At this time, Ling'er still wanted to imitate the tone of Chuhe's original interrogation of Lone Wolf.

"Is your Lord Snow God very powerful? Is he as powerful as me?"

Ling'er came up to ask this question, and the wolf king didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only nod his head, and then shook his head quickly when he realized something was wrong.

"I don't know, both of you are immortals, how dare we little demons speak of your existence."

"Tch, stupid wolf, I don't even know who is good, so why do I need you!"

As soon as Ling'er got angry, the wolf king immediately leaned down and said flatteringly.

"You are amazing, of course you are amazing!"

Chuhe also saw that Ling'er wanted to ask some useful information, but her mind was so dull that she couldn't figure out what she asked.

"Let me ask."

"What's your real name Snow God?"

The reason why the wolf king dared to say what the lone wolf didn't dare to say was not because of simple betrayal, but after seeing Ling'er, the wolf king didn't know who to be loyal to now.

In the eyes of the two powers, he is just food, but Lord Xueshen doesn't like to kill and has a bit more temper. If he falls into the hands of this female devil, he will really die!

"Ice King!"

Chu He froze for a moment.

"Ice King is a name, are you kidding me!"

"Don't dare, Master Xueshen has always called himself this way, the specific name, I really don't know!"

Seeing the nervous look of the wolf king, Chuhe believed that he was not lying. The reason why Chuhe wanted to know the real name of the ice and snow king was because he wanted to use the Taiyi fairy gourd to call out his name.

What if the other party foolishly agrees, then he will be able to directly capture the Lord Snow God, and save him from causing disaster to the northern border here.

"Your Snow God, are you really sleeping now?"

"Yes, he has always been very playful, but he killed almost all the humans he caught recently, and he went to sleep when he had nothing to play with!"

"Playing to death? How to play to death?"

"This subordinate's position is low, and I really don't know the specific details. If you really want to know, you can go further. There is a polar bear on the snow mountain. He is the right arm of Lord Snow God. He knows much more than me. many!"

The wolf king sold the polar bear directly, just to keep himself alive.

Chuhe can also see his thoughts. These wolves have too many eyes.

"You kid is such a trick to bring disaster to the east, do you want us to help you deal with polar bears?"

"Don't dare!"

When the wolf king said this, the scars at the corners of his eyes twitched, and his eyes were full of hatred. If Chuhe guessed correctly, his scars must have been caused by polar bears.

Wolves are all creatures that must be revenged, and a pack of wolves is extremely terrifying. If the wolf king and his thirty brothers dare not provoke the polar bear, then how powerful he must be, Chuhe couldn't help but feel drummed in his heart.

"After what happened to the lone wolf just now, I don't think I can let you go."

The lone wolf was released, and the pack of wolves was attracted. If the wolf king were to be released now, he would definitely report to Lord Xueshen that Chuhe was here to steal things. If people knew about it in advance, would it still be called stealing?

That's called grabbing!

"Okay, brother Chuhe, I also think we can't let them go, or we should roast them all! They must be delicious!"

Ling'er is still missing the taste of the snow rabbit, her mouth is drooling!

Chapter 666

When the wolf king heard that he was going to eat himself, he trembled in fright.

Ling'er took a look at the wolf king, but he was as skinny as a stick. All wolves looked like this. Besides, this was the northern border, so there was little food in the first place, and the wolves also starved for nine meals in three days!

"It's true that there are not a few taels of meat. If you don't have a few taels of meat, then eat a few more!"

Ling'er still didn't intend to let them go, the wolf king was desperate, and it was fine to be treated like food, but the wolf king couldn't resist, and even thought it was all right.

"Okay, Ling'er, it's important to get down to business!"

Even if Ling'er wanted to eat, Chuhe didn't have time to barbecue for her now, so he took out the Taiyi gourd, and Chuhe faced the wolves below.

"Pay me!"

Suddenly there was a terrifying suction force, and all the wolves were taken in.

"You guys lock it inside first, and I'll let you out when the matter is over!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he walked to his snowmobile and said.

"Don't be different, light the fire, let's go!"

Mo Bufei is still under Linger's strength and has not recovered.

"Master, Master is so powerful, I don't think we need to be sneaky, just go straight to the door and arrest that **** snow god, how nice it is for us to be pets!"

Mo BuTong was still complacent, and the little monk quickly nodded in agreement. Even Ling'er was praised so much that she couldn't find her way. She looked at Chu He proudly, meaning that Mo BuTong had a good idea.

"Come on, I came up with a bad idea. Ling'er's feet are injured, so he can't manifest his real body to fight at all, that is, relying on blood to suppress and frighten the wolves. Didn't you hear the wolf king say that Snow God has the same blood as Ling'er?" Almost the same existence, would he be afraid?"

"It's better to come quietly and go quietly."

Chuhe's journey was relatively smooth, and he felt that the matter of stealing was really feasible. As long as he could steal it, even if the other party discovered it, maybe after seeing Ling'er, there would not be too much conflict. After all, they are both Da Yao, they should help each other.

