Sure enough, when the tornado was about to blow over Moyu's head, it suddenly climbed upwards and ran directly to the Four Elephant Pagoda above.

When the Four Elephant Tower is used for defense, it cannot attack, and the tornado itself cannot cause damage to the Four Elephant Tower.

But the tornado can change the surrounding air pressure. The center of the tornado is aimed at the Four Elephant Tower, forming a super strong vortex black hole. The Four Elephant Tower just persisted for a while before being sucked into the tornado.

Although the tornado cannot cause damage to the Four Elephant Tower, the Four Elephant Tower cannot be used now.

"I'm stupid, it's okay? Your kid's IQ is much stronger than those smart people I met before. I admit that I underestimated you!"

Chuhe couldn't help but nodded in praise, but the wolf king said with a dismissive smile.

"At this time, why are you pretending to be calm, boy, I want your woman and child! Why are you still standing there, arrest me!"

He yelled, and the wolves quickly rushed towards Ling'er. They couldn't bully adults, women and children.

"Children, surrender obediently, don't resist, or the uncle wolves will make you cry because they are not serious or serious."

"You'd better take care of yourselves! The Spiritual Realm of Fire, the Sifang White Realm!"

White flames suddenly rose around Mo Butong. The temperature of the flames was so high that the first few wolves that rushed over were directly hit. Before he realized what the flames were, the high temperature had already swallowed them.

Chapter 664 Monster

"Oh, I really underestimated you. A child is also at the level of a golden fairy and plays with fire. You don't even look at where this is. This is the extreme north. What's the use of fire here!"

The wolf king didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't take Mo Bubei seriously at all.

"Ah, it hurts!"

But as soon as the wolf king finished speaking, the wolves who were burned by the flames began to wail, and the wails resounded through the sky, piercing their hearts.

A wolf rushed out of the flames, and in just a moment, his flesh and blood had been burned to ashes, leaving only a skeleton still alive.

Fortunately, Mo BuDiong hasn't used the Red Lotus Fire, otherwise, this wolf wouldn't even have a soul left.

At this time, the terrifying temperature also spread to the wolf king. He has never felt such a terrifying temperature in his age. You must know that he is still far away from the flames. Does this high temperature make him feel frightened? It is conceivable what kind of suffering the brothers caught in the sea of ​​fire are suffering.

At this time, he remembered what the lone wolf said just now, be careful of the white flames, he regretted that he didn't listen to the lone wolf's words, he was unprepared, and lost several brothers in an instant.

But the wolf king was still not reconciled, so he naturally wanted to fight Chuhe to the end.

"Why are you still standing there, rush in and catch them!"

Why don't you have just been promoted to Jinxian, and you are too immature to control flames, and the range of his flame enchantment is very small, those wolves in the bad are unlucky, but those wolves who are not in the bad can completely jump and jump over the range of the flames , Go straight in and fight them.

When the wolf king gave the order, the wolves didn't care how powerful the flames were. Anyway, if they didn't obey, they would die sooner or later.

Almost at the same time, the three wolves jumped in.

Although these Lang are only half-step golden immortals, their physical strength has already surpassed those human golden immortals, and their destructive power is no worse than golden immortals.

Mo Fuyu blocked it with all his strength, and he was about to fall into a disadvantage, but in this narrow space, he couldn't use it.

In fact, just let him set the fire once again, but the little monk and Ling'er are by his side, so they dare not hurt them.

"Brothers, come in, this kid is nothing more than that, take it down together."

The area surrounded by the flame barrier is neither small nor big, and it can only accommodate seven or eight wolves. If there are more, they will touch the surrounding flames if they move, so they dare not come in again.

At this time, the wolves that were originally enveloped by the flames had already died, and their bodies dissipated in the flames. Ling'er saw with some distress that the food in her mouth turned into ashes again.

"I told you not to let you set such a big fire, you child, why are you so disobedient?"

"Master, can you take a look at the situation, we are going to be unable to hold on right now!"

Chuhe was also aware of the danger and wanted to rush back to support him, but it was a pity that the wolf king would not give him this opportunity, so he jumped directly behind Chuhe and stopped Chuhe.

"Boy, I want to save people, I want to be beautiful, I want to do a few tricks with your grandpa wolf, how about it!"

The wolf king's one eye shone cruelly, and Chuhe had no time to play tricks on him.

"I'll give you three seconds, if you don't get out of the way, I'll kill you!"

Seeing Chu He's threat, the wolf king smiled instead of anger.

"For three seconds, I will give you 30 years. If you can kill me, I will kneel down and call you grandpa!"

The wolf king felt that he had the chance to win. How could he let Chuhe go to make trouble at this time? Chuhe's eyes became colder and colder.

The Shensha Banner flew straight out, quickly grew in size in the air, and hovered above the wolf king's head.

The Wolf King, who was still complacent, shouted in horror!

"Shensha Banner!"

"Good guy, I didn't expect you, a beast, to know him."

"How could it be possible that I didn't recognize you? Lord Snow God also has this thing of yours!"

After the wolf king finished speaking, Chuhe's heart was shocked. Originally, the Lord Snow God was already unfathomable. If he also had a treasure like Shenshaqi, then he would not be a match at all.

But now is not the time to think too much about it. After the Shensha Banner suppressed the wolf king, Chuhe took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and the moment the Ruyi Golden Cudgel was in his hand, it seemed to grow in size rapidly.

