Xiangliu's words almost made the Heavenly King of Lingzhi laugh. For those who are strong at the Jinxian level, they can already get rid of the appetite problem caused by whole grains. It can be said that they can completely absorb the aura of heaven and earth to replenish their bodies. Function, almost no longer eat.

This kid is clamoring for a meal, probably because he has not yet reached the strength of a golden fairy, but even if he is not a golden fairy, this kid is still at the level of a heavenly fairy. Several of the eight guardians were killed by Chuhe, so he can supplement one of the eight guardians That's fine too.

"Brother, if you want to eat, Heavenly Court guarantees enough. Don't worry about this. Heavenly Court has nearly ten billion believers. As long as you become the king of heaven and let them offer some food every day, it will be enough for you to eat!"

"Is there such a good thing? In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. The food I like to eat is people!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled. The Heavenly King of Lingzhi looked at Xiang Liu, then laughed wildly, patted Xiang Liu on the shoulder and said.

"Brother, you are really humorous. You can't talk about cannibalism casually. Also, if you go to heaven, you must not be so arrogant. Don't call yourself my uncle in front of the emperor. It's very rude."

"Really?" Xiang Liu chuckled, and just as King Lingzhi was about to answer, he felt his hand was bitten by something, which was very painful.

He hurriedly took his hand back and saw that there were rows of tiny tooth marks on his fingers, which seemed to be bitten by snakes, and his fingers were still festering rapidly. The poisonous cobra can't even think about causing any harm to him. What's going on with all this?

Before he had time to react, the Golden Armored God General at the side had already seen the clue.

Xiang Liu's jet-black hair was not hair at all, but small black snakes. Tens of thousands of small snakes gathered together, and they were still wriggling.

"This man's hair is full of little snakes, he's not a human, he's a monster!"

The King of Punishments also noticed this.

But it was too late, Xiang Liu shook his head.

"You guys are so boring. You all said you beat me, but now that I appear in front of you, you don't know me anymore. It's really interesting!"

Chapter 651

"It's just a snake demon, just cut it off!" Li Zhi swung the three-pointed two-edged knife, and chopped it directly at Xiang Liu's head.

When the blade touched the three-pointed and double-edged knife, there was a sound of metal colliding, and sparks burst out from the weapon.

That's it, Xiang Liu's head is fine, but his hair was chopped off by Li Zhi, and after those hairs fell, they fell towards the ground. Unexpectedly, when they fell, the hairs became more and more Thick, until the thickness of a hundred-year-old tree, the body of the snake stopped enlarging.

"It's a big snake!"

A strand of hair is as thick as a hundred-year-old tree, so how big would this person be when he turned into a snake demon? The golden-armored generals who had seen Linger's real body at the beginning had already begun to calculate Xiangliu's size in their hearts.

"No, he is Xiangliu, let's run away!"

Li Zhi didn't receive any effect after his blow. He already knew that the opponent was difficult to deal with, and he believed in Xiangliu, and the one in front of him was.

"Run, this is not good, you are so rude, my uncle is very angry."

Xiang Liu suddenly lost his temper, and his figure was rapidly growing, rising rapidly like a mountain peak.

And the Lingzhi Heavenly King and his group who were at the top of the mountain were just about to escape when they were swallowed by a big mouth that suddenly appeared below.

At this time, because the electromagnetic interference caused by the explosion had disappeared, the live broadcast screen resumed, and a huge hydra appeared on the screen, and it swallowed Li Zhi, the King of Wisdom, and the King of Punishment in one gulp.

Xiang Liu, who had eaten hundreds of golden-armored generals, stuck out his tongue, obviously not full, and a little unsatisfied, a pair of huge red eyes, emitting this strange light.

"Ah, is this the world? The smell of humans is everywhere. I miss it so much. I must eat to my full!"

Xiang Liu's strange laughter spread directly in front of everyone's screens, and for a moment, the entire human world became extremely panicked.

Especially for those villages that live not far from the barrier, they don't need to watch any live broadcasts, they can see Xiang Liu's nine heads that reach the sky when they look up.

This scene directly caused many people to faint from fright, and those who were still determined knelt down and began to pray.

It's just that at this time, they don't know who to pray to, whether to the Emperor of Heaven or the descendants of Nvwa.

This scene was like annihilation. Li Qingming was sitting in the hall, and the moment he saw Xiang Liu, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the chair.

"What the hell is this, Hydra, is there really such a creature as Xiangliu in the world?"

"If that's the case, his strength is well established as Da Luo Jinxian, and I am no match for him at all!"

Li Qingming has been absorbing the power of human belief for a hundred years, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds. After all, unlike the age of mythology, taking down the gods also relied on human belief to supplement his strength.

