Ling'er is not a fool, why doesn't she know that Chuhe is lying, but at this moment, she realizes how inconvenient it is to have no feet.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Chuhe's figure had disappeared into the clouds, and his vision ahead was limited, with extremely low visibility.

At this time, a shadow in front of him was waving at him.

"Master, come quickly, master, look what I found!"

Mo Bubu shouted in front, and Chuhe saw his excitement, and hurried forward.

When he got closer, Mo Bubuy had already left the steps and walked towards the icebergs on both sides, pointing at the several flame-like celestial grasses above and shouting.

"Master, is this the Spirit Gathering Grass?"

Chuhe was also very excited, and hurried over to check it out. You must know that the temperature of the snow mountain is almost absolute zero, and no biological plant can survive. But these red fairy grasses can not only take root and sprout here, but also thrive here. What's more interesting is that they are still alive and well, fluttering in the wind, and the leaves are flying in the air, just like dancing.

Chuhe took one off and asked Linger to eat it, hoping that Linger's foot injury would recover, but after waiting for a long time, Linger's body did not respond, but her skin began to turn red, and the temperature of her whole body began to warm. Rapid rise.

"Brother Chuhe, I feel so hot."

It was somewhat strange to say that it was so hot on the iceberg, but Chuhe immediately understood that this was not some spirit-gathering grass, but the sun-flaming grass that Snow Rabbit said.

Ling'er was getting hotter and hotter, and she was about to take off her clothes when she stretched out her hand, but Chuhe hurriedly stopped her.

"My Ling'er, you can't do this!"

"But I'm so hot!"

Chuhe hurriedly released the wolf king from the Taiyi fairy gourd.

"Quickly tell me, what should I do if I eat the Sun Flame Grass?"

Seeing Ling'er's flushed face, the Wolf King naturally understood and said hastily.

"Shangxian, Yang Yancao is an immortal herb. After eating this kind of thing, it can protect you from the cold, but this kind of thing is an immortal herb, and its medicinal effect is very overbearing. Well, if we take it at this level, it will not be cold. Boil the grass jelly into a potion and drink it."

"Master Goddess eat it directly, I am afraid it will take a long time to digest and absorb it."

The discreet restorer of the Wolf King.

"How long is a long time?"

Chuhe asked coldly.

"With the strength of the goddess, I am afraid that it will take several days before this hot feeling will disappear."

"How many days? Is there any other way to shorten the duration of the medicine's effect?" Chu He frowned.Ling'er's body is like a furnace now, if it lasts for several days, how can she endure it.

Seeing this posture, Mo Buyi directly picked all the Yangyan grass, and then ran all the way up.

"Then what kind of master, you are busy first, the disciples go to the top to have a look!"

"Brother Chuhe, hug me!"

"Well, Linger, I'm not ready yet, isn't it good for us to do this!"

That is to say, Chuhe's ability can also reach this range.

Mo Bu Bu's attack range is only about ten miles. The Ling Zhi Tian Wang and Punishment King Chuhe encountered also have slightly different attack ranges, but they are not like Chu He, who has such a terrifying coverage as soon as he is promoted to Jinxian.

And Chuhe understood that as the seedlings of Dao continued to grow, his sphere of influence would continue to expand.

Chapter 668 The Spirit of Words

"You take advantage of me!"

"My aunt, what you said, you obviously took advantage of me, okay? You kissed me first, so why blame me!"

Chuhe is still quibbling, Linger naturally refuses to believe it, but when she thinks about it carefully, it seems that she really took the initiative just now.

In this way, she became even more shy, no, she must not admit it, she must shift the responsibility to Chuhe, or where would she put her face.

"It's all your fault, let me eat indiscriminately, that's why it happened!"

"I'm wronged, I thought it was the spirit-gathering grass for you to eat, but I didn't expect her to be a sun-flaming grass, and this thing is a fairy grass, eating it is beneficial and harmless."

What Chu He said was indeed true, the power of the fairy grass was indeed powerful, and he was directly promoted to the Golden Immortal, but he didn't know if Ling'er got any benefits.

"How harmless, I was kissed by you, I am not clean!"

Ling'er pretended to be wronged and cried, but she was actually very happy in her heart, but Master Songlin said that a man would not cherish something if he got it too easily, and she was acting for Chuhe.

It's just that she was too involved in acting, and directly pushed Chuhe away, and then she forgot that she couldn't stand, and suddenly her figure was unstable, and she fell straight down.

Chuhe hurriedly wanted to go to help him, but it was too late.

If Linger falls from such a high mountain, he will not be injured. After all, Linger's defense is still very strong, but there is still a more serious problem.

Chuhe has just carried her on his back for a long time. If Linger falls, he may carry her up again!

It was useless to think so much, Chuhe didn't have time to help, Ling'er also watched her body fall in panic, and shouted hastily.

"Brother Chuhe, save me!"

What else can Chuhe do, just yell no!

