What exactly is going on?Chuhe is a little puzzled. Is it because Nuwa created human beings, so her blood can only resurrect human beings?

Moreover, I was seriously injured just now. When Linger used her own blood to heal my wounds, my injuries didn't even show signs of getting better quickly. Could it be that after I inherited the blood of Fuxi and Nuwa, I can no longer be called For humanity!

This is somewhat speechless.

Chu He pursed his lips, but he couldn't be happy at all.

And those magic soldiers who received Linger's blood also completely opened up the memory of the human race in the ancient times when Linger's blood merged into their bodies.

Images of Nuwa creating man, Nuwa mending the sky, and Nuwa devoting herself to the sake of the human race emerged in their minds.

If at the beginning they chose to take refuge in Linger only because of Linger's kindness, now that they have learned the secrets of these ancient times, they understand the truth, and they have an indescribable awe of Linger!

"Nuwa Empress! We are guilty of denying the Creator and following the Heavenly Court to embarrass you. It is our fault. Please punish Nuwa Empress!"

"That's my mother, I'm a descendant of Nuwa, and after so many years, it's not your fault that you were deceived by bad people. You don't need to blame yourself. On the contrary, your human race has become stronger and stronger. Being able to become the master of this land has always been my mother's greatest expectation for you, and it is also my expectation."

Ling'er's voice is melodious and melodious, like the sound of heaven, coupled with the pious belief of nearly ten thousand soldiers, it makes her whole body glow and look more holy!

"Okay, Ling'er, things are almost over, now the most urgent thing is to find the spirit-gathering grass for you, let's go!"

With a wave of Chuhe's hand, the Four Elephants Pagoda circulated. Nearly ten thousand divine soldiers and about two thousand monsters all flew into the Four Elephant Pagoda. Their practice there was several times faster than that in the outside world. They are all good foundations, maybe they can prove some true immortals, and it is not impossible to produce a few immortals!

"Brother Chuhe, I'm actually fine. The extreme north is so dangerous, so let's not go there, okay?"

"Silly girl, you still don't understand, for you, I dare to break into any forbidden place!"

What Chuhe said, Linger's face was blushing. For so many years, she was the only surviving Nuwa clan, so no one fell in love with her, and no one cared about her so much, so every love word of Chuhe It's like carrying infinite magic power, making Ling'er deeply trapped in it.

Chuhe's words made Ling'er's pretty face blush, and she didn't know how to answer.

There was no different and the little monk was secretly smiling, and Chuhe didn't feel ashamed at all.

Guan Guan Jujiu, in Hezhizhou, a slender lady and a gentleman.

Chuhe already liked Ling'er, and with the two people's current blood connections, they have a deep attraction to each other. There are some things that you can't get rid of if you want to!

"Master, how old are you this year!"

Mo Fei ran over to ask Ling'er.

Ling'er raised her head and thought about it, but over the years, she couldn't remember the date at all, so it was hard to answer.

"I don't know how old I am, I seem to have lived a long time!"

Chapter 647 Washboard

Chuhe slapped Mo different on the head.

"You silly boy, don't you know you can't ask a girl's age?"

"Master, I know this. What I actually want to ask is what stage is her age in terms of her family?"

In fact, Chuhe is also very curious. After all, Ling'er looks very petite and immature, not like an old man.

"You are asking this. Logically speaking, the ancient time we lived in was very long. Although we entered the age of mythology later, it was only a flash in the pan for the ancient era. So you think it has been a long time, but it is actually a long time for us demons. For the clan, that is just a short period of ten years."

"If you calculate according to the age of your humans, I should be 16 years old now, and I am not yet an adult."

Ling'er deliberately told Chu He that she was not yet an adult, and Chu He realized that Ling'er could see through human minds, and she must have seen through Mo Bu Buan's thoughts just now.

Then I learned that human beings have an age limit for chasing girls, and minors are not allowed.

But Chuhe can't accept this point of view.

"Sister Ling'er, you don't want to learn the customs of human beings. As a descendant of Nuwa, you should be responsible for multiplying the people of your clan, and this is your mother's confession. I will naturally fulfill your mother's last wish after getting your mother's inheritance. .”

