When Li Zhi said this, all mortals cried, and there were still people who missed them. Li Zhi, the king of Tiger Might, half-human, half-god, still had human nature.

What Li Zhi said made sense, but unexpectedly his words angered the Emperor of Heaven.

"Li Zhi, pay attention to your identity. This deity does not need you to teach me how to do things. Of course, this deity will not give up my hundreds of millions of people, but now this deity will not fight Xiang Liu. You need to find a balance and persuade Xiang Liu Liu, eat less human beings, after all, according to his eating method, within a year, the human beings on the earth will be eaten up by him."

"Whoever of you is going to tell Xiang Liu about this, let him learn to be restrained, don't wantonly slaughter, so as not to be thirsty."

"Tell him that human beings are just poultry, and he must learn to raise human beings to lay eggs, so that he can have inexhaustible supply and use."

"As long as he can endure ten years of restrained massacre, then this deity will have a chance to prove the Daluo Jinxian, and then this deity will take action to destroy him!"

As soon as Li Qingming said this, all human beings were disappointed. It turns out that in his eyes, human beings are also poultry, and the emperor of heaven wants to make a deal with the devil and reduce human beings to food!

Chapter 653

"However, what about those human beings? Are we just going to watch them being eaten? If we do this, how can the Heavenly Court gain a foothold in front of human beings? We keep saying that we want to protect human beings!"

Li Zhi contradicted him again, and Li Qingming's eyes turned cold.

"Are you deliberately angry with the deity? To be honest, Xiang Liu was released because of you. When it comes to guilt, you are the culprit. At this time, you don't fight Xiang Liu to prevent him from harming human beings." , but what kind of lip service are you playing with me here, human beings die when they die, do you still want to drag the deity to die?"

"Are you still jealous of me pressing your mother under Mount Hua? By the way, Xiang Liu seems to be headed in that direction. If you are really filial, you should protect your mother at this time , instead of comparing yourself with the deity here!"

Li Zhi deliberately provoked the Emperor of Heaven, that is, to let him say what was in his heart, to let him expose his dark thoughts, so that the audience in front of the screen could clearly see his ugly face.

Sure enough, the Emperor of Heaven did not disappoint him. Li Zhi had already got what he wanted, so he suddenly laughed, then turned and left the hall.

"Uncle, as the ruler of the human race and the master of the heavens, you are an existence with high abilities, but why are you so cowardly in your heart? You are afraid of becoming like this even if you are a Xiangliu without a demon core. Even if you prove Dao Luo Jinxian So what, fear will take root in your heart, and you still dare not face Xiang Liu."

"It will become your inner demon, making you lose your mortal faith, and you will never take an inch forward."

After Li Zhi finished speaking, he flew away.

For many years, no one dared to talk to him like that, so Li Zhi flew away for a long time before Li Qingming realized it.

"Nie Yi, take him down for this deity, I will tear him into pieces!"

However, no one responded to Li Qingming's roar. Those golden-armored generals didn't answer, so it can be understood that their strengths are too different, but the always obedient Lingzhi Heavenly King didn't reply either.

"Didn't the two of you hear the order of the deity? Hurry up and get that evil obstacle back to the deity, the deity will kill him with his own hands!"

King Lingzhi smiled wryly.

"Tianzun, since you don't want to come out and kill Xiangliu, after he eats enough humans, he will become extremely powerful, don't talk about whether you will be able to prove Dao Jinxian when you lose your heart, even if you can prove Dao Luo Jinxian, you may not be Xiang Liu's opponent at that time."

"Since it's all about death anyway, it's more honorable for King Huwei to die in Xiangliu's hands than to die in your hands."

"You also want to rebel, don't you? You dare to contradict the deity and punish the heavenly king. Hurry up and tell the heavenly king of Lingzhi to take it down and punish him!"

Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming roared angrily, but the King of Punishment acted as if he didn't hear it.

"Huwei Tianwang is too dangerous to face Xiangliu alone, I'd better go and help him!"

The Heavenly King of Punishment was also disappointed with the Heavenly Emperor. They were indeed not Xiangliu's opponents, but the Heavenly Emperor, who was the most powerful in the Heavenly Court, planned to stand idly by and wanted to make peace with Xiangliu. , Will he cooperate with you? Forget it.

"Let's go together!"

The two hundred gods watched Huwei Tianwang leave and did not keep up. This time, when they saw Sisi Tianwang go out, they all followed.

All the gods and generals in the store left one after another, and the emperor of heaven had lost the courage to protect them. What's the use of them staying in the heavenly court.

"Tianzun, the old minister has also left. I will beg the Dragon King of the East China Sea. The dragon clan is very proud. Maybe they still have the blood to fight Xiang Liu!"