But in that era, the monster race and other races were still rampant. Although the human spiritual beliefs were strong, it was a pity that the number of human beings was too small, and the total number of them was only a few hundred thousand.

But Li Qingming is different. He controls the human resources of the entire earth. Everyone must believe in it, and he can only believe in it.

The number of people who believe in these beliefs is directly a million times that of the age of mythology. That is to say, Li Qingming accepts beliefs that are also a million times that of the age of mythology.

Therefore, the huge power of faith allowed him to break through from a fairy to a golden immortal in just a hundred years, and to the current half-step golden immortal.

This is also the reason why Li Qingming himself is stupid. Otherwise, with such a huge power of faith, he would have already broken through to Da Luo Jinxian, and he could even become a saint.

And even if he comprehended the ability tea, he also felt that it would take less than ten years for him to be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian.

In this day and age, to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian is an invincible existence in the world.

How could it happen that at this time, let him encounter this kind of thing, the lowest level of Xiangliu is also the level of Da Luo Jinxian, and the most annoying thing is that this kind of dog likes to eat people.

And according to his appetite, he can eat [-] million people a day.

But there are only 70 billion people on the earth. If Xiangliu eats them all up, Xiangliu will become even stronger. He will no longer be able to gain the spiritual belief of the human race. He cannot lose human beings at this time, otherwise he will never It is impossible to touch the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

"Heavenly Emperor! What Chuhe said is true, Xiangliu does exist!"

It was the Heavenly King of Lingzhi who spoke, and Xiang Liu swallowed them all in one gulp just now. Fortunately, the Heavenly King of Punishment can change appearances and save everyone from Xiangliu's mouth.

Of course, there is a price to pay for using this trick, and those who are replaced are some unlucky people in the heaven.

So as soon as they returned to the Heavenly Court, they rushed to report to the Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing that his three generals at the Golden Immortal level were still alive, Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was no longer so flustered.

Looking at his uncle, Li Zhi felt angry, but at this moment, he couldn't tear himself apart.

"Uncle, it's all my fault. At that time, Chuhe was fighting hard to kill Xiangliu, but we led troops to sneak attack the descendants of Nuwa guarding the formation. We destroyed the injections on the spot, and the descendants of Nuwa were almost beheaded by us." Kill, the descendants of Nuwa followed us back then, Chuhe was suppressing Xiangliu, but unfortunately none of us believed it, now it’s all right, Xiangliu really escaped, we are completely finished!"

Li Zhi deliberately spread panic, because he carried a live broadcast tool with him, and Yunxiao Tiangong had never entered the eyes of the people. Looking at this magnificent palace, the Emperor of Heaven, who was originally panicking, could somehow seek Snack comfort.

"It's the Emperor of Heaven, my lord, please save us, Xiang Liu is eating people, it's too scary!"

"Lord Tiandi, I beg you to act as soon as possible to suppress Xiangliu, and don't let him cause harm to the world."

Naturally, the Heavenly Emperor couldn't hear the cries for help below. Li Zhi did this on purpose to let these mortals see the ugly faces of these superiors. Sure enough, Li Zhi almost blamed himself and took all the responsibility on himself.

King Lingzhi frowned and said.

"Huwei Heavenly King, I can't blame you for this. After all, those who don't know are innocent. Besides, who knew at that time that Chuhe was really suppressing this snake demon, Xiangliu. Since the matter has already happened, we can't let those foolish people know the truth. We insisted that Chuhe was the murderer who let Xiang Liu go, and Nu Wa's descendants are Xiang Liu's masters, and she was the one who released Xiang Liu to harm the world."

Chapter 652

"They are the sinners, they are the ones who deserve to die, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Yes, yes, at this time, the responsibility must be shifted to them, otherwise the legitimacy and justice of our heavenly court will cease to exist."

The gods and generals in the temple are also echoing.

The mortals who were watching the live broadcast were stunned.

"Did I hear you right? It turned out that it was Chuhe who tried his best to suppress Xiangliu, the snake demon. Instead, it was our people from Heaven who attacked Nuwa's descendants and destroyed the formation, which caused Xiangliu to get out of the cage?"

"Furthermore, these high-ranking heavenly kings actually shirk their responsibilities and drag Nuwa's descendants to take the blame. She is such a kind and lovely girl, how could she be Xiangliu's master."

"At the beginning, when the King of Punishment said that we mortals are animals, I still didn't believe it. Now it seems that they really don't treat us mortals as human beings!"

"The snake demon is eating people everywhere, and the nearby villages are already bleeding, and these high-ranking gods not only don't come to subdue the demons, but are still shirking their responsibilities."

"Do they still have a sense of responsibility, do they still have a little bit of humanity, and even say that we are animals, I think they are the real animals!"

"Don't be in a hurry to scold people. What these generals say doesn't count. The Heavenly Emperor hasn't said anything yet. The reason why these people shirk their responsibility is that they don't want the Heavenly Emperor to punish them. However, the Heavenly Emperor knows clearly and will definitely not let them go."

"Yes, yes, the Emperor of Heaven naturally doesn't know about the bad things done by these people below. Now the Emperor of Heaven is about to get angry. He wants to clean up this group of corpses and waste, and uses thunder to suppress the snake demon Xiangliu!"

Everyone transferred their hopes to the Emperor of Heaven, who frowned and finally spoke.

"You bastards, when things come to an end, you just try to shirk your responsibility, and you're all cowardly, and you call yourself kings and generals. I think you're just stinky reptiles!"

"One Chuhe can't solve it, and I lost the Lingbao Heavenly King because of it. What's the use of me supporting you?"

"This Xiangliu is at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, who among us can go out and subdue him!"

When the Heavenly Emperor said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you see that the Emperor of Heaven reprimanded them, and I knew that the Emperor of Heaven would not be so ruthless. It is all the people below who wantonly ruined the image of the Heavenly Court."

"Yes, the Emperor of Heaven is mighty, I beg the Emperor of Heaven to take action to suppress the snake demon Xiangliu!"

"Ah, Xiangliu seems to be coming towards our village. Brothers, I'm going down first. Maybe this is my last speech. Brothers, please take care of it, and please pray to the God of Heaven to take action as soon as possible."

Some people disappeared after saying that, Xiang Liu held back for endless years, and this time he finally had a good time. In a short period of time, he slaughtered countless villages, and tens of thousands of people were killed.

And these are just appetizers for Xiang Liu, he hasn't had enough yet.

"It's awesome, the world is awesome, it's not like in the ancient times, when the number of human beings was too small, and every time they attacked a village, they would be chased and killed by that bitch Nuwa. Who can restrain this uncle!"

After Xiang Liu finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide and sucked hard, a huge village was directly sucked into his mouth, and thousands of lives were swallowed by him in one gulp, screams, and fresh blood spread in Xiang Liu's mouth like a fountain.

And those villages that are being attacked by Xiang Liu are also broadcasting live broadcasts, live broadcasting the scene of their dying moments.

It's just that this scene is too bloody, and many people dare not watch it!

"I'm going to ask you again, who can kill Xiangliu!"

The Heavenly Emperor didn't ask this question, and no one answered at all. The three heavenly kings together were swallowed by Xiangliu. Aren't they going up to deliver food?

Seeing that no one spoke, Lingzhi Tianwang scratched his head and stepped forward to speak.

"Emperor, although Xiangliu's strength is strong, but his demon pill was taken out by Nuwa, and now it is in the hands of Nuwa's descendants, so Xiangliu without the demon pill can't use supernatural powers, only his body Tough, Emperor Zun, your mana is boundless, and please personally kill Xiangliu with the Zhuxian Sword!"

"Please Emperor Zun personally take action and kill the demon leader Xiangliu!"

Everyone is petitioning, and mortals are also looking forward to the action of the Emperor of Heaven. After all, the image of the Emperor of Heaven in their hearts is still majestic and upright, but this time the Emperor of Heaven will let them down.

"Do you want to kill this deity? If this deity can reach the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, he will naturally not be afraid of a snake demon, but now this deity is only a half-step Da Luo Jinxian, and he has no full confidence in dealing with Xiangliu."

"Even if I try my best to fight Xiang Liu to the death now, needless to say if I lose, you and I are the food in Xiang Liu's mouth. Even if I win by luck, it will be a disastrous defeat. If Chuhe fights back at this time, when the time comes We're still dead."

"Since you are going to die anyway, why bother to fight to the death, why not wait a few more years, wait for the old man to advance to Daluo Jinxian, and then go to deal with the snake demon and the demon Chuhe, which is the safest way."

The emperor's words were cowardly, everyone could hear it, they were all desperate.

Li Zhi looked at the uncle above, and felt even more disgusted in his heart. If this kind of thing was chosen by Nuwa's descendants, she would risk her life to stop Xiang Liu and prevent the world from being ruined.

This is the difference between true love for the world and false kindness.

"But uncle, if you don't stop Xiangliu, the world will become a purgatory. Human beings will be eaten up by Xiangliu sooner or later. Your cultivation comes from the power of human belief. If there are no human beings, how can you be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian? But you must not give up on hundreds of millions of people!"

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