"As your older brother, this difficult and great figure, I want to help you achieve it together."

Chuhe spoke in a serious manner, but Linger couldn't see through his thoughts, nor did he understand the specific meaning of multiplying the tribe, but from his wicked eyes, it was not difficult to find that Chuhe had absolutely no good idea.

"Hmph, I don't want to reproduce with you, you already have two children!"

When Chuhe heard it, he almost lost his temper. Linger was struggling with this?

It turned out that she regarded Mo Bubu and the little monk as her children, and the two of them were obviously her disciples. It may be that there was no such thing as a disciple in ancient times, so Linger privately regarded these as children!

"Uh, what, sister Linger, have you misunderstood, these two brats are not my children, they are just my disciples, the kind who worship me as a teacher and want to learn art with me .”

When Ling'er heard what Chuhe said, she seemed to understand what her disciple meant, but she leaned over to stare at Mo BuTong's face, and then stared at Chuhe's face up and down.

"But you two look alike, you are both handsome, are you really his father?"

Chuhe is really speechless. To be honest, Mo Bubu is indeed somewhat similar to his own beauty, and even his temper and attitude are largely similar.

In addition, after worshiping Chuhe as his teacher, this kid wanted to imitate Chuhe in all aspects, and he became more and more like him.

However, as a human being, she can still tell the difference if she carefully distinguishes them. However, Linger, a descendant of Nuwa, is naturally blind to human beings, so she can't tell the difference between Chuhe and Mobuyong.

"Ling'er, don't talk nonsense, this kid doesn't look like me. I'm so handsome, my kid must be even more handsome. If you don't believe me, we will have one, and you will know when the time comes!"

When she heard that she was going to have a baby, Ling'er's face turned even redder.

"No, handsome people are caring. I want cute ones, just like this little monk."

Ling'er suddenly pulled the little monk over and hugged him. The little monk was praised by his teacher, and his smiling face had already burst into laughter, but Mo Butong had an ugly face. , he is really too difficult!

"That's great. Look, I'm handsome and handsome, and you are beautiful and cute. Our children must be handsome and cute."

The Chuhe child continued this topic, and Ling'er's face was so red that she was about to drip water.

Mo BuTong leaned close to the master and said in a low voice.

"Master, it's almost done. Master's wife is still a child. Don't you feel that you are tricking a girl by doing this? It's shameful!"

Chuhe blushed, but he didn't agree with Mo Budong's statement.

"What do you know, you little brat? This is called love, what is called deception, it is to abandon it after you get it, and you will not be responsible. My feelings for Linger are different. I will protect her for the rest of my life. Such a great Things, you actually said deception."

"But she's only 16 years old!"

"Shit is 16 years old. She is 16 years old at least. Since she is dating a human being, she has to follow human customs. She is already an adult! Do you understand!"

Mo Bu nodded.

"Master, I don't understand what you said. You said that Master is so much older than you. It's not appropriate for you to call her sister!"

"What's inappropriate, her biological age is only 16 years old, I'm already in my 20s, wouldn't it be nice to call her sister?"

"That's not right, master, just now you said that the age of humans should be counted. She is not 16 years old. You should call her grandma Taizu! Master, you are really good, even grandma Taizu will not let you go." !"

"You are talking, be careful that I kill relatives righteously!"

Chuhe couldn't catch up with what Mo BuTong said, so he could only insist on getting rid of Mo BuTong, Mo BuTong stepped aside in a hurry and ran to Ling'er for protection.

Ling'er has a lot of maternal love for human beings, and these two children are disciples of Chuhe, she has long regarded them as her own children.

Faced with the scolding from the father, the mother naturally had to act in defense.

"If you dare to kill your relatives righteously, I will never talk to you in the future."

"Yes, Mistress, let him kneel on the washboard!"

Linger was a little curious.

"What is a washboard!"

"It's a good thing invented between us human couples to enhance the relationship. As long as the wife gives this thing to the husband, the husband will become obedient and obedient in the future. If he becomes disobedient in the future, you can continue to use it. It can make the husband obedient every time."

