen intuition, and he really said the key points at once. Chuhe nodded and acquiesced to his opinion, but this made Chuhe even more frightened. In front of his eyes, that would be a disaster!

"Fart, you old bald donkey, what nonsense are you talking about? If monks don't lie, how can you run the train with your mouth full!"

Master Songling refuted directly, and Master Mingdong did not show any weakness.

"You stinky Taoist priest, opening and closing your mouth are all swear words, am I wrong, isn't this thing just with big eyes all the time?"

"What bullshit big eyes, have you ever seen anyone whose eyes are as big as ten feet? If so, wouldn't his body be taller than a mountain when standing up? Is there such a big creature in this era? How can I? have no idea?"

What Master Songling said is also reasonable, Master Mingdong is not easy to refute for a while, but Master Mingdong still insists on his own opinion.

"Look carefully, is this thing clearly an eyeball? Moreover, it looks like a snake's eyeball!"

"Still talking nonsense, old bald donkey, why didn't I realize that you like to open your eyes and talk nonsense before, let's not say that the eyes of snakes are all green pupils, and the color of this thing is red, even if the following The thing is really a snake's eyes, so it must be a very powerful big monster, but why didn't I feel the monster's evil spirit?"

Master Songling's rebuttal was also very reasonable. Master Mingdong was at a loss for words for a while, and began to feel unconfident.

At this time, the little monk who had been staring down suddenly spoke.

"Master, if I'm not mistaken, this thing moved just now!"

"What did you say?"

Chuhe has been distracted, thinking about what this thing is, so that he can't concentrate, so he doesn't know whether the thing below has moved or not.

Hearing this, Master Songling spoke again.

"Come on, why do you monks like to lie so much? You even moved a little to scare someone. Let me see that this thing is a naturally formed round jade. Since it can shine, it might be a treasure."

"Maybe this is also a landmark, like a lighthouse at sea, to guide the creatures here."

"What kind of creature, what direction is it pointing? Open your eyes and see, is there any creature around here? I can't even feel the ants. If this glowing thing is really a treasure, it's not a good treasure, or else it's not a treasure. There will be a situation where no creature dares to approach."

"It's not so troublesome. Is it a baby? Let me go down and have a look."

Mo Bubu is an impatient person, so he flew down quickly!

Chapter 644 Fire Barrier, Red Lotus Blossoms

It can't be said to have disappeared. It should be said that a large group of flames suddenly ignited where Mo Bu Bu was. The temperature of this group of flames was extremely high, high enough to melt steel in an instant.

Punishment Heavenly King directly threw away the warhammer. He used some low-quality spirit treasures, so it would be no pity to lose them. As long as Mo Bubei can be taken down this time, everything will be fine.

Since the two of them had already approached Mo Bu Bu in order to take down Mo Bu Bu, Mo Bu Bu's figure disappeared into the flames, and he would not be able to find him for a while.

However, the two of them still have to endure the scorching fire. Although the two golden immortals are powerful, the flames cannot cause effective damage to them for the time being, but in order to defend against the flames, they can only urge their defenses with all their strength, so that their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced .

"Where the hell is this kid hiding? I've never heard that the Dao of Fire can hide himself in the raging fire."

"It's okay, the range of the flames is not that big, you and I, two brothers, search a part of the area alone, just find this kid!"

What King Lingzhi said was reasonable, and after King Punishment nodded, the two began to search separately.

As everyone knows, this is a trap of Mo BuFong. This kind of flame is the lowest level of flame, and it cannot effectively kill the combat power of the Golden Immortal level. These two golden fairies are nothing more than that.

Mo Bubu hid in the corner of the flame, and the flames all over his body were lit. As the god of fire, he could feel the two golden immortals searching around in his enchantment, and they were getting closer and closer to him.

The little monk on the side looked anxious.

"Eldest brother, isn't your fire not very good? I think the King of Wisdom and the King of Punishment are as if they were not injured at all. Can you do it?"

The little monk was still mocking, but Chuhe's injury had almost recovered, he could stand up, walked up to the little monk and gave him a chestnut.

The little monk covered his head in pain, and looked at Chuhe aggrievedly.

"Don't be different, this kid is really bad, it will be miserable for the two heavenly kings!"

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