Seeing the master's sudden arrival, Mo Bu Bui actually felt a little wronged. A dignified golden fairy couldn't even handle a snow rabbit. Mo Bu Bu Bu was hit really hard.

"Master, it bullies me! Don't make a move. After I catch him, I will roast him and eat him!"

The more Mo Bufei thought about it, the more angry he became, but the method of catching rabbits was totally wrong.

"You didn't catch the rabbit like this, you should set it on fire."

"I set it on fire just now, it's useless at all, this thing doesn't know how many caves it has, and I don't even know where it came out of."

The more Mo Butong thought about it, the more angry he became, and Chuhe no longer made fun of him, but said it seriously.

"It's simple. I'll teach you a way to catch him easily."

"any solution?"

"Rabbits like to be moved, but these holes are all connected. After all, this is also to facilitate their escape, so these holes will eventually lead to a meeting place. As long as you set fire there, you will be able to catch it."

Mo Bufei still didn't understand, so Chuhe directly used the spirit stone to transform into a snake and crawled into the snow rabbit's hole.

The snake kept shuttling through the hole, and soon found the joint. The colorful spirit stone was enlarged, the passage hub was blocked, and then it turned into a ball of flame, and the fire spread everywhere.

In the past, when encountering this kind of situation, Snow Rabbit would run to the hub and seal the hub with soil, so that the fire could not burn the cave where it was located and everything would be fine.

But this time, Chuhe was superior and directly set fire to the junction. Xuetu foolishly thought that this time it was the same as usual, and rushed to the junction to seal it with soil. Unfortunately, when it arrived Only then did I realize that the fire started at the hub.

And what's even more hateful is that there is a big snake that he hates the most at the hub.

But the instinct in her bones made her dare not fight against the big snake at all, and desperately wanted to escape, but after the hub was cut off, it could only run desperately to the ground, which is the hole he just drilled into. At this time, Chuhe was already waiting at the entrance of the cave.

As soon as the blackened snow rabbit showed its head, Chuhe grabbed the snow rabbit by the neck and slipped it out.

After being caught, Snow Rabbit finally panicked.

"Great Immortal, please forgive me. It is not easy for the little demon to cultivate, and he has never provoked you, so please forgive me my life."

"Forgive you, I'm going to roast you!"

Mo Bubu hated his teeth itching, a rabbit made him lose face, and the majesty that had just been established by repelling two golden immortals on the battlefield was instantly destroyed. No, even the little monk dared to laugh at him!

"Why did Shangxian get so angry, you arrested me, and you still didn't allow me to run away, is there any reason for that?"

Snow Rabbit was also wronged, he was sleeping soundly in the cave, suddenly a man came and set fire to him, and hit him with a sledgehammer, what if he didn't run away.

Although Mo Bufei has a hot temper, Xuetu seems to have no reason to refute what he said, but this tone can't be ignored, so he continued to ask.

"Then why are you mocking me!"

"Shangxian was joking, how dare I mock you!"

Snow Rabbit hastily refuted, Mo BuFei did not agree with his statement.

"You pouted your ass and made fun of me, but you still dare not admit it, look at me, young master, whether I will clean you up today!"

Mo Bubu's hands ignited flames again, Xuetu was really afraid of this thing, so frightened he kept crawling towards Chuhe.

But when he saw Ling'er behind Chuhe, the rabbit was so frightened that he almost passed out.

As a snake demon, Ling'er has a natural genetic repression for little rabbits. After seeing her, the apprentices are immediately stunned!

Ling'er looked at Snow Rabbit, swallowed involuntarily, and said excitedly.

"What kind of bunny is this, it's so cute in vain, it must be delicious!"

When Chuhe heard her words, he almost fainted. My good guy, I thought Linger was full of love and wanted to protect small animals, but I didn't expect her to be greedy.

Thinking about it carefully, rabbits are the recipe for snakes, and their meat is plump, which is the best food. For instinct, Linger naturally hopes to eat snow rabbits.

"Sister Fairy, please forgive me, I don't like food, I..."

The little rabbit still wanted to argue, but Chuhe grabbed him in his hand. He was worried that if he was not careful, Ling'er would swallow it directly, and Mo Bubuan was so angry that he was waiting to kill him.

"It's easy to handle if you can talk!"

"You have also seen the current situation. My wife wants to eat you, and my apprentice hates you to the bone. Both of them want you to die, but I can let you live, but you have to promise me one condition. "

"Shangxian don't say a single condition, as long as you don't let me die, you can ask me to do anything!"

The rabbit desperately begged for mercy, Chuhe nodded, all he wanted was for him to be afraid.

Chapter 658 Barbecue is so delicious

"Tell me, what is this place and why is it so cold here?"

Chuhe first asked the first question, Xuetu was a little confused, how could he know such a question.

"I don't know what this place is, anyway, my family has lived here for generations, but I know something about why it's so cold."

"Hurry up and tell me, you dare to talk to me, and you are afraid that you are really tired of living!"

When Chuhe said this, Xuetu trembled with fright, and said hastily.

"It's like this. About 50 years ago, a snow mountain suddenly flew here. Shangxian should not be surprised. It is a snow mountain. If you look north now, you should be able to see the shadow of the snow mountain."

When Chuhe looked up, it seemed that there was a mountain-shaped thing indistinctly.

"Go on."

