"If you dare to talk nonsense, kid, I will throw you down to feed the snow god when we reach the snow mountain."

"Master, please forgive me, I won't dare to do it again next time!"

Mo Bu Bui didn't use his spiritual consciousness to transmit sound, but shouted directly. Although Ling'er couldn't read Chu He's thoughts, she could see Mo Bu Bu's thoughts. She could conclude that Chu He was a threat just now. Mo different!

"Don't bully children!"

Good guy, Chuhe is really speechless. Before she got married, Linger started to protect the child. If she has a child in the future, she will not be pampered like her. No, you must talk to her carefully. .

"Ling'er, sometimes children are ignorant, and they need to be taught a lesson, otherwise he won't have a long memory, and you can't keep protecting him, otherwise he will go too far. Do you still have me as a master in your eyes?"

Hearing the word "master", although Chuhe said all the words aimed at himself, Mo Budong's eyes suddenly got wet.

You must know that since following the master, Chuhe has never admitted that Mo Budong and the young monk are his disciples. Today is the first time he admits it. How can Mo Budong not be happy.

"What do children know? If you say something wrong, you don't need to throw him to the Snow God. If you dare to do that, I will ignore you!"

Good guy, Ling'er is not only angry, but also acting like a baby, with a puffy look, as cute as she wants.

Chuhe wanted to go up and pinch her face, but she swallowed her fingers ferociously.

Ling'er wanted to teach Chuhe a lesson, but she didn't expect that Chuhe's face would turn red before she bit someone.

The postures of the two were really ambiguous, Mo Bu Bu and the young monk all lowered their heads at the same time.

When the stalemate was like this, Ling'er suddenly shouted.

"Brother Chuhe, be careful!"

Just as Chu He was distracted, a snow wolf appeared out of nowhere. The wolf's body was huge, ten feet high.

Just like this, it lies between the Chu River and the snow mountain, blocking his way.

Chuhe couldn't brake in time, and directly bumped into Xueyuan Wolf. Obviously, Xueyuan Wolf had never seen such a thing as a snowmobile, so he forgot to dodge for a while out of curiosity.

It was not until the front leg was hit that it hurt so much that he finally reacted.

"Damn humans, they should come to the extreme north. Don't you know that this is Lord Snow God's territory? Trespassing on other people's territory is courting death!"

The snowfield wolf uttered human words, and when he opened his mouth, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, mixed with snowflakes, and blew towards the Chu River, with a sharp force that seemed to be able to tear people's skin open.

Come up and do it, oh no, move your mouth, Chuhe has not spoken yet, Mobuyi has already got out of the car, the temperature around him is rising rapidly, and the cold wind that is blowing is also being rapidly heated, the surrounding The blood layer melted rapidly.

"Stinking wolf, dare to block our way, get out of my way, or don't blame the young master for being rude."

As soon as Mo Bu Buyi's words fell, huge flames began to rise around the snowfield wolf. Animals instinctively fear fire, so the snowfield wolf took a step back.

"Human beings trespassing on the territory, you dare to do it, you are looking for death, no wonder me!"

The snowfield wolf also exploded at one point, and since Mo Bubuyi made a move, he stopped talking nonsense and slapped Mo Bubushi.

Chapter 661

Mo Bubu looked at the snowfield wolf's body, which was much worse than Xiangliu's, so naturally he didn't have much fear. It can be said that he even underestimated the enemy.

He just made a protective net with flames all over him. He thought that the snowfield wolf would not dare to attack because of fear.

Unexpectedly, the sharp claws of the snowfield wolf were still being slapped, only a loud popping sound was heard, and a big hole was shot in the position where Mo Bubu was.

Fortunately, flames were burning all over him, melting the hard frozen soil.

Otherwise, in this place where he cannot fly, relying on his own physical strength, it may be difficult to get out of the frozen soil.

The snowfield wolf extinguished the flames on its front paws on the snowy ground. It thought that it would slap Mo Bu BuTong into a pulp, but it didn't expect him to be fine with such a violent blow.

"Humans who can play with fire, you still have something. It seems that I have underestimated you. Although you are not the strongest human being who has penetrated into the extreme north, you are also very strong, and you are worthy of being my opponent!"

When the snowfield wolf praised Mo BuTong, Mo BuTong had already lost his temper.

A pillar of fire rose into the sky, instantly covering the area where the snow wolf was located.

"A bastard is also worthy of being my opponent, let's see if I won't roast you today!"

Don't say it harshly.

The snowfield wolf was surrounded by flames for a moment. At first, he was startled. Seeing the flames rising all over him, he thought he was dead. But after waiting for a while, he realized that the flames were the same thing, so he lost his fear heart of.

"Boy, I thought you were capable, but you are just a brat who loves to play with fire. Your little flame is about as warm as my uncle's. If you want to kill me, you are still far away!"

Snowfield Wolf said proudly, once again ignoring Mo Bubei.

Mo BuTong was ridiculed, but he didn't get angry at all, instead he said with a smile.

"Really, ordinary fire can't hurt you, but what about this kind of fire! The barrier of fire, the four-way white world!"

As soon as Mo Bubu finished speaking, the original yellow flame suddenly started to tremble, and then a ball of white flame rose from the barrier.

With the birth of the flame, the surrounding temperature was rising rapidly, and Chuhe couldn't help frowning.