Originally, this was just a helpless cry that could not change the status quo, but a strange thing happened. After Chuhe said no, vines suddenly began to grow in the place where Linger fell, and the vines spread rapidly, and soon became a weaving. Zhang Dawang.

Ling'er fell directly onto the net.

"Ah, I'm saved!"

Although she didn't know the reason, Ling'er finally let go of her hanging heart, and Chuhe hurried over to hug Ling'er.

Linger's panic expression has not dissipated, and she holds on to Chuhe tightly.

"When did you learn the trick? It works quite well!"

Chuhe shook his head. He looked at the king made of vines below, and couldn't believe it.

"I didn't do it, did I?"

"It's not you, it's you, I can feel your rule information from the vine!"

Ling'er is very strong, so she can see through the rules of Chuhe's avenue, and she is also familiar with his rules.

"Really me?"

Chuhe still couldn't believe it, he just yelled no, he really didn't do anything.

Then he yelled again.

"do not want!"

However, nothing changed around, and nothing resembling a net appeared.

After all, the vines couldn't stand the attack of absolute zero, and were frozen into ice sculptures in a short while, seeing that they couldn't bear the weight and fell directly.

Listening to the crisp sound coming from the foot of the mountain, Chuhe really felt like he was dreaming.

"I didn't expect, Brother Chuhe, you actually realized the top-level innate supernatural power, Yan Ling! And you have also been promoted to Jinxian, which is really great!"

Ling'er was very happy, but Chuhe was even more confused.

"What is a spirit of speech?"

"Yanling is a very powerful innate supernatural power. It means that what you said can become a certain reality. This is what my mother told me when I was a child. I didn't believe it at first. I was just rescued by your big net. Now I finally believe it!"

"Yan Ling, you are still a very powerful innate supernatural power, but isn't the innate supernatural power unique to the monster race? I am a human race?"

Chuhe was a little puzzled, and Linger heard it too. Her little head was lost in thought, but in the end she still didn't want to understand, so she could only speak speciously.

"Maybe after you inherited my family's inheritance, you are no longer a human race."

"Then this speech spirit is the innate supernatural power of your family?"

Chuhe didn't expect that after receiving Nuwa's inheritance, he could evolve a speech spirit, which made him very happy.

"No, no, no, our family doesn't have such powerful supernatural powers. I heard from my mother that this kind of supernatural power is rare, and only very powerful existences can have it."

Chuhe became even more curious that it wasn't the innate supernatural power of the Nuwa clan.

"Then what is the innate supernatural power of your family?"

Ling'er smiled and said, didn't I use it for you when you faced the wolves just now?

Chuhe still didn't quite understand. He just knew that the wolf king just glanced at Ling'er's eyes, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to resist. He was more grandson than his grandson.

"what is that?"

"Our family's innate supernatural power is called soul-hunting! It means that as long as we look in the eyes of my family, those enemies whose strength is lower than ours or slightly stronger than ours will be feared by us and surrender to us!"

When Chuhe heard it, he felt very powerful, but he was a little flustered when he looked into Linger's eyes again. It was true that he washed Linger, but he didn't want to be controlled by Linger either.

Seeing Chuhe shrinking back, Linger was a little angry.

"Brother Chuhe, you don't believe in Ling'er, I won't use soul-destroying on you, and you have inherited the blood of the queen mother, so my soul-destroying is useless to you!"

Looking at the innocent Ling'er, Chuhe felt a little guilty, and said embarrassedly.

"Ling'er, don't be angry, I have no other intentions, really, I believe you won't hurt me."

Chuhe's words were not convincing, and Linger was still a little angry.

Chuhe knew that at this time, it would be useless to say anything, so he could only change the subject in embarrassment.

"We didn't know how much time was wasted just now. The two of them can't even see the figure now. There is still danger up there. Let's hurry up and catch up."

Ling'er nodded, and then buried her head in Chuhe's arms.

I don't know what's going on, Chuhe was already exhausted, but now he suddenly feels full of energy, especially when he thinks that he can't be too weak in front of Linger, his strength becomes stronger.

And it doesn't mean to be tired at all. Chuhe still doesn't know that the reason why he is like this is because of his talent and supernatural power, which can always make his wishes come true.

He thought it was because he had just eaten the Sun Flame Grass that he experienced a lot of energy.

Ling'er's ears were tightly attached to Chuhe's heart, feeling his strong heartbeat, recalling the kiss when they were just unconscious, a strange feeling rose in her heart!

Chapter 669

Maybe because of Yang Yancao, Chuhe can feel the thoughts in Linger's heart to some extent. Chuhe is surprised and laughs happily at the same time. Linger still likes herself.

He swore in his heart, don't worry Linger, I will definitely heal your foot injury.

Chuhe's pace quickened, and his speed was at least three times that of when he first went up the mountain. Naturally, his speed was much faster than the two disciples, but he had been chasing for several hours, but he still hadn't seen the two disciples.

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