Almost instantly, everyone in the room left, and Li Qingming instantly became alone.

He felt extremely melancholy and regretful now.

The Heavenly Emperor, who was originally high above the sky, was regarded as a coward who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and fell from the clouds into the deep valley for a while, and the deep valley could not be seen at a glance.

He himself was a man with no ambitions. After being defeated by Chuhe, he fled to the Kunlun Great World. It was at this time that he realized the Dao of Faith, that is, the belief of the human race made his strength extremely tyrannical.

At this time, as long as he is willing to fight Xiangliu, he will gain the unprecedented faith of the human race. Maybe he can understand the true meaning of the Dao of Faith during the battle, which is to protect those who believe in you, so as to break through the Da Luo Jinxian.

But he was still timid, frightened by Xiang Liu in the picture, he didn't dare to fight Xiang Liu at all.

Who is to blame for all this? If he wants to blame, he can only blame himself. After all, if he didn't target Chuhe at the beginning, there wouldn't be so many things. Chuhe made a big fight, which made him enter the enchantment.

If he hadn't lied to his generals, Nuwa was the real creation god of the human race, and they wouldn't have rashly attacked Nuwa's descendants, causing Xiang Liu to be released.

Everything was because he provoked Chuhe, and at this time, the Emperor of Heaven didn't want to find Chuhe to join hands to deal with Xiangliu.

Instead, he wanted to kill Chuhe, then seize the demon pill and control Xiangliu.

With that terrifying destructive power, as long as Xiangliu can be taken down, even if the human race is disappointed with him, they will start worshiping him again. At that time, they will keep Xiangliu as a pet and let him eat those old people. Although the problem of population aging is a reign of terror, do human beings have the right to resist themselves.

At that time, he can also kill the Dragon Clan together with Xiang Liu, so that he can truly become the master of the Kunlun Great World.

After much deliberation, Chuhe must die.

After the Emperor of Heaven made up his mind, five Zhuxian swords appeared directly from behind him. These are all divine weapons, the weapons used by the Yellow Emperor in the age of mythology. They are not inferior to the Shensha Banner, and he has five in total.

With such a powerful fighting force, if he didn't go against Xiang Liu, the first sword would go straight to the Chu River.

Chuhe has been flying rapidly because of his anxiety, and the colorful spirit stones turn into somersault clouds and can travel hundreds of thousands of miles a day.

Chuhe is very smart and two disciples are sitting on the clouds, admiring the scenery that is constantly passing below.

As their position gradually moved north, the originally lush trees began to become sparse, and the leaves began to turn yellow, until the sky and the earth were suddenly covered by a thick layer of ice and snow, and even the air was like a sharp knife.

The world also began to have boundaries, and the short journey of a few hours has already made Ling'er comprehend the changes of the three seasons of summer, autumn and winter.

Chuhe was worried that Linger would catch a cold, so he took out a snow-white fur from Lingbao and put it on Linger. This was the fur of the white fox he had hunted before, and the white fur quickly integrated with the environment here. .

Chapter 654 Linger's worries

"Ling'er, you look really good in this fox fur!"

Chuhe flattered her, but Linger only had a bitter smile on her face. Chuhe felt something was wrong, so she hurriedly asked.

"What's the matter, Linger, you look very unhappy?"

"Brother Chuhe, I always feel that something bad is happening. It seems that the human race is being massacred by something. My heart is in a panic. I don't know what's going on?"

When Ling'er spoke, his face was full of worry. Chuhe didn't feel the catastrophe that human beings suffered at all, but he could somewhat guess what human beings were suffering now. There was a high probability that Xiang Liu had already escaped and was eating people wantonly.

The reason why Ling'er can feel it is not only her unique spiritual fetters to human beings, but also the reason for the power of faith. The prayers of those dying people also played a big role.

"What happened, what happened, why don't we go back and have a look!"

Ling'er was so worried that she was so worried all the way that she couldn't laugh at all.

"Well, Ling'er, our top priority now is to find Julingcao to heal your foot injury. You must know that if your soul is burning, if you don't treat it quickly, it is very likely that your feet will never recover. Besides Now, what danger can humans be in!"

After Chuhe said this, Linger felt a little relieved, but her heart was still beating.

"No, but why can I always feel the prayers of human beings before they die, and not just one or two, but a large number of people, hundreds of thousands."

Linger's sense is so keen that Chuhe also fell into deep thought.

Because he inherited Nuwa's inheritance, he also naturally inherited Nuwa's love for the human race. In the past, whether the human race died or not had nothing to do with him, but now that the human race dies on a large scale, Chuhe will still be very sad. sad.

