Could it be that the kiss between him and Ling'er lasted for such a long time just now? At that time, Chuhe was completely immersed in the feeling of spreading the seeds of the avenue, and didn't care about the time at all.

Let's go further, maybe these two children have already reached the top of the mountain.

Chuhe continued to move forward, and after a while, he caught up with Mo Fei, who lay down on the steps to rest, and started to catch his breath tired.

Seeing the master catching up, he got up quickly, and then glanced at the mistress who had regained her senses, and he began to smile badly.

After all, the wolf king had said at the time that the hot and dry feeling would last for at least a few days after eating the Yangyan grass, but after a long time, the condition was already cured.

"Master, congratulations!"

Mo Bubu smirked from the side, Linger could see through his mind, and the office knew what he wanted to express, so his face turned red instantly.

Chuhe didn't expect that Ling'er didn't refute, so naturally he wouldn't expose this little secret.

"Little boy, what are you thinking about in your head? Your wife and I are just chatting down there. It's really nothing!"

"We've been chatting for several hours. When it's so urgent, Master, you are quite leisurely and elegant."

"However, I really admire Master. It lasted for several hours the first time. It's amazing!"

Seeing that what Mo Bu Bu Bu said was getting more and more outrageous, even if Chu He's face was thicker than the city wall, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Boy talking nonsense, spank your ass!"

As soon as Chu He finished speaking, Mo BuTong really got slapped on his ass. Before he could realize what was going on, Chu He became excited instead.

"Smack his ass again!"

"Slap!" There was another crisp sound, and Mo BuTong's other half of the ass was also slapped.

And with Mo Butong's eyesight, he didn't see anything, as if a pair of big hands were spanking his ass in the dark.

"Ghost, there is a ghost!"

Why don't you turn pale with fright, for such a strange thing that he has never seen before, he naturally doesn't understand what's going on, and people will panic about unknown things.

Mo Fei ran away as fast as he could, Chuhe was playing vigorously, how could he let him escape like this.

"Catch me back!"

Mo Bubu lay on the top of the stairs and tried his best to climb up, but an invisible big hand grabbed him, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it.

And what made him panic even more was that he was picked up by that invisible big hand, which was the first time he completed the movement of flying into the sky in the extreme north.

Mo Bu Bui thought it was the Snow God who made a move, his face turned pale with fright, and he shouted hastily.

"Master save me!"

Seeing that the child was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, Ling'er couldn't bear it.

"Okay, don't scare him, let him go!"

"come over!"

Chu He yelled, and Mo Bu Bufei flew directly in front of Chu He. The boy was still in shock, and seeing Chu He staring at him with a smirk, he finally understood.

"It turned out to be the master's fault. What's going on? Master, have you become a golden immortal?"

Mo BuFong struggled to escape, but the big hand held him tightly, and he couldn't break free at all. Only then did he realize that Chuhe had been promoted to Jinxian.

"Boy, you have good eyesight. If you were a naughty kid before I was promoted, I really can't do anything about you. Now, I want to deal with you as I want, so I can deal with you! Are you convinced!"

"Submit it, subdue master!"

"Do you still dare in the future!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, master let me down, I'm afraid of heights!"

Mo Bu Bui was really scared. He didn't know how Chuhe did it. He felt horrified when this unknown thing pinched his body.

"Let go!"

The invisible big hand let go, and Mo Bubu fell directly from the sky, and fell heavily on the stone steps. Although he was already at the level of a golden fairy, Mo Bubu was not a strong body trainer, and it would still hurt when he fell to the ground.

I saw him grinning in pain, just about to complain, but thinking of the master's method just now, he shut up hastily.

"Master, what kind of ability do you have, can you teach me too?"

Mo Butong changed his face very quickly. At this time, Chuhe actually wanted to teach him. After all, he would face the Snow God later, so one more skill on his side would give him more protection.

"It's not that the master doesn't want to teach you. I don't know what's going on with this thing. I've had it since I was promoted to the Golden Immortal. Your wife said that this is the word spirit. It seems that you need the blood of the monster race to awaken it!"

When Mo Fei heard that he couldn't learn, he was a little disappointed, but when he turned his head and thought about it, he was even more surprised.

"Master, just once with your wife, you have the blood of the demon clan? Isn't it?"


Chuhe said angrily, originally this sentence was a joke, but it was unlucky for Mo Bufei. Suddenly his body was pushed and rolled on the ground by a huge force, and he was about to fall down the mountain.


Chuhe was also surprised, and hastily shouted that this speech spirit is indeed very powerful, but he must be careful when he speaks in the future, otherwise it may cause harm to Linger and two disciples.

