The second time it was confirmed that there was such a thing as Juling Grass, Chuhe finally felt relieved.

"Then let me ask you, why can't you fly here?"

"Because Lord Snow God used his magical powers to turn this place into a no-fly zone. He said he doesn't like things flying in the sky."

Don't like flying things?What kind of reason is this, Chuhe doesn't understand!


"The little ones don't even know!"

Xueyuan Wolf told the truth, he really didn't know, Chuhe didn't think he was lying to himself, maybe it was just the unique little hobby of Lord Snow God.

Chuhe thought about it, and asked again.

"Then let me ask you, what kind of monster is your Lord Snow God, and what is his strength? Yes, do you have his real name!"

Since this snow god can use his supernatural powers to set up a no-fly zone, and even Jinxian level can't fly, it proves that he is very strong.

Chuhe has already seen a very strong monster, that is Xiangliu, he is not convinced that there is also a monster in the extreme north!

If it is really a big demon, it is probably like Xiang Liu, a terrifying existence that survived the ancient times. At this time, if you can know his real name in advance, it will be much easier to deal with.

"I can't say that!"

Snow Wolf shook his head hastily, his eyes full of fear, Chuhe snorted coldly.

"Don't set fire to it!"

The familiar temperature appeared beside him again, and the snow wolf was obviously terrified to death, but he kept shaking his head.

"Even if you burn me to death, I can't say it, or I will be put on the game table by him!"

"What game console? What thing?"

"It's a kind of torture. I can't explain it to you for a while. If you have seen it, you will know it!"

"Really?" Chu He frowned, and his tone was three points more serious.

"You'd better kill me!" The snow wolf was still stubborn.

"Don't be different, put away the fire."

"Among the questions I asked you just now, is there anything that can be answered? I can't say anything else, but what I can tell you is that Lord Snow God is very powerful, beyond your imagination."

"What is his attack style?"

"can not say!"

"Grandma's, I'll burn you to death to make you tough!"

Mo BuDiong was a little angry and wanted to use lynching.

Chuhe shook his head, and threw a pack of healing medicine to Xueyuan Wolf.

"Your strength is very strong, and you should be at the half-step Golden Immortal level. The damage to your body will recover soon. Take care of yourself! Let's go!"

Looking at the figure of Chuhe going away, Xueyuan Wolf heaved a sigh of relief, thanking himself for escaping the catastrophe, but from now on he will have a psychological shadow on the flame, especially the white thing.

Unfortunately, the snowfield it lives in is endless white!

Not long after Chuhe left, a group of snowfield wolves arrived one after another. The leader of the wolf king was Xiong Jian. He had a deep scar on his face. One eye remains.

The wolf king stepped forward, looked at the seriously injured clansman, and said coldly.

"Who hurt you like this?"

"It's a human being, and his name seems to be Mo Bu different!"

"Humans? Are you kidding me? Anyone else dare to come to the extreme north?"

"Don't dare to lie to the king, this is what human beings left me just now, and it is said to be a wound medicine."

The injured Snowfield Wolf handed over the medicine bottle tremblingly.

Seeing this kind of bottle that does not exist in nature, the wolf king finally believed it.

"Okay, there are really humans who dare to come, catch them, Lord Snow God will definitely reward our clan heavily! Where did he go?"

"They headed towards the snow-capped mountains, as if they were looking for the spirit-gathering grass!"

Hearing this, the wolf king slapped the ground viciously, and the whole earth trembled.

"Chasing! Don't let them get close to the snow mountain. If they enter that guy's sphere of influence, he will snatch such a great achievement!"

At the command of the wolf king, the pack of wolves ran towards the snow mountain at an extremely fast speed. Because of their huge size and good at running on the snow field, their speed was very fast, several times faster than that of the Chuhe snowmobile.

"My lord, don't provoke them, that kid named Mo BuTong will set fire, white fire!"

"What are they? Could it be that there is more than one human being here?"

"There are four in total, a man, a woman and their two children."

"Husbands and wives are playing together with their children. They really regard our northern land as a tourist attraction, right? Now that they're here, don't even think about going back alive!"

As the wolf king said, he also chased forward.

The lone wolf lying on the ground was still screaming.

"My lord, be careful of the white fire!"

Although the lone wolf kept reminding them, the wolf king didn't take it seriously at all. After all, they hadn't seen anything, so they couldn't make them fear.

Seeing that he was about to reach the foot of the snow mountain, Chuhe felt something was wrong, so he turned his head and looked behind him.

A group of snowfield wolves are quarreling for them to run over quickly, and the number of them is not less than thirty. Their strength is at the half-step golden immortal level, and the leader of the wolf king is a proper golden immortal, and judging by his appearance, his strength It should be no worse than the Monkey King.

"I knew I shouldn't be kept alive. Wolves live in packs. I forgot!"

Chuhe was worrying, but Ling'er turned around and told Mo Bu Buan.

"You must control the heat this time, don't burn them again, you know?"

"But Master, if the flames are too small, they won't be able to hurt them at all!"

"Okay, don't think about eating them at this time, I feel that if we don't deal with it well, we will be their food instead!