Although he is not the God of Vulcan, he has read that in the room, due to the different temperature, the flame will show different colors.

Among them, the lowest temperature is blue, just like the gas tank at home, the kind of flame ejected from the spout.

The temperature of this kind of flame is generally very low, only two or three hundred degrees, and its lethality is not great.

Next is the cyan flame, which is at least five or six hundred degrees, which is enough to destroy most living things, except for immortal cultivators.

In order to cause damage to immortal cultivators, at least a yellow flame is needed, that is, a flame with a temperature of about [-] degrees.

On the top is the orange flame, which has a higher temperature, which can reach more than 2000 degrees, which is simply unbearable for ordinary celestial monks.

Next is the red flame, which is the pure red flame. The temperature of this flame is so high that even Jinxian is uncomfortable, and it is impossible to compete with this flame for a long time.

Many people think that the flame ends here, but in fact, there are more powerful flames in nature, such as the white flame that is burning now.

If it weren't for the terrifying temperature, you wouldn't believe it was fire, and you would have thought it was a big ball of cotton wool!

The temperature of the white flame reaches a terrifying tens of thousands of degrees, and even steel will vaporize directly when it touches it, let alone flesh and blood.

The temperature of the white flame can almost reach the temperature of a nuclear bomb explosion.

And now Mobu is using this kind of flame.

As the white flame ignited, the flames that originally enveloped the snowfield wolf also quickly turned white.

Chuhe River could feel the terrifying heat wave from far away, and even Ling'er shrank back towards Chuhe River in fright.

"What is the Sifang White Realm, I think it's nothing more than that!"

It is not easy for the snow wolf to see fire once in his life, let alone distinguish the intensity of the flame by color, but his body can't lie.

From the moment the white flame burned, the fur on his body was instantly ignited, and a piercing pain quickly spread into his body.

"Ahhh..." the snowfield wolf screamed in pain, the cry pierced through the thick clouds and went straight to the sky, the snowfield wolf began to rampage in the barrier, trying to escape from the four-square white circle .

It's just that he doesn't have the ability at all.

"Wolf cub, do you know the pain now? It's too late!"

Mo Bu smiled smugly, and then raised his face towards Chuhe, as if I'm a good master, please give me a few compliments.

Faced with this kind of flame, the snowfield wolf collapsed directly, seeing that he could not break through the barrier in a short time, and he would be burned to death soon, so he was directly persuaded.

"Lord Vulcan, please spare me, the little wolf knows his mistake, please let me go!"

There are many kinds of torture in the world, but burning torture definitely ranks in the top ten. This is a kind of pain that cannot be imagined without experiencing it.

"Let you go, what are you thinking?"

As a human race, Mo Feifei already had a prejudice against the monster race, and this evil wolf even took the initiative to attack, and shot him into the frozen ground, making him lose face in front of his master. he.

Seeing that the voice of the Xueyuan wolf begging for mercy was getting weaker and weaker, at this moment, Chuhe spoke directly. Unexpectedly, when he spoke, Linger also spoke at the same time.

"Don't leave him alive, he probably knows a lot of important things."

However, what Linger said was true. "Don't burn it, it won't taste good if it burns!"

Chuhe thought that Linger would plead for mercy, but this time he was disappointed again. It seems that Linger only has special feelings for human beings, and she treats other creatures as food.

Ling'er found that Chuhe was staring at her strangely, she felt a little embarrassed, and murmured.

"I'm right, it won't taste good if it's burnt!"

You don't need to listen to the master's order, so you let the snowfield wolf obediently. Although the snowfield wolf escaped by chance, his flesh and blood were almost dried up by the flames.

This is why he desperately used his life essence to fight, otherwise, the moment he touched the white flame, he would be directly reduced to ashes.

The huge body of the snowfield wolf lay on the ground, and the only thing that could tell it was still alive was his bulging chest, which proved that he was still breathing.

Before Chuhe could speak, Linger frowned and said with regret.

"Sure enough, it's burnt. Why don't you light the fire next time, that's not how you cook meat. You have to learn from your master, understand!"

Mo Feifei was so shocked by Linger's words that he almost fell to the ground. He thought to himself, "My mistress, I'm really fighting, so I don't want to cook for you anymore!"

Chapter 662 The Wolves

It was only today that Chuhe discovered that Ling'er was a foodie, but it's not too late to know now. I just hope that she won't say that when she fights with others in the future. After all, these words are too hurtful, oh no, too demonic!

Chuhe walked over and kicked Xueyuan wolf.

"Can you still talk?"

The snowfield wolf was no longer arrogant and domineering, and he was somewhat grateful when he heard that this man had saved his life.

"Still...you can still say..."

The snowfield wolf has a mouth, but the voice is squeezed out from the throat.

"I ask you a question, you are not allowed to lie to me, or I will let my apprentice set fire to you again, do you understand?"

Hearing the fire again, the snowfield wolf visibly trembled, a sense of fear from the bottom of its heart arose spontaneously.

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

"Then let me ask you, how far is the snow mountain ahead?"

"There are about two hundred kilometers left!"

Chu River paused, two hundred kilometers, according to the speed of the snowmobile, it would take an hour to arrive, but if they had to walk, they might have to walk for seven days and seven nights.

"Is there a fairy grass called Juling Grass growing on the snow mountain!"

"There are some."

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