Hearing this, Li Zhi was shocked and almost fell from the air. He really couldn't believe it.

"What nonsense, that kid, a little fairy, dared to accept my divine eyes. He must have been burned to death by the fire of the red lotus. This fire should be set by Chuhe."

"However, the battlefield is in such a mess, yet not even a single corpse can be found. This is truly miraculous."

"Could it be, Chuhe has already been captured by the two heavenly kings, so should we hurry back to the heavenly court now?"

Someone said so, and Li Zhi felt that the possibility was very high. After all, when they rushed over, they didn't know what happened here, but they knew that Chuhe had been hit by the magic cannon and suffered serious injuries. It can be said that they were doomed.

"It's very possible, but we can't rush back to the Heavenly Court right now. We should discuss a countermeasure, how to rescue Nuwa's descendants safely."

"Yes, we must not be reckless, otherwise even if we die, it will be meaningless."

The generals nodded one after another. Now they are all obedient, and they all follow from the bottom of their hearts. Li Zhi has never felt such loyalty from his subordinates.

"Not good, I feel that two powerful forces are approaching like here, Tiger Mighty King, what should I do?"

"It's nothing to do. The people who came here are the Heavenly King of Lingzhi and the Heavenly King of Punishment. So they didn't go far! Brothers, don't expose your identities, and obey my orders."

Li Zhi stayed in the battlefield and waited for the arrival of the two heavenly kings.

The reason why the Lingzhi Heavenly King and the Punishment Heavenly King came back was that Chuhe had left the battlefield here, and they wanted to come back and take away the [-] heavenly soldiers.

It's a pity, when they came to the battlefield, there was not even a shadow of the ten thousand heavenly soldiers.

"Damn it, did the Chu River burn them all to ashes? It's too cruel! That's tens of thousands of lives!"

The King of Punishment twitched his lips, obviously heartbroken.

But Lingzhi Tianwang laughed.

"Good kill, good kill!"

"You're crazy, you killed well, that's our man!"

Punishment Heavenly King looked at Lingzhi Heavenly King in puzzlement, and Lingzhi Heavenly King continued.

"Chuhe beheaded all the [-] heavenly soldiers and wiped them out. Once this kind of news is sent back to the heavenly court, the remaining heavenly soldiers will definitely fight against the enemy. Next time they face Chuhe, they will fight to the death. This is also invisible. It has helped us a lot.”

Those heavenly soldiers were influenced by the kindness of Nuwa's descendants, and their fighting spirit was somewhat unstable. That's why they lost many times on the battlefield.

If next time a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers gather together and all hate Chuhe to death, then they can be manipulated like arms and fingers, and there will be no more troubles.

"Indeed, Heavenly King Lingzhi was considerate, but these heavenly soldiers died under our command. If we go back, what will the emperor think of us?"

"The explosion just now interrupted the communication and also interrupted the video, so the Emperor himself didn't know what happened. Let's say that all this was done by Xiang Liu. It was the demon Chuhe who released the great demon Xiang at the critical moment. Liu, let our Heavenly Court suffer heavy losses, and these soldiers also suffered for no reason, we are lucky that the two of us escaped from Xiangliu's mouth!"

Chapter 649 Have You Seen Xiang Liu?

Rao is shameless enough to punish the Heavenly King, but he can only bow down to someone as shameless as the Lingzhi Heavenly King.

He obviously couldn't beat him on the frontal battlefield, but he made up a Xiangliu to fool him, this IQ can't be dissatisfied.

In this way, if you go back and return to your command, you can entrust the responsibility, and you can directly cover up the matter of abandoning tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and fleeing.

"High, really high! When it comes to talking nonsense with your eyes open, it has to be you, the King of Lingzhi."

Although the Punishment King's mouth hurt a little, his admiration was true. After the Punishment King finished speaking, the Lingzhi Heavenly King was not angry.

There's no way, he just saved his life, so it doesn't make any sense to discuss the minutiae with him now.

And Lingzhi Tianwang looked around and found an even bigger surprise.

"Oh, isn't that King Huwei? Li Zhi is still alive!"

Because the two of them were scared by Mo BuTong, they didn't dare to open up their spiritual sense to search when they got close, so they didn't find Li Zhi who had been waiting in the battlefield.

This is really good news. After all, Li Zhi is the nephew of the Emperor of Heaven. It would be a great achievement if he could be brought back safely.

Seeing that the two heavenly kings finally looked at him, Li Zhi had no choice but to come forward to say hello.

"Two heavenly kings, we just came out of the enchantment. What happened? Why did this place turn into a white field? Could it be that we have experienced some kind of big battle?"

Li Zhi deliberately pretended not to know anything, and it was even more impossible for the Lingzhi Heavenly King to think that Li Zhi had betrayed, and he really thought he had just come out of the barrier.