"A snow god came from the mountain. I heard that it is very powerful. All the big monsters who lived here were defeated by him, and this place became his world. That is, when he came, it suddenly became very cold here. , but the Snow God quickly gave our animals on the snow field a elixir, after drinking it, they will no longer be afraid of the cold!"

When Chuhe heard about the elixir, he hurriedly asked.

"What's the name of the elixir?"

"It seems to be called Yangyan Grass. After drinking the water soaked in it, you won't suffer from the severe cold."

Hearing the name of the herb, Chuhe couldn't help being a little disappointed. It wasn't Juling Grass, but a herb that could block the severe cold after drinking it.

But that grass is really powerful, it can even allow a snow rabbit with a low cultivation level to survive here.

"Then have you ever heard of a fairy grass called Juling Grass?"

Chuhe didn't have much hope at first, but Xuetu gave him an affirmative answer.

"I know, I heard that eating it can help repair the damage of the soul, and it can even revive people who have been wiped out!"

When Xuetu said this, Chuhe's eyes lit up. Originally, he didn't have much hope, but Xuetu gave the answer directly. Since there is such a thing, Chuhe must get it.


"This is something brought from the snow-capped mountains, but Shangxian, I advise you not to get his idea. I heard that the grass is very precious, and the Snow God has always kept it for himself. I also heard that there were many human beings. Even the big demon went to the snow mountain to ask for medicine, but they never came back."

Hearing that it was so dangerous, Linger frowned.

"Brother Chuhe, why don't you forget it, I don't want you to be in danger."

"Silly girl, since you know the existence of the spirit-gathering grass, don't care what kind of snow god he is, even if the king of heaven comes, I will ask you for the fairy grass. If the other party doesn't give it to you, we will steal it. If we get there, we'll grab it!"

Chuhe made up his mind. He has never been so stubborn in wanting to get something.

"But..." Ling'er wanted to say something, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Chuhe.

"No, but, I've made up my mind, Ling'er, don't try to persuade me!"

"Shangxian, if there's nothing wrong, can you let me go? I've told you everything you asked, please spare me."

"Okay, I'll let you go!"

While talking, Chuhe let go of his hands, and Mo Bubu and Ling'er immediately surrounded him, and the snow rabbit people were all taken aback. \

"Shangxian, you are shameless, you can't count your words!"

"I'm sorry, I heard you said that you can resist the cold by eating the Sun Flame Grass. I want to eat your meat, and it should be able to resist the cold. There is no way. We are new here, so I ask you to do me a favor! "

"Don't, don't, there's no need to eat me. There are still a lot of burnt snow rabbits in the cave. If Shangxian wants to eat them, you can eat them. hope."

"Well then, you go get them out."

Since Snow Rabbit took the initiative to offer his people, Chuhe didn't need to eat it.

"Don't even think about running away!"

How could Xuetu dare to run away? Chuhe made a bet on the cave hub, and he was completely reduced to a fish on the chopping board.

"Don't worry, Daxian, I will not dare to run away."

The snow rabbit went back to the cave after saying that, and after a while, several burned snow rabbits were pushed out. These are ordinary snow rabbits who have not cultivated to the Tao.So when Mo BuTong set fire for the first time, he was brutally murdered.

Although Mo BuFei only used a third of his strength, the opponent was already half-familiar.

Ling'er looked at the roasted snow rabbit, and couldn't help swallowing, Chuhe was a little speechless. Could it be that Ling'er's kindness is just a kind of creature towards human beings?

She didn't care about the rest, and even thought it was delicious.

"Don't worry, I'm roasting." Because the rabbit was not yet fully cooked, Chu He didn't want Ling'er to eat raw food, so he continued to roast on the fire, and even juggled out cumin, salt and pepper from his arms Such seasonings.

Ling'er had never seen these before, and when the first snow rabbit was completely cooked, Ling'er couldn't stop drooling when he saw the golden-yellow flesh that was sizzling on it.

"It smells so good, what spell did you use?"

What kind of spells are there, this is the most commonly used material for human barbecue now.

"Here, try it."

Chuhe didn't explain too much, and handed the snow rabbit to Ling'er, who grabbed the snow rabbit and ate it with relish.

"Wow, this taste is better than any bunny I've ever eaten. Brother Chuhe, it's really delicious!"

Ling'er was moved and tears flowed from the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

I have seen someone who is greedy and drools, but I have never seen someone who eats and drools at the same time. Ling'er's perfect image somewhat collapsed in Chu He's heart, but this is so cute, which made Chu He feel better.

"Master, I want it too!"

Mo Bubu comes from Dongsheng Shenzhou, where it has been separated from Kunlun World for too long. This kind of barbecue tradition will exist in Kunlun World, so when asked about the tangy aroma, Mo Bubu also drools.


"Thank you Master!"

Mo BuFei grabbed the roasted rabbit and ate it with gusto. Immortal cultivators have always liked bigu, even if they ate it, they ate whole grains. They seldom eat roasted meat, they think it is indecent.

So after Mo BuTong tasted the roasted rabbit meat made by Chuhe, tears of happiness flowed out of his mouth.

Ling'er and Mo Bubu both ate with gusto, but the little monk was so greedy that he was embarrassed to speak. After all, the Buddhist school has a commandment that forbids eating meat.

Although the little monk has changed his sect and joined Chuhe's sect, the rules and regulations he has followed for many years are still restraining him.

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