Chuhe picked up the stick and slammed it down heavily on the head of the wolf king. Although the wolf king always boasted that his physical body was strong, he was really not sure that he could hold on to this stick.

I saw the always proud Wolf King suddenly kneel down.

"Grandpa Chuhe, please forgive me. It's not easy for the little demon to cultivate, please let the little demon go, I promise I will never stop you again!"

"Then you haven't ordered your wolf cubs to stop!"

Chuhe yelled, but the golden cudgel did not fall in the end. The wolf king knelt down to delay time, not to let Chuhe go.

With such ability to bend and stretch, his future achievements may be limitless, but at this time, Chuhe has no time to play with his thoughts.

The golden cudgel was lowered again, and it had already touched the head of the wolf king. The wolf king was a little out of breath due to the overwhelming power.

"Quickly tell them to stop!"

"Quick, stop!"

In order to survive, the wolf king could only give orders, but his voice was so small that he couldn't hear it under the bitter wind.


"stop it!"

The wolf king roared with all his strength, but before he roared, a pack of wolves started to jump out of the encirclement where Linger was.

Due to the blockage of the flames, the wolf king didn't know what happened inside. He thought that the pack of wolves had succeeded and captured all the women and children inside.

At this time, he also suddenly started to shriek, slowly got up, and stood up!

"Chuhe, although you are very strong, in the end it is your grandpa Wolf King who is better than me. How about it, have you convinced yourself now?"

Chuhe didn't know what was going on inside. He thought that Ling'er and the others had really been arrested, and his movements became stiff, so he basically didn't dare to provoke the wolf king.

"Then what, if you have something to say, if you don't go with women and children, you're not a hero!"

"Grandpa, I'm not a hero in the first place. Among you humans, our wolf clan doesn't seem to have a good evaluation!"

"Why are you still standing there, bring me the woman and child, I want this kid to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!"

The wolf king angrily scolded the wolf cub who just ran over, but the wolf cub heard his words and didn't go to lead the people, but seemed to react from panic.

"It's not good, my lord, monsters, there are monsters!"

Hearing the wolf cub shout, the wolf king kicked him hard.

"It's his grandma, why are you howling, we are the monsters, grandma's, you won't be scared out of your mind by the white fire!"

"Your Majesty, I didn't lie to you. That woman is a monster, and her strength is terrifying. Maybe Lord Snow God is not her opponent!"

Chapter 665

Hearing what the wolf cub said, Chu He's hanging heart finally let go. Ling'er has never made a move all this time, so he subconsciously thinks that Ling'er is a rookie, but when he thinks about it carefully, he is a descendant of Nuwa , although the bloodline has not been awakened yet, it has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

But her power is definitely stronger than any golden fairy in the human race.

What's more, this group of half-step golden fairy wolf cubs are also monsters, and Ling'er's blood completely crushes them.

Just when the battle was getting tense, the three wolves fought with Mo Bubu again, and the rest went to surround Linger. Linger, who was supposed to be the best bully, suddenly showed her supernatural power, and her eyes became like big snakes Green, so frightened that the wolves collapsed on the ground, the reason why some wolves ran out just now.

That is, it just hid behind Linger's back and didn't see her eyes.

However, the coercion released from Ling'er made him truly feel the suppression of blood from the race.

This woman is not prey, they are.

It was at this time that Mo Bubu put away the flames, and when Ling'er released his coercion just now, Mo Bubu was too scared, thinking that Xiang Liu was chasing him.

When he was sure that the coercion came from his wife, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the flames were also put away by him.

Seeing the flames extinguished, Ling'er was a little anxious.

"Come on, I haven't eaten any barbecue yet!"

Ling'er yelled anxiously, the wolf king still didn't understand what was going on, but when he looked back, all the wolves were kneeling on the ground, trembling constantly.

When the wolf king's eyes met Ling'er's, a sense of fear passed down from his ancestors made him unable to resist any more. The inherited blood memory told him that he was just the woman in front of him. Just food on the recipe book.

"Great God, please forgive me, we have no intention of offending, we are just following the wishes of Lord Snow God, please calm down!"

The wolf king was about to cry, Lord Snow God was already difficult enough, and now there came another monster whose bloodline was no less than that of Lord Snow God.

Could it be that the two of them would fight, if so, it would be a major event of heaven and earth falling apart!

When the Mo different flames dissipated, the wolves that had been in the flames had been completely reduced to ashes, and only the smell of their flesh could be smelled in the air.

Ling'er was very disappointed, but she didn't want to be too greedy in front of Chuhe, so she pretended to be calm and said.

"The little monk helped me down!"

The little monk hurriedly got out of the car and helped Ling'er down.

The little monk kept supporting it, and the wolf king realized at this time that the feet of the woman in front of him could not touch the ground, as if her soul had been damaged.

No wonder Chuhe said that he was looking for some spirit-gathering grass. It turned out that it was to treat this female devil.

But thinking of this, the wolf king was even more surprised. It was too incredible what kind of existence could hurt the head of the female devil.

He just caught a human monk not long ago, saying that in the current Kunlun Great World, the strength of the human race is still at the stage of golden immortals, let alone golden immortals, unless the big Luo golden immortals come, they can defeat the devil in front of him!

The little monk helped Ling'er to walk in front of the wolf king. The wolf king knew that the female devil was approaching, but he didn't even dare to lift his eyes. He lowered his head deeply on the ground, as cute as a erha.

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