"Hey, Huwei Heavenly King, when did that devil Chuhe take your eyes away, and Lingbao Heavenly King, what happened to you in the enchantment?"

Li Zhi asked the Heavenly King Lingzhi, and the Heavenly King Lingzhi suddenly became confused and wanted to ask Li Zhi. Seeing that the Heavenly King Lingzhi was so anxious, Li Zhi said.

"After we entered the enchantment, we were ambushed by the big devil Chuhe and Nuwa's descendants. We suffered heavy losses, and there were only more than 200 of the thousand gold-armored generals left."

"Later, I fought against the devil Chuhe, but unfortunately I was not his opponent who was incarnated outside of him. After being caught by him, he took away the god's eyes. At that time, he thought I was dead, so he didn't kill me."

Speaking of this, Li Zhi felt sad and even sobbed.

"But, Lingbao Heavenly King, Lingbao Heavenly King, he... in order to cover the rest of the gods, he will retreat and fight against Chuhe until the last drop of blood is shed. If it weren't for Lingbao Heavenly King, we would be wiped out this time. !"

"What, you mean, Lingbao Heavenly King is dead?"

The Punishment Heavenly King couldn't believe it. After all, the Lingbao Heavenly King was a coward who bullied the weak and feared the hard. He was too late to escape when he was in danger. How could he sacrifice his life to save others.

Besides, since Li Zhi can survive being detained, the magic weapon of the Lingbao Heavenly King can naturally survive, and the probability of survival must be much higher than Li Zhi.

"Yes, in order to protect us, King Lingbao fought to the death against the devil Chuhe, and finally died heroically. He is the hero in the hearts of all of us."

These lifting and lowering were sobbing, if Lingbao Heavenly King had spirits in the sky, he would definitely curse these beasts, obviously they were the ones who killed him.

These god generals betrayed, Lingzhi Heavenly King didn't see it for a while, and a Lingbao Heavenly King changed his nature and supported the hero before he died.

However, this is not the answer Lingzhi Tianwang wants.

"Then what, are you attacked by the descendants of Nuwa and Chuhe? You have so many generals and two heavenly kings, logically speaking, you shouldn't be able to beat Chuhe and them, and the empress Nuwa you mentioned People, there is no aggressiveness at all, it is good enough for her not to stop Chuhe from hurting you, you are not lying to me!"

The eyeballs of the Lingzhi Heavenly King wandered around, and even the Punishment Heavenly King became suspicious. Li Zhi's heart beat faster. Could it be that this old thing has seen through it.

If he explained it now, he might be more and more wrong, and compared to his intelligence, he was no match for the King of Wisdom, and with the King of Punishment standing by his side, the two of them could even directly open an interrogation prison for themselves.

The Heavenly King of Punishment was in charge of torture, and the Heavenly King of Lingzhi was in charge of extorting confessions. Li Zhi was confident that he could handle it, but these generals were not sure.

So Li Zhi had to change the topic.

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, what do you mean by that? Our dead brothers, and Lingbao Heavenly King's life, I still can't lie to you, besides, Chuhe escaped from the barrier, you are responsible for intercepting Him, have you arrested them?"

When Li Zhi said this, he directly reversed the situation just now, and the Heavenly King Lingzhi involuntarily lowered his head, struggling incomparably in his heart.

The result of the battle just now was really insignificant, and it would be embarrassing to say it, so he had to talk nonsense.

"Fart, you weren't ambushed by any descendants of Nuwa at all, you were ambushed by the nine-headed serpent Xiangliu, right?"

"Li Zhi, you're still young and don't know Xiangliu. You can't be blamed for this, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, Nuwa's descendants are also snake demons, and it's only natural to admit mistakes."

Li Zhi was confused, what Xiangliu?Oh, he remembered, when Chuhe confronted him again, he mentioned Xiangliu, but he had never seen Xiangliu before, and he didn't know what Xiangliu looked like, but he believed in the existence of Xiangliu, naturally not because Chuhe, but because of the descendants of Nuwa.

Naturally, what the descendants of Nu Wa said could not be a lie.

Judging from the tone of King Lingzhi and the scars all over his body, Chuhe must have gained the upper hand in the end. Thinking of this, Li Zhi let go of his hanging heart, and then began to ponder about King Lingzhi. mean.

Li Zhi is also very smart. Since Chuhe left the field safely and these two old things were injured so badly, it must be Tianting's side who lost a lot. To clear them of their charges, that's why they deliberately kicked Xiang Liu.

At this time, King Lingzhi patted Li Zhi on the shoulder.