Chuhe shook his head.

Chapter 663 Wolves Siege

The snowfield wolves moved very quickly and surrounded the Chu River in a short while. The wolves roared up to the sky, and there seemed to be whimpers in the howling. It seemed that this was revenge for their accomplices.

"Well, Brother Wolf King, there may be some misunderstanding between us, how about we have a chat and resolve this misunderstanding?"

Chuhe said to the one-eyed wolf king with scars on his face.

"Killing my brother and invading the extreme north, you will surely die, so what is there to misunderstand?"

"Actually, we didn't kill your brother. On the contrary, I spared his life. Moreover, for an existence of his level, even if his body is completely rotted, it will recover soon. These are not problems."

"It's just that I have to come to this extreme north. I want to find the spirit-gathering grass to treat my wife."

"What is your wife? Don't talk nonsense!"

Ling'er patted Chuhe's shoulder lightly, but she didn't seem angry like that, she was shy at all.

"Grandma, you still have time to show your affection in front of us when things are coming to an end, brothers, grab it!"

The wolf king directly issued an order, and the pack of wolves began to roar and approach. Seeing that the negotiation had collapsed, Chuhe's eyes turned cold.

"No different, protect your mistress, I will meet these beasts."

The Chu River has never encountered any danger when going deep into the extreme north. It is only right to see wolves now, otherwise this would not be called a forbidden area. Arrogant.

Otherwise, ordinary golden immortals may not be able to defeat this wolf king, plus his twenty or thirty wolves whose strength has reached half a step of golden immortal.

The monster race is different from the human race. In fact, the strength of the monster race still needs to be increased a little bit more. After all, they have a strong body and innate supernatural powers.

The supernatural powers of the Yaozu are similar to those of the Golden Immortal Dao of the human race. He is the god of fire, and his talent is to set fire, and the snowfield wolf in front of him has his talent of hurricanes.

After roaring towards the sky suddenly, he pointed his mouth at the Chu River, and a gust of cold wind howled.

Wherever the wind knife passed, everything was cut into fine powder. This kind of destructive power of the wind was only seen in Chuhe's life.

Chuhe didn't say any more, and directly sent the Four Elephant Pagoda to protect Ling'er and two disciples, and then he urged the six-petal lotus to kill the snowfield wolf.

The wolf king thought that his attack just now could tear Chuhe into pieces, but he didn't expect that Chuhe was like a normal person, which made him feel ashamed.

"Human race, where did you get so many spirit treasures, but it doesn't matter, soon these things will all be mine!"

The Wolf King has met many humans, and Jin Xian has also met them. Unfortunately, he can't make it through three rounds under his command. Now that this kid has a treasure that can block his natural attack, then this battle will be interesting.

"I really have no intention of conflicting with you guys. Why don't you just turn a blind eye and let us pass by? Brothers will thank you very much afterwards!"

Let you go, if you let you go, your head will be snatched by that stinky bear, four human races in a row, how could he give up such a great contribution.

"Humans, come here, life and death are no longer in your control, not to mention that you want to steal the Spirit Gathering Grass cherished by Lord Snow God, just for this, you will definitely die."

"I didn't use all my strength just now, but next time, you can be optimistic!"

The wolf king slapped his front paws heavily on the ground, and shrank back suddenly. He was inhaling so hard that the surrounding area was vacuumed.

This scene is indeed very penetrating. If it is really hit, I don't know if the six-petaled lotus can hold it.

But it doesn't matter, Chuhe and Shensha Banner are useless, and they are not afraid of the wolf king's attack at all.

"Haha, boy, take the move, the wind blows!"

With the Wolf King yelling, a violent tornado blew towards the Chu River. Before the wind arrived, the terrifying energy it carried was like a snow blower, directly blowing the snow in a radius of ten kilometers all over the sky. fly.

Ling'er looked at the beautiful scenery curiously from the side, Mo Bu Bui was a little ashamed, this teacher's wife was so simple and scary, he was worried whether he would be able to stop such a strong blow.

The storm came quickly, and the tornado roared like a giant dragon and came towards the Chu River. Chu River was prepared, and when the tornado was about to hit the six-petaled lotus, he suddenly changed direction and circled directly. After crossing the Chu River, he attacked Mo differenti in the rear.

Chu He was stunned for a moment, thinking that this wolf king was playing tricks on him, grandma's, among the wild beasts, the wolf's IQ is definitely ranked first, and this wolf king is very smart, he knows that Chu He The strength is high and strong, and it is worried that it will not be broken for a long time.

So he chose to bypass Chuhe and directly attack the women and children in the rear. As long as the women and children are captured, they can be used to blackmail Chuhe.

"Dog, you can't even break through my six-petal lotus, and you still want to break through my four-elephant pagoda, boy, should I say you are smart or stupid!"

Chuhe shook his head, but didn't take it seriously.

However, the wolf king was scolded by Chuhe, but he was not angry at all, but said with a smile.

"Chuhe, right? I remember the name, but this time, you are the one who thinks you are smart. I am not attacking women and children, but the Four Elephant Pagoda that protects women and children, haha!"

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