Chuhe thinks a little too much, and he also thinks highly of the nature of the monster race. If it is really safe and sound, then the monster will not be called a monster!

Mo Bui ignited the ignition, and the snow mountain vehicle galloped forward, and soon reached the foot of the mountain.

Chuhe thought that this snow mountain was made of stones, but when he got closer, he realized that these were not stones at all, but extremely hard stones that had been frozen, and the height of this mountain was many times higher than that of Mount Everest. Looking around, you can't see the top floor at all.

We must know that the higher the mountain, the greater the pressure below, and the ice layer below can withstand such pressure, which is enough to prove that the temperature here may be the most terrifying absolute zero in physics.

The reason why Chuhe didn't feel the cold was because they ate snow rabbits.

Mo Bufei doesn't care about these things, looking at such a high snow-capped mountain, but he can't fly, he's in trouble now!

"Master, this mountain is so high, how can we go up there!"

"Small things, look at me!"

Chuhe took out the colorful spirit stones and asked him to transform into a snowplow. The snowplow started to work quickly on the iceberg.

In a short while a direct step to the top of the mountain was ready.

"Master, your colorful spirit stone is too powerful!"

Mo Bubu's eyes were full of gold stars, and he was envious of the colorful spirit stones in Chuhe's hands, and the little monk also had fiery eyes.

Chuhe knew from the beginning that the colorful spirit stone was very powerful, but he never thought that besides its practicality in battle, it could also bring great help to life.

But the premise is that the user must have a rich enough imagination.

Chuhe is really fortunate to have been born in the Kunlun Great World, the only place where technology has been developed, just casually showing the civilization hundreds of years ago, and even a disciple is as envious as a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

Complacent, Chuhe stretched out his hand.

"Ling'er, I'll carry you!"

"Brother Chuhe, isn't there any car that can climb up the mountain directly? It will be very hard for you to carry me on your back all the time! And it's still climbing the mountain, which is even more laborious!"

"No hard work, no effort, I want to carry you on my back for the rest of my life!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, Ling'er's face turned red again. The two disciples couldn't take it anymore, and ran up the mountain in a hurry.

"Let's compete whoever thinks of the top of the mountain, and pick the spirit-gathering grass for my wife!"

Mobu shouted loudly.

"It must be me!"

The little monk was naturally not to be outdone. Originally, his strength had been left far behind by Mo Bu different, but in this place where he could not fly and relied purely on physical strength, the little monk really refused to accept Mo Bu Bu different.

Temples are different from Taoist temples. Temples are built on mountains, and when going up the mountain, you have to walk up the stairs. In order to cultivate your mind, Buddhist disciples are not allowed to fly when going up the mountain, so young monks basically do the climbing stairs every day.

Unlike Taoist temples, although they are all built on the mountain, those Taoist priests don't have so many rules, and they are more free and easy. How can they climb the mountain obediently, what do they want those spirit treasures for!

Isn't Yujian flying handsome!

No, at the beginning of the competition, Mo Bubu took the lead temporarily by virtue of his age advantage, but the little monk kept chasing after him and couldn't get rid of him no matter what.

What was even more exasperating was that Mo Fei felt exhausted after a while and gasped for breath, while the little monk didn't even have a drop of sweat, his face didn't blush, and he continued to climb the mountain without being out of breath.

And it will soon be surpassed.

"Brother, what's the matter, could it be that you are tired? It's okay, you can rest here, and leave it to me to pick the spirit-gathering grass for the teacher's wife!"

The little monk stuck out his tongue and made a grimace as he spoke, almost pissing Mo Butong to death.

" wait for me, I will definitely surpass you in a while!"

Not to mention that there is no way, he really can't run anymore, so he can only sit on the ground and rest for a while.

"Slow down, you two, there is danger on this mountain!"

Chuhe yelled loudly from behind, but the mountain road was too long, and the distance between them was far away. The little monk had already left them far away, and he didn't know if he heard Chuhe's words.

Chapter 667 Breaking Through the Golden Immortal

"Brother Chuhe, if you are tired, you can take a rest!"

"Ling'er, you are so light, how can you get tired when carrying you on your back, and you look down on my physical strength too much."

When Chuhe was talking, he was a little bit stubborn. Although Ling'er weighed only a hundred catties when he transformed into a human form, walking on the mountain road was purely based on physical strength. Chuhe didn't climb mountains often, so he still couldn't bear it. of.

"Really, why do I feel that brother Chuhe's legs are shaking!"

Ling'er lay on Chuhe's back, exhaling like blue.

Now is the time to show off his masculinity, so Chuhe naturally can't give up.

"Then what, my legs are not tired, but because I am so excited to carry you on my back, my legs are trembling with excitement."

"Really? Then why is your forehead so sweaty?"

Ling'er pointed to Chuhe's forehead. Since he was promoted to Jinxian, Chuhe hasn't sweated for a long time.

"That's not sweat, that's tears of excitement!"

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