To be honest, the reason why Xiang Liu was released was because of Tianting's own reasons. There is a saying that is good for heaven's evil, but self-inflicted evil cannot live.

They caused things by themselves, and letting them bear it first is also a kind of punishment for them.

Chuhe stopped thinking about Xiangliu, but continued to urge the somersaulting cloud under his feet, wanting it to go faster.

After all, relying on the speed of Somersault Yun to travel [-] miles a day, even if he circles around the extremely cold place, it won't take long.

Chuhe thought so, but unfortunately he was wrong. Not long after, for some unknown reason, the somersault cloud that was driving at high speed suddenly disappeared and changed into the original shape of colorful spirit stones. Chuhe didn't pay attention, and fell directly from the sky .

Yes, that's right, it just fell from the sky. You must know that most of the people present, except the little monk, are in the realm of golden immortals. Even Chuhe is a half-step golden immortal. Flying these people is as simple as breathing .

But just like that, they all just wanted to fall like a plane crash, and they were flying very high in somersaults. They fell for a long time, but even so, they still didn't fly, and fell heavily into the ice and snow.

"What the hell is going on? Colorful Lingshi, you fucking want to rebel, don't you dare to throw me!"

At the first moment, Chuhe thought that the colorful spirit stone was just kidding him again, and he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. However, although the colorful spirit stone has no magic weapon, it has human nature. Wronged.

He kept jumping on the ground to protest to Chuhe.

How did Chuhe understand what it meant, and asked him to turn back into somersault cloud again, and the colorful spirit stone did the same, but the muscle head cloud was much lighter than air, and after it turned into somersault cloud, it still couldn't fly.

"Master, there is something weird here, we seem to have lost the ability to fly!"

Mo Fei had a heavy expression on his face. He had been trying to fly up just now, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up into the air.

Chuhe tried it, and it was true.

"No wonder it's called a forbidden zone of life. It turns out that there is such a restriction. It's interesting!"

The reason why Chuhe said this is to let the people around him not be afraid, but everyone is not a fool. Flying is the most basic ability of their strength. Now that they are suddenly deprived, no one can easily laugh.

"Master, be careful!"

Ling'er just wanted to get up at this time, but she seemed to have forgotten that her feet could no longer be used, which caused her to suddenly become unstable and fell down again into the snow.

Chuhe hurried forward to help.

"Ling'er, something strange has happened, we can't fly, and you can't walk, so let me hug you!"

Originally Chuhe was still annoyed at not being able to fly, but now holding Ling'er in his arms, feeling her unique body fragrance, and the beautiful face that can be admired by bowing his head, Chuhe suddenly felt that this is also very good.

"I'm sorry, I'm useless, and brother Chuhe has to hug me!"

Ling'er was still blaming herself at this time, Chuhe saw that she agreed by default, and directly hugged Ling'er into her arms with a princess.

"Don't blame yourself. What does this kind of thing have to do with you? If you want to blame it, you can blame those heavenly courts who deliberately hurt you. It's best to let Xiangliu eat a few more, so that you can vent your anger. Come on, put your hands together Hold my arm so it's more stable."

"Don't talk about them like that, they are forced to, I can understand!"

"Let's not talk about this, let's move on!"

Knowing that Linger is worried about the human race, it is an inheritance engraved in the genes. It is not something that can be persuaded by oneself at all. Instead, Linger is always thinking about the human race, which has infected Chuhe unknowingly, making him slowly He also began to have a good impression of the human race.

It's a bit ironic to say it. As a human race, Chuhe has an inexplicable dislike for these ungrateful and selfish races.

"Hold tight, the wind is strong ahead, be careful to blow you away!"

"I'm sorry, sister Ling'er, you are so beautiful, if I don't respond, it will be disrespectful to you."

"Rogue, let me down!"

Chuhe also knew that this was not good, so he hurriedly changed his method.

"Well then, I'll carry you behind my back!"

"Senior brother, why did the mistress suddenly run behind the master, and her face is still so red?"

Mo Bufei has sharp eyes, and he has already seen what's going on, but he just offended Chuhe not long ago, and now he doesn't dare to make fun of his master, so he casts a glance at the little monk.