"Li Zhi, I know that Xiang Liu is too terrifying and caused you heavy losses. There is no way. We were also attacked by Xiang Liu just now, and the casualties were also heavy. Therefore, you don't need to deliberately conceal Xiang Liu's affairs, but speak out boldly. .”

The Heavenly King Lingzhi also had no choice, they wanted to blame Xiangliu for the loss of troops, but if Li Chi hadn't seen Xiangliu in the barrier, then the Heavenly Emperor would definitely think they were lying.

So no matter what, regardless of whether Li Zhi saw it or not, the Heavenly King Lingzhi would take him to the pit and drag him to his side to testify for himself.

Chapter 650 Xiangliu Zhen Comes

Li Zhi probably understood, and nodded hastily.

"That's right, that's right, the big snake demon we met in the enchantment is Xiangliu. When you said that, I remembered, that's right, that's right, he does have eight heads, and he can kill our gods with one mouthful." It’s scary to think about swallowing most of it.”

Seeing that Li Zhi finally got on the road, Lingzhi Tianwang also laughed, but he still heard something wrong from Li Zhi's words, and hurriedly reminded him.

"Tiger Mighty King, you may have been confused. Xiang Liu has nine heads, not eight."

"Oh, that's right, Xiang Liu has nine heads, do you think it looks like that big snake over there?"

In a daze, Li Zhi saw a huge snake demon with nine heads from a very far distance, and then pointed in that direction.

But the hydra demon only appeared for a while, and then disappeared, which caused when Lingzhi Tianwang looked over, there was nothing there.

"Lingzhi Heavenly King, you are not confused, how can there be nine heads..." Lingzhi Heavenly King just wanted to say that there is no Hydra demon, but if he said so at this time, all the efforts just now would be in vain , so he hastily changed his words.

"Just now the hydra fought us, and our ten thousand heavenly soldiers fired at him, and he was seriously injured. Presumably, the hydra will not appear in a short time! Maybe he is dead."

Heavenly King Lingzhi is so smart, what he said is very good, Xiangliu did appear and attacked us, causing heavy losses to the Heavenly Court, and then the heavenly soldiers fired together and wounded Xiangliu, and then Xiangliu fled.

Since Xiang Liu was seriously injured, it was impossible to stir up trouble in a short period of time, that is to say, the lies told by King Lingzhi would not be exposed for a while.

If Xiang Liu never showed up, it would be even simpler, just say that Xiang Liu's hand is too heavy to burp, and they are not only innocent but a great achievement.

Or say that language is an art, and the King of Punishment is also more and more admired by the King of Lingzhi.

It's just that when they were chatting happily, suddenly a man with handsome and strange appearance, dressed in black and with long fluttering hair suddenly appeared between them, and said something as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I was beaten away by you, and I might even die. Why didn't I know such an important thing?"

Xiang Liu, who had transformed into a human form, suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Seeing his handsome appearance, these people didn't think too much about it for a while, they just saw that he could also fly in the air, and they didn't feel afraid when they saw them, golden immortals, and they were already there. Consider him a formidable figure.

"What is this brother talking about? This is the first time we want to see you, why do you want to do anything to you if we have no grievances or enmities with you?"

After Li Zhi finished speaking, Xiang Liu said with a smile, but his smile was too sinister, which made these decent people in the heaven somewhat uncomfortable.

"But I just heard you say that I sneaked up on you, causing you to lose a lot, and even bombarded me with the aura. What is the aura cannon? Can you eat it?"

Xiang Liu's words were really unbelievable. After all, among the people present, only Li Zhi and the two hundred golden armored generals behind him had seen Ling'er's real body. Even the Lingzhi Heavenly King and the Punishment Heavenly King fought against Chuhe. After waiting for a long time, I don't know what Ling'er's real body looks like.

As a result, Xiang Liu took the initiative to speak out and was treated as a human being by them.

"Brother, do you mean that you are Xiang Liu?"

Xiang Liu nodded. "Doesn't this uncle look alike?"

"Don't be kidding, brother, you look so powerful, you should be at least a Jinxian-level strongman, are you interested in joining the Heavenly Court, at least you can become the king of heaven, your status will be inferior to one person , above ten thousand people, enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth from now on, what do you think?"

Since the loss of a Lingbao Heavenly King, it would be a great achievement if this handsome little brother in black can be pulled into the Heavenly Court.

Xiang Liu was really speechless. In ancient times, when he showed his face, people would run away in fright. Of course, they couldn't escape, and he would definitely become a ration for his side.

Now that I appear in front of human beings, human beings can't help but not be afraid, and talk to me, even joke with me, and even pull me into some heavenly organization, it's really funny, Xiang Liu is also interested, I haven't teased human beings for a long time up!

"Then what, I'm a greedy person, if I join the Heavenly Court, will the Heavenly Court take care of the meals?"

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