Mo BuTong suffered a meal for nothing, but he didn't dare to complain, so he could only look at his wife bitterly, seeking comfort.

Ling'er didn't think about why a child had so many dirty thoughts in his heart, and he didn't want to speak for him for a while.

Chuhe didn't intend to punish Mo Bubu, but just asked.

"You run very fast, kid, where did your junior brother go!"

When Mo Buyi heard that Chuhe mentioned the young monk, his face became ugly.

"Master, in order to get to the top of the mountain faster than me, this kid has already run away and disappeared for his wife to get back the Spirit Gathering Grass. Maybe he has already reached the top of the mountain by now!"

"Impossible, my current spiritual sense can explore hundreds of miles, and there is no aura of the little monk on the top of the mountain."

"Ah, what should I do, the little monk won't get lost!"

Mo BuTong was also a little flustered, and Chu He frowned.There is only one step leading to the mountain. As long as the little monk is not blind, he can't get lost. Just when Chuhe was thinking, the little monk's exclamation suddenly came from a distance!

"Master save me, there are monsters!"


Hearing the little monk's cry for help, Chuhe quickly ran up the mountain, and his speed became so fast that Mo Bufei was directly left behind by him.

Chapter 670 Polar Bear!

At this time, Chuhe realized that his speed may have exceeded the limit that he human beings can bring. This should be the function of the language, but he didn't expect to be able to use it on himself.

"Run faster!"

After he finished speaking, there was wind under his feet, like a ray of light, and he rushed towards the top of the mountain. When Mo Budong was about to say something, he could no longer see the shadow of his master.

When he was suffering from anger, an invisible big hand grabbed him and flew forward quickly.

When he came to the place where the little monk begged for mercy, Chuhe found that there were traces of fighting on the ground and a lot of blood.

"Little monk, where are you!"

Mo Bu Bui also chased after him at this time, seeing no one around, he hurriedly shouted.

However, there was no reply from the little monk at all. Instead, from behind the mountain, a huge white giant bear suddenly emerged.

Chuhe recognized him as a polar bear at a glance, but his size was a hundred times bigger. Such a huge guy suddenly appeared and blocked the way, and everyone's hearts suddenly became tense.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Before Chuhe could speak, Polar Bear spoke first. His voice was very deep, and the words he squeezed out of his throat were like thunder, and the rumble sounded a bit piercing.

"Yes, we are looking for a bald-headed kid, brother Xiong, have you seen it?"

Chuhe didn't know the depth of the polar bear, so he didn't want to take the initiative to argue with him. Besides, this place was very close to the top of the mountain, and if there was a fight, it would make a lot of noise.

Snow God is just sleeping, not dead, so he will definitely be woken up!

"I see!" To Chuhe's surprise, the polar bear seems to be very talkative, and can answer whatever it asks!

"Where is he then?"

Chuhe continued to ask, unexpectedly, the polar bear pointed to his stomach and said calmly.

"At this!"

"What? You ate my junior brother? I killed you!"

Mo Bu Bui was angry, and was about to do something when he came up, Chu He waved his hands hastily, and said coldly.

"Tell me the truth, where is my disciple!"

The polar bear sneered, he wanted to say, I've already eaten your disciple, why are you asking so much.

But what he said when he opened his mouth was.

"Your disciple was arrested by me, and he is in the cave behind him!"

After the polar bear finished speaking, he was taken aback by himself.

"Human, what have you done to me?"

"I didn't do anything but tell you to tell the truth!"

Chuhe also sneered. Since Yanling is useful to polar bears, Chuhe thought of a better way.

"Go, bring me back my disciple!"

As soon as Chuhe finished speaking, the polar bear actually turned around and crawled towards the back of the mountain. When Chuhe was proud of his speech skills, Linger yelled.

"Brother Chuhe, be careful."

Chu He hurriedly came back to his senses, only to see the polar bear who was about to go behind the mountain suddenly turned around.

"Little man, how dare you order you, Grandpa Xiong, to seek death!" Polar bear slapped this side with a big slap while talking. Fortunately, Ling'er reminded Chuhe that he had time to dodge in a hurry. The big hand of polar bear fall through.

But a large part of the mountain was directly slapped down by him, and the stone steps that had been repaired by the Chu River were smashed badly by the mountain that rolled into it.

"This stinky bear is so powerful!"

Chuhe cursed secretly, but what made him even more upset was that his speech spirit was useless to bears.

Ling'er and Chuhe have the same mind and know what Chuhe is thinking.

"Brother Chuhe, Yan Ling is an innate supernatural power, but you can only use it against enemies whose strength is lower than yours, or slightly stronger than yours, so that it can be effective!"

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