"You silly boy, don't ask more questions if you don't understand, this is not something you Buddhists should ask about."

The little monk didn't expect that Mo Butong would not say anything, but said angrily.

"The master said that you are sensitive and eager to learn, and you are not ashamed to ask. As my senior brother, the master asked me to learn more from you. I am embarrassed to ask you questions. Really!"

Chapter 656 It's Getting Colder

Although the group was talking and laughing, and Chuhe was still in the mood to tease Linger behind her, making the little girl flush with shame, but everyone knew that the road ahead was extremely dangerous.

First of all, there is the problem of not being able to fly. Chuhe didn't feel the enchantment and the like, and he lived in the Kunlun Great World before, and he had never heard of such a situation.

Could it be that this place is like the legendary Bermuda Triangle, an unexplainable mysterious zone.

But it's not right, the Bermuda Triangle, it's just that there are too many planes crashed, it's not that the planes can't fly.

Could it be that there is some powerful magic weapon here that can prevent the existence of Jinxian level from flying, then this kind of magic weapon is at least the level of magic weapon.

But for the magic weapon, people who are affected by the magic weapon should also be able to feel the existence of the magic weapon, but Chuhe can't feel any feeling of the magic weapon at all.

The next thing is the last thing Chuhe wants to think about. The reason for this situation may be that there is always a powerful and unimaginable existence living in the extremely cold place. He exerted his supernatural power to cause this situation to happen.

To be able to be so silent, and to be able to hit a strong person at the Golden Immortal level, the opponent's strength is afraid. . .

Thinking of this, Chuhe no longer had the slightest smile on his face.

He subconsciously dragged Ling'er behind him with his hands, trying to hold Ling'er on his back more firmly.

"Brother Chuhe, I feel that we are in danger, or we'd better go back, I'm very uncomfortable here."

Yaozu has an instinct to detect danger by nature. What Linger said made Chuhe more worried, but this kind of time has come, so naturally it is impossible to just retreat like this, and Chuhe is not reconciled.

"Don't worry, Ling'er, it should be fine, you see, haven't we encountered any danger so far?"

"But don't you feel it's getting colder?"

Ling'er said in a low voice, Chuhe only realized this problem at this time.

You must know that when they reach the realm of immortals, the ordinary four seasons exchange, the alternation of cold and heat can no longer affect them in any way, not to mention that Chuhe, who has reached half a step of golden immortal, has no idea what it is like to be cold and hot.

Chuhe subconsciously took a look at the little monk and there was no difference. It was nothing different. After all, he was the god of fire, and not everyone could have the natural ability to keep out the cold.

But what he didn't know was that his whole body began to release heat continuously, his body was like a big heater, unknowingly attracting the shivering little monk to his side.

Chuhe walked on a white snowfield with one foot deep and one foot shallow. The whole world was of the same monotonous color. At first Chuhe liked this white scenery very much, but after walking for a while , he began to hate the color.

A single color gives people a feeling of loneliness and despair.

"Linger, are you cold?"

Although Linger didn't speak, she hugged Chuhe's body subconsciously, which was enough to prove that she was really cold.

"This place is really evil."

The deeper you go in the extremely cold place, the deeper the chill will be. However, the little monk already knows how to chatter his teeth, and among so many people, only Mo Bubu feels good.

"Come, get warm in the six-petaled lotus."

Seeing that he was about to be overwhelmed, Chuhe had no choice but to release the six-petal lotus. After the petals were closed, a closed space was formed, and everyone stayed in it, just like a furnace, the temperature inside was rapid raised.

"Master, if we keep walking at this speed, we are afraid that we will freeze to death here. You said that in such a harsh environment, you can't even see a single animal. Does that so-called spirit-gathering grass really exist?"

The little monk expressed his worries, but Chuhe didn't like to hear them.

"Jingling grass is a fairy grass, so it can naturally live in this kind of place, and the further you go inside, the more lively it is here. I don't know if Mo Budong has noticed it!"

Mo Bu Bui nodded. After he was promoted to Golden Immortal, his range of spiritual consciousness has also undergone earth-shaking changes, and he can naturally perceive things that the young monk can't.