Mo Bubu is really a bad embryo, he will ask Chuhe to kneel on the washboard in a few words, and this kid is hiding beside Linger now, so he has no choice but to teach him a lesson.

"Is there really such a magic weapon?"

Ling'er was very curious, Mo Fei licked his face and said.

"Master, you don't know, there are more treasures, nostalgia, remote control, but it shouldn't hurt the master's level. I can give the master an idea, use steel nails to form a ball, Paint the red lotus karmic fire on the steel nail, and let him kneel on it, if he is not careful, he will suffer from the burning of his soul, and by then, he will be more obedient than anyone else!"

Ling'er didn't know what it meant at first, but she shook her head hastily when she heard that Mo Bubei said that she would use such a vicious thing to make Chuhe kneel on it.

Chapter 648 Xiangliu is Coming

"No, I can't let brother Chuhe commit such a crime, and I don't want that washboard either."

Sure enough, it's really kind. After learning the purpose of these things, Ling'er is naturally reluctant to use them on brother Chuhe. In her eyes, love is giving wholeheartedly, and she is not allowed to do anything to hurt the other party.

Seeing that the scheme failed, Mo Butong could only smile bitterly in embarrassment, not daring to look up at Chuhe's eyes, but Chuhe refused to let him go, and said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

"You can do it, kid. Instigating your mistress to target the master is simply deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors. It seems that as a master, it is time to sort out the rules of the school. The steel needles you just mentioned are good. Since you like it so much, I'll make one and use it as a pillow for your knee!"

After Chuhe said this, Mo Butong's little face turned pale with fright. He just had a mouthful, but Chuhe really did it.

At this moment, even Ling'er's arms felt unsafe to Mo Bu different, and his figure flew forward rapidly.

"Master, I sense a monster in front of me, I'll open the way for you!"

Mo BuFong ran away in fright, the little monk couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, Master Songling and Master Mingdong also snickered beside him, but Master Songling smiled more happily.

"I said, old monk, have you seen that my disciple has stepped into the ranks of the Golden Immortal, and he is still the Golden Immortal of Fire, fierce and domineering, even the two heavenly kings are no match for him, look at your disciple again If you are a fool, you can chant Amitabha Buddha, what's the use of it!"

After Master Songling finished his spiel, he almost lost his anger in Myeongdong.

"I said, you old Taoist priest, what do you mean, who do you look down on? I admit that Mo Bu different is indeed a little bit better, but it is also a good opportunity given by the director. The divine eye is a magic weapon, and it is also a fire guide. Put that thing in Mo Bu different." With different eyebrows, it is also expected that he can prove the Dao of Fire."

"If you give this thing to Xiuyuan, he can also prove the Vulcan, what a big deal."

"Besides, now Mo Bu Bu's strength has surpassed that of you and me, and he is still the master's first disciple. You still keep saying that he is your disciple. Do you think Mo Bu Bu will admit it? Are you still shameless? "

Master Mingdong was also holding back a big belly of evil fire, and gave the little monk a vicious look, but the little monk didn't pay attention to him at all, so he didn't notice it.

Although Master Mingdong said so, he was still at a disadvantage. After all, the master gave the eyes to Mo BuFong but not to the young monk, which meant that in the eyes of the master, the young monk was indeed not as good as Mo BuFong.

"Hey, I said it's broad daylight, why is there a smell of vinegar, it turns out that some old bald donkey is sour, tsk tsk!"

Master Songling's mouth was still vicious, and what he said, Master Mingdong rolled his eyes, wishing he could chop him off.

The quarrel between the two became more and more intense, but both of them were hiding in the spirit treasure and they both transmitted sound with their spiritual consciousness, so no one noticed it.

On the other side of the barrier, Li Zhi worked hard to rush over, and glanced at the battlefield, all of which were traces of the explosion, and nothing grew around him.

In addition, Mo Bubuyi finally set off a big fire, which directly turned a hundred miles into a piece of red land, and the unextinguished flame was still burning, which was even more powerful than the Flame Mountain.

A golden armored god will come to the flames to investigate.

"Heavenly King, the red lotus karmic fire is mixed in the flames. Could it be that the little Taoist priest has learned to manipulate your divine eyes!"

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