He knew it was Xiang Liu, but the key was that at this time, Xiang Liu had already escaped, and the sky was flying like a bird. Under such circumstances, there was absolutely no way to take him.

With the current strength of Chuhe, it is impossible to arrange the big formation that can trap Xiangliu like Empress Nuwa, and with the strength of Xiangliu Daluo Jinxian and his terrifying resurrection ability that cannot be killed at all, Chuhe is now considered to be in the past Blocking doesn't help either.

"Could it be that Xiang Liu is harming the world?"

Ling'er has already guessed the culprit of the disaster. It seems that she is not as silly and cute as she appears on the surface, but still has a lot of brains. It's just that it's useless to worry at such a time.

"Ling'er, don't worry too much. What else can happen to the human race? They have guardians of the heavens. Don't forget, if each of their [-] heavenly soldiers comes to fire a magic cannon, Xiang Liu will not suffer. Don’t worry, his demon pill is still in our hands, that big snake can’t even use its magical powers, so it can only be beaten as a cannon for nothing, what are you afraid of!”

What Chu He said was right, if a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers gathered together, Xiang Liu, a snake monster who could only rely on his physical body to attack, would really be unable to hold back.

Don't look at him as a Daluo Jinxian, with a defense that even a Jinxian can't break through, but Xiangliu has never seen that very powerful aura cannon in Tianting. If a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers give him a shot, the power of the explosion may be directly equal to positive and negative matter Annihilation, not to mention Da Luo Jinxian, that kind of terrifying power might even hurt a saint.

It's really okay for Chuhe to think so, but he really thinks too highly of Tianting, the Emperor of Heaven has lost the courage to fight, how do you let the people of Tianting get together.

Linger thinks about it too, [-] shots of the cannon are enough to cause a fatal blow to her, and [-] shots will be even more terrifying.

Moreover, as a descendant of Nuwa, Ling'er's blood is much stronger than Xiangliu's. Her defense ability is much stronger than Xiangliu's. She can't stand it, and Xiangliu can't stand it.

"Okay, don't think so much, you, you have to learn to live for yourself and be as carefree as I am, how great it is!"

"Anyway, the northern border is not big, we fly so fast, we can circle back and forth in a while, even if you don't worry, after we heal your foot and you have fighting power, we will go back to fight Xiangliu, and the chances of winning will be even better. Bigger."

Chuhe was already cruel, and wanted to use the Heavenly Court to stop Xiangliu, but he didn't expect the Heavenly Emperor to be more cruel than him, and he just gave up on human beings.

This made Chuhe unexpected.

Ling'er considered Chuhe's words again and again, and nodded.

"Brother Chuhe is right. My feet are damaged now, and I can't transform into my real body. When I fight against Xiangliu, it won't work. We should suppress him together after my feet are healed."

After figuring out the important joints, Linger was no longer so melancholy, and laughed again.

Chuhe pinched her little face and said.

"You are just too kind. By the way, when the time comes to deal with Xiangliu, can you use your mother's big formation? If we want to kill Xiangliu, we must first trap him. Otherwise, no one can deal with him."

Chuhe was really convinced, he was convinced by that dog's tenacious vitality.

Using the Ruyi golden cudgel to conduct electricity, it attracted countless thunders, but failed to kill him. Thinking of this, Chuhe released a small part of the magic soldiers from the Four Elephant Pagoda, and then said.

"Xiang Liu is most afraid of lightning, but if you want to use lightning to injure him, you have to penetrate the thick layer of armor on his body to be effective."

"And Xiangliu has another characteristic, that is, all nine of his heads must be cut off to be useful."

"Another point is that Xiang Liu has already been struck by lightning twice, and he should be at his weakest now. Maybe his current combat power may not be able to beat the joint attack of your three heavenly kings. As long as he can hold him back If you shoot him with a cannon, even if he doesn't die, he will lose half his life, and he doesn't dare to act recklessly in the world."

"That's all I said, go back and tell your Heavenly Emperor, let him deal with it quickly!"

After Chuhe gave his orders, the small group of magic soldiers hurried back. Chuhe said what he had to say, and now the only thing that can hurt Xiangliu is the Emmanuel Cannon. It doesn't matter whether he is there or not.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Ling'er was a little anxious, she was still worried, and wanted to go back and have a look as soon as possible.

"I have guarded the queen mother's great formation for so many years. Even if I don't understand what its distance is, I can copy it one by one, but the power is not as great as that of the queen mother."

"It doesn't need to be very powerful, as long as you can trap Xiang Liu for half an hour, I have enough time to kill him completely."

Chuhe was confident. The last time Xiangliu was already certain to die, he didn't expect to kill the bastards like Tianting at the critical moment.

Chapter 655 Unable to fly

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