"Master is right. The deeper you go, the more these beings respond. But they seem to be buried deep under the snow field, so they must be hibernating!"

"Catch two little demons and ask, what's going on here."

The time for the Extreme North Land to appear is too short, and all the people who come in are unable to go out without exception. As a result, no one can know the specific situation of the Extreme North Land.

And this damn cold wind, what is going on?

"Master, stay here first, I'll grab my tongue and come back and ask."

As Mo Bufei said, a flame was ignited near the lotus platform of the six-petal lotus. When the flame burns, it is a light yellow color and the temperature is not high, but its light can instantly warm people when it hits the body .

"Okay, then you must be careful and safe! This thing is for you, it can protect you at critical moments!"

As Chuhe said, he handed over the seven-colored spirit stone to Mo BuDiong, who had been curious about it for a long time, took it happily and left.

"Master, just take a look! I'll go back as soon as I go."

Ling'er is a snake demon herself, and she had a hibernation reaction in such a severe cold situation. When she was on Chuhe's back, she was already sleepy. Fortunately, the flame gave her warmth and allowed her to recover slowly. come over.

"Brother Chuhe, no, I still think it's too dangerous. Let's go back quickly."

The closer she gets to the depths, the stronger Linger's feeling is, and as a descendant of Nuwa, her own blood is strong, so she feels fear, what kind of existence should that be.

"I won't go back until I find the Juling Grass. I didn't believe in the existence of such a thing when Li Zhi said it, but after I came here, such a strange thing happened, I am convinced that the Juling Grass must be exist."

"Ling'er, your mother entrusted you to me, and I'm already very guilty for not taking good care of you, so please give me a chance to make up for it."

When Chuhe said this, Linger's heart warmed up, and she hugged her knees with her hands, her little face turned red again, but this time it was not so obvious under the firelight.

The little monk really couldn't stand the shameless behavior of the two showing their affection, so he turned his back and silently recited the Qingxin formula.

"Don't worry, Ling'er, your elder brother Chuhe and I have great fortune and fate. I haven't completed the task of inheriting the family for you. How could you die like this? Direction, it's just a small place in the extreme north. Can't do anything to me!"

"Besides, I still have a good apprentice, Mo Bu Bu. This guy is the god of fire. In this extreme northern land, his combat effectiveness is very strong."

Chapter 657 Little Bunny Is It Delicious

What Chuhe said was right, and as if to confirm Chuhe's words, a huge explosion sounded outside the six-petaled lotus.

"Little rabbit, if you don't come out again, I will turn you into a roasted rabbit. Don't blame me when the time comes!"

Mo Bubu stood on the spot and started to release the fire. The snow rabbit that was sleeping peacefully was suddenly destroyed. Mo Bubu first reached out to catch it. Unexpectedly, the rabbit reacted very quickly. After being bitten by it, it fled away.

I thought catching rabbits was a simple matter. After catching them for a while, I realized something was wrong. These rabbits are really cunning. There are many caves in them. With the white natural cover of the snow field, sometimes they even run away. It was behind Mo Bubu, but Mo Bubu didn't even notice.

Therefore, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he directly used the barrier of fire to burn the surrounding five kilometers into a piece of white ground. He thought he could easily catch the snow rabbit this time, but he didn't expect a lot of white air to be emitted after the ice and snow melted. , which directly blocked Mo Butong's line of sight, causing him to be unable to see his surroundings clearly.

Snow Rabbit had never seen a human monk, let alone fire, and was terrified at first, but after waiting for a while, she found that there was nothing he could do about it.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit, this rabbit has lived here for hundreds of years, ten kilometers underground are criss-crossing rabbit holes, and if the hole is set on fire, it will come out of another hole to breathe.

Mo Bu Bui really had no choice but to turn the Seven-Color God Stone into a sledgehammer, and hit the rabbit with the sledgehammer when it showed its head. Unfortunately, Mo Bu Bu's movements were too slow, and he was simply being played by the snow rabbit ruthlessly.

Seeing that the movement there hadn't stopped for a long time, Chuhe also leaned over to check it out. When he found a rabbit, he made Mo Butong play like crazy, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